YOUR TOWN laa't a bit better than jrou are willing to Help make It BOOST YOUR TOWN The Franklin Times THE COtJNTY - THE STATE - THE UNipN YOUR LOCAL PAPER can't exist without your Paid t or Patronage In .Subscription* and Advertising BOOST YOUR HOME PAPER VOLUMN LXVI. SUBSCRIPTION ?1. SO Per Ye LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 193<* EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER 47 THE FRANKLIN TINES ANNOUNCES GIGANTIC SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE $500 in' Cash as First Prize; $200 in Cash, Second, and $100 in Cash Third Prize, Also Five Bonus Com mission Checks; Ten Per Cent Cash Commission Paid to Every Candi date Twice Each Week ? You Can not Lose . THE FRANKLIN TIMES announces today a New 1 Year Subscription Campaign which is open to ambitious j folks living in Louisburg and adjoining territory. Any man or woman eighteen years of age or ovfir is eligible i to enter and compete for this grand array of prizes. ' Married or unmarried, it makes no difference ? you are eligible to enter and share in this grand prize distribu tion. Young men and women having the consent of their parents will be considered. In announcing this campaign the publisher feels that he is doing his part to help promote prosperity by offering prizes and a substantial Twice a Week Pay Check on Tuesday and Friday of each week. The best I part of it is there will be no losers and there is no limit | to the amount or size of these checks, as the candidates I who enter and take part are allowed to make them just j as large as they wish. This Plan is Definitely New, De cidedly Different and Perfectly Dignified so that no one , may have any fear in entering this drive as it is being conducted on a very high plane and has been used sue- 1 oefesfully on many newspajjers throughout the country. It has been endorsed and recommended by many young women and housewives as a means of earning big divi dends for any effort put forth. Everybody Wins The big and distinctive feature of the campaign Is the fact tbat there will be no losers and you can earn according to your ability to sell your friend^ and acquaint ances THE FRANKLIN TIMEP. Credits will be allowed on all pew subscriptions and on all old or re newal or back payments of sub scriptions. A cash commission will also be paid on all subscription money collected, be It new re newal or back payments. (Jet Started Now Your spare time Is all that Is necessary. $20.00 will be given for early effort, so enter as quick ly as you can and start off this New Year with a nice big bank ac count. The campaign will open officially Monday, J^n. 13th. Come in and get a receipt book and get an early start. The earlier the start Is made, the faster the votes or credits and commissions will pile up. Where else could anyone go and have the opportunity that is now presented to them by THE FRANKLIN TIMES? And all this is being offered for spare time and effort during the next few weeks. Someone simply has to fin these prizes and it might as well be you. The entry coupon appearing in the large page ad vertisement Is your self-starter. Fill it in and mall or bring it to the campaign manager at THE TIMES office and he will give you all the information and details. Remember your own subscription pays you a commission and gives you credits or votes. Why This Campaign It Is the belief of the publisher that this is a good time for busi ness to undertake new enterprises as nothing can be accomplished by idly waiting for the return of better times. It Is up to every institution, large or small, to un dertake new ways and means of stimulating activity. For that very reason these pay checks and prises have been made ready for distri bution to the people of Franklin County and vicinity. Meet The Manager Come to THE TIMES office and meet the manager of the cam paign. He will be glad to fire you any information you may de sire as we know he will be able to help you and to show yoti just bow to go about getting what you want in this /Irive. The Campaign Department is located in THE TIMES office in Louiaburg. Phone 283-1. The of fice will be open evenings until J: 00 p. m. Now turn to the big page announcement and read all the details. False Alarm The tire alarm that was sound ed around four o'clock Bundaj morning: proved to be a falic alarm. Upon InrMtlgatlon Itf company It wa. det.rmln|k that possibly the cause of th? alarm was due to a We at th? Theatre while It was belui clean ed from . a late show. A. B. C. STORE OPENS The formal opening of the A. B. C. Store in Franklin County at Loulsburg was on Saturday morning, although in reality it had opened about < o'clock Thurs day afternoon when ten pints were sold in order to make Its opening a reality. Sales were made all through the day Friday, although the removal of the drugs and fixtures of Mr. W. A. Andrews was going on and carpenters were at work on remodeling the store for the A. B. C's. The best of order prevailed among the large crowds who visited the store, some to make purchases and some through the curiosity to see whis key sold legally in Franklin. Fri days sales amounted to $116.15 and Saturdays sales amounted to $287. SB. At this time the higher priced whiskeis had not been re ceived. Chief of Police C. E. Pace com menting on the store stated that he saw no disorder occasioned by it and was satisfied that if any change at all was brought about it was for the better conditions. Discussing the question of the store with Mr. W. N. Fuller, County Auditor, who is also sec retary to the Board of Control, the TIMES reporter was informed that in each case of the purchase of whiskey the Board demanded and received a contract from the manufacturer or distributor set ting forth the agreement that no whiBkles were to be paid for un til sold and relieving the County of Franklin of all liability In con nection with the sale. It was rumored around town j Thursday that an Injunction to (stop the opening was being pre pared and later that the officers i in charge had been cited to ap : pear before the court for con I tempt, but neither of these rumors could be confirmed and from all information the TIMES could get were only rumors. Stocks of whiskey and sales I are continuing In an even and orderly manner with no apparent rush or excitement. The Franklinton store expects to open today, according to in formation received here, and will /occupy the store on Main Street 1 next to the store formerly occupied i'by Supman. r ? ? - " ;| Y. W. A. ANNOUNCEMENT The Y. W. A. of the Loulsbur* Baptist church will meet Monday evening at 7: SO with Miss Louise Williams. Every member Is urged to be present. Marie Ingram, Pres. Edith Toone, Secty. > Largely due to the effects of > adjustment program and lower in ' terest rate*, the North Carolina 1 farmer now needs only a third as ' much cotton to pay the Interest * on his farm mbrtgage as he did In 1932. Our Subscription Campaign Plan In Brief The object or this big New Year Campaign is to increase the already large subscription list of this ncwspapor; to collect arrears and advance subscription pay ments from present or old sub scribers, and at the same, time to afford the live-wire, energetl j men and women of this territory, an opportunity to profit in a BIO way through their spare time dur ing the next few weeks. Let it be understood at the very outset that this is not a "Beauty"! or "Popularity" contest, but a legitimate proposition for enter prising me&.attd women, and ono in which no element of chance ' enters. Each active participant will receive a Pay Check every Tuesday and Friday night. To The Married Man or Woman I Enough cash can be earned in this campaign to start a business,! lift a njurtgage, help bull,d a home, refurnish or remodel your present home or enable you to j realise the many ambitions that J cash alone will make possible. This cash can be earned with a little effort in your spare time between now and Feb. 29th. To The Young Man or Woman This campaign can mean that ' big opportunity you have been waiting tor ? a college education, a trip, some cash to set aside for the big event of your life. It can be the means of lifting that big load from Mother and Daddy. If you use a little effort in your spare time you can have your share of this cash on Feb. 29th. How (o Enter? What to do The first thing to do Is to clip ? the entry coupon, fill In your name ! and address and mail or deliver .to this newspaper at once. This coupon entitles you, or the person whom you might wish to enter, ? to 10,000 credits. Only one Buch < entry coupon will be accepted tor each participant. The next step is to call or write the Campaign Department for sup ply's. Thus equipped you have but to see your friends and acquaint ances and have them subscribe to this newspaper through you. That's all there Is to it. However, you will never get anywhere un less you make the start ? the ear J lier the better. Once started let no one discourage you. Anything worthwhile ie worth working for. I Seven short weeks and you may be adding $600 to your bank ac count and you know that Is big j money these days. I How Credits Are Secured It takes credits to win, and they are secured In the following I way; first by clipping the Free I Credit Coupons appearing in this newspaper. Get your friends to save them for you. The other and 1 faster way to accumulate Credits | In this Campaign Is by securing new or renewal subscriptions to I this newspaper. On each order ! secured, credits will be Issued, the number varying according to j the amount paid during the "period" same are received at the Campaign Department. (See schedule of credits in full page Ad.) Early Start Means Easy Finish The advantages of an early start are manifest. This campaign is of such short duration that im mediate action is necessary. Then, I too, the first in the field will un doubtedly get thff "cream" of credits and subscriptions, while those who put off entering until a later date will have to take what Is left. Don't lose valuable time "waiting to see what the other fellow Is going to do" but pitch right in, show the other fel low how to do It. Painfully injured Miss Cranford, daughter of Mr. H. P. Cranford, was very painfully injured In an automo bile collision which happened at i the crossing of Church Street and j Sunset Avenue early Tuesday , morning when the car In which Cranford car. Both cars were were riding and the one that Mr. Lee Butin was riding collided. From what the TIMES could learn It sterns that Mr. Cranford's car was on its way down town on Sunset Afenue while Mr. Bunn's car was traveling on Church Street and the drivers of both cars misjudged the meeting point. The Bunn car, we understand, struck near the rear end of the Cranford car. Both car* were damaged. Messrs. <J. W. Ford and R. A. Pearce, visited the horse and mule markets at Atlanta and other points the past . week. INSTALLS OFFICERS Louisburg Kiwanis Club An nounces Committees For New Year Instead of the usual program Louisburg Kiwanis Club held an Installation service at its usual weekly luncheon Friday night at franklin Hotel. The officers in stalled were P. W. Wheless. Jr. President, succeeding 8enator E. F\ Orifftn, E. R. Allen. Vice Pre sident, George I. Griffin, Secre I tary-Treasurer and the following (Directors ? W. R. Mills. G. M. Beam. 8. P. Boddie, F. E. Pulley. | Dr. H. G. Perry, A. Tonkel, W. B. Tucker. The meeting was a J most Interesting one and was largely attended. The following Committees were announced for the coming year: Finance ? Q. M. Beam Chair man, S. P. Boddie. M. C. Murphy. Attendance ? G. M Beam, Chairman. W. L. Lumpkin. Chas. P. Green. J. E. Fulghum. Conservation of Membership ? E. F. Griffin. Chairman. T. Jef-| fress, H. G. Perry. Publicity ? A. F. Johnson. Chairman. T. K. Stockard. Frank Pulley. House and Grievance ? C. R. Sykes, Chairman. E. F. Griffin. ; E. H. Malone, F. G. Baker. Agriculture ? W. B. Tucker, Chairman, F. G. Baker, j. A. Wheless. Inter-Club ? A. Tonkel, Chair man. G. I. Griffin. T. Jeffress. Public Affairs? T. K. Stockard. Chairman, J. A. Wheless, W. B. Tucker. A. Tonkel. Educational and Vocational Guidance ? W. R. Mills Chairman W. C. Stroud. E. H. Malone. Under-privileged Child ? H. G. Perry. Chairman, H. H. Josnson. J. E. Fulghum, W R. Mills. Music ? W. B. Tucker. Chair man. G. I. Griffin, H. H. John son, C. R. Sykes. Program and Entertainment ? Frank Pulley, Chairman. O. P. FitzGerald, W. C. Stroud. Business Standards ? S. P Bod die, Chairman, J. A. Wheless. O. P. FitzGerald. M C. Murphy. Boy Scouts ? ;E. R. Allen, Chair man, W. C. Stroud, H. H. John son. The Club wll! meet with the I Farmers Club at the Baptist [Church basement Friday night at 7 o'clock, instead of at the hotel ! as usual. It is urged that all members attend and enjoy a splendid social hour with the farmers. Dr. Winters of State Col lege, will speak and a short but Interesting program has been ar ranged. Sockholder s To Meet Lonlsburg Production Credit As sociation To Hold Open Annual Meeting. A very large crowd of farmers is expected to attend the annual .meeting of the Louisburg Produc tion Credit Association serving the county of Franklin, which will be held at Louisburg In the Old Opera House on January 16th at 2:30 P. M. o'clock, according to N. C. Phillips, secretary. At this meeting the annual re ports of the officers will be made and two directors will be elected. One of the speakers will be Mr. Ernest Graham. President of the 1 Production Credit Corporation of Columbia. Not only are all of the nem-| bers Invited and expected to be present at the meeting, Mr. Phil lips said, but a most cordjal In vitation is also extended to all non-members who are Interested | In securing short-term credit for production purposes. "Our association is anxious i that every farmer In our territory ! shall have the opportunity ofi knowing of the credit service! which we have to offer," said Mr. ! Phillips "and also are anxious i that they shall attend this annual , meeting to see how the business , of the association I* condncted. | "We will have complete reports of our year's work at the meeting and our members will be acquaint ed with all of the details of our operation. It Is the policy of our association to keep our members thoroughly posted. "We feel proud of the record which we have made In the two years In which we have operated. Our business the second year showed a very substantial growth over the first year and we are anticipating another substantial Increase next year as more and more farmers learn of the service we have to offer. Mills P.T.A. ? ? ^ The regular monthly meeting of the Mills P. T. A. Will be held at Mills School Thursday after noon at 3:00 o'clock. We expect to have a speaker from our State Board of Health. Everyone is In vited to come. Bring your frUpdl. Mrs. J. Y. Bessloy. Pres. Recorder's Court All extra large docket greeted' Judge J. E. Malone and Prosecut ing Attorney C. P. Green in; Franklin Recorders Court Tues day. Many cases were tried and a number continued. The docket wa? disposed or as follows: Walter L. House, unlawful pos session of whiskey, continued un-| der former order. Merriman D. Kearney, abandon ment. Judgment prayed. 4 mouths on roads, upon payment of $10 per month to Vashtl Kearney, Judgment suspended. Appeal.' William A. Tant, unlawful pos session of whiskey, continued un der former order. Jessie Privett, reckless driving nolle pros. Chicken Evans plead guilty to using profane language on public highway, and was given 3 months on roads. ' - James Salomon, was found guil ty of being drunk and disorderly and using profane language on highway, and was given 2 months on roads. Jack Wright was found guilty of operating a bawdy house and was given 60 days on roads to be suspended upon payment of costs and good behavior. Essau Chllion. breaking and en tering, transferred to Superior Court. Leonard Bradford was found guilty of operating automobile in toxicated.- and given 60 days on roads, upon payment of $50 fine and costs road sentence stayed. Not to operate car for 12 months. Lonnie Williams, was found guilty of unlawful possession of liquor, and given 4 months on roads, upon payment of costs road sentence to issue only upon order Of court. -Eugene Thunderburke was found guilty of assault with dead ly weapon, and given 60 days on roads, upon payment of costs and good behaiver sentence suspend ed. Frank Pearce, nolle pros with leave in two cases. The following cases were con tinued: W. A. Watklns, fraud. Bud Davis, aaaault. Alex Bailey, operating automo bile Intoxicated. Carl Everett Perry, reckless, 1 driving. J. T. Alford. assault. J. T. Alford. assault with dead- 1 lly weapon. Beamon Stalling*. atSsault with deadly weapon with Intent to kill. Robert Carlyle. assault with deadly weapon. Foster Martin, assault with deadly weapon with Intent to kill. I 1. D. Stalllngs and H. E. Stal lings. assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill. Russell Jacnbo, temporary lar ceny of auto. Percy SpiTey. unlawful posses sion of' whiskey. i New Y ear Changes Among the changes made so far during the New Year the fol lowing are noted: Mrs. W. E. Beasley has moved her lunch room from the Burt, building on the corner of Court and Main street to the Howell 1 building on Main street. Messrs. W. A. Raynor and H. M-. Dickens hare leased the room I formerly occupied by Mrs. W. E Beasley and have opened a Radio I and electrical appliance business therein. W. A. Andrews has moved his drug store to the room under the opera house on Nash street for-' merly occupied by Dick Parrith jewelry business, which in turn has moved to location In one of front windows in Hall & Hall's store next door. Dick Yarborough will operate a filling station In Prulttvllle. The Farm Agents and A. A. A. offices have moved from the county building on the cornfer of Court and Market street* to rooms over the Armory formerly occupied by the Federal Relief. Mr. C. M. Oattls has taken >1! position with Tonkel's Depart ment Store. Mr. E. R. Allen has moved to the W. F. Davis residence on i Main Street.. Fire Destroys Home Fire destroyed the home of Mr. ' C. H. Robert*, about tbree miles south of Youngsvnie Saturday morning about 11 o'clock. Host all the contents of the building were destroyed including $400 In money, which was In the room 111 which the fir* was flrat discover ed. The loss is efttmated at $2000 for the building and $600 for the contents, in addition to the money, with no Insurance. A white leghorn pullet at the State College poultry plant pro duced 31$ egg* during Iter pullet year and In the 518 day* elapsing aince she laid her ffrtt egg, she has produced i3S, without taking thne out tor a moult. SUBSCRIBE TODAY ! Appoint Cotton Weighers To Arrange Quarters For Health Department ? Many Reports ? Approve Road Petition The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session on Monday with all members pre sent. Following the formalities business was transacted as fol lows: Report of E. R. Richardson. Superintendent County Home was received and filed. Bill Of Dr. Taylor was approv ed for $iS. Mr. Fuller was instructed to make arrangements for the Health Department. D. H. Taylor, of Gold Mine township, was exempted from poll tax, being a disable veteran. A petition requesting a road from Allen Gupton's to new bridge at Shocco was approved and or dered sent to Highway Commis sion. Reports of Dr. R. F. Yarbor ough. Health Officer, E. J. Mor gan and W. C. Boyce. County Agents, and Miss Weaver Home Agent were received and filed. With the assistance of the Sheriff the Board drew juries for the January and February terms of Court. Mrs. J. F. Mitchlner, Welfare officer, made her report which was received. E. M. Speed was appointed cotton weigher for Franklinton. J. F. Weathers was appointed cotton weigher for Youngsville. Capt. E. F. Griffin was before the Board with reference to renting the farm agentB office, being vacated. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned. Birthday Ball Mr. George I. Griffin Chairman for Franklin County for the Pre sidents Birthday Ball announced yesterda|y that he" had secured Allen's hall for the occasion and was expecting a much bigger at tendance tMft year than last. "When the people of Franklin County rememfier the epidemic of infantile paralysis that visited our County last year, and know the County will get 70 per cent of the receipts to combat this di sease." said Mr. Griffin, "they will come out in big numbers to lend' their assistance." He also told of how the funds fronL last year assisted In buying braces and shoes and giving other assistance. A more complete announcement will be made next week. Dies At Age 104 Silas Perry, colored, who lived In the Pope's neighborhood west of Frankllnton died on December 23rd, 1936 at the ripe old age of 104 years. Being born in 1820, he was possibly the oldest person in Franklin County. Those who knew him say he served as a servant in the Civil War, and was on the pension roll at the time of his death. He was a law abiding citi zen never having been in Court or in contact with the law. and was honest and Industrious and liked and respected by all, both white and colored. Takes New Line G. W. Murphy & Son announces that they have added fertilizer to their already big line in order to accommodate a large number of their customers. They have tak en the agency for Swifts fertili zers and also for the Eastern fer tilizer Corporation. These two makes are well known in this sec tion for the splendid results they bring said Mr. Murphy In speak ing of his efforts tp always handle the best of all lines for his cus tomers. See the announcement in another calumn. Program At The Louisburg Theatre The following is tbe program it the Louisburg Theatre begin ning Saturday, Jan. 11th: Saturday ? Double Feature ? Noah Beery, Jr. In "Stormy" and "forced Landing." Sunday ? Joan Blojxdell and Olenda Farrell in "Miss Pacific Fleet." Honda-Tuesday ? Joe Penner, Jack Oakie and Ned Sparks in "Collegiate." v Wednesday ? Warner Oland In "Charlie Chan's Secret." Bank Night. Thursday-Friday ? Warner Bax ter, Jack Oakie, Ailca Faye and Fats Waller in "King of Bnrles que." t t t Last Showing Today ? Erroll Flynn Olivia DeHarilland. Ony Kibbee and Ross Alexander in "Captain Blood." AAA HELD INVALID Supreme Court's Ruling Pracically Eliminates All Farm Legislation Pertain ing to The Agricultural Adjustment Act Washington, Jan. 6. ? The Su preme Court splintered the AAA ? second cornerstone ot the New Deal ? so completely today that previously-planned patchwork was all but forgottea. An uncompromising 6-3 opin ion not only wiped out President Roosevelt's cherished farm-aid program, but threw a shadow o( doubt over other recent major legislation. The treasury tonight halted all processing tax collection under the law, and said that "for the pre sent, no checks wlU be Issued (or benefit or rental payments, or re funds, or for administrative pur poses." Treasury officials interpreted the order, Issued after a tl^ree hour conference with its counsel, as halting further salary checks to AAA's 6.500 full-time employes as well as part-time workers throughout the nation. Farmers have received $1,127. 000,000 since 1933 for reducing crop production under y^AA's plan of federal control. snwiea anence In shocked Bilence, the adminis tration leaders were called to the White House. They talked It over with the President for two hours. They emerged saying no decision had been reached on what to do. The' White House conferees said Mr. Roosevelt hoped to find means under the decision to pay farm ers who have fulfilled existing: contracts ? up to their invalida tion today. Proposals for a constitutional amendment were heard immedi ately ? Just as they were last spring when the high tribunal un animously struck NRA's death blow. Senator Costigan (D-Colo) said that "unless convinced that other early action will more definitely serve the public good." he will press for action on his amendment to give Congress the right to reg ulate agricultural production ? - and business and industry as well. Bankhead Irate The opinion of the court ma jority. read by Justice Roberts, was called a "poltical stump speech" by irate Senator Bank head (D-Ala). whose cotton con trol act awaits a ruling by the Justices on its validity. Calling the decision "poor law." Bankhead said he had no doubt but that the court also would throw out the cotton act. Then was similar fear for survival of the Kerr-Smith tobacco law. the potato Control act. and similar farm measures, as well as the more important social security, Guffey coal control, and Wagner labor disputes laws. Justice Roberts held that AAA ? as the Agricultural Adjustment. Act was called ? invaded the "re served rights of states" and was "beyond the powers delegated to the federal government." In a vehement dissent. Justices Stone. Brandeis and Cardozo de clared that "courts are not the only agency of government that must be assumed to have the capacity to govern." Important questions went un answered in the initial confusion surrounding the court's action. As organized farm leaders pro posed amending the Constitution, and stock and commodity mar kets reacted Irregularly to the news, there was immediate specu lation on the fate of New Deal legislation still to face the court s scrutiny. What will happen, lawyers won dered, to such measures as the social security, Guffey coal control Wagner labor disputes, and other laws based on the power of Con gress to legislate "for the general welfare" ? Which until today had never been defined or limited by the high tribunal. Holding that "Justice Story's theory" of this power "is the cor rect one," Roberts added that "he makes it clear that the powers of taxation and appropriation extend only to matters of national, as distinguished from local welfare." Get City Tags Chief of police C. E. Pace 'Is very anxious tbat all persona in Loutsburg who are required to get city license tags get them at once and display them on their cars and trucks. He informs the TIMES that beginning on the fifteenth of January he will cite all who are not displaying their tags before Mayor Webb to be dealt with. He thinks this will coat the owners more than the tag and therefore is anxious that the embarrassment be eared the owners as well as himself. Subscribe to The Franklla Times $1.50 Per. fear In Adrasca *

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