LOCAL Happening. ? The Town Js preparing to rebuild many of its power lines. t t t ? -Quite a nice little snow fell in this section early Tusday mor ning. t t t ? The new mail service was in stituted Sunday and is proving very satisfactory. TtX ? Mr. and Mrs. Otha Uoodson announce the birth of a daughter, Frances Corrine, on January 6, 1988. t t t ? Mr. gnd Mrs. I. D. Cooke, of Lonisburg R 1, announce the birth of a son, Joseph, on Decem ber 31st>. it t ? iMrs. W. H. Perry, who is a patient at a hospital in Kocky Mount, shows slight improvement in her condition. It t ? W. H. Williams, on the Ben Wood farm in Gold Mine town ship, reports killing four hogs weighing 580, 425, 386 and 318. tit ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Maurice U. Merritt, of near Moulton, an nounce the birth of a daughter, Frances Ann, on Saturday, Jan uary 1st. t t t ? The editor extends thanks to his good friend W. E. Murphy for a nice lot of spare ribs and sau sage. They were both fine and greatly enjoyed. * t t - ? Chief of Police C. E. Pace commenting upon Ohe good be havior of the people who came to Louisburg during the Christmas holidays and the general good or der said that "I have' been on the police force in Louisburg for fif teen years and the past Christ mas was the quietest and most) orderly that I have seen during that time." From Ingleside Mr. and Mrs. H. C. AUord and little son, Leo, are making then borne in Ingleside having moved here several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Edwards have moved to the home of Mrs. W. H. Bledsoe. Miss Virginia Dickerson return ed last week from a pleasant vis it with her sister, Mrs. C. White, in Richmond, \a. Most> of the beautiful snow which covered the ground Tues day morning disappeared during the day. The snow was preceded by a light rain. Mr. Henry Dickerson, now a resident of Richmond, ^turned home last week after visiting the family of\his mother, Mrs. Lome Dickerson. Mrs Sue Finch, of Franklinton, and daughter, Mrs. W. R. Wal ters, of Mount Airy, mothei and sister of Mr. George H. Hnch, were visitors with Mr. and Mis. Finch last week. Mr B. M. Baker is the new proprietor of t fffc smice station operated formerly by Mr. W. ? Matthews. Mr. R. C. Edwards. Jr., Mis. >? Ltigeo* . = sssr-r&fl?53S of the young men have g an(, way of most of the ? joined the army of Benedicts anMr?shEverWeU Sp-n, or has been a ?i" iur* Baptist church was ?Vnw^ wa.abro ' Mr ,C? wW.?e? of the .ate wife and one ?l?tei, Mrs. ChM?Plw' M; Plnn.ll ha. return GrrftR. j&mcnaL Dr. A. H. Fleminp attended the Fair Managers Association in Raleigh Monday. i i M Mrs. E. L. Best, of Charlotte, is visiting Mr. John Best and Miss Mary Best. t X t Mr. George A. Wheless. of Spring Hope, was a vis tor to Louisburg Tuesday. iXx Dr. H. A. Newell. of Hendtr osn. was a visitor to Louisburg Monday on business". t t X Mrs. B. C. Barnes, of Norfolk, Is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perry. Ill Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Leew, of Warrenton, were recent visitors to relatives in Louisburg. tit Mr. Norman Neal, of Dos An geles, Calif., visited his mother. ' Mrs. Wallace Neal, this week. t t t Mr. and Mrs. Maurice House, of Warrenton, visited relatives in and near Louisburg recently, 'tit Miss Alma Du Meer, of Aber deen, spent the ~,Pi?st week-end with Miss Mary Dickerson at Wood. t t t Mrs. J. W. Perry is visiting her daughter, Miss Edna Perry who! is a patient at a hospital in Rocky Mount. * * t Mrs. T. W. Bickett and Miss Kate Ballard, of Raleigh, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Yar borough Sunday. txt Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pierce, Mrs. j A. H. Perry, Misses Mary Dicker- 1 son and Adelaide Duke spent Sat urday in Raleigh. f * * * . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berkeley ! and son, Bruce, Jr., of Goldsboro, were week-end guests of her I mother, Mrs. A. M. Hall. t t t Mesdames A. H. Perry and F\ : A. Read and their guest, Miss Al ma Du Meer, of Aberdeen visited Rocky Mount the past week. in Mrs. F. A. Read visited Green- 1 ville Sunday. She accompanied her sister Miss Edna Earle Perry back to Rocky Mount, where she will receive treatment at a local hospital. Subscribe to me Franklin Times $1.60 Per Year In Advance CWch^tctos LOUTSBURli BAPTIST CHURCH The program o i the morning include* Sunday School at '.':4s and public worship at 11:00. "The Greatest Thing in the World" is the subject of ;-he wor ship service The program of the evening include's the Training Union at 6:30 and fc - rviee of wor ship at 7:3u. Tl?e pastor will preach in the evening on the Sev enth Commandment, using for his subject: "The 'Sanctity of Mar riage." A cordial invitation to at^ tend these services is extended to the public. LOUISBURG METHODIST CHURCH At the service on next Sunday morning the sermon will deal with* "The Letter and the Spirit." bringing a contrast between re ligion as- bound by the leuer of the law. and as governed by the spirit of the Master. "A New ?Affection^'' will be the topic at the evening service at 7:30. For this evening service there will begin ou next Sunday night a young, people's chorous choir to lead in the hymn singing ? and to give occasional special numbers. Sunday School is at 9:45 and 1 Epworth League at 6:45. The attention of all laymen is 1 called to the meeting of the North Carolina Council of Churches to take place in Raleigh next week, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday at . f ?r?0 t-here is to be a laymen's lufrFTteon at which there will be addresses by Mr. Russell Colgate, promi ,nent Baptist layman of New York, and by doveruor Clyde R. Hoey. Interested laymen from all denom inations in the slate will be pres ent at this and other sessions of tfoe convocation. ST. PAUL S EPISCOPAL CHURCH There will be the 8 i 00 A. M. celebration of Hie Holy Commun ion this Sunday. Church School meets at 10:00 A. M. and the Adult Bible Class n^eets at the same hour. The subpect in the Bible class will be "Abraham and Isaac." Morning prayer and ser mon will be at 11:00 A. M. At 6:45 P. M. all of the young peo ple of the parish are urged to at tend a very important meeting of the Young People's Service Lea gue. At 7:45 P. M. there will be WHY BUT NEW _ 1 v - - - WHEN YOU CAN SAVE MONEY by having jrour old furniture, plows, wagons and other household and farm equipment made GOOD AS NEW for a very SMALL AMOUNT as com pared with New? I am prepared to do repairing to all kinds of woodwork. My prices are reason able. No matter what it is see me before throw ing 'it away and replacing it with a new article. " You can preserve your relics and heirlooms. TROY P. WILLIAMS Kenmore Avenue Louisburg, N. C. the usual service of evening' pray er and talk on Immortality. The special subject will be "Mental Telepathy." and will be based on Vhe work that is being done at Duke University along this lin<\ Choir practice wiil be held Thursday evening from now on. instead of Friday, a' the home of Pr. H. H. Johnson. The Junior ihoir. under their own director, will practice at a place and time to be announced later. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet in lie Rectory, Monday af ternoon at 3:30. All of the con firmed women of the parish are members of this organization and they are urged to be present at ?ro*eiri: HUSBAND'lL THINK. HIS WIFE'S INTELLIGENT IF SHE KEEPS TELLIN' HlfA HE'S th' smartest rm she E.VE.R ViET. i h is very important meeting. Confirmation el^ss will meet Wednesday evening at 7: 30 and tliis will be followed by the Church School training class. Four thousand farmer* attend ed the first Surry County Tobacco Festival at Mt. Airy on Tuesday aiuruoon fcei'ort Christmas. NEW MEAT MARKET WE HAVE OPENED A FRESH MEAT MARKET IX THE STORE VNDER THE OPERA HOl'KE ON NASH SREET J 1ST ABOVE G. \V. MIRPHY & SON. . ALL EQUIPMENT IS MODERN AND MEATS THE BEST TO BE HAD. CALL IN AND SEE ME AND MY LINE. Special Opening v Prices FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY ? PROMPT SERVICE ? QUALITY MEATS ? LOWEST PRICES -VOIR OLD FRIEND. Jno. W. Harris MANAGER ' Cash and Carry Market c V cwqg.. Ti?oraiuq 1 1 ? in ml comfort. Th? co?t ia ?b?oU)t?ly minimum, H with farts JJ% to 65*, lowtr than othar traTtl wajra. Round Trip Far** FROM LOITSBI'RG TO Ralt'igh .... $1.35 Hfnderson . * JiS t; Durham ... 2.10 Goklsboro . . 2.90 | Wilmington . 5.00 Kayetteville. 3.80 Greensboro . 3.70 Charlotte . . 0.40 Winstoit-Sal. 4.00 A.sheville ? . 8.05 BODDIK DRUG STORK I'hone 329-1 ljouisburg. X. C. The most handsomest Coats displayed anywhere Values up to $12.50 SPECIAL j TONKEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE, INC. OUTFITTERS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY "Louisburg't Shopping Center" , BED USLIN ALL GRADES Narrow and Wide J Cents Up HARNESS AND BRIDLES Mauls - Wedges - Saws u*- Axes * and Handles SHOVELS 85c Up Shaving is a Pleasure with MARLIN BLADES ? \ ? ? . Every Blade Guaranteed 50 for 50c - 20 for 25c Stoves - Ranges - Heaters CAR LOAD PLOWS AND CASTING at KNOCKOUT PRICES i MAKE NO MISTAKE - GROW YOUR PLANTS WITH RELIANCE GOLDEN WINNER i \ WE ALSO HAVE 3-8-3 COTTON AND TOBACCO GOODS SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. D. F. MoKENNE, Prwddmt Wholesale . - Retail ? PAY 0 A 8 H ud FAT LIU