mhuhbiiim; (won Cotton was worth l<? < rli\ - a pound fk^oulmni yt'stenlay. THE COUNTY VOLUMN I, XIX SIBSCKIPIION $1.30 a Ye*r I.OUISBl'RG, Sf. iklin Times THE STATE - THE UNION STOP MO.Sfcl* J lorn J.<-uvi?z I.oui-Im.1 q By Advertising In The TIMES (EIGBT PAGES) NUMBER 3 COOLEY SPEAKS TO FARMERS Explains New Crop Control Bill' E. Y. Floyd, W. E. Fenner, And E. F. Arnold Also Speak? H. A. Faulkner Presides and Cooley Pre sented by Chas. P. Green ? Court House Filled To Capacity ? Many Listen Through Amplifiers On Outside Declaring the new farm bill to j ;?come operative this year is a question squarely up to the farm- j -re of the South, Congressman , Harold 'D. Cooley spoke to a I :ourt room full of people ' audi many on the outside Saturday af- ; ternoon in explanation of the new farm bill. He said it would take : ; wo-thirds of the farmers to rote j !or it in order to make it effective. 1 He told his hearers this was no overnight bill, but had been be- 1 S jre Congress for twelve months j .^nd had received the serious ' study and consideration of Con gressmen and Senators and ad vice and consultatpu of farm lead- 1 -rs frolh all parts of the Sout-h. He said it may work, if so we will ..11 be pleased, if it will not work it. can be changed. "The thought f controlling American agricul ture is repugnant and unameri an?' he said, "but not as much wo as the depression." He was -.atisfed it is constiwitioual. as it been placed under the Iuter ;;tate Commerce provision the ! name as the operation of trains, trucks, etc. He said the idea be- j nind the bill was to create an | -?ver-norinal grainary. The eri Steal >f the former farm bill are now > ?hutting down production to hold up prices, then why not farmers use the same method. He stated 'hat the new bill contemplated Dorrecting t'he injustices of the ; aid allottments, and he explained now the bill itself dealt only in pounds produced. On cotton one ;.an sell ull he can make on the acreage allottment of the soil con servation group and tobacco is ?>ased on the county average and icres of allotiment, with a mini mum of 3200 pounds, provided of course this poundage is made on the allotted acreage. To exi ted your allottment means you will penalized 2 cents a pound on /otton and one half of sale price an tobacco, but a producer can ^arry his surplus over to the next year if he can keep it till then, and sell It in his next years al lottment without penalty provid ed his carry over and his produc tion that year does not produce a surplus, that is if his nexti year's irop is a short crop. He told nf the Bpirit of the bill was for the iittle fellow to be given more al lottment, and provision had been made for the new producer. He explained the Boileau am - ndmeut concerning tne use 01 1 iand diverted could not be plant ed to crops for market, and said! this feature had been fixed to ben efit -the farmers of the South, by providing such leeway that the di verted acres could be used up to the points of competing with oth ers on the markets. He told them the bill would be enforced by far mer committees, and stressed the importance of having the best* men in the county placed on the committee. The new bill provides for a review committee to whom you can appeal If you are not sat isfied with the county committees action; and a grower can then take the question of unfair allott raenls to the Federal Court if not -Atisfied with the action of the /a view committee. He explained about* the quotas ;.nd allottments. Inhere is no acre age for tobacco only through the doll Conservation bill and the 3200 pound minimum did not mean a 2 acre man would be lift ed up. The allottments are to be based upon seven points, among them are past production, cultl vatable land, labor, soil produc tivity, and abnormal weather con ditions. / He stated the elections for 1938 would be helfton Saturday, March 12th and thal\any interested, as landlord or tenant could vote. He explained the $130,000,000 cot ton subsidy and told how it was dependent upon the adoption of this law, and he said if they could strike off all special Legislation farmers would march at the head of the list in progress. After explaining tihe features of the bill he told the farmers they may not like it, but it' is either this or nothing. His address was well received and loudly applaud ed. Congressman Cooley was fol lowed by Mr. ?<E. Y. Floyd, State tobacco specialist, Mr. W. B. Fen ner. Rocky Mount! tobacco ware houseman and farmer, and Mr. F. Arnold, of the State Farm jFederatioa, all of whom spoke strongly In favor o^the bill and \^or The Senate MR. EDWIN H. MAIjONE One of I.ouisburg's older, most popular and efficient Attorneys, who is being urgt?d to enter tbe race for the State Senate from the 6th Senatorial District. Mr. Malone. besides enjoying t'he con fidence of his constituency in his legal profession, has been a life long worker for the Democratic party and for many long years served as Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Committee, win ning party increases in some of the tightest ?and hardest fought campaigns. * He is fully capable and the honor would be justly bestowed. urged the farmers to vote for it. The meeting was presided over by Pr^sjdent H. A. Faulkner, of the Franklin County Farm 'Bu reau. and .Congressman Cooley was presented by Mr. Cha's. P. Green COL. JENKINS SPEAKS ' AT JCTWANIS CLUB "Tracing t? life of boys from the time they entered into Mili tary service till the return home after the World War," was the topic of a wonderful address giv en to the Louisburg Kiwani3 Club on Tuesday evening, March 1st, by Col. J. W. Jenkins, of Hender son. , Col. Jenkins explained their maneuvers all tilie way and paid special trbute to the boys of this community and the late Major S. P. BodcHe for their courage and ability to carry on the duties plac ed with them. Building of another road in Franklin County was presented to the club by Dr. H. G. Perry, and this was referred to the commit tee on Public Affairs. ? The program was in charge by Kiwanian Ed Earnhardt. who re ceived thanks from the members for such an interesting meeting. The meeting, jyjis presided over by President Paul Elam. Secretary James Johnson read the minutes, which were approved and the in vocation was by Kiwanian Pete Kent. The meeting 'for next Tuesday evening, March 8th, will be in charge by Kiwanian Strowd, who will present Dean Bryan, of Wake Forest College. This will be the last meeting in the Community Building, so w^ want an attend ance of all members. CELEBATES 87TH BIRTHDAY On February 22, 1938. Mr. Wiley Holmes, the oldest citizen in our community celebrated his eighty-seventh birthday. When one reaches such an age he should have both homage and respect paid him and none disserves it more than Mr. Holmes. He is well-known and loved by the peo ple of Louisburg and is a most familiar figure to all in the town and county, In commemoration of this event a group from the college, accom panied by Mr. Phillips visited his home on his birthday bringing gifts and good wishes. During Oie visit an appropriate prayer service was held ? all of which contributed to .the very happy occasion. We extend to Mr. and Mis. Holmes our congratulations and the sincere hope that they . will both celebrate many more such happy birthdays, PROMOTED His many friends will ba de lighted to know that Second Lieu tenant Frank W. Wheleu, Jr., has Men promoted to First Lieu tenant and assigned to Battery "B" 1 18th Field Artillery at Louisburg, according announce ment of Adjutant General J. Van B. Metts, of the North Carolina National Quard., Subscribe to the Franklin Times Convention Date Set For May 19 Democrats Convene in 27- j Minute Session; Governor Notes Harmony (News-Observer. Saturday ) Tlie 1 9 ?"> 8 Democratic State Con vention will be held in Raleigh at f noon, Thursday, May 19. Vhe De mocratic Stale Executive Commit tee decided here Friday night. Precinct conventions will be held Saturday, May 7. and county con ventions, Saturday. May 14, pre-, clnct and county chairmen fixing t"he hour of convention. Chairman R. Gregg Cherry, of ! Gasvouia, gavel-punishing Speak-) er of the 19u7 House of Represen tatives, presided over the 27 luinute session which broke all I records for brevity. Governor Hoey spoke briefly, j congratulating representatives of | the party-oivthe condition of the, party, the fine appreciation and j understanding between Ih mocratfti and their tolerance on differing views aud measures "It would not be healthy to have a party of one, mind and one opinion," he ?aid. "Democracy's I strength lies in it* power to dis | agree and come out of disagree ; nient strengthened. Democracy j I w ill ^e because the power to ; Koyern rests on those governed. I It charges him with the responsi bility of perpetuating and pre-j ! serving the party. The only way* i it can be maintained is for him to j ! measure up to the responsibility i to 90 administer government as | to best serve the people to whom ! he owes the obligation. "We are giving the people of North Carolina the type of govern [ meat that* meets with their ap j preval. The Democratic party has i not lost the common touch with [ people or its high' purpose to . ! serve." j He expressed a hope for con iiutied harmony and urged candi | dates in the coming primary to | bear in mind that* they were Dem ; ocrats and would remain so. still | ; united, after the primaries. He ad 1 vised so conducting the primaries that "the victor will be the choice ot the people and the will of the party will be properly adjudicat ed." A resolution by Ed Butler, of Morganton was adopted making the President of the Young Demo cratic Clubs an ex-officio member of the executive committee with power to vote. Arch T. Allen of Raleigh is the Y D. C. president. Seventy-two delegates reported. 32 in person and 40 by proxy. Secretary D. L. Ward of New Bern read the chairman's call and the minutes of the last meeting, at which Majjor Cherry was elected chairman to succeed J. Wallace Winborne of Marlon, appointed to the Supreme Court. Judge Walter D. Siler of Chath am. made the motion fixing the convention dateB, and Miss Ethel Parker of Gates seconded the mo tion. It was adopted without dis cussion. Governor Hoey suggest ed "a Thursday around the middle of May" for the convention. It will be the flj-si State con vention held prior t6 the first Democratic primary since 1926, after which the A1 Smith candid acy split the party in 1928 and brought on the policy ot post-pri mary conventions. Mrs, Hoey, Mrs. W. P. Horton ; and Lieutenant-Governor W. P; Horton were recognized by the chair. Chairman Cherry also recogniz ed Miss Beatrice Cobb of Morgan ton, national committeewoman and candidate for the State Sen ate from the 28th District, who spoke briefly. MRS. W. H. PKRKV DEAD Mrs. W. H. Perry died at her home near Maplevllle Saturday morning at' 8 o'clock after a long illness. Funeral service* were held at Maple Springs Church of which she was a faithful member, Sun day afternoon at 2:30, conducted by her pastor, Rev. John Ed wards, assisted by Rev. M. | Stamps. Mrs. Perry was in her fiftieth year and is survived by her hus band anl seven children: Mrs. George Perry, of Louisburg; Mrs. Herman Davis, of Rocky Mount; and Misses Pearl, Catherine and Marie and Howell and Blllie, of near Mapleville, and also her mother, Mrs. Wesley Strange and three brothers, Messrs. Walter, John and Royal Strange, all of near Louisburg. Pallbearers were: Dr. H, G. Perry, Messrs. Oliver Per$y, W. N. Fuller, F M. Fuller, J. Ed. Collins and J. R. Terrell. The flowers were profuse and beautiful, and the funeral was attended by one of the largest crowds ever assembled in this church. OAKD OF THANKS I wish to thank each one that was so kind to us at the death of my son, Joseph. They will long be remembered by our family. Mr. and Mrs. Wrenn. I Would Make Good Official MK. <i. M. IJEAM Who served Franklin well sev;, eral terms as Judge of the Re corder's Court and. County Attor-I ney. is being discussed as a splen did candidate for either the House of Representatives or "Solicitor of! Mie 7th Judicial Dstrict. He is, iweil qualified and would make an! 'efficient official in either capacity.. Recorder's Court Franklin Recorder's Court held session on Tiiet-day and Wednes day of this week ? Wednesday be- 1 inK used as a day for jury trials, j Several cases wrrr- disposed of I while many were continued. The j docket was disposed of as follows: W. H. Radford. -resisting off i - ? cer. judgment complied with. J. L. Fowler, operating motor cycle under influence of whiskey, j plead guilty to operating motor-', i cycle under influence of intoxi ! cants and without license, not i guilty of operating without tag. fiO days on roads. suspended up on payment of ti>G fine and costi and not to operate motor vehi cle within 12 months. Johnnie Horton plead guilty to i unlawful possession of whiskey. I discharged upon payment of costs | ltobert Driver plead guilty to I operating automobile > intoxicated and was given 60 day on roads, suspended upon payment of $50 fine and costs, not to operate car for 12 months. Bob Hensley was found not ' guilty of operating automobile in-, i toxicaled. J. T!. Daniels was found guilty I of passing a school truck while j unloading, discharged upon payr 1 ment of costs. Lonnie Lancaster, jury trail . j unlawful possession of whiskey, transporting, not guilty. Column Norwood, hunting with out license and taking game out of season, nol pros. Robert Norwood hunting out of j season wiohout license, nol pros. The following cases were con tinued : George Peace, non-support. Dorsey Johnson, alias Dorothy Davis, unlawful possession. P. S. Allen, assault. Jaok Hicks, unlawful posses ( sion of whiskey, aftd violating au tomobile law. James Baraett, unlawful pos session of whiskey, selling whis key, W. E. Perry, operating auto mobile intoxicated. BUd Egertori, violating automo bile law. feCHOOL AND COMMUNITY The Mills School and Commu nity will put on a variety entier taiument Thursday night, March Mi. Mr. A. M. Huggins and Mrs. J. B. King are the supervis ors of the show and are practic ing for a good one. The entertainment will take place of the regular monthly meeting. The proceeds will. go toward the school project ? Elementary standardization. The charge. Adults 15c, Child ran 5c. Don't forget the date, Thursday night, March 17th IMPORTANT TO CANDIDATES Owing to the lock of interest people who ran for public of ficii have in paying their politi cal debts when they are defeat ed, and some when they are elected, it becomes necessary for in to announce in adruce that while* we will be gM to handle all the advertising, an nouncing and printing any of. them will have done, we will have to get cash in advance for all such work. Hen's wishing all good lack. THfc FRANKLIN TIMER Revival Services To Begin In The Louisburg Baptist Church on March 14th Itevivai services will lie held at' the Louisburg Baptist Church on March 14-20. The members of the church are prepariug theiu selves for the outpouring of God's blessings upon themselves and the community. During t<he ensuing week cottage-prayer meetings will be held in the homes of the mem bers of the church, with the n ception of Wudnesday night, when the meeting will bfe held at the church. Those meetings will begin each evening at 7:30. Dr. Koreso C. Keezor. pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Raleigh. N. C., will be the guest preacher at these services. Louisburg College News Items hi'mi Hri|*- Attends Vtt-ional Hirting ! Miss i.ula May Stipe. Dean of Women, returned Monday even- : tug from Atlantic City, where she ! spent the past week, attending the meeting of <h.- National Ahso- I elation of .Deans of which she in a member. Every state in the un ion. with the exception of five, was represented Dean Stipe was ; appointed as a member of the 1 Program Committee, with four' other deans, who will plan the program for the Junior College Section for the national meeting in February, 1939. Dean Stipe wf?s accompanied to | Atlantic City by MU? Liliiau.Johu- j son- of Holly Springs. Miss John- j sou is a member of the Senior: Class at I.oulsburg College Alder. ?.??!<? fjoaunetiioral ion Mwtins On Tuesday of this week, there j was an all-day Aldersgate Com- J meinoration meetrtiig of Met ho- 1 dists at the Duke Memorial j Church iu Durham. The Reverend G. Ray Jordon. Pastor of the Cen- ' tonary Methodist Church in Win- ! ston-Saiem, gave an address. Mr. M. Leo Rippey, the representative | from the Board of ChrisLiaa.ii Ed- j ucation in the Metihodist Eplseo- : pal Church, South, of Nashville, j vTeun.. gave a talk on "Adult Work." Bi3iiop Paul B Kern, one i of the outstanding bishops of the Methodist Church, gave an ad dress, which concluded the morn ing program. Mr. Allen P. Brantley, of Chap- J el Hill, led a discussion on evan gelism, in the afternoon Miss Doris Davies then told of her ex- 1 periences in knowing Christ'. The next speaker was Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, Senior Bishop of the Methodist Church, South, whose subject was "Aldersgate and Conscience." Tuesday evening, the program was devoted to the young people. The welcome wa3 given by Mr. Jim Black, after which "Lead On, O King Eternai" was sung. A | special number, "For God So Lov ed The World" was rendered by th?, Edanton Street; Methodist choir of, Raleigh. Miss Eva Grant | read the Scripture, and Mr. Lin wood Blackburn, President of the North Cfcrolinb Aaeembly, led in prayer. The Reverend R. Dwlght Ware, Pastor, of the First Metho dist Churoh ill Rooky Mount, then gave an address "Character. Con science, ahd Christianity." At this time. Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes again gave an address. To the young people he talked about the faith of -young people today. After "Oh Jesus. 1 Have Promised" was sung. Bishop [ Hughes led in prater: and, the meeting was adjourned. Thirty LouiBburg College stu dents and a good representation 1 of Lonteburg people attended this ; Commemoration meeting. r | Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Huggins spent last week-end in Whttevijle with Mr. Huggins' mother, Mrs. E. A. Hugging, \. ? :? ? , Little Misses Marbha Gray King and Talmadge Thomas were guests the paat week-end pf Miss Louise Thomas of Greensboro. Program At The Louisburg Theatre , The following Is the program 1 at the Louisbarg Theatre, begin- 1 ning Saturday, March 5 th: Saturday ? Double Feature ? 1 The Three Mesqniteers in "Wild ' Horse Rodeo" aniJ Buck Jouee in -Headin' East - Saturday Nite Owl Show, 11:00 ] P M. ? "Slaves in Bondage." J Sunday-Monday ? Joan Craw- ' ford and Spencer Tracy in"Man- 1 nequin. ' Tuesday ? Jean Bennett and ' Henry Fonda in "I Met My Love ' Again." Wednesday ? Gladys George and Franchot Tone in "Love Is i A Headache." ( Thursday - Friday ? Fredrlc , March, Franclgka GaaJ, Akim l TamiroSff, turgot Grahame and 1 Walter Brennan in "The Buoca- 1 neer.'' ! I For Sheriff MB. JOHN l>. MOOKK Sheriff of Franklin County,' who is geekiiis re-flection against the eight others who have been suggested. John is a film fellow and has many friends in the County who will be slad to sup port -him. To Explain Farm Program K. Y. Floyd, AAA executive of ficer at State CoH^gej, has an-! nounce <1 the complete schedule of farmer meetings to be held in coa- ) nect'ion with the cotton and flue-, cured tobacco referenda. Eighty of North Carolina's 1 OO i counties will be affected. The re- ( niaining twenty counties are local- 1 ed in the mountainous section of the State whore either llttile or none of the two crops is grown, >-?? Ft-anklin County farmers will gather in Louigburg Saturday, ! March 5th to hear details of the; new farm program explained by-i E. Y. Floyd or H. A. Patten, of the AA^ State office. Ffoyd explained that office j worKtirs connected w ith the coun ty agent in administering the' program will meet during the r ?horning previous to the mass > meeting to have provisions of the | new Act" explained to them. . | The cotton and tobacco referen da will be held March 12. On that date farmers will vote for or against marketing quotas on the I two crops in li>38. If two-thirds or more of the farmers vote favor ably for quotas, restrictions will be clamped on the crops this year. ; For flue-cured tobacco, the j quota will be set in pounds. North Carolina's allotment will probably j be between 450,000,000 and 500, 000,000 pounds. Floyd said. Cottou will be handled differ- j ently. North Carolina lint grow-; ers already have an allotment! of 902,525 acres, and they will be; allowed to produce all the cotton! they can on these acres without 1 penalty. MAV-JKANS Mr. John D. May and Miss; Letha Jeann were united ill mar- j riage at Prospect Church Friday afternoon, Feb. 20. Rev. Mr. Davis being the officiating minis ter. The marriage has the dis- 1 Unction of belug the first) one con- 1 summated in that spacious new church. MRS, CLARA f! BAKER Spencer. ? Funeral services are ; to be held at Wendell, near Ral eigh, Friday at 2 p. m. for Mrs.) Clara Frances Baker, 78, who died In Spencer late Wednesday 1 night while visiting at the home of a son, Engineer Charles M. Baker. The body was sent to Wen* dell Thursday and a large number ot relatives and close friends have gone to that place for the funeral. Mrs. Baker, a native of Wake County, waa the widow of Burrell Baker, who died IS years ago. She Is survived by five sons, Charles M. Baker of Spencer; J. B. Baker }f Wilmington; F. O. Baker of Loulshurg; T. P. Baker of Wen- , dell ; and the Rev. E. F. Baker of Kernersvllle; and by four daugh ters, Mrs. W. D. Todd, of Wen iell; Mrs. Ethel Howard of Wash ington; Mrs. K. B. Ewing of Hali fax County-; and Mrs. J. W. Hil liard of Clinton. Mrs. Baker was a life long mem ber of the Baptist) Church, faith ful in its work as long as her lealth permitted. She came t6 3pencer slightly more than a month ago to visit the son and ?'as taken ill 'Soon after coming tiere. Her condition had i >on :ritical for several days. The deceased was the mo: her Jf Cant. F. O. Baker, Superin ud ?nt of the Convict'^ Camp here, tmong those from here attending he funeral In addition to Cnpt. Baker were; Chief of Polk C E. Pace, Mayor W. ~C. Webb and Sheriff J. P Mopre. CROP CONTROL MEETINGS Election Set For March 12th Places and Dates Named For Community Meetings ; ? List of Speakers Ar ranged ? Time and Places Named for Holding Elec tions ? Qualifications Of Voters Not Yet Deter mined Tift following ari\cln oil t?ha Crop Control activltre-s and elec tion in PraAklin County has been furnished by Cpunty Agent, Et J. Morgan: A series of meetings will be conducted in the Couu'y begin ning Saturday of this week to go into the details of the 1 3 8 Agri cultural Conservation F!1U and the control features of same oa cotton and tobacco that will ef fect Franklin County. Mr. E. Y. Floyd or Mr. H. A. Patten will ba In LouiabUrg and will meet wit'h the County and Township Com mitteemen, Vocational teacher* and others who are interested fn the details of the Bill Saturday morning from 9:00. o'clock until 12:00 o'clock. In the afternoon, he will address an open meet/ing which will be held either In the Agricultural Buildiug or the Court House. Every person in the County is urged to be present at this meeting so as to get further information on the exact working of the Bill. Until after the meet ing Saturday where we j^ill get specific information, it is impos sible for anyone to tell exactly how the Bill will be carried ont The Bill provides specific, things to be doue and we will get accurate interpretation at this meeting Saturday. Lots of people in the County _are not satisfied with their old bases. Committee men will do their best to equaliz? every farm's allottment in tha County on both cotton and tobac co to the letter of the law. Beginning Monday night, a se ries of meetings will be held ia the different townships of the County as follows: Cedar Rock will have three meetings: Hickory Rock-White Level Monday night: Edward Best School. Tuesday uight: Jus tire, Wednesday night. Cypress Creek will have two meetings: Seven Paths. Monday night: Margaret, Thursday night. ^ Ounn Township will have three meetings: Pilot. Monday night; Peafce School, Tuesday; Bunu School, Thursday. Meetings in Franklinton Town ship will be conducted by Mr. Blount and will be held at his regular evening Class at regular place and time which consists of Pope Chapel. Katesville. Mitcht ner's Store. N'eedmore. Gold Mine Township will have two meetings: Wood. Monday night; Centerville. Wednesday. . I Harris , Township will have three meetings: Royal Cross Roads. Monday uight: Harris School, Tuesday night": B, F. Wil der's, Wednesday. Hayesville Township will have three meetings: Rocky Ford Col ored School, Monday night: Bob bin. Wednesday night j Epaorn School, Thursday night. Sandy ? Creek Township will have three meetings: Moulton at Geo. FuHer's Store. Tuesday night; Alert. Wednesday night; Cash's Store. Thursday night. The Louisburg people will ba expected to attend the meeting in Louisburg Saturday afternoon which will be conducted by Mr. Floyd. Another meeting will ba held at Ingleside Thursday night. Youngsvllle Township will have two meetings: t. C. Nowell'a Store, Wednesday night; Mayor's Office, Thursday night. The following will be the prin cipal speakers at these meetings:] Mr. Alexander, Vocational Agri cultural teacher, Gold 8and; Mr. Blount, Vocational Agricultural Teacher, Frankllnton School; Mr. Rochester, Vocational Agricultur al teacher, Bunn School; Mr. Wall. Vocational Agricultural teacher. Edward Best School; Mr. W. C. Eagles, member Soil Conservation Staff at Frankllnton; Mr. O. L. Winchester, member Soil Conser vation Staff at Frankllnton; W? C. Boyce, Assistant County Ageilt: E. J. Morgan, County Agent; Jos eph A. Perry, member County Committee; W. H. Horton, mem ber County Committee; R. M. Duke, member Connty Commit tee Also members of the respec tive Township Committees. TV? question hwulNn as to who will fv qualified to vote la thle Definite Informa tion wiil be tuitfmeek on who will W quOTfflod to vot?. Some questions* have arisen 1st meetings held tnWast few days as t)o certain tflchfffcW points In tha qualification on which Information (Continued ok nage eight).

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