lovisbuuu cotton < <>11 <>11 was woilh !? 1-4 cents a l>uuii<l In t.oiri-bui'g yesterday. The Franklin THE COUNTY - THE I STATE - THE UNION STOP MONK 1" 1 rum Leaving Loui-bur:; * By Advertising In The TIMES It VOLIMN LXIX SI BS< BIPTIOX $1.50 a Yettr EOUISBtTRG, N. CAROLINA HMDAV, APKI1, 8, 1!);W (TEN PAGES) NUMBER 8 E. L. GREEN RESIGNS Hubert F. Green Appointed To Fill Unexpired Term, On Board of Education The Board of Education met ill regular session Monday with, all members present, except E. L. (ireen Mr. Green had presented his resignation as member of t>he Board, on account of ill health. His resignation was accepted and Stipt. Mills was instructed to write him a letter expressing the deep t regret of frhe members of the Board at his decision to leave the Board. Upon motion. Robert P. Green, a sou of Mr. E. L. Green, was unanimously elected to All the un expired term of bis father. The question of the Bunn school building was taken up and discussed, resulting in a decision to hold the plans up until a means of financing the project could be found. Supt. Mills reported, the Bunn. Pearce and Pilot schools have re .. sumed work after being closed ou account of a measles epidemic for two weeks or more, also that work had begun on the Buffalo Colored School building. He stated the work on remodeling the garage building at Youngsville, the ex tension of the County garage at Louisburg, and adding a room at Mitchell Colored School had been about completed. He reported that through assistance from the WPA r'ney had built a driveway at Wood, repaired driveways a,nd grounds at Gold Sand, Hickory Rock-White Level, Edward Best, and had put crushed rock on the driveways at Edward Best>. Bunn ;-nd Louisburg, and had enough of the 150 tons given by the WPA to build concrete floors in the ga rages at Louisburg aud Youngs ville and floors in many of the t >ilets of the White schools. They ^Iso furnished much other ma . trtrial. The Board having completed | i*s meeting adjourned. Suffers Broken Leg Little Jackie. 7-year-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mvs. P. L. O'Neal! suffered a broken leg and several cuts and bruises when knocked down by an automobile on North Main Street Monday about one o'clock. The little girl had drop ped her book sack in crossing the street when returning from school and had gone back to get it. As she passed out into the driveway" from behind a parked automobile a Dodge car being driven by a Mr. Dunn, of near . Ingleside, j struck her as it' came to a stop, with the injuries resulting. The | accident was considered unavoid able by several who saw it, as the car was traveling at a slow speed &nd stopped before it actually ran ever the litMe girl. She was tak- j t-n to Dr. H. H. Johnson's office j where first aid was administered and was then taken to a hospital i in Raleigh where the breaks were j reset, later reports showing she j was resting well. Mr. Dunn, tfoe driver of the car. I was said, to be very badly upset over the affair although it was impossible for him to 8top,earlier. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal are re ceiving the deepest sympathy in ine accident. THANKS ? I wish to extend my deepest I thanks and appreciations for t<hei many kindnesses and great assist ance during the illness of my wife who I am glad to say is much im-j proved. They will be long and ! tenderly remembered. W. E. MURPHY. CELEBRATES 70TH BIRTHDAY ' Mrs. Van Strickland walked the, U three miles from her home on | Route 66 to Louisburg Monday , morning in 46 minutes in celebra tion of her 76th birthday. This is an annual affair' and although , she has recently recovered from a ~ epell of the "flu" she made the | distance in just 3 minutes less than last year. Her many friends in Louisburg were delighted to see her health so well preserved. Program At The Louisburg Theatre The following is the program at the Louisburg Theatre, begin ning Saturday, April 9: ?*-" Saturday ? Double Feature ? j Charles Starrett in "Outlaws of The Prairie" and "Night Spot" with Parkyakarkus. Sunday ? George Brent and Olivia DeHavilland in "Gold Is Where You Find It." Monday ? Bobtiy Breen in "Ha waii Calls." Sponsored bv Louis burg P. T. A. Tuesday ? Lew Ayres and Hel en Mack in "King of the News boys." Wednesday ? Joe E. Brown In 'Wide Open Paces." ? Thursday - Friday ? JeanetMe MacDonald and Nelson Eddy in "Girl of the Oolden West." GETS $12,000.00 VERDICT Jury Awaril Record Unmakes To Mm. Wester ? Adjourns Kor Term l-'i-iday \" ight The regular Marcli term of Franklin Superior Court came to a close on Friday night of last week after the case of Wester vs. McCormick & Co.. had been decid ed by the Jury. Tills was the case in which Mrs. Wester lost her voice, caused, she claimed, by eating a relish or salad put up by t'he McCormick Co.. in which was found a metal disc. Mrs. Wester asked for $20,000 damages and the jury allotted her a verdict of *12 ,000. The case was strongly fought by both sides taking up practically all the week. Messrs. Yarborough & Yarborough and GrHtih represented Mrs. Wester, and Malone A Malone, John An derson and Oscar Leach, of Ral eigh. for McCormick Co. EASTER SERVICE AT KIXN Revival Service* to be Held At Ilium Baptist t liureli Special services Faster Sunday moiling at Sunrise. Many prayer mejnngs are being conducted this week in the homes preparatory 0o the revival services which will be held next week at Bunn Baptist Church. The pastoy, Rev. P. P. Hartsell will do the preaching for this ?meeting and the choir is preparing to do excellent work in t'he ser vice of hymn singing. An overflow is expected oil Sun day night. April 10, at 8 o'clock when the several schools will be represented for the educational service. Miss Sheron, director ol' the tllee Club, is hard at work for this service. The Glee Club will render such selections as the fol lowing: "Day is dying in the west"; "Night"; "The Lord is my Shephard"; "Evening Prayer." The High School seniors will gather at the school and adorn themselves with their eaps and gowns and go to the * Baptist Church in a body. Also the several classes in the other schools of t'he Bunn district who will be promot ed to the high school will be given reserved seats and sit in a group. This special meeting is being arranged by the local pastor and in cooperation with the principals of t'he schools. Rev. Mr. Hartsell is interested in the young people of the district and is doing all in his power-to interest them in the Christ he represents. Mr."Hartsell has announced his subject for Sunday nights one that we believe will make live again tbe teachings of Jesus when put into everyday practice. "Six Ways to Make People Like You" simple! as these words seem they carry a j message which Christ taught. The revival will close Sunday. April 17 with a Sun Rise Service.! Much preperation has and is be-1 ing made for this service which j is an Easter program consisting of songs and tableaus. There are about fifty persons on this pro-! gram and all adults. All who read this are invited to this service i and it is felt that you will be j justified in driving here earlyi enough to hear and see. The serv ice will begin at 5:20 A. M. VACATION' BIBLK SCHOOL A "Vacation Bible School Clin ic" for Tar River Association will be held at the Louisburg Baptist Church on April 8. Every pastor, .Sunday School superintendent, teacher, and every i one interested in the welfare of I Olie boys and girls of the commu nity is invited to attend this meet ing. The Louisburg Church will fur nish hot colfee for the lunch and those attending are requested to bring sandwiches. Following is an outline of tihe program to be followed. We feel that those attending will receive help in planning for a school, but we especially invite any who are not definitely planning a school this year to meet with us also. 5:30 P. M. Devot-ional ? Rev. J. P. Roach. 5:45 P. M. Importance of Faculty Meetings ? Miss Elizabeth Lassiter. 5:55 P. M. Preparation Day ? Mrs. A. V. Washburn. 6: 00* P. M. Pastoral Testimo nies. i 6:30 P. M. Supper. 7:15 P. M. Worship Program ? Mrs. A V. Washburn. 7:35 P. M. Bible Story ? Rev. | John Edwards 7:45 P. M. Departmental Con ferences: Beginner ? Mrs. J. D. Simons,1 Mrs. A. D. Wester. Primary ? Mrs. E. J. Morgan. ! Junior ? Mrs. Ada S. Parker, Mrs. J. S Howell. Intermediate ? Miss Elizabeth i Lassiter. Pastors and Principals ? Mrs. J A. V. Washburn. 8:30 P. M. Closing message ? Mrs. A. V. Washburnr Mrs. ' Edward Cunningham, of New York, wag guest of Dr and Mrs. W. C. Perry, recently. How They'll Vote For Greater Reich 1P.AA IBBH BERLIN Germany votes on the absorption of Austria April 10. The ballot reads : "Do you approve the unification of Austria with Oermany as accom plished on March It, and do you vote for the list of our Fuehrer Adolf HlUerf* "Ye?" and "No" appear above the circle*. Note relative sites. Boy Scout Camporee The "Laurel Creek Patrol I Camporee," will be conducted by the Franklin County District of t tie Oconeechee Council. The boys will pitch camp on Friday after noon. April 15, and break-up Sat urday afternoon. , Superintendent W. R. Mills is Chairman of the Scout work in the Franklin County District, and he has made arrangements for the use of the old factory build ing at the mill site on Laurel Creek near Gold Sand School. Mr. C. M. Calhoun, new Field Executive of the Oconeechee Coun cil will manage the Camporee and direct the competitive activities. This will be a wonderful opporr tunity for the newly organized Troops in the county to get first hand experience under an expert' I leader. Com-munities where troops have not yet been organized are urged to send some boys to get into the spirit of Scouting. Invitations have been sent to t-he troops in Granville. Vance, and Warren Counties to participate, so it ought to be a great time for boys at the Camporee. Let par ents encourage every boy who?can to attend. Better Mail Service Mr. J. M. Risley, United States I Postal Inspector, is fn town this week working with Postmaster T. Mortimer Harris looking to rear ranging better and more prompt mail service tor the patrons in Louisburg. particularly in the business district. The big trouble with the ser vice in this section is that' much mail and parcel post packages ar rive oh the 4 o'clock afternoon mail that has had to remain in the office till next morning at 8:30' and parcels till around 12 o'clock before a delivery could take them | out. The business interests of Louisburg do not think their maill and packages should be allowed to remain in ^he office right in Louisburg almost a whole day be fore delivery, when it could so easily be remedied by the addi tion of an auxiliary route to serve the business, arranging his hours so that he can give his time to the delivery of mail in the city business district. It is to be hoped this delayed condition can be remedied. Drive Safely Crusade Prominent local citizens from every walk of life have heartily endorsed the "Drive Safely" Crusade which is being sponsored by the Pure Oil Company and its dealers. Commenting on this drive to save lives, avoid accidents and I prevent injuries Mayor W. C. Webb emphasied the fact that) highway safety depends on the individual effort of each driver and points out the fact that this Crusade puts every person on his honor to keep a sincere pledge U> drive safely. "Drive carefully and save lives Drive recklessly and see our Jail." i Motorists who sign the "Drive Safely" Pledge will receive an attractive metal emblem which will be installed above their rear license plate, reading "Pledged to Drive Safely". This will act as a constant reminder to themselves and the motorists in back of them to observe the common sense rules of safe driving. In Louisburg the "Drive Safely" Crusade activities are being direct- : ed by J. L. Gupton local represen-l tative of Mte Pure Oil CompanJ". j -Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hoyt j and children, of Washington. N. C., were guests of relatives in Louisburg Sunday. Mr. Kenneth D*vis left yester day for New York City and Men hein, N. J., to take training as a Scout Executive. TOWN COMMIS SIONERS MEET The Board of Town Commis sioners met in lvgu'.ar session. April 5, ly38. ut 7;:!" P. M. Mem bers present were W. B. Barrow. W. J. Cooper. P W. Klam, and J. S. Howell. Messrs. K. II. Allon and L. L. Joyher were absent. Mayor W. C. Webb presided. Minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved by the Board. The monthly , reports of the Town Clerk. Tap Collector, and Chief of Police were read and ap proved. Mr. Floyd, representing t-lie Badger Meter Company, m-ade a proposition to the Bourd to sel! it i fifty new Badger Water meters, i This matter was referred to the f.ight & Water Committee for in vestigation and recommendation at the next meeting of the Board. The Board instructed the; Health Officer to legally notify all property owners who own residen tial or business property within 200 feet of a sewer line that is occupied by one qt more residents, to install sewerage within tjjtxty days, according to <.he Town Or dinance. Mrs. R. G. Person appeared be fore the Board and asked viia t some plan be worked out by which the taxes on the Person property may be paid in monthly iustallmuts. The Board instructed the Tax- Committee to confer wit'h Attorney -C. P. Green and the Board of County Commissioners, and to attempt to work out a pay ment plan t'hat will be acceptable , to the Board of County County Commissioners and the Board ot Town Commissioners. The Tax Committee was given the power! to act in this matter. The Boavd instructed Messrs. W. B. Barrow and M. 8. Davis* to confer with Mr. Burritt, supervis ing Engineer for the WPA. and with the assistance of Mr. Burritt j to draw up a new WPA street im provement project* to include the ! unfinished work planned by the i Street Committee. Attorney J. E. Maloue. Jr.. was1 instructed to draw a legaT figtu of way for a power line to tra verse the property of Miss Jessie Taylor Harris/ In exchange fori this right of way, the Board I agreed to construct a power line to the residence of Miss Jessie Taylor Harris, which is located on the highway to Rolesville, N. C. A motion prevailed to give the Boy Scout Troop free lights for! their meetings in the Mills High! gymnasium. The Mayor appointed Mr. P. W. Earn fo serve temporarily on the Ordinance Committee. The Ordinance Committee was in structed to review the present' Town Ordinances and with the as-; sistance of the Town Attorney to revise any ordinances that they think need revision and to com piler any new ordinances that they think necessary. All revisions and new Ordinances are to be present-' ed to the Board for consideration | and adoption. A number of invoices were ap proved for payment. There being no further busi ness the meeting adjourned. DR. KENT WILL PREACH SUNDAY AFTERNOON Sunday. April 10, being Palm Sunday, services In St. Matthias Episcopal Church will be as fol lows: ? 11 A. M. Morning Prayer and) message. 3 P. M. Church School. : 4 P. M. Sermon and celebration of, the Holy Communion by Dr. Kent. We are anxious to have a large congregation to greet Dr. Kent. He always brings a strong, beau tiful, instructive message. On Good Friday we will have our three hour Service. We ex tend 4a very cordial invitation to all-to com* ahd worship with us. GEORGE C. POLLARD. Missionary in charge. j Misses Grace Johnson and Jean Fleming, ot N. C. C. W., Greens boro. are guest of their parents, for the Spring holidays. 44 CASES ON DOCKET Court fluids I'ftii Day** Ami Will Holil Again Today Franklin Recorder's Court he!ll regular se.-sion on Tuesday with possibly th ? largest docket on re cord. There were 4 1 cast's oil docket and Court held through Wednesday with a recess until' Friday when it is expected oi'lier | cases will be heard. The docket i was disposed ot as follows: J. V. Pridgen was found guilty ei abandonment und non-support and given U months on roads, stts >. 'tided upon payment into ''mtrt for benefit of M.s. Pridgen SIO per month and costs. Appeal. The cases of worthless checks against S. I'. Hoklen. Jr. were stricken troui docket, under ail or-, de'r of discharge upon payment of costs. Kliton Scull wast giyen 60 days on roads for larceny and receiv ing. Ultuo i v was givet) fit' days on roads for larceny and receiv ing. Beamatt Fletcher. Jr., Was giv en , tin days on roads for larceny and receiving. Nathaniel Hayes was given 30 ! (lays on roads after pleading guilty (o larceny and receiving. Willie Bradford plead guilty to] carrying concealed weapon, and v.as given SO days on roads, sus pended upon payment of $50 fine and costs. Carrie Mae Richardson was giv-, en 8 months iu jail. Commission ers to hire out to pay costs, in- J eluding doctor's bTll. for assault withr deadly weapons. Oliver Neal "was found guilty of simple assault, to lie discharg ed upon saving the county harm-! less. Cathleen Yarborough was found guilty of unlawful possession, to J be discharged upon payment of costs. Joe Williams was found guilt> of transporting and given 60 days on roads, suspended upou payment* of cos's. Kemp 'Billings was found not guilty of carrying concealed wea pons. James Leonard was full ml not guilty of distilling. Clyde 'Wester found not guilty of netting fish. V. E. Green was found guilty of operating automobile intoxicated and fined $50 and costs. Not to j operate car for 12 months. Ap peal. John Wesley was found not j guilty of distilling. Charlie Alston was found not { guilty of distilling. Louis I. Jones was found not<[ guilty of carrying concealed wea pons. Louis ?. Jones was found guilty of operating automobile Intoxicat ed and given 60 days on rtfctds, suspended upon payment of $50 fine and costs. Not to operate caiH for 11' months. Appeal. Keitip Billings was found not ' guilty of carrying concealed wea pons-. ''The following eases were con-j tinued: B. C. Shillings, worthless check. ? J. M. Shaw, operating automo bile intoxicated. Sport Ward, violating automo bile law. Bryant Martin, operating auto mobile intoxicated. Bryant Martin, unlawful posses sion of whiskey. Charlie Allen Solomon, operat ing automobile intoxicated. Willie Fogg, larceny and re ceiving. Willie Moore, violating prohibi- j tion law and violating automobile* .law. I Clarence Richardson, larceny i and receiving. Garland Leonard, assault with j deadly weapon with intent to kill, j James Holmes, assault with deadly weapon wit'h intent to kill. Henry Holmes. assault with deadly weapon with intent to kill. James Cheek, slander, trespass. Charlie Allgood, Clarence All good, assault with deadly weapon, operating automobile Intoxicated. demons Richardson, larceny and receiving. James Barnett, unlawful pos- j session of whiskey, selling whis- j key. Fred Satterwhite, unlawful pos session of whiskey for sale. Kemp Billings, operating auto mobile intoxicated. William Stokes, larceny. The following cases were left ? open, and will probably be tried todr.y: Josebei King, assault with deadly weapon. W. E. Perry, operating automo bile intoxicated. Tasker Williams. Patrolman and Mrs. D. 0. j Pearce, of Raleigh, Tisit?d his > mother this week and were ac-i companied home by Miss Pearl ! Pearce. Mr. M. R. White has returned from Vlena and Is the guest ^ of his mother, Mrs. Jamie White, and sister, Mrs. Weldon Egerton. Miss Peg ?"ord, of Mary Bald win College, Staunton, Vs., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. E, Sr Ford for the holidays. ir\ . Arrested In Russia MOSCOW . . . Valentin* SnlftTrev. iter*. secretary o( the New York TtmM BuWau here, who wu mys teriously taken from her home by tec ret ,{>ollce after having beon admitted- to the recent political trials to take notee of the testi mony. No explanation of her whereabouts has been made by lovtet oOcUl* Louisburg College News Items Faculty Recital Miss Virginia Pe.vatt. Head of the Spoken Knglish and Dramatic Art Department; Aliss Mary Finch liead of the Piano Department; and Mr. I. Deane Moon. Head of the Voice Department presented a reecial in I 'he Social Hall at I.onixl>urg College last Tuesday evening. April i>. at eight o'clock. The program was as follows: Sonata Op. 27. No. 2 (Moon light): Beethoven: Vdagio Soste nuto. Allegretto. i'resto agitato - Miss Finch. Oh. loss of sight (Samson). Handel; Passing Hy. Pueceil; The Fool Hath Said There Is No God ? Mr. -Moon. The Highwayman: Moyes? Miss Pevatt. The White Peacock. OrifTes? Poem hy William Sharp read hy Miss Peyatl. Witches' Dance; MacDoweil Miss Finch. When I Think Upon the Maid ens, Head: Moraine and Sunlight. Strickland; A Brown ilird Sing ing. Wood: The C.reen-eyed Dra gon. Charles ? Mr. Moon. Silver in the. Sun; Crowell; Ilurter. Teasdalo; Hoofs. Joyce Kilmer; It Is a Beauteous Even ing, Wordsworth; The Twenty third Psalm. Musical background. Theme from the second movement, Sonata Apasslonata. Beethoven1 ? Miss Peyatt. , Miss Finch at I lie Piano for Mr. Moon. This recital of classical selec tions of readings and music was thoroughly enjoyed by many of the college students and hy the visitors from the town. Immediately following the re ciktl, Dean l.ula Mae Stipe and several of the college girls were hostesses to those attending at an informal social hour when de licious refreshments were served. "V" Meetings At the Vouiik Women's' Chris tion Association meeting last Mon day evening. Miss Mary Bethea of Wilmington, N. C., gave a talk on "Ye are my Wftnfesses." Miss Martha .1. Henderson of Maysville, N. C., gave a talk on "God and His Ministry of Healing." Both Miss Bethea and Miss Henderson are studying with the view in mind of becoming missionaries. Mr. R. W. Rainwater, Presi dent of the Young Men's Chris tian Association, and Mr. W. D. Caviness, Jr., gave talks at the meeting of this organization, held lasti Monday evening. The discus sions were dealing with how to do away with profanity. Mr. Rain water and Mr. Caviness are minis terial students at LOulsburg Col lege. A Cappolla Choir The famous A. Cappella Choir pf High Point College, High Point, N. C., visited Louisburg College last week-end. The members of this choir, directed by Miss Janet* Russell, presented a very outstand ing program of classical music and Negro Spirituals .at the local Meth odist Church, Saturday night at eight o'clock. This well balanced and effective musical program was very much enjoyed by t>he large congregation present. A reception was given the mem bers of the choir by the Louisburg College faculty and students im mediately following the program at the -church. _ Mrs. C. A. Ragland and Mrs. F. B. Leonard visited the Gholson flower gardens in Henderson Monday and the Raleigh Garden Tour on Tueetfgy/'Yirporting most' beautiful flower scenery at each place. Mrs. A. W. Perry has returned from a Hospital in Rocky Mount where she has been a patient for the past three weeks and is very much improved. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Pernell vis ited Raleigh.. TTIday. ABC TURNS OVER $5,000.00 Hem* Proposal t'or Armory? Many Krporls Received ? Au thorizes Sale of I,and The Board of County Coinmig . sioners met in regular session on Monday wit,h all members present. After the formalities business was transacted as follows: Chas. P. Green was authorized | to sell a certain piece of land in ' Gold Mine township to Mr. O. T. Inscoe. The Board approved garnishee requests for E. E. Bridges in Hal ifax County, and Jim Batcheior, in Wilson County. Capt. E. F. Griffin w;is before the BohiMs with reference to an Armory tor-^vanki'n County. Ac tion v as hold up pending an In jterv'ew v.ith the Staic Department by C-ipf. Griffin. 1 G. M. Beam was before the Board i.i regard to a roa i in Dunn ! township which was approved by jthe Bo.ird about two years ago and upon which no further action had been taken. Reports were filed by the fol lowing officers which were re ceived and ordered filed: Supt. K. R. Richardson, County Home; Dr. lit. P. Yarborough, Health Officer; Miss Weavw, Home Agent", E. J. Morgan, Farm Agent; Mrs. J. F. Mitchiner, Welfare Officer. Com. J. Z. Terrell and J. M. Stallings reported visiting the ! Welfare office and Health Depart ment respectively and finding them in good condition. The Board visited the County 'Home for the usual Spring Inspec- _ ?lion and while there were enter-* ! twined at dinuer by Supt. and Mrs. E. R. Richardson. The ABC Board reported turn ling over $5,000 to the County I general fund. After allowing a number of ac i counts the Board adjourned LOUISBURG BAPTIST CHURCH The Quarterly observance of* the Lord's Supper at the morning service was well attended. The pasior delivered his third message In a series entitled "Who Cruci fied Our Lord?" using for his sub ject "The Unfaithful Disciple." The Training Union has been revitalized through recent study courses and enlarged through the organization of an Adult Union and a Story Hour. Miss Elizabeth jLassiter, Educational Director, is | Director of the Training Uniou. (The total attendance approximate ly reached 60 and bids- fair- to j reach 100 in the near future. For this Sunday the program j includes Sunday School at 9:45 A. jM.. Worship services at 11 A. M. aiid 7:30 P. M.. Training Union at 6:30 P. M. j To the public a cordial invita tion is extended to attend these ; services. V LOUISBURG METHODIST CHURCH Palm Sunday will be observed j a t the church with appropriate music and sermon.. Mr. Phillips j will speak'on; "Passion or Com passion." ^In the afternoon ser i vices will be conducted by the young people at the County Home. The evening services will be in [charge of the officers of the young people's division. There | will be two visitors from the Duke University School of Religion to give the program at the evening service at 7:30. Mr. McMurry j Richey will give the sermon and i Mr. Walter McLeon will address ; the Epworth League service. The evening program will follow a fel j lowship at which the young peo ple of the church will spread their meal together. These young men are outstanding leaders la tihe student realm and no young per son should miss this opportunity. On Wednesday, Thursday and I Friday evenings of next week the pastor will conduct Pre-Easter services at the church. The song i service will begin at 7:45. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Services have been announce by Rev. L. F. Kent as follows: ? The early celebration of tha Holy Communion ? 8:00 A. M. Church School ? 9:45 A. M. Y. P. S. L.? 6:30 P. M. Holy (Week: Tuesday: The Litany and Ser?- ' mon ? 7:45 P. M. Wednesday: The Holy Couw munion ? 9:30 A. M. Maunday Thursday: Tha Holy Communion ? 7:30 P. M. (Tl'.i- is the evening In which out? Lord Instituted the Lord'a Supper. There will be a, sermon on this subject.) Good Friday: A serrtce of med itation on the Seven Words fromi the Cross ? -12 Noon to 1:00 P. M. ? Raster Day: ' First celebration of the Holy, Communion? ^ , Church School t> rajr-i m ? 9:45; I A. M. ? . Second celebration of the Holy Communion and Sermon ? 11:00 iA _ . i

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