KK.NKW VOI R SI IN KirTloS" Wat eh the OH tho lUntHI of jour paper Ml a U?uew Whw'row Tim.- Kxpli*? i i '(j'/ Jrl XUMKHK ffrjj (EIGHT PAGRS) UNION , .li r.v 8, iu:im A ? i STOP! MONEY J o:j .if | j , r . from Leaving Louiiburg .?ao ?y ?<?' Advertising in The TIMES Boost l'omf : Town VOLUMS UUXstl nllK-i ? . .. ' " " I""?' ?' r:a iJlai&rrr NICHOLSON ims-mm hswwmwwwxSoJiI kImPum ,. iner and Bartholomew, fcrho ran second in the first prl Jnary, overcame a lead of over j jeven hundred and defeated John- I eralW^S^dicted or (Sf EUuse of ! hiaMcfly ?'ifs[ the^l^ters frraliklinton township as compar-ii id with Louisburg township and 1 |he strong support of Youngarille-J .ownship, the sister township of i ^ranklinton in the districting for Commissioner and Board of Edu- ' :afcion. rj-v /?? ? +1 Hamilton Hsbgood W<mi-wWIv aij ^trong majority the Judgeship of he FranKtifid *>ver H. Crawford Kearney, his Opponent, sti"9^B^ ead In alt ' "tfiWnslrtiW " except j ?Vanklinton ami . YpungsyiUe ,_L< Roy Holines lost ttf-R. Ar Bob- 1 jitt in t'herun-off for Coroner, t >ut the votf iia?asp6(daIly'Zcl6#e ,? rlolmes carried four precincts to \ bobbin's seven, the final count 1 1 ifhowiug 147 in favor of Bobbitt. |] Possibly the most interesting ; ace in the entire second primary l was that for Commissioner of tne'i jith District, composed of Louis- ! t ipurg and Cypress Creek town hips. Into this race was iujtW^fi d some personal campaign fea-p ures and resulted in Bartholo-j' tnewCItfe nt)W"MuJ[ida{& ?feStUTfj t"ostfei4 tlie-ore' eo?inH?feioli&Wi? ai ' Jrote of 2253 to 1845 or a majority i pf 4 0^. V .* ' Reports* 'froin All townships,! ^eem to show a very quiet and or uei'iraiw't WWf igun.li 3 iuii wun a wl tli"TKS* fl " Id mo A nramThent J1 giv?-tW^ofe?nty_ their respective positions. CM >10 AT D V 'IHE firs. Frye Interred )'I J? ?<1 }i i. At* ( ' jjAff s a j The f uneitftH 'lepR^J 2oi? MfV'. 1 Hie Upper-man. fore. wljq. di^dl a hospital in tl'al^lgn SJinddV orning following a SndVl' lrlrfefe. 1 is h?H lit >h? limn TWnieti Jiter, Mr. and^MjSrgfn^rBtyrmef^L Loulsburg NtoIi^'7 "~mCni|tirtR I o'clock, coutfiCtf d bf >RJiVC ,'U itU krg Methodist Church, and inter ment was np^ ^ .VaLiT"0'1 Cem |ery,pA iarge ; the family a' - "Pf ? Ipecialiy 'pl'MtiS The ?allbeai;0$ Ine, lank' Ma Beck |W. Per^dj^Gj se, .W^lCI Fran inent ?&njli^ t'he late J. ?ty'e m#st pr.s tiftaTtughlg Jpperman. and Impat^cjrfjUe entireMcomn>?ft-< To Ltt Rakd1 Lflr H2IJ( I Information receive burg thi^wfk l?f till Highway ComniTSskl Chapter 13 | Langer." -Monday ? Luise Rainer, I Wednesday -Gladys Swart houtt d John BcJ(sjfi0'IJf ljincejf iO le Dark." | ThWlMyJMlMHOttl,<py Roo y, Freddie Bartholomew, Chas. 1, i, .? : ? j Wins Judgeship rii'tsqsiq ni en? -i iq ?m,' iu, i ? " I HMjjfan j|> mHM* ? Who wtmthe n'SminaSBiro thJ ?un-off Saturday for Judge o| franklin Recorder's Court ovei lis-opponent H. Crawford Keailj ley. Louisburg Ties i ' Wfilke Forest '2 ""2"^ ' '/ 1 " At TTo^tlft," outstanding golfe jf Uuj ^(^itU.^inatie, a score of 71 afld "A\'??d?eii(l4y afternoon in th ournanieijt between Wake Fores (na - Louisbtu g. . He ? as closel iressed by Frank Wheless. Louis *?dpindukl<\. ?5i>,." l mai . Prank and A1 were tied up to tli ? 17th hole, where Dowton made ij Jirdie. taking that hole and th ? natch. Frank's score of 77 wa i he next lowest for the afternooi Another feature of this tourm ?] ?eul_was the splendid playing c ' Little Kenneth White, nephew c ' kVeldon Egerton. who took thre i| ?Tnr -roniiesf drtte^jf'twfc"aftei ? loon was made by Dr. H. G. Perrj , who d?ove~hte |LiBt7balJ of{ th i S'o. 1 fee straight down the fail way, over the hill, across the ditc i rn?>?lw?? iiminj "mwnHtimtyi- rtwse , usvrrrsT, - .v., ? nr? ? r.i .. nfe Loulsuurg r>oys as a w! hade the Ujj&est score ? *1 rtiuniameirtSjifiw t lie yej?i\aj|ri|?t mpiovemejAtfldicatu; forest wiffi'TWf ha.l>l^ tuR?| .)Kl iif? next W^jfe&Mw afiWiixifX? wake Foffig tr'JFZiKffl*:}1 ?? Jofti .ttld Uftft. it W.i i Pa^iiJL ^^Leouard Hend s?n (fcAJiJl -a. /ftfaiua ttXi'I giSt fiafc 3'e r n e 1 1 1 ^ J A I 0 J. i. 3 ! Stroupe u; Napier Wllliami JrfaloiH QJRobinsi n 2; Weggn Egertol j y^oi^A\Dr-mm^ 3iJS? :'K- on? * ; Dr. Herbert! Ii. ill .11 >?.Mi..g UM Mulll Ctj lift /?> iBaa?)?y's Cafe and j ^mhytja l^v qpys ?pen a full | ofjN^w^yodUsedFJjjrnj^urg. S< rarsKiSSfeit1 VlvnnB Vlftr Ilv CApcvTO IV V lull ManMJs in the nextpleif -4?y( tojfafafa^MinialntinJiiin Mi E 'I'diY&u# of He $ gyarirtg <? cAl Lx>wt( less %. " "Jiiij \? Cat I'Qjjv, Jr j, i. j mi .ai?ii?*u. <t u>. ft.'ffliW fcfnfeTh W ?? Liles %; wSj? : ^b69.H 3 ,SX. Bb bt)tt f T nT6 rms _ Aat he has leased thi t?t has iiad quite a. l?Tig exp e Jd tie {lynlUlrS'btfsiness I <|oulit.. enjoy K lfbartilj WaUh for lii? oft' a c#ment. Tojb?<^Mark< aiAiospg Open o?e .... siiario. rhssa apciatipn at its meeting in.Wl fiU^lr Sprifl^JW!!^ recently set the datesj^^AgoJ ing of tobacco' markets' as folio] annul. !.!? i ii i mi mi ii ii i j isi South Carolina and border lM|?> Au|% 4th. WW ?astern NoBi CaroBBnai Middle ^^Umarkets, ^ichl ' '^'"W H "" Septenl Old Belt, n^g^t e rr| j "ffie~ Boar<T" 6f Coutfty siqjiers met in, regular session on Tuesday of this week, having an7 liounced that .the meeting had been postponed to Tuesday on ac count of Monday being July 4th, i Business was disposed of as fol lows: E, C. Bulluck, as a representa tive of t'hS.Bar Association was before the Board with reference to the Board supplying cases for law books for the Court room. The County Accountant was instructed to get prices on making the nec lessary cases. \ Reports of tJie following off i- ! jeers were received and. filed: E. |R.- Richardson. Superintendent County Home; Dr. R. F\Yarbor ough. Health Officer; Mrk J. F. Mitchiner, Welfare Officer;\E, J. Morgan, County Agent; Mrs. John Yarborough, Supervisor of the WPA Sewing room. Mr. O. F. McCrary of the N. C. | Extension was before the Hoard; I to Introduce and roconimend the I uppointuiauti.oi Mr. E. L, Norton ' as County Agent to succeed E. J. i Morgan. Upon motion of Win ston, seconded by Foster, Norton was unanimously elected. I in fli n. Williams was placed on outside pauper list at $4 00 per ! month. A report from W. N. Fuller, 1 CouTity Auditor. shows t'hat ' 812.08 lias been collected ' tills year to date for taxes. "Ta"6'.aC3"..C Board reported ttii-irlTis -oyer ?Sr*?t>to the Ootm tM general fund. 1 j ?T heJ.'?ppUcatton ot Tom tnfej | Ct?i'k and J, W. Perry for appoint-! SJ it as Cotton weigiier fQLLiOuis.i g "Were' considered^ aim rerr j' ?ivius tjic larger vote waa dt| ed "elected for1 the ensuing <44r ' , ? jijpr. A. H. Fleming was before Board asking that the proper ty! juf the Fair Association be not fialxsed. Action deferred.: j^he Board of Education met wj tli the Board an$ presented Us budget, aiid discussed the school $^ds of the entire -.Coimty iMid advisability of another ,Wf A nt. ftev allowing a -numbfr of ac counts tiit Board adjourned to nfrf't Monday, July titi) ; r ? ollowlng the adjournment1 the iird ji?'t as an Equalization, rd a'nd transacted several to1^; matters, . , _ ? j ,j r j" ijyirs,. Perry Dead r. and H, JolmsAn I children left Monday morning, a fa find? t(i<i'- lutievaJ oif' :MV?. ? . Perry, mother of Mrs. ison, in .Baltimore. Jnforiua received (in }L(nilm2rflr, si?' Perry icfet :?ejf~. lift 2%lJ?* : J-J^hting. with Mr. and Mrs. Le-: ?e Webb, close friertd#, . UaggJiiMaBli; wptejtoU&allK 1 Mr*. P**rrY hih! s?riou?lv w5ffnaingW:"Ve4: * "Mrs" ' WW Wd ? the .<tt?er~i?t'Ui>al)tS! dacWSm: injury. The yacht was destroy ; '' rt< i SewCommissioner ill ??Ilia J; na. old !n.;. HARVKY T. BARTHOIiOMKW Who uuuaa bis opponent, P. S. Poster on Saturday (01- tbe nomi nation for Commissioner frpm the rth District, including Cypress 'reek and boiiUburg Townships. Lets Contracts Por Justice and llunn Schools To Be Modern Structures The Board of Education of franklin (?6unty at a special meeting on Thursday of lust week, ?ecelved bids from quite a number )f contractors for the erection md completion of new school buildings at Bunn and at Justice md let the poptfacts to the fol lowing: The Justice building a modern ;ighl-roolji single story building with an audltorlpm was let' to flerman-Stpe & Co.. Inc., at iot-Un> kkiioi *1 uuu tract; plumbing to Odell-Small hivAot" Bmiiimft u> ? -Wuidrup Plumbing & Heating Co., sa, WAO. ap m R I m m MB I i ; Ttle Buttn building. * tt^odfiA I'ight-room huiklisg >as lqtvto E, C. fh-rby &f11^St5.1Wf pHMibtyt to Odell-Smali I'luiuhiuy & Jl last ing, Co.. fef $1,126. Of; aiid )iiatlt)g to c. ft.. Husk at $3SS8L?<WLS I' It is understood that prepara tion* for the beginning vf. tljp work are noW being made. ' ? Tlin .wetfe quite a number* <>t iiiddfsrfe oil each of the projects, with prices ranging from $22, 8.83;06 to 4-C^Jt fof tlie Bunn Imilding anil $29,940.00 to $:)?. toT! t^ie Justice building. Cotton Blooms lsr/sqs Cotton blooms from nie l)|p orOp Of CCt ton has been . brou|?iit to, the T I M Kg office the past wpek by. the following:':- i ?, tfd Perry brought in a white bioom Thursday" from Mr. Tuojf wiS Four- bridges Ju|t. 4' H> Arthur' J frtmtfon -a'^-red -bUKJm 2 Thursday from ? ti?f "same far Mi's. D. G. "Pearce? Louisburg township. regpqUr a n'ed,-. Moo in Thursday." ? )|f V. K. Osborn of Crejk? ChJireh.-yifTBg blqrtm iy4ira^a/}. Q uD V. E. Osborn of near Saftfly ht in a >? ;d II ? T; i^FMtWiM irawSiwii a Tot oil Franklin' IStreel aVfjoSnfiig Mf/ r. vrmrmnm wine tv [erection of a modern six-room Binfealow 7T%yffvirTtf y?w i' Wf"." rvlli# oard sion&rs met in ?July 5, 1928. were: W. C. V Allen, VV. B er, P. VV. KlaiiS :i lisent>. K. C, Beck pi signed by the ()f? FftmVtln- ^Hrwt'r meeting. that he and Mr. Barrowjiad made a survey of t he aJwMtajf) 1)1 jj/ proved under tttew; P. A. H-o Sprtng Streets** completed by all means, and ,U?t plana be made to drain the uiest'fcort h ?nd Ri?V of Kennnjor Aveno*. Minutes of th? previous meet ings wern read 'find approved. Monthly of the Tax Col lector. CUIef of Police and Town Clerk *are r<MMt,|ind approved The li nt.ft rw IchApfr..,, installed Ion Oh. A. H. Fie; ! the Bo#rd ... ! tai' tftat 'was KrankUn Ctfttnly last Fall, and tb <?*ei soctation from any p cenise tax for the oncoming Fair in 1938. Messrs, Barrow, Coup ler, Allen and Attorney J. p. Ma Mne, Jr., were appointed 1 as a I Special CommiMee to meet with the County Commissioners on Monday. /ulK^lv .to, ?cynsi.dei; wjusjt :'t ntgiftbqyqjijp jn, (Jje, ^mlitiiU; o( Govenji^ieutjj ,' ". . The contract for Aluninla Sul fate w?? awarded to the Gentnl Chemical Company. 1 Graham tt. Holmes' salary was i established at J85.00 per month effective July 1, 1938. X. A. 151 lingto^'s salary was established at $17 50 per week, beginning with July 4th,, 1938. Tlie B6at;d adopted a Temporary : Budget of Expenses for the Fiscal I year 1938-1939, After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned. Made Good Showing In (Ik* Carolina Jr. (>olf Tour nament held at SCdgvfleld Man or, (irwn.Hboro, the past w^k, J o c 15 a r r o w, rep"rosen led (lie' Green HUI G o I r Club. This was tin* first time I any one over entered Jr. Tour nament of that size. Joe lost to u boy from Salisbury. He won in qualifying tournament but lost by a short putt next dAy. He ami his op|H>nont tKnl ih round, player! an extrU hole ami tied and played one more hol<*. It wns im tlrf* tiofe that Joe lost . <>f course; not being accustomed ; to grass* greens was a disadvan tage to Joe. We are justly 1 proud of Joe ami better lock I next time. New Apartment F :uotl House \ L- JStJSflSF .To greet a three anaifmi-nt Tu tTffl r illt ail Lll? old Thnnia<a Wif. phffM|y. ;i?Uqn JFiranWitt 5ti:eet. .I^e_|n(4 dlng will be a modern two-story pected to be rushed to an early TSffl 8 A steyr/nithrtl^ p*p^too close to the tfdfcJAal trooiiCpverheat ed was the cause ot a fire at* the home of Mr. George Davis about Iff o'CWOk MonMy mraniwg. I The fire w? ?mall.an(l/wa#'?xUnj??i?h ed ^jre Agbfcers arj'iypd and before hiijcn d^ma^e was dohe. 1 ' !" " , "i< ?' i. HI.' LaLivi'' Recorder's Court Franklin H p c o pde r ' g , ? 8 u r ^ quite a small docket Tuesday, on ly; ./Our. case*, i T.wp, ,,wpre; Aried I ^'rpd'^ria'vls^ wa^pun^gulffV' of ufelkwftff' pbslfesfcJrt' "bf whllftfey and glveif,#0'tfaya>?rt' *#???, rying concealed weapons to b^flls DTnoroung, operating autoino bile intoKWtftMKdMriOed. (SMntMa jwr-; cealed weapons, continued. ...I,,, t UkM.?;ai.kiM;4^bUKiu Gets Credit For All-Star Win JOHNNY VAxife SIB^Ft Who drew the atai-tins ??s!gii nit'i' Who drew the startin, raent in the pitcher's bo: National League in t game piayfed at Cilici nesday. which was won tloaaln. received credit win. He pitched the innjjnga allowing the tttir ' -?<: ? ta Sotiith Holding 3 'Country Badk Cnbaiaiin- For Nation Wliolt lilamt-il on Strtitli And It Can And Must Be Righted xH.xBftsin >rt) MfV (?roup of Soul Ihtimtm ('allii To Ciipiliil to 1 .ay" Turns' T*oi Improvement ; TO' Stiifl ? 1>n !(V> lit leal Trip Kotilt Washington. July .">. ? Preslden j Roosevelt naked a group Of s<rtith ernjers today to beRln a survey o methods to imp/ove southern eco 1 nomic conditions? flitch he' des eribed as "the nation's No. 1 eco 1 nomic problem." | ''We have an economic tthbal ance in the nation as a whole du< to | his very condition of tin Soutlj," lie said in a letter to those at' a meeting cal|ed by the Na Lional Economic Coulitfll. "Tt is an unbalance that can ant must.be rlgfited. for the sake o tile South and the nation. No pur pose is closer to my heart at thii moment than that which causet ute to call you (o. Washington. "That purpose is to obtain i statement? 'Oi' perhaps T shuttle sajy a restatement as of today? o the economic cofidttiQHS of thi | South in relation to the rest' o j the country, iu order that we ma: do Something about It; In orde j that we may pot Only carry for i ward the wyrk 1 1 j a 0 has been, be | gun toward .'the tel^billtation o the South, but that the pvograi) of such work may be expanded ii the directions (fiat t'his new pre sehtatlon phall indicate/' Meantime, the Ptesident start out Thursday on a journey to Sai , Francisco which may become th j most srppcmcrrtTrr bTt of ? politica 1 1 oretl-ft?*i'lng h? Utter eVel* I I dftnt Such evidenbfeiolf JhlS' intentions a lean be g leaned from his own re marks indicates. he is on ?tbb verg I of striking! a bold new dfcarse ii I politics? of venturing persona Ht; I into realms /Which he preyibusl, left to his f lieu tfenanta:>. -vo'l t* ? The President, has put* in gooi words personalty only top Senatq Leader Berkley, of Kentucky, ant for Senators Duffy, df Wiseonsin and McAdoo, of OaltforBiaiSj.-.No'w it appears, he< may give up indi rectloa in many oases. j .?fifither developments:^- i * ? Senator Logan, D&nu>cral. l?on tUEky, said he felt certain neitSoi President Roosevelt- no r j Vice Fffosfcient' earner would rlegfc '-i VJvird term in their respective at flees. Logan made it plain he hac ?mrt * ?pPTsnnrttTy " <TfeCtTSBS"(TTSTrc terms ..wiLh. either-. Mr, Roeee*el or Mr. darner, jj j AXXOtj WH-.MAKKI.WK-? i Mi> and MYs. K. S. liilea wist to announce the marriage of the daughter, Ckrisline, ,V}c s(?a Agtq, weddtng'flCTTwnoBji* I>JT Rf V. Parks, 4>a hrlrt* ;?t Hhe Pi?*sbyw( [rrra^s I a|? BethiWda, M ary ktu' JUtt t, at ?;00,K Mj Bfevi' VAJfc iiWCtCE&) ; KOC K *' ? _ * ;? R?vi**Jt services witkehe^eeia the Fl&t Bock SWMa}", J'Oly $0 ana- 6onuit W? throughout I'i&t feP fliWk S-t '* .(1*4 *t tSflsma Rj?ry?iwais stor^otj ^itten(^M 9jj ?;oi: f)&i Siinttg NATIONALS | WIN OVER AMERICANS 1 " ^ I ' : n I Cincinnati. O., July f?? Th?. (American league's AH-Stars but | oil an explosive display today t>utl fit was their defense that blew ?p I instead of the expected display of j Hitting 'fireworlcs. with tlie reMftt i rtWt thfe Nationals combined Sti pe it) pfffching with *lert uH-ronfiif ; play td' Capture the sixth- mterJ '' lediiiie'ba'sebatl classic. ' 'ta'io* ' ' The fihat tally was 4-4 as the/ Nationals, aehlevftig' theft-'' first 1 tHtimph'/slhce '19S6 ritid thMr-see* : ond. since (fie ""dream game" wtis ? inaugurated in 1933, eVai-Heft <he vauutecf siitfretoiiiicy ot ihetr pbWe* house fj+ali. Paced tit "the pitching ' depart ment In- the youthful ht)rtie-tiy*ri* l hero, 23-year-old JoMmy Vatidet1 Meer the Natifinals seized all avail able opportunities to gafdl drf eaU Ujr lead, and theu stood .off .Qwo [ clbsiug tbrepts that lw?d a packed \ j gallery of- 3*, 067 faua Ht Crosleyt Field on the anxious seat in the .sevrtitb utvd ninth innings. : >i j V.ander Meer. who set the. 4 m Mericnn. League sluggers down vnitto 'a solitary single ia the first three 'tunings an the Dutpiiched Ins south ? 1 paw uivtl, Vernon Gomes, of. the Yankees, < received credit for , the . victory, thus tupping off a glorious rookie season for the New Jersey boy who made baseball history l*y pitching two successive no-hit gainesi an i ,, ?m?s ? - (iomex w?s charge^ with his first' defeat in All-8tar compsti- " . lion. The Yankee. portslder, whp 'I was a starting pitcher for the | fifth time in six years, previously ? lUiHl been credited, with, three of Ithe four American triumphs. The (one. run made op Gomez's pilch* j ing today was unearned,. but j.it? I was enjnugh to produce his first ? set-back. The score came in th? first lulling. i . TJvb Nationals barely outhit > their foes, 8 to 7, hut hacked up I the superb pitching of Vandev | Meer, Biffc Lee of the Cubs, and r Mace Brown -of "Olie* Pirates, with ? an?utfumlar. and .errorless - (t?fe(v jstve play. Lee. like Vander Meer, yielded only one hit. {Jjowil was t .torched for five safeties, in .(.Ue -Mast .three innings, and needed ["'some inck. u? well as his own skill - in the pinches, lo pull . through - without serious damage. By. contrast, the Americans' de fense came apart in several plac - esj They connniUed 119 less than ? lour errors,, climaxed by a pair of ? wild throws by Jimtnie Fox and ? j Joe DiMaggio. iuthe Seventh, that -'.4ft]th? last two National League I runs cross, the plate apd sewed up I I the ball game. ' , _l f j . AH told, three of the four Na -jUonaJ markets were unearned, 3 1 which tells a 'big share of the 1 stoi;y and indicates how times .have changed since the Giant?" t .w$r? victims of the jitters in the j last world series with the Yau f kees... BREAKS JAIL Four Leave In Flirty Morning To lie Returned About Noon ?!??.? - - 1 a i . ./ , ?aov Nathan Cebrg^, ' Dock Tant, itfrUie' T<<iit. UetiTg held to answer charges of larceny, and Willie Pat ton, to answer a charge of assault with a deadly' Weapon, brbke Jail about 6 o'fefosk Trfesday Iwornlng, ?only to be caught and returner! to Who same j rrit about noon of 'the sdtnV diiy: They* "were all whife pristine^. It serins that' the prisoners hfcti ftn'old knife and had succeeded In cutting a piece of the steel siding abcrat 12X15 iittfhes but and crawl ing through this hble and secre? tie- themselves^ awaited the 'Visit !ofJailor Minor.who arrived abofit B;o"Ho?k Tuesday m'orrllng to!glV'a Ihem breakfast. As {he Jailor en tered Che cell block to> distribute the brtakfaW the four stepped but, hatid made; their escape. Offers got in toucb with Wilson atrdi? cured blood hounds and got^dh the Chase in^ihort order with- th? result-that the prisoners *reria 'caught about -OT miles ttb*n lira _ river, near the ofd irari-ls- fart*, j where all four were fishing: Th^ir - ? i were returnd to'jail. . '"tt <fha learned that- th'4r? KWd-'more prisoners in the> cell* ha zard 'taot trtPer to -eseapSk J wiisn r-;1 The reason given by tKo ?ie8)4-. ees Wsr t'hat they 'werfr-'Stfil^?^ ?iM f hfed g<on?' boftii fd* 4 " f- at? m.'.ft ?W'lni. > \ ? ' ? wiii _ wmrt- a ?-?u ?bloovr dJlJ" ,d3S9 d;aoaJ .t. ; Hoey .wriMBUtf i nc>?tiiiil *q ?6?4y; lAr&Ufch U> t** tf|;??lssd>?J?U*e4nc?tl(?? m? 4>a?ictii|? MTO u? c -at i?i jl>H*WLVtu*.?Hli3^tti(5a?chnfi# > Wtr?*rt Jlw?ll?tPnWp?%Bah# - syvwnt J?a* 4ire?tM,'toM* - Ni#s*?"t>ooyi??*?blaao? OMd I, . 9i*miTm*tMnv yw>i|MrlUAtt><MUHr>Mew|piM: of jscj^or it tmt

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