Fails Because Of Small Allotments The following letter of Senator J W. B* to Hon Clarence Pot on the gKttiou of Control. ? .11 1>e re-ad with interest by many: Dr Clarence Pot. Editor, Tfc?- ProgrfBEJT*-, Farn,t-r. Raleigh. V C. My d?*r Pot: Your statement In- -he pi per tn:e morning interested me very snuch. I afw with yoo thai- the loDUM control election filled be ?auM- tbere were so many bmiil farneii who were dissatisfied with ibeir allotments I iiunk they were jurtjy dissatisfied. In any allot ment plan, the primary consider, auon ought to be allotment ? ? a Kien t to snstain a family. Th~ authorities were fair and candid in letting the farmers know ;n ad nance what- their allotment* woold be. but this coat them many a xovt Heads of families, finding that their allotments were an acre or two acre* or rtiree acr? s. or fire hundred pounds or a tbouaano pounds or two thous and poinds, did not think it jost and tbey were unwilling to Tote x> rettnet themselves to such. small .ncomea and such i.mited oppor- * tunnies. ( I hope it wilJ oe rememne e<i tiiat I made a rather desperate fight to obtain lajger 'allotments for the imali farmers when the present legislation ?ai pending It a not ?ont while no* to call attention to the force* that defeat ed my amendment. I believe if '?e amendment had been adopted Thousands who voted against the tomxrol program would hare vgied for It. If ever we return w? any thing like the present plan. I trust I may have your uncompro. otismg support of legislation to insure to tie small farmers reas onable living allotments. As for cotton. 1 do not think < the farmers Toted for control ? They were informed quite candid ly t4bat if the election should fail, the Department mould abandon its lending policy and of course , tbi*' meant that- the Talue of cot ton held by '.te Government for the farmer* and cotton oil hand | mould immediately drop. Very naturally farmers who had obtain ed loans did not wish to hare their loans railed under such circum stances I>et me suggest that in any pro. gram we contemplate, we should provide for c-rtaiu things as fol lows 1. Family ?ii*d farmers uiuf be protected by reasonably suti ic iest allotments. 2. We must pursue a policy ttiat will tend to preserve our for eign market for tobacco, and if possible, to recover as much of I he lost foreign market for cotton, as possible. 3. Soil Conservation must be pressed with all earnestness. It is invaluable to the farmers and to the South and to the Nation. 4 The opportunity of Nor"A Carolina farmers to expand in live stock, dairy products, poul try and eggs must be preserved, legislation in compulsory control bills tending to restrict tbi* type of production spells ruin for North Carolina. I think our cotton far mers must find a substitute for cotton and 1 See no substitute ex. cept in lire stock, dairy products, poultry and eggs. a 5. In the Soil C oawrrvation program. abundant provision should lie ifiade for the rebuild ing of forests and the cuitivjaion of forests as., well as soil building by means or legumes and winter crops and grazing crops. In event Jhe Congress shall move in the direction of voluntary measures. I suggest tfcat we may bring about sf~"t>alaneed agricul ture under such measures and that if we can. such program will be incomparably more acceptable than a program of compulsion and penalties. For example, it is beyond ques tion that- the Federal Govern ment will be appropriating from 1750. 000,000 to II, 000,000. 000 for pay. menu to farmers in one form or another for an indefinite time to tome. These payment* may go for soil conservation, for forestry building, for crop loans, for pari ty payments and even for boon tie* upon exports. I think the Government conld reasonably re quire that farmers who received such benefit* should comply sub stantially with a program of bal anced agriculture. Such a pro. gram ought to be reasonable In order to receive a proper support. This Is control by way of induce ment or reward rather ttoan by way of penalty and coercion. <. Finally, I suggest that our Sentinels of Health Don't Neglect Them I <W*5>d tk? Udn-y? ts ?o a wn^'rr >?* iwi ua * t. km *? Me*4 KIWI tm of as txam at tf&t topwftSa. TU *ct s< Urta(? li/? %sr,o!^?irE^ii > * KMtlti ?( DOANS PILLS New Surgeon General WASHINGTON, D. C . . . Dr Rots r. Melnttrc, White Houae pfcy? riao for Ort years, whoat appoint ment m Surftao General of Ibc Vary with the rank of Bear Ad rural, *a* anncfanced recently by ^resioent Roosevelt. Captain Mc ?ki juixped over the heads >f thirty-four cotrjnaodcrs and ?jfhty-four cae'-a-u ."ommissioner of Agriculture, the hicmorable Kerr Scott. it workiDg >n ?ome excellent plan* wi* a; new to improving the marketing laeilitjet for oor farmer* He <ugfct to receive all postible en- 1 rouragement from the farmer? md aiw> from tbe General Auem tiy of North Carolina. Yo? are av liberty to publuh .iiii letter aa a statement of my riewi. I hm never though: that rompulaory control would be ?u?- 1 Ained by our peopie orer a con siderable period I hare not been it any time inclined to critic-ire Ibcnse wbo took a diflerent 'view. uor haie I be?-n iiiC.inea to ie?eni .ritieisiu iuiposed upon me for <ie riew that I have tak*n. With all good wiabes Very truly you:-*. JOalAH W BAILEY J VMS e Celebrates Wright Brothers Flying Anniversary Mauteo -The big lonely dunes of lJek\*l Hiil ? M>-ta!leo cradle ox ?.vatioti ? hummed Saturday t ? the bOBnd of airplane motors as i Dothn veil was m-iiked since the Wright Brother- made their epoch al night. Score* of planes representing y.ival. Coast Guard ana commercial a i craft, were here to take part jh txtriiaes commemorating the Jftth ninlrer-ary of man's f ret - uccems flight in an airplane. Representatives of every govtm r cntal agency thai make- use ot .1 craft < ame to join in observing ?be day with two veteran Coast Guardsmen wha alone lent the two I* y ton . O. bicycle mechanic* a hand on 'hat morning long ago v hen 'hey decided to try out their riving contraption. V.ieath I? Wricht-. . These two old t;ami are Captain .'??tin T Daniel and Captain Adam KU.eridg' . now r~tir*(J from active -ervic-e. The day's program called for the laying of a wraetb just i>eneath the names. -Orville ana Wilbur Wright." carTed on tbt great wbfrtT granite phylon that t wiwub the big sand dime. After the ceremony a hi- bomber v as to pass low over Kill Devil Hill symbolic of th* Wright* flight Then the ether aircraft passed in review before Army. Navy and Const Guard officer*. , A luncheon for visiting digna tarWs. speech. making and a sight seeing tour ? were among other things arranged And Saturday right the tall white memorial pliylon was to be bathed in fiv* billion candle-power of electric i'gbts by a battery of anti-aircraft rrullery searchlights to end th* ("ay's celebration The illumination wvis to be under <J:rnU"n of Mky. r L W Jeffer -- ii. who recently d . re-ttfed tai.fc a. - tirltie-s during the big acti-aii on!t a-jjeuvers a., foil 12 rage Ht?I v| U t^H L HU.MI I A ua> after the flight of Orvlll* b'.M Wilbur Wright at Kitty H?n tbe A>.-odit?4 Frt? N?-ni ilis dii fBtcfe j A successful trial of a fly ne ma cime was made v?tti4>r near Kilty Hawk X. C .. by Wilbur ^-a tjrville Wright of Davion. Ohio. Tie machine flew (it three miies :n lb* fit* of & w < 4 Wowing at tot resisterej velocity <4 twentv on* aii hour ?$a then gra?-e fully de^ende-l to urb ai the ?pot selected by the man is '.*><- naviga- , t'-r - car at a suitable landing pla re. Tt? uia' hint- hat no he;lo ? i at ti.' 1 -nen 'ol :ei> iU fo'rv from piii|ifi; ?> ?<'rt?rd j y a en gine ! repara: . ry to i-., iligtt ;he cw- , t was r <" UjOU ? nt *.t Ki 1.. HawL. T bis pa di in sit built oc a bigj uu hill- and ?:,t ? all was in re&fl'li'*s Ihr Sam^l -Ui^e to tfc? .nachjr ?_ we-e sr. J it ?ur"? do^r. at iixi'n? Tbe LiVigater Wilbur Wrigb . then *iated ?. -niall %*=olin? engine, whi' h *orl;f< the propeller*. Woen the -nd of *;e in.-;i->e w?? reicb-- 1 the machine gradually arose until :t of/tained i.e alt'tt'de of sixty feet In -he fa'* i the m. ng wnd blots ?it :t tnaitna.ined . ?'? *-n ?p?^ed <>f ? igli*. iJt hOjl. I " Tbe idea of the box ,kit< has been adhered to in the basic forma tion oi tbe Tying machine. A bus* framework of light Umbers 33 fee* { :de. 5 feet deep and 5 feet across i n* top forms the machine proper ' This .s covered with a tough, bat ( ':-.lit canvas. In the < enter and tut- j jcit below the bottom plane . i1- the small gasoline engine, which ' (uri.i<she? the motive power for tbe J :>r pelKng and elevating wheels. ? 'inere are t*o six bladed propellers. ' ne arranged just below the center j '? i.-: ?? s ruared a? to <ien ail up- i vi-rd fore* ? ben in n>otion. and the Tll.<rr eitendv horizontally to tbe i nr from the center of the -ar J !un.i?fcinr the f'.-ward impeto" i Vx-truding frotn the .-enter of the ' ir ' ? hute fan-cbaped rudder < ? j a!ira = . ? tret cbed jp1 n a fnun^- i ?? rk of wood. Tbl - rudder is con- ' '-'?llHl by the navigator and ira> ! ?m moved to ea<h ?ide. rained or i ?WLE ORCHARD Some Thi y-aVs ago. H L. Klin*- of Concord. Rou> ?. Ca barrus County. set b!i apple trees. Only eight of the trees have died The other no* average about eight' feet in height and produced their first apples this past season. The trees hare been well fertilized and. co-Uivaled j since setting. I SMART MONEY KNOWS WHERE TO GO AFTER READING THE ADS ? /W THIS m" NEWSPAPER. Less frying days / ?VyfONTH 'm. month out, many ^ women and girls obtain t*o u?y br*.*t from Cardui. h aids in buhdir^ up the *hoJe system by helping women to get more energy, from their food and so increases resistance to the <toain of func tional periodic pain. Tr? >t-' C A R D U I SUMMER OR WINTER HOT OR COLD One is never fully protected without fire vey right now; and if yon find that yon are not adequately insured, telephone my office and I will gladly supply the insur ance needed ^n an Old Line, reliable Stock Company. \ G. M BEAM, Agent /on w? w iii (20 Tears Tire Insurance Writing) Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Louisburg and windstorm Make a snr t 1 I Erects Memorial To Traffic Dead CLEVELAND, Ohio . . This city recently took sorrowful inventory of its traffic de=d as memorial services for the 114 victir s of were wmlnrtrt -a Public Square As spectators, includes rriat to of the victims, rood silently by. three young l:rb ?bo<? fathers loe* their lives throe fb autorrobile tragedies placed a grt*n wreath on ar. obelisk on wtuer. *M inscribed. ~In Memory of Cleveland s 114 Traf fic Victims. Jar. -aty X, 1 938- December 3. 1938." , RAYNOFS RADIO AND JEWELRY SHOP PHONE 454-6 , LOUISBURG. N. C. Wishes You A MERRY CHRISTMAS . and . HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Yonr past patronage has been gTeatly ? appreciated and we hope to merit a continuance of it in the future. REPAIBS TO ALL MAKES THTNT! ? I HAVE MONEY) : "Home of The Thrifty" THINK! HAVE MONEY! A PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT HaveTMoney MONEY it the most acceptable of Christmas gifts. Money is the one thing that will assure your fam ily's comfort. 4 Open a BANK account wjth,us today for your Mother ? W'rfe ? Children, for their Christmas gift- They will save money. Try it. ' START SAVING REGULARLY NOW /e V?lcome Your Banking Business IIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CXMUran MAIM A WD mass hubts LOUISBUBO, V. CAROLINA amne aonu: ?:ee a . u. t* ?:ee r.u.'. nroan ^ thdou "Home of Th? Thrifty' HAVE MONBYl S HA VI MONEY) Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Looisbnrf . "Sir CLOSED MONDAY TUESDAY DEC. 26th and 27th ????????????????????????????Mi MAY THE SPIEIT OF PEACE AND GOOD WILL TOWARD ALL REIGN SUPREME IN YOUR MINDS AND HEARTS AT THIS GLAD CHRIST 1 MAS SEASON. AND MAY HEAVEN S ' RICHEST BLESSINGS ATTEND YOU THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR. CHRISTMAS FRUITS NUTS / CANDIES Inspect our stock and get our prices. The values we offer will certainly impress you. FIRE PLACE 1 FURNITURE 1 Nothing could be more ap- 1 1 propriate for Christmas than a nice Ensemble, a set of Brass Andirons or a Fire Set consist- 1 < ing of shovel, tongs, poker and stand. ,4 ? ? * - We have a full line and all are moderately priced. Shot Guns - Rifles - Air Rifles 1 Pocket and Table Cutlery Carving Sets - Safety Razors Flash Lights - Turkey Roasters j Toy Wagons. 1 A full line of Heating and Cooking; Stoves and Ranges. ! SEABOARD i STORE CO., INC WHOLESALE - RETAIL | Pay Cash and Pay Leas D. P. McKinne, PresMttt * |

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