?h THE FRANKLIN TIMES I Issued Every Friday 215 Court Street Telephone 28IM A. F. JOHN SOX, Editor and Manager \. Johnsoii, AssisfiiiiC Editor and .Manager .SUBSCRIPTION HATES HtW ?i-ao El#.-lii Mont lis .... 1.00 Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICAN PPJ5SS ASSOCIATION New York City Knit- red at the Postoffice at Louisburg, <?. as second elatw mail matter. Six Months .75 Four Months . . .50 It is up to the Democrats to go out and vote Saturday. Go vote Saturday. Your vote this time is nioro"*uecd ed than in any election in past twenty years. The public is congratulating the Democrat ic Kxecu ( live Committee for appointing the next highest man to till the vacancy and to be voted for Saturday. This is the first time in over twenty years thai the Ke publicans have offered opposition to the Democrat ics in a local election. The Democrats should wake up to t Ik* emergency to pile up a big vote. IT'S GETTING WARMER .lust now, while all of Europe i- experiencing the cold est Winter in 80 years, it i- cheerful new- which scien tists bring us that the world is actually getting warmer. Many of us have suspected that for ;i long time. Who lias not heard his grandfather or sonn' other elderly per son remark that "Winters ain't like they used to be when I was a boy." It was the fashion for a long time in dr-mis- -uch rcminiscenses with the philosophical comment. But now that research into changes in the climate ha become more scientific, the men who Mudy Mich thing are beginning to agree that in the northern hcmisWierc. at leaM, the climate is getting wanner. Tlie records of the I'nited States Weather Bureau run back only to 1 S 7 1 , but local records have been kept for more than a hundred years in numerous cities. Ifeccnt studies of such records show that Bo-ton now In- i-ke kind of winters that Baltimore bad a century ago. The Winter of IS.'lT-.'tS used to be spoken of by old New Englamlers as "eighteen hundred and fro/.e-to-i leat h. " Temperatures got so low that the moisture remaining on i the trees froze and burst the tree-trunk.- with a noi-e like musket tire all over the woodlands. It is not likely that there will ever be anoiher \\ inter t so severe ;i - that. And it i- not likely that anyone now living will pick -t raw berries in .January on t h- -i:on.-| of Hudson's Bay. But there is evidence that Indole the I a - 1 ! \ge. ? ut of w'liich the earth i- -till -low ly emerging, ttopical vegetation grew in (ireeuland. and we nu.y be coming back to t hiit . Kx. M Its .1 ( >H \ \V. Ml I.I.I N Wrdn< -day .1 1 1 rrinmii Dec. J 8 . al 7 " d'.itli iriDiivnl from th*' Hniui community one of jts most beloved wiHii- n in t-li *? person <?f Mrs I. inns' \l till* it widow of the late .John \V Mullen who pre ceded her t?> 't ? iave a f--\v vimis ago. Mis. M wl Vu' d' at h 1i;m1 been expected foi -ohm- tin ? as she liad been ill f??t ? v.ral months. just the same n was a shock io hep loved dii' s .i n (1 friends for she was a lovahle woman liviim a beautiful Christian lit* Mrs. Mullen was Mis< Louise Ration before her mamau*- to Mr John \Y Mullen about- r. 4 years ago She united with the Bap tist Church during girlho<^ and lived the Christian life through out t?he years. At the time of her death she was a member of the Runn Baptist Church, she was 7'3 years of age. We will all miss' her. She was so good natured and; kindly, but we all know she' kept the faith and there is great oonso-, lation to think of the reward awaiting her across the river. Surviving are five sons? H, K. Mullen, Mars Hill, W. N. Mullen, Pine Ridge, Coy Mullen, Bunn, E. C. Mullen, Bunn, K. W. Mullen, Bunn, five daughters, Mrs. Eva Perry, Bunn, Mrs. M. P. Pearce, Zebulon, Mis. J. I). Young, Sprinfci Hope, Mrs. N. Z. Jeans, Fayettc vllle, Mrs. J. (). W ilder, Middle sex. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Thursday af-J ternoon, conducted by the pastor, I Rev. P. P. Hartooll. Interment was In the Bunn cemetery. The I bereaved family has the sympathy of the community. * ONK DAY INKTITI TK Misg Afcna Casaktt, T>i rector of case work training, 8t?te Hoard of Charities and Public Welfare "Will conduct a one day Institute' In tha Court House In Loulsburg. January 12th. Supertateadent* of Public Wei-| fare from the following counties i n t Iw ? ? ? ii t t';i I (1 isi i ict will all ? ? n (1 Casw.-II Mrs W K Wilson; I * ? ? ; <011 -Mrs W'.i Lrsla t'i ; Ctanvilh' Mrs. L?*e Taylor: Vain Miss Kills; Warnn ^i-s I. wry Leach: Halifax J. It Hall: XorMia mpton Miss !?" >Hi;l JoHnston Mrs i Thurston: Mum Mrs Lessie i f'.roun, OrajiK'- $ 'V T. Mattox; I Durham W K Stanley; Nasjh- | .1 A Clover; Wak'p Mrs T. \V. I i i f ? k ? ? 1 1 : Chatham Mr- Stroud; la-" Mi I'f^ra I : : . Hario-tt ? Miss Davis; Hok< Mi< Cih-s; W'avn* Mr .1 D It. st \ i \\ \ ? \ it i n \ r \ it i n On Sat in <la.\ night !)??, . 1 . I Misses Maty 1 1 ? l<n and Elizabeth! llagwiMMj ?'iitM ta ined a number of their fqffcnds at a N < ? w Year party at t-he home of their parents. Mr and Mrs. S. H Hagwood. of Youngsville Many games were played and refreshments were served. All pi ? sent I ??.ft declaring they had a good time and wishing them a Happy New Year Miss Daphine May. of Frank linton, spent> Sunday, Jan. 1st with her cousins. Misses Mary Helen and Elizabeth Hagwood, of Youn gsville. Misses Mary Helen and Eliza beth Hagwood, of Youngsville, have returned to their home after spending the past week with t'heir cousin, Miss Daphine May, of Franklinton. Big Hogs Hog killings the past week have been report pi! to fhe TIMES aft follows: W. T. Gupton. Cedar Rock, three weighing 312, 250. 262. II. J. House, Cedar Hook, four weighing 340, 346, 313, 238. Garland Parrlsh, Cedar Hock) two weighing 236, 225. I. N. Gupton, Cedar Rock, fodf weighing 310, 250, 2G?. 240. , " BEtr CATT1.K Edgecombe County farmers are showing an Increasing Interest In, beef cattle production, report* Enrm Agent J. C. Powell "Boy, You've Got A Job!" 4$ .^w hi X. I OI K ( HI K( HKS It it be true t*hat a town's j churches are its richest assets, we feel that every true citizen should in some way support- them. This does not mean that every one should be a member of one: nor . does it mean that every one should give financial support to one or all But. it- does mean that every, one should be in hearty sympathy with and stand ready to speak somp word of commendation of. the churches as they struggle to' !make religion a vital part of the life of the town. We need to be | come church-minded. The- greater' t'he influence of our churches, the more prosperous our town be comes. the more elevated our so cial life will be. and the eftlptiei our jails. So. are we not right in calling upon every citizen of our town , and county to support in every way he possibly can the churches in our town and county*' J. C PHILLIPS. Pastor of .Met hoditff "Til inch. }. F KKNT. Hector of Kpisiopai-Chu rch . A. PAt'L BAG BY. Pastor of Hapt isi? Chu rch mm.i; ti;\? iii i: in>\om i> The .Men k Hible ('hiss of t h? ? Metfiodisl Church lie t ;it the Methodist parsonage on Wednes , day night. Janiiaiv 4. foi a .social meeting which was phimw d esp< ri ally to g i v i*?m (i.;i: i t ion to t i)<- v \ en years of splendid t* admit; by Rev. K II Davis. Brot-her Davis assumed ih? du ty of teacher soon after he return ed to In ? at C reen Hill in i h? la 1 1 ot l l He has l?? en right on t h? job ev? r since, scarcely ever miss ing a Sunday W ords of deep ap pr? ? -ia i'ion we .? -poken by \Y C ?Strowd. (lass president, and sc v ? . 1 ot hers. Thtfse present w?-re: K H. Dav is \V. C S. row 1 1 . ? ieorge Davis, K. II Ma lone. D K Karnhardt. W. (/? Webb F L Herman. T. C Aniick. F M. Fuller. II. ft. Stroth er. Stuart Da vis. B. B Massfcnburg. Myron Pleasants. .1 K. Gantt, J. (I Phillips. I 1) Moon and I). '?. Smithwick I?. B Massenburg is secretary of the class, and F. M. Fuller, treasurer. Mrs. Phillips, assist* (1 by Miss Alberts Davis, served fruit dike and coffee. TMK DONOHS AND W1NNKIIS OF I'KIZKS IN CONTENT In the Christmas Decoratifin contest. sponsored by the Louis burg Garden Club, the prizes were donated by ihe following Arch Wilson, (a bag of garden fert ili zer); Louisbnrg Flower Shop, (metal flower pot > ; Hibberds Mrs. K. F. Thomas, local represen tative (Poinsettia) Continental Plant Co., Kittrell, (an order for $2.50 worth of shrubs I . Kittrell Nursery. Kitfrel). < 3 year old real dogwood and fWo small shrubs). Tong'e iNursef'y. Kalelgh. (five itenry i i Lillies > The recipient of th? pnzts were an follows: Efitrancc Is' prjzf Mrs G. W Cobb (|2. DO worth of shrubs); 2nd prize. Mrfr' W V A vent, (fer tilizer). Outdoor tree 1st- prize.. Mm. Fred I>on4rd. (Ljllies). 2nd prize, PostofTlce i Poinsettia and smalt shrubs). Indoor effect 1st prize, Mrs. L. B. Bcoggin, Jr., (Red Poprwood; 2nd p rt??. Mrs Wpldon Egerton (flower basket). The judges of the contest- were Mesdames A. 1C. Henderson. Leon ard Henderson and Hubert Ctley. of Franklin ton. Tlit' (Jarden Club greatly appre ciated the interest taken in t-he contest by tho people of the town and. also the goirerous donat-ions made by the various linns. \VKL(il-.M\TTHKWS Announcements reading as fol lows have been received: Mr and Mrs. II. A Mat thews announce t-he inaniage of their daughter. Mildred McCall. to Tho mas R. Welch, Saturday, the twen ty-foil' !h of Dim rinher i'"i"tt? ii iniudred and thirty-eight, Louis burg. N'ori h Ca roiina. "At Home. ;J 1 N MontgonieVv Si.. I iendei'soti. North Carolina." The marriage of Miss Mildred McCall Matt news of Louishurg and Mi . Clugh s li. Welch Of Hen derson "was solemnized Saturday aft"i noon. Dec. 24. at 3:00 at the t cine of the bride with Dr. A. Caul Itagby. pastor, off icia I ing. Preceding the ceremony Miss Klizabt th Lasttii er- played "Medi i at ion" by Morrison and Vlelodv of Love" bv Kngelmann. The bri dal couple entered us "Lohengrin Bridal Chorus" by Wagner wys played. The vows were take^ in the presence nf members of both families. Hanked evergreens and ferns and candlcs formed an improvised altar for t lie ceremony. The tap ers were light ml by Miss Marion Matthews, sist -r of I he bride. The bride wore a dress of sheba blue with hat of same shade. Her accessories were of black. Sin wore a shoulder corsage of roses and ill lies of the valley. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A Matthews of Louishurg. Mr. Welch is t-he son of Mr. and Mrs J. C. Welch of Warrenton. C\|<|> ol THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our frauds and neighbors for t-heir many kindnesses and sympathy rendered us during the recent loss of our husband and fathei Mrs. K. T. Leonard afid Family. DKriJNK Foreign trade experts of the U. S. Department of Agriculture re port that this season's foreign purchases of American cotton are the smallest in 20 years and 41 per cent less than a year ago. ?? J I STICK SCHOOL BUILDING RECEIVED The Hoard of Education met the I Contractors and others interested at (no New Justice School build ing 011 Wednesday morning, Dec. 28th, 1938 and after an examinat ion and report of the progress and completion of the work, re ceived the building from the con tractors subject to a few minor changes or repairs. The building was constructed by Herman-Sipe & Co.. Inc., of Conover, at a con tract price of $25,840.00, the plumbing by Odell-Small Plumb ing & Heating Co., of Durham, yt $1,110.00 and the heating by Wal drop Plumbing & Heafing Co., of J Rock Hill. S. <\. at $2,960.00. i This is the last of the modern | buildings in .the consolidation se,t- | up. providing modern facilities | for all the children. It* is not the ? last as an enlargement program. I It is expected to be able to oc- | cupy the new building in a short j wile, the delay being occasioned j by waiting for t?he water and f pumping connections. ItEV. LEE HROOKS DEAD < Kev. Lee A. Brooks, one of i ?. Franklin County's highly respec ted colored ministers, died Satur* | day morning while on one of his j i Nash County charges, where he 1 was taken ill about a week before, j He was about* 80 years of age. 1 "Uncle Lee" as he was known by I his many white frie nds was a pro- j gressive citizefi and enjoyed a i great respect from tlie leaders ? among both races. ( AIU> OF THANKS \Te wish to thank our many ! friends and neighbors for their as sistance and kindness during the sickness and death of our hus band and fat4ier. We want you to know that we appreciate all you t d id for us and we take Hits op i portunity to say thank you. YoA did not let- us want in the time rty need. ? Mrs. Alex \1osley and Jf Family. 1 KKKtW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! ?Sale a! Whites' Building Sup plies Inc., Warrenton, N. C.. Jan. i 14. of Booths. Tables, Klectric Deep Pat Fryer, Frying pans, Stenm table . Vaculator. Knives. Forks. Spoons, etc. for Bankrupt I Restaurant. Also Oak Dining Room Suite. Studio Couch and other furniture. Sale Jan. 14 real bargain for someone. If not all , sold sale will be on 16th and 17th ? 1 -6-2t LIVE POOLTRY WANTED On Saturday, January 7th our poultry truck will be at LOUISBURG, N. C. We want to buy your live poultry and will pay you cash. Good colored hens fifteen cents per pound. All other poultry at top market value. Bring your live poultry to LOUISBURG, Saturday and get the CASH. , ? ??? " . , Beasiey Produce Exchange PLANT FERTILIZER STALK CUTTERS f . . 'it DISC HARROWS PLOWS ' TOOLS v / . "'?? HARNESS FOOD FOR THE FAMILY FEED FOR THE STOCK * -vj MAKE OUR STORE HEADQUARTERS THIS YEAR ? / It will be good for both you. ' f " , ' . ?. ~ { and us. ? * 4 P* ' ! SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. WHOLESALE . RETAIL Pay Cash and Pay Leu ' D. 7. McKinne, President

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