DUKE LOSES f AT ROSE BOWL Duke U.S.C-i First-downs . 8 12 Net yds. iiishiag 86 136, Passes attempted 13 ^1 Passes completed .I. ... . 6 13 Yds. gained, passes ...53 84 Passes int. by opp. , . . . 2 2 Yds. gained, runback of hit. passes .26 30 Puntinj; aver 40.5 32 j Yds. aud kicks. returned 87 76, Opp. fumbles recovered 0 1, Yds. lost'; penalties ...30 40 Ro$e Bowl, Pasedena. Jan. 2. ? The 6lue Devils of- Duke Univer sity lost a football game put here this afternijon? >ut don't let that worry you: : 1 u. The boys from " Durham went ! down in the scoring figures. 7-3, but that wis tire oaly department in which they failed to prove themselves champions. Undefeated, unMed, unscored on, and ufiffaunted, the Devils went into battle against Southern California as the underdogs. They weren't- givenTTcRance by t'he Pa cific Coast experts. The boys from Duke demon strated early that, their punting f ' same and defensive strength had noO been exaggerated. Then they v forged into tfc^ lead ? on a field goal by Tony Ruffa, substitute tackle ? after a minute of pjay -Ki the fourth quarter. That* field goal ? kicked from the 23-yard lifle ? threw the 92, 000 fans in the Rose Bowl into pandemonium and made the many thousands pf Tar Heels very, very happy-. Thpse three points were enough for victory ? UNTIL a Southern California substitute back named Doyle Nave swung into action in closing minutes. Just in Time Aud in the very last minute ? with 40 seconds to go, to be exact ?Nave tihrew the pass which pro duced the only score made against Duke in a campaign begun last September and concluded today. The receiver of the scoring pass was Alvin Krueger, tall end who gained undying fame at Southern California by toki\ig. a pass for touchdown in a 'recant, game with Nptre Dame. There's np telling what they will dp /fpr Krueger npw? perhaps the/Trpjans will erect a monument in his hpnor. Southern Califprnia's touch down, pass came on a play started at Duke's 18-yard line. It cli maxed a 61-yard advance, covered ?in 11 plays. The Trojans had marched f rojjv l,? 1 ^tieir 39-yard -liue to a first-down at\uke'n 16. c -NaiXe. clicking wit^a^sses.- was ?c^oV>}ed on the next [iiaj,i^mgt^ir(4wn for a IdBs of two yards. Then caine the explos ion which blew Duke to defeat. Resolutions The following resolutions were adopted by t'he Franklin County Democratic Executive Committee, at a called meeting. Janunrv 2, 1939: ' Whereas, it -has pleased the Great Master and Ruler of all to call Honorable C. T. Nicholson from his' labors on earth to rest, and immorality in the Kingdom above; Whereas. In .the death of "Cap tain Nicholson." -as he was affec tionately known throughout our County, we have lost a Just, good, honest, and upright citlzpn, and our County was deprived of a most worth Representative iu Uie 1939 Legislature of North Caro lina. No^t, Therefore, be it resolved that the sincere and heartfelt sympathies of the members of the Democratic Executive Committee for Franklin County be, and they are hereby extended to the bereav ed family of Captain Nicholson. > whose loss, we with them, deeply mourn. That a copy of this reso lution be furnished the press, a copy trans ml Wed to the family " and ? copy ba incorporated in the minutes of this meetting. ,i 1 Franklin County Democratic Executlv Committee, By Edward F. Griffin. . , . Chairm&n. MR8. ALLEN HOSTESS Mrs. P. 8. Allen entertained her bridge club Friday, guests in cluding members, Mrs. J. M. Al len II, Mrs. H. J. Lewis, Miss EHsabeth Tlmberlake, Mrs. F, W. Wheless, Jr., and visitors, Mrs. W. C. Perry, Mrs. W. B. Tucker, Mrs. Douglas Perry and Mrs. Frank Rom. ? delightful refreshment plate *U aerved with coffee and candy. Mr*, i. II. Allen II, Was recipient of the high score tor club mem Ixrs a powder, puff Jar and Mrs. Tbeker received a box of candy tor guest prlie. " *? Bach Mnb main bar was present .0 (UlAftr. JJnen handkerchief as a i < membrahce from the President, 'Mik Elttaieth Tlmberlake. for tt*Jr loyalty and cooperation the p itt year, k : . . 11 ? ' ? ? 1 DIAL IIM fOH FIRST CLASS PRINTING I DUKE SUPPORTERS j r DESIRE ARREST OF * NAVE AND KRUEGER Pnsedena Police Chief (irts Tele gram From Vigilantes Charging Larceny Pasedena. Calif., Jan. 3.-*-Chief of Police Charles W. Kelley re ceived a telegraphic warrant today from Durham. N. C.. home of Duke University, signed the "Duke Vigilantes." for the arrest and in carceration of Doyle Nave, and A1 Krueger, Southern California passing combination t'hat won yes terday's Rose Bowl football game. "Hold Nave and Krueger of Southern California football team, both charged with grand larceny, viz: Stealing game from Duke Un ivtfnsity. Truly, two great' oppor tunists (Signed) DUKE VIGILANTES." '? Chief Kelley sent thin- telegram in return: ' ' . I "Your orde'r has been duly obeyed. Krueger utul Nave in dun geon guarded by s&liatf with, ma chine guns. New Year's greetings to supporters of most, gentleman ly and scientific football team ever to appear in Rose Bowl." List of Jurors The following is a. list of jurors i drawn for the February term of ' Franklin Criminal Court by the Board of Commissioners, Monday. Dunns? S. K. Patterson. Doc j Medlin, Wallace Medlin, E. C. ; Pearce, Avon Brantley. ? Harris ? D. M. Pearce. J. C. Fuller. J. W. Horton, J. W. Bak er, C. M. Cooke, A. L. Arnold. Youngsville ? Ed Pearce, W. N. May, R. L. Goswick, L. S. Tlmber i lake, T. D. Timberlake. Franklinton ? Hubert May, D C. Hicks. Hayesville ? W. W. Ellington, i Julian K. Weldon. Sandy Creek ? J. C. Joyner, Bruce Collins. Gold Mine? H. L. Griffin. I Cedar Rock ? C. F. Leonard. R. R. Boone, C. C. Champion, C. J. I Bowden, J. R. Boone. Jr., I. T. j Iuscoe, O. B. Upchurch. Louisburg ? R. W. Ashley, W. B. Spivev, E. C. Wreun, J. W. Weaver, J. R. Terrell. Newell Al len. The cow that gives two quarts of milk and refrains from putting her foot in it Is far more valuable than Mie one who gives ten quarts and then kicks it over. ?_? a, ' | Recorder's Court Judge Hobguod had quite a| number of cases before him iu Franklin Recorder's Court' Tues day. Several i?f the cases wev? ! disposed of while many were cou ' tinued. The docket was ably pros : ecu ted by Mr. J. F. Matthews la I ' the absence of Prosecuting Attor ' liey Chas. P. Green. The docket was disposed of as follows: Raymond Pliilpot' was found guilty of unlawful possession of ; whiskey, and given 60 days on ] 1 roads, suspended upon payment of I $1.00 fine and costs. ? BUd R. Gupton was found not I ? guilty of malicious iujury to real I , estate. Johnnie Walker was found guil ty of receiving stolen property and given JO days on roads, suspend ed UROn payment of costs. Petsy Holden was found guilty of unlawful possession of whiskev given 60 days on roads, suspendea upon payment, of costs. Robert Lee Owen plead guilty to larceny afld was given 4 mouths I pu -roads. Jesse Hill was found not guilty of assault with' intent to commit rape, guilty of assault on a female, given 90 days oil roads, suspend ed upon payment' of $25 fine and i costs. Sally Aun Hale who was found guilty of violating prohibition Statute in December, execution of sentence not to issue unoil fur ther orders of the Court. The following cases were con tinued for jury: John Taylor, assault with dead ly weapon, resisting an officer. The following cases were con tinued: * . I Garland Mitchell. removing crops. : ! Zollle Parrish. unlawful pof ! session of whiskey. | Roy Brodie, larceny. Sam Taylor, interfering with an officer, assault. Douglas Harris, carrying con cealed weapons. V Richard Kearney, trespass, j Lee Baker, unlawful possession 1 of whiskey. , Willie Minor, unlawful posses i slon of whiskey. Joe Alston, assault with deadly weapon. Krvin Lewis, assault with dead ly weapon. Waverly Lewis, assault with ? j deadly WMfnn ? G. M. Thompson, operating au tomobile intoxicated. QTONKEL'S D I PRE - INVENTORY a n o n SALE Q i - Q J MEN'S SUITS u jj D Double and Single Brested Jj r : Values up to $14.95 U Special *7.95 jj D LADIES' SILK DRESSES Values u^to $5.95 | ? 'I.M J Special SAffc Q I ? . ? _?Z p | 72x84 ALL WOOL BLANKET h Values up to $6.95 || Special B Men's Suede Leather Jackets I Values up to $5.95 70x80 PART WOOL BLANKET Values up to $1.95 Special $ 3.95 TONKELS DEPARTMENT STORE, INC "Louuburg's Shopping Center" I I OC Mr. ALRX MOSIJ--Y DIES* Ou Friday afternoon, Dec. 30, at 2:30 o'clock Mr. Alex Mosley. of! Alert, died after a pneumonia ittneas of only three days. Mr. "Mosley, had been'Tn failing health for a year or more.. He lp survived by his Wife, Mrs. Melissa Mosley and seven child ren: Mrs. B. C. Ayscue and Mrs. J. K. Ball, of near Louisburg; Mrn^j L. Faulkner, of near Hen dernnjrj: Mrs. George Hicks and Messrtj.V Clyde and HugU Mosley. ? ' ? ? of Alert; and Mr*. .Iff C. MoaleyJ" of Brook line, Mass.. also Owenty ' ' ' L / ' i ?? ? ? seven grandchildren,' Oiip great grandson and a host of friends. Mr. Mosley was a member of Mlpuitfhin Grove Baptist Church for the past thirty-live years, from which place fuueral services were conducted Sunday P. .VI. by Mie pastor the Rev. E. W. Green, of j Granville County. The active pall bearers were Messiw. 'ferry and Melvin Faulkner. Hugh. Fred and Ned Ayscue and Joseph Rail, all t gVandsohs of the deceased. 1 Mr: . Motley had lived at Alert I practically all his life, was a de voted, bus bund and father. The host of friends which he enjoyed in Franklin, Vance and Warreu counties ipeaks for the life he lived. CO-OPS American farmers marketing and purchasing cooperatives res- : istered a 14 per cent increase in business volume during the 1937- j 38 year, according to estimates of the Farm, Credit Administration. IT'S GOING ? V ? ? M. PRE GIGANTIC INVENTORY : f I ? COME Lo?U8b ANNOUNCING ADDITION TO SERVICE SHOP We are installing about $500.00 worth of new test equipment, ' which will enable us to X-RAY or ANALYZE your RADIO or ANY ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE better, quicker and for less money. WE HAVE EMPLOYED THE SERVICE OF MR. ROY GANTT (Formerly with White's.) " / : Four expert electricians at your service. - ? . . r No job too large or too small. Your business appreciated; RAYNOR'S RADIO & JEWELRY SHOP THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE IN I , FRANKLIN COtHTY. PHONE 464-0 LOUISBURO, N. C. -.ft Inui%burq THEATRE Night Shows: 7:00 and 9:00 15c and 30c Matinees: 3:30 Daily 10c and /25c Saturdays Continuous: 2 - 11 10c and 25c until 6 o'clock LAST tflMES TODAY FRIDAY, JAN. 0TH '? ' Here's the Show of the Vear Dick Powell - Anita Lvalue Louis (Satehmo) Armstrong Miivinc Sulla vjin (Dusky Siren of Swing; ) In ? y 'GOING PLACES' Saturday, jan. 7th Double Feature Day GEORGE O'BRIEN ? In ? "LAWLESS VALLEY" ~ ~ ? and BRIAN DON LEVY MICHAELE WHAI.EN ? In ? "Sharpshooters" Al?o Chapter No. 13 1 "DICK TRACY RETURNS" SUNDAY-MONDAY, JAN. 8-*Ch Sunday Shows 3:30 and 9:00 lljr far tlx bftst of tin* Hardf Plctwm MICKEY BOON MY Fay Botdra - Cecilia I/eiwi* St^ae , ? In K -r" "Out West With The Hardy's" TUESDAY, JAN. |0th THK JONES FAMILY ' ? In ? ?"DownjOn The Farm" ^ Willi Jed Prouty,. Kenneth Mowrll, Spring Byinjgton, (leai-fte Kramt and all the Jones. ' WEDNESDAY. JAN. 11th Thrills with Bull I>?h Dnimmond" Greatest Adventure. JOHN HOWABD HEATHER ANGEL ? Tn ? "Arrest Bulldog Drummond" THIR.H. -FRIDAY, JAN. 19-IStli JACK BENNY JOAN BENNETT "Artists & Models Abroad' * ' * The ino?t beautiful irlrls in ttae world it* Buck Benny and hlx troup?r OTP *tnmdrd In Paria and a wonderful time wan had by all. COMING NEXT WE?K "DAWN PATROL" and "THE \ SISTERS," \ COMING SOON '?HEART OF THE NORTH." "KING OF THE UNDERWORLD" "K E N T V O K Y." lennette McOaaahl -N?Im RM) In "9 WSHT HEARTS" Claudettc Colbert TIME IS THEATRE ECONOMY CARDS 98M l> AdmlMtOM for 98.0O With "I'ARIS HONEYMOON WE PERFECT GIFT FOR ANY

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