rf ? \ . - SELL YOUR TOBACCO Ajn) COTTON I N L 0 U I S B U R G FOR BETTER PRICES THE COX ? THE STATE ? THE UNION VOLUMN LX1X SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 ? Ta LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA FRIDAY, JANUARY lath, !?:?? (EIGHT PAGES) Buy Your Merchandise IN LOUISBURG From Merchants Who Ad ?- tise, for Better Bargains Nf'MBKR 4H DEMOCRATS WIN HANDSOMELY OFFICIAL VOTE GAVE JOHNSON 1223, HICKS 293 Franklinton Township Only One Giving Republican Majority; Normal Repub lican Vote in Others; Vot ing Very Light The results of Saturday's Spec ial election gave evidence tlrtit Franklin County Democrats are still loyal to their party, even though they have had no opposi tion in twenty years or more, un til on this occasion, when Jolyison, Democrat, received 1223, and Hicks, Republican, received 293. The only township that gave a re publican majority was Franklin ton, which represents the first time it has failed the Democrats since 1896. when tihe whole Dem ocratic ticket was defeated by the fusion of the republicans and fus ionists, with t'he single exception of Sheriff Henry C. Kearney. The action Saturday is attributed largely to t'he lack of information of the election, failure of the Dem ocrats to realize the importance of going out' find voting, and the loy alty of the people to their town ship candidate. All the rest of t/he township cast about the usual re publican vote. The official vote by townships will be found in an other column. " JACKSON DAY GAME TOURNAMENT A SUCCESS Mrs. Ben T. HoHldtfn, Chair man of Franklin County Women's t'i vision of the Democratic Party reports that the pl-oceeds from Hie "ackson Day Game Tournament which was held at-tlie Agricultur al building on last' Friday evening, netted for the Democratic Party the approximate amount of $47.00. There was no expense in connec tion with this tournament due to the fact that all prizes and other incidentals were fanated. Mrs. Holden was ably assisted in put ting on this game tournament by Mrs. Geo. W. Cobb. Mrs. G. M. Beam received top score prize for ladies in bridge while Mr. E. 8. Ford held the same honor among the men. Mrs George Best' was awarded top *core in set back. Mr. E. L. Nor ton won the special -prize. Those who made "contribution -either in cash or prizes to this cause were: Dr. D. T. Smibhwick. Mrs. H. H. Johnson. Mrs. H. R. Chess oil, Louis Wheless. D E Hardwick. Mrs. W. N. Fuller, Rev L. F, Kent'. Mrs. Clifford Hall! Mrs. Earle Murphy. Mrs. M. s' Clifton. Edward S. Stovall. Mrs. W. L. Beasley, Mrs. Missouri A Pleasants. Buster Foster, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Banks. Jr., Mrs. W. E White. Miss Elizabet-h Best. Miss Avis Shearon, Mis* Marie Ingram. Miss Lucille Hudson. W. U. Mc Kelthan, Mrs. T. H. Weldon George Griffin. W. B. Barrow, E. W. McGhee, A. E. Henderson, W R. Mills, W. O. Roberts. 8. E. Win ston, Miss Effle R. Tharringtou, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Tharrington. S. E. Tharrington, Miss Beatrice Hill, Fred Hart, C. E. Mitchell, J L. Brown, Mrs. G. C. Patterson, G. W. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Green. 8. O. Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Utley, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Purnell, H. E. Pearce. H. F. Fuller, R: J. Rose, Miss Thelma Holmes, J. W. Daniel. R. D. Col lins, G. B. Harris. R. L. Mohler, Jf' Mrs- W. Henderson, Miss Nell Joyner, E. J. Cheatham Mrs. E. A Harris. H. C. Kearney. Mrs. A. B. Allen. W. H. M. Jen kins, Mrs. J. F. Mitchiner, Miss Evelyn Jenkins. Miss Cora Beas ley, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Beasley Mrs. G. W. Cobb. Mrs. H. J. Lew is, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Beam. E 8. Ford. Mrs. Ben T Hoften. Mrs. B.. QTh,om.a" Mr" J- L. Palmer, ah*s Susie Meadows. Mrs. D W Splvey, Andrew H Green, T. k! Stockard, A. F. Johnson, Dr. J. E Fulghum, F. W. Wheless, Jr.. P." W. Elam, W. A. Huggins, Mrs. C. M. Howard, Mrs. Hugh W. Perry Mrs. J. E. Malone, Jr., W. B. Tuck er anld D. F. McKinne PROGRAM AT TTrr~ LOUISBURG THEATRE I ? ? ? ? following is the program ig Friday, Jan. 13th: Times Today (Friday) _ Jenny and Joan Bennett in Artists and Models Abroad." Saturday ? Double Feature Jack Randall In "Wild Horse Can Wptf and Robt. Cummings and Helen Mack In "I Stand Accused." Sunday-Monday ? Erroll Flynn and Basil RatKbone in "Dawn Patrol." Tuesday ? Lew Ayres and Mau reen O Sullivan ln "Spring Mad ness." Wednesday ? Joe Penner. Jflne Travis and Allan Lane in "Mr. Doodle Kicks Off." Thursday-Friday ? Bette Davit ...JFvrr(S1 rijrnn w,,h In The Sisters." ? NEW ARMORY SITE Town Has Obtained Nash St. Lot? To Be WTTT^, Project j. ?. ? ' The site for the building of t>ho I new armory for Battery B here at I.oulsburg has been selected and secured by the Town* of .Louis jburg; and now arrangements are' being made, plans formed and sub mitted so work can he begun on i ! it Just as soon as the W. P., A. j I headquarters can approve the plans and project. City Clerk T. K. Stockard stat ed that the lot situated between Thomas Grocery Co., and Allen i Stables on Nash Sfrrefet. extending back to the property of the Post- j ; office, including what is common i ly known as the Franklin Hotel I garden, and the old Kemp Hill i lot on Church Street have been i obtained for this structure. The New Armory will face Nash' Street, having the greater portion Lof?te- 1 tween the Deacon quint) and Sf C. State's Wolfpack five. Starling time for this cage event' be 8 o'clock. There is no athletic rivalry keener than that existing between i the teams of Wake Forest And N. C. *8tlbe,; and Saturday night's basketball tilt Is expected to take Its place alongside tbe many other closely contested engagements, which tbe past years have noted. Freshmen teams of State and Wake Forest! will play * prelimi nary to the varsity setto. This 'game will start) at 6; 30." OFFICIAL VOTE 1939 SPECIAL ELECTION , Franklin County n KOIt MUl'SK OK KKPRKSKNTATLYRH e S5 1 ? 5 = I E * 8 i C >> 1 1 i 1 If ? 1 a ! S ! w i1 ik s Johnson ( 48 56 : 3411371126! 35j 7?t88|10?!' S4|430'1828 1 ' 11 Hicks | d| 0 "15 8)181' 13 81 9| 6 14; 33 292 C. L. McGhee J ! L L N. D. M the work here very slow and til esomt .? but . interesting. There is . . l.W hunch if line people here, and as > I meet them and rub shoulders wiHi . Ihem sou take Ob a much _l.rm.dei Hid more Intimately and interest ine view trf humanity. i The (list committee meeting ? the House was a Joint meeting lie House and Senate Finance and Appropriations Committees nnjl heard the Now Budget explain..! rhe speaker after explaining the 1 liferent' appropriations which ln ?luded a wider educational pio nam. mi extension of roads and increased teuchers salaries, told o how the revenue could be raised. The amount ne.-essary Ik some-, what higher than b, ld. Ilium The Two sources the Duo Set , 011. mission suggests ?? ?"** ' hie to provide this increase tt.e Uie Aversion of portions of th? higlr *av funds, which is '?nnned l" not exceed an amount equal to. a . Qper cent sales tax. and wh ch he explained that the view of the ?omnilssion was that gasol ne ?ntltled to pay the .1 per cen sales . ..* but because it was an eauy haying 6 cents on the gallon, th_ Kid ii'ional 3 per cent was not im-j posed, but Instead a lni>?at it ution There is quite a IWlrton of opinion upon this qu?? ion The oMter ? ?| >f. 7h. nre.ent 7 This of course would mean almost a thlrdofthe prbsent profits. Those In favor of ,uch a change view the question ?? whiskey is a luxury and will hear t'he tax. others construe It to be an imposition upon the coun ties who have the Control, mak in* thrni pay additional tax, nob imposed on other counties, a method of prohibition, and nrettr iure method of the systems ?peal b" the cSuhWes. This same method provides a "ug|",eJ.p urease in tuition at the State sup ported colleges and Von'Toth^m Hip State'* appropriation to tnera. provides for the twelfth grade, and for higher education foi ne *' Wednesday morning the Agri cultural Committee met an ( heard reports and suggestions con cernfng^he agricultural condlj Hons of the State. The ball was started to filing towards reduce .nir the tax on seed deaieis. i>" Wednesday afternoon ^he Flnanc? nnd Appropriations commute met andPproceeded in the .tudr ? the appropriations and finance b,lM noon ?Wedoesday ? l?'n< . ?..rd Mi.. P";; loud applause. * KR1\ A. K. .IOHNSON Thanks The editor is very Rrkd'ful to the many voters in Frank I in County for the splendid v?t<' of ronfldonce given him in the election Saturday and lie hopes to merit your good wishes by Hh effort* to after your interest while In Raleigh. ^ | feel sure yon would not have me to tie a utiH ionaoynd neither do I care to he radical. I hope # to be conservative*, considerate and cooperative* to the end that I may win favor for Franklin County, and my |ieople. v The th hi g 1 appreciate iiiosC fiowever, is t1?e splendid loyal ty the l>emocrats held for tlieie: party. In tl?i* I mean no con dentnat ion to the voters of Frank lint on township. On the contrary I am sympatttetie and generous. Tl?e> liave been loyal too long. Let's hope tltey will not slip again. Again thanking you and seek ing your suggest ions, eoopera tion and support. A. F. JOHNSON. Committees The following committer as signtnenUi have been made by tilt Senate to Hon. W. I. Lumpkin: Chairman Committee on Con gressional Oistricta, Consolidated Statutes. Distribution or Gover nor's Messages. Propositions ahd GrlevanceH, Caswell Training School, Institutes for the Deaf InstituMons for the Blind. Enroll ed bills. Insane Asylums. Public Health. Hanks and Currency, Pub lic Koads. Kducation. Ktactioti Laws. Judiciary No. 2. Finance Senate Expenditures. Printing. KK< OKIHCK'S COCRT STII.I, IN SK8SIOX Franklin's Recorder's Court hat been in session Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday. sMU, being held at the time of going to press. Dut to this fact, with all of Mie records being held and still in use In the Court- room, it was Impossible tic obtain any reports on the casef that have already been completed A complete report will be carried next week. OPKN HOCSK _________ f Dr. nnd Mrs. Bagby'a 'oper house' Friday, January 13th be tweeu the hours of 3 to 4:30 it the afternoon, and 8 to 9:30 ir the evening for the members ol (.?he Baptist Church and congrega tion. >\ll these are cordially in vlletf, 3 ' ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAI CHURCH r lst< Sunday after Kpiphany There will be Church School ai 9:45 A. M . with the Adult B1bl< Class meeting at the same time Morning Prayer and Sernioi will come at> 11:00 A. M. No one Is worthy of the best tihe world can afford who has not schooled himself to do without II when It cannot be obtained except at) the price of dishonor -p-G. W Cooke. -he j youngster In the contest. If you do not have a suitable photograph of your baby, the cam paign management will arrange to j lake one so that readers of The j FRANKLIN TIMES during the' I next several weeks may become i acquainted with the names and | pictures of all the babies compet ing. A photo-engraving will he | made of each one. | Another incentive of the contest jis the' awarding of.'a silver loving cup to the winner, in addition to, the first caslr prize of $150.00. .This beaut Ifu I ~<:u)>. standing 20 | inches high and engraved with t.he winner's name, eft-.,, will go to Mie baby getting the largest num ber of voles during the term of 'the "Dollars to You" contest.^ It is important that you enter your child now ? an early starts . jn the securing of coupons from - Hip numerous participating mer chants will prove precious in t'he waning days of the Popular Baby competition. LOUISBURG METHODIST CHURCH -- "How Light Travels." i^ - the subject* for (lie Sunday morning i sermon by Kev. J. Ci. Phillips. On Sunday evening the sermon will be given by Brother Bruce Wil-, ? sonraitd the Intermediate League. j which he supervises will have ?special part in the evening wor- 1 service. Resinning mi Monday night. . January 2X, t'here will lie a "Teaching Mission" al the church, i extending through Friday night. At these services there will he ad dresses by Hie Kev. I.. K. Kent, of St. Paul's Cliurch. LouUburg. He will speak on some of the easeu 1 lial Christian beliefs as handed i down to us through the ">alth b/ our Kat'hers." The general public is cordially invited to these ser- i I Wees. They represent & Joint, ef fort at Christian beaching, being) made by the ministers of the Bap lis Church. St. Paul's Church. ? and Hie Methodist Chuyfh. LOUISBURG BAPTIST , I CHURCH I '"Making Friends'" wus the sub ; Jett of the message brought by , Mie pastor. Dr. A. Paul Ragby on .Sunday morning. The text used ' ) was "Mpke to yourselves friends' - of the mammon of unrighteous- 1 i ness; that when ye fail, they may . receive you into everlasting habi tations." The pastor asserted, "Money has no righteousness. ; Personality alone gives moral i value". Make friends, of not with I money, in ways you may not'i i directly know of. It may be ? i through organized effort In which I I you befriend orphans, destitute or ! the sick and suffering. They will i receive you into everlasting habi-J stations when earthly scenes van i Ish. i At the evening worship the pas . tor began a series of sermons on [ "The Prodigal Son". Sunday eve ning he spoke on "The Prodigal's Father.'- The cattitudelsMcg of the Father toward his prodigal son personifies God's attitude toward i mankind In liberality, concern and ; - forgiveness. r Morning worship at 11:00 A.*[ i M. The subject Of the hour: '"A t Spiritual Fire." ? J Evening worship at> 7:00 P. M. ?^The subject: "The Prodigal's Hohie". ! Sunday School at 9:45 A. M. 'and Baptist TVainlng Union at i 6:15 P. M WHITE LEVEL .lit. ORDER . J MINSTREL ; t! ij The Jr. Ordev Couucli V?1 of -White Level are presenting a i Minstrel on Thursday evening; January 19th. at Hickory .Rock Whit^ Level School for the pur t pose of raising funds to help da L fray expense of building their : new hall which has Just been com : pitted. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! Many Merchants 'To Co-operate In Baby Contest . V (See Itiih's on Page :l) Many merchants of the FRANK LIN TIMES trading area have al-1 ready been contacted and are par- ! ticlpating In the "Dollars to You" Popular Baby contest. They will issue baby coupons with every cash purchase of 50 centwyfl'he coupon1 entitles the entrant 'sbecifipd to 500 votes. . The contest" management and I the pui)lisher cordially invito your, merchant ? any merchant to par- 1 tiripate in t-his interesting con test. Next week's issue will car-j ry a complete listing of business houses in The FRANKLlN TIMES reader territory that will give their customers baby coupons. 1 Ask your merchant for baby coupons. He may have secured his supply since this issue was sen" to press. \ Due to Mie short length of time the contest management has had to announce the contest', in this issue, a great many merchants ill Franklin County have not been contacted. To the merchants of Krauklinton. Youugsville, and sur rounding area, the management invites your co-operation in this county-wide contest. Chamber of Com . merce Holds Meeting Adopt*. Budget anil Selects 1'oin iliitlees ? Secretary Mnlwtri Re port. The ISoard of'Direitors 0( the I/iiiiisbiirg Chamber of Commerce met January 2nd in the office of Mie Chamber' for its first meeting of the year. In the absence of the' president the vice-president. Mr. W. ti. Lancaster. presided. Tliei liiinutes of the last' meeting were read and approved and the Secre tary was asked to gel an official report front the prison, cam ir-coni mltt'ee appointed' at the last int'ot Ing. The Secretary reported that the) sum of ?|2 411 was the amount ex pended on the recent' drawing out of the chamber's funds, but to | offset this deficit the Chamber luif) on hand fifty Miousand tickets that were ordered and not need ed. A full .financial report ' A VIKSS.\h? fact that Christianity and dejnoc racy are synonymous; t-here can't be oiie without the other. There wert 110 democracies worthy of the name before the Christian era. The whole idea of the.Klngdom ot Heaven is that of perfect ? buti because Democracy and Chris tianity are synonymous It Ilea with us, by the hettxTTST God, to make our nation perfect. If we believe this then we should remember that the ChriaUan Church Is the bulwark of democracy and that If we neglect the church we lay our selves open to any ism that comes along. We believe In the demo-, cratlc principles; then we must \ support the Christian Church. J. O. PHILLIPS, ' Methodist Church. . A. frAUL BAGBY. Baptist Church, L. F. KENT. Episcopal Church. Williamson, 0. R. Sykes. Agriculture: ? E. L Norton. Chairman. W. J. Harris, W. P. Tucker. - 'Flnitnce: D. F. MrKinnc. Chairman. F. II. Allen. Jr., A. B. Henderson, ., Roads;? W. B Barrow. Chair man, M. 3. Davis. (V A. Kagland Public Affair*:? M. C. Murphy. ! Chairman, W. SmlthwloR, s Harry Gltckma'n Legislative: - ? James E. Malon-. IChairmnn. Chaa. P Green. W. I*. I I.tunpkln. | . , 1 ? **"1