- THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday 815 Court Street Telephone 383-1 A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager James A. Johnson, Assistant Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year .. v... .$1.80 II Klgbt Months 1.00 Six Months 75 II ? Four Months ... .50 (t Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION New York Ulty . ? * ' K _? Entered at the Poetoffice at I/Oulsburg, N. C. as second class mail matter. Reports from the National Congress show' a cut in ap propriations. This is a splendid example for North Car olina. It would at least mean no occasion for increased taxes. SOME CHEERING STATISTICS We're getting richer. That is the gist of the report . * just issued by the Department of Commerce on t lie in comes of the American people. We haven't got back to where we were in 1929, when the average income of every American,- man, woman and child, was $668, but for the year 1937 the average income was $540, which is a good deal better than the $4!?4 of 1936. Statistics are .boring, ai|d often misleading, but il is interesting to learn that tire total national income. for 1937 was more than 63 billion dollars, ten per cent high er than in J!)36, but still a long way below the 1929 re jcord of over $1 billions. y /A billion is such a big figure that it doesn't mean much to most folks. It is easier to understand it' you think of * ? a thous'and towns with a thousand people in each town and every one of them having a thousand chit-kens. That would make a billion chickens. One of the heartening things about the Department of Commerce report on incomes is thai in T!0!7 the people of this country earned more than they spent. Not the government, but the people themselves. We accumulated a surplus in the shape of savings baiik deposits anil business reserves) Another interest ing fact hidden in the long string of figures i- that more than two-thirds of all the money spent by everybody in. the whole nation in 1937 went for salaries and wugw>. which -is an inf-rease over previous years. There is so much talk on all sides about the trouble so many folks have in making* both ends meet that many of us seem to liavtj/been Mften by the "poverty bug. Such figures as those cited should make us ?? II teel nity.'c i cheerful. America is I'aV from broke. TROJANS MAKING GOOD RECORD The I.ouisbui'g College "Tro-j Jans" have hung up their banket1 hall togs until after exams when (?liey meet Oak liidge on the home! court January 21, at 3 o'clock., I The "Trojans" have a good re cord thus tar winning ten games and losing four. The latest victories came this week when t-he "Trojans" took j victories over Oak Ridge. Pheif- f fer, and P. J. C. Junior Colleges .. and N. C. State Freshmen while ' losing to Carolina Freshman. On a tour of the central part ot t'he State this week the "Trojans" i turned back Oak Ridjse 28 to 27. j High scorers wj-re for Loulsburg. Brantley with lo points and Oak Kidge Black I'd the scoring with 8 pints, WatwOn led Louisburg's defensive play. Inthe second game1 Louisburg quint turned back Pheiffer. Hunnicutt led the scor // ing with 9 points. Matthews was Louisburg's defensive star. Louis-' burg took their third victory of | the trip by burning back P. J. C. j 24 to 8. Watson led the scoring' for Loulsburg with 9 points while the whole t>eam played fined de-; "Tensive ball holding P. J. C. to a lone field goal. Miller with 3 points led the losers. The "Trojans" Journeyed to Carolina to play the Frosh only to [ be defeated 29 to 18 for their tint' 'loss in six games. Watson and Lancaster led t'he scoring for Lou lsburg with 6 points each while Hose scored 8 points for the Freshman of Carolina. Watson led 1 his "teammates on defense. Wednesday nlghti the Loulsf>urg "Trojans" turned back the State College Freshman 24 to 21. Lan caster led fhe~~~Loulsburg quint wit* 13 points while Stray horn scored 10 points for Slatc^ Fresh man. Brantley was the locals de fensive star. ENTERTAINS CLASS Mrs. E. Rabil entertained the members and friends of the Sun day School class meeting of the Baptist Church, at her home Fri day evening at 7:30. ? An interesting report of the class, its 'work and the officers and . also B.talk by Mrs. U. Q. Wood lief, were siren, f After the business, Mrs. ftabil ?erred tfcot chocolate, cakes and Onlcktai Nut* to tbe following: Mwdamns Woodllef, W. "B. Joy Her, Velton Cash, Ouf Joyner, Mullen. Vaughan, Godfrey, Har rington, Simmons, McFergerson. Babil and Miss Joe Natsiff. , ' i FROM INGLESIDE Henry Dickmnn. about- 21, a former resident of Ingliside, at tendant at a service station in Richmond, Va.. the past' year, was seriously sliot in the face by a ne gro bandit at uu early hour Thurs day morning of last week. He is believed to have been one of two who held up Mr. Uii kerson about six weeks ago and escaped with $6:1.00. According to a Itichniond detective two men entered the ser vice station shortly after midnight and asked for two hot-ties of soft drinks. Mr. Dlckerspn recognised one man as being one of the pair which held him up there six weeks ago, arid after giving them the drinks, he went into . I 'be back room to ijet a shot gun. When he emerged "with the shot gun. plan ning to hold the negroes until po lice could arrive, the negro Tthot hint, the bullet enterihg ju'st be low the left eye. Two otjier, ne groes remenined In a car some distance frpm the place. Thre*' of the men baveJjeen captured, all claiming that t 1 DON'T CARE IP VOU DO HAVE A HEAVY DATE f "WE last Time You wad twe car out with Your. fcAKE-HELLY FPIENDS.VOU LOST A "BUMPER AMD ?ut A -Permanent w/ms in a fender ? if you MUST see twat little empty headed , HENNA HANNAH- WALK / J r \ Vjmcm I 1 WA.5 A Boy VJE Always , kV/*,LK?P ENTERTAINS RECENT BRIDES Mrs. Julian Heron and -M t'j. Randolph Ti'owc. I will ol' 'Wash ington, D. C.. entertained at the home of their parents, Mr. and .Mrs. -Arrtitir AV. Person, last Fri day evening, in honor of two re rent brides. Mesdaines George Woiuble, who was prior to her December marriage. Miss Sarah Hicks, of Louisburg, and Mrs. Ed Ward Stewart Slovall Contract bridge was plajed. I Ijgli scores were .Miss Lucille HffVhi and .Miss Teinpe Yurborougli. The brides also* weit' remembered with gift*. Miss Hose Maloue and Mrs. A. \V. Person assisted the hostesses in serving a salad course, coffee and candies to Mrs. Stovall. Mrs. YVonible. Miss Tempe S'ai borougli. Mrs. H. J. Lewis, .Miss Hose Ma lone. Miss Mamie Pavis Beam. Mrs. William Clifton Perry, Mrs. \V. L. Lumpkin. Miss' Cora Beas le.v. Mrs. E. S. Ford, Jr.. Mrs. J. E. Fulghum. Mrs. Hamilton. H. Hobgood, Miss Lucille Hudson, Mrs. Iua Rouse. Miss Marguerite Rouse. Miss Kran fag; . IK IT HAD BEEN ?+?**>* IN THIS ISSUE S * INTERNATIONAL PLANT (3D FERTILIZER SOLD BY i ? * ??' ' f-mSt / - CHAS. E. FORD LOUISBURO, N. 0. ? * ? *.*1 _ PLANT BED FERTILIZER ' ! " V STALK CUTTERS * ? DISC HARROWS N, PLOWS ? \ \ . - TOOLS \ HARNESS FOOD FOR THE FAMILY FEED FOR THE STOCK / I? A MAKE OUR STQRE HEADQUARTERS THIS YEAR? ?' > V It will be good for both you and us. 4 SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. WHOLESALE - RETAIL --7 Pay Cask and Pay Lew D. J. MeKinne, Praddmt ?.