STARTING OUT FOR 1939 5 .' / !' ? > - JUST RIGHT "ToNKEL~sjj DEPT. STORE Q D 3 RESOLVED! jj D v ' , u jj TO BE ONE OF THE H .LOWEST PRICE STORES Q ' IN THIS SECTION OF THE ? Q STATE jj || If It's What You Want Q H Here It Is 1 Q THE GREATEST I jj JANUARY Jj 0 CLEARANCE D D ? - ? ? D D SALE o jj 1 U WILL BEGIN t . j 0 TOURS. JAN. 19 II S ? n ? w *? _ ?. w-* ? - r*t W"i ^ Empty Our Shelves Regardless 1 of Price, x v J Be Here Early and Get Exactly |j What You Want at Your Price D [hiring This Value Giving |] D ID J With Fast, Furious Selling Event to Supply Your Every Need and JANUARY D D CLEARANCE jj SALE * . I t The Big Four Page Circular Will Jj Be Put in Your Box Next Tues- Q day and Wednesday. Read every Q Article Priced For The Sale. Be Q Here When The Doors Open THURS. IAN. 19 At TONKEL'S |J DEPARTMENT STORE, INC H< "Loui*burg'? Shopping Center" LnaoaaBHB D D Electric Rates Continue Down WinlHii'iic Sees Need For Lower- [ Priced Appliances To Itoosl Consumption (By Stanley Winhorne.) North Carolina Utilities Commissioner On the first day of January. 1938, the Utilities Commission] again began reductions in electric rales, and has continued these re- 1 reductions throughout the year. Every major electric power com pany in the State has reduced its rates during 1938. The Durham Public Service Company has made' two reductions. "The most out standing reductions were those of the Duke Power Company, which gave an annual reduction of $835,-1 000 In March, ajid that of tile Carolina Power and Light Com pany* in the amount of $716,000, which was announced last week. The remarkable thing about these reductions that in -each! instance they have followed re ductions of considerable size, which have been made from year to year since 1932. The aggregate amount- of all the reductions in ! electric rates'.- which have been made for the year 1938 is $1,803, 700, based on the actual consump tion of electricity and the rates charged therefor in 1937. The uew rates" of the Carolina Power andj Light Company, which have iust been procured, are among the; lowest in the liation. and were not> I regarded as possible a few years ago. - With tile present low electric j rates prevailing.- in most parts of the State, the main deterrent to j the free use of .electricity is t'h e financial inability of the people to purchase the, appliances^, to use electricity. Just as the cost of an! automobile is the rtererminiiig fac tor lu the purchasing of a, car,1 rather than the cost- of the gaso line. so is the cost of appliances and not the. cost of electricity the I -niirin limitation on the use. Thousands of. hotlies in North ! Carolina are without' the conven iences afforded by electricity, sim-. ply because of lack of money to buy appliances. The present cost of electric current -IS negligible com ? pared with the cost- of major ap pliances. It i? in the appliance field, therefore, that the federal government has the greatest op portunity to expihid the- use of electricity, lessen drudgery an.d I provide the conveniences whicli electricity brings. The. building of 1 plants and transmission lines in f new or inadequately served terrl | tory b< air right, but it wo hid be | far m?r? sensible to assist the | people i|i purchasing nppiiuuces to ?V the electricity- now at their doors, than Jt is to contribute millions of dollars In grants for the construction of new generat ing plants in sections where al ready there ts a surplus of elec tricity sufficient to supply increas . ing demands for years to coine. I " ? \VKlrfl>l\G \X\l\KRS.\RY Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. ShVarin | celebrated their 25tli wedding an ! nlversary with a reception at t-heir | home In Rocky Mount. More than 100 guests attended the affair. Guest?"were greeted by Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Robbitt and Mrs. C. A. G. Thomas. Mrs. Claiborne Griffin directed them to the bride's regis ter over, which Mrs. H. M. presided. Mrs W. K. Turner and Mrs. J. H. Gray served punch. STr. and Mrs. Ren Lewis of KarmvHIp, introduced the guest? to the receiving line, which was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Shearin, their son, Karl; Mrs. Laura Shearin. mother of the host; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shearin. of Farmville; Wr and Mrs. Henry Griffin of Dunn; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neat, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Griffin. Mrs. Edgar Ful ler ail of Wood. N. C. Mrs. John H. Stokes served cake, and Mrs. R. E. Frady poured coffee. Assisting were Mrs Maggie Hrown Kornega.v. Miss Florlne Gray, Miss Josephine Drake. Miss Hodgie Shearin. Miss Irma Griffin! and Miss Otga Denton Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Day pre sided at the gift table Goodbyes were said by 'Mr. and Mrs. Kent Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. Shearin are former Franklin County people, both reared near Louisburg. Mrs. Shearin being a sister of Mr. John W. Neal, of Centerville. YOUNGS VILLE DEMO CRATS RESPOND The Democrats of Youngsville heartily responded to the call / or raising the quota for Franklin County to be applied to ty neighbors about 4 o'clock hut had made such headway that> no one was able to enter the house. It was two hours before Mrs. Cham blee's body was recovered. She had i been alone in the home ?t- the Mme. All Indications were the fire I started in the kitchen, possibly i from an explosion of an oil stove, , and that Mrs. Chamblee attempted |, to flee but was overcome before she could make her way outside. ' The body was found in the smouldering ruins of the dininfe room. Mr. Chamblee was In Zebu !on and did not learn of the tragedy until he arrived home about 5 o'clock. Mrs. Chamblee was a daughter-1 in- law of W. H. Chamblee of j Zebulon and a sister-in-law of Dr. ! H. Royster Chamblee, Raleigh | dentist, and Mrs. Charles Terry, ' also of Raleigh. Deputy Ouy C. Massey. who aid ed In recovery of the body, said , all evidence tended to show the fire originated accidentally. Funeral services were held; Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Wakefield Baptist Church. Mrs. Chamblee's pastor, tfhe Rev. Carl Ousley, was Irf charge, assisted by her former pastor, the Rev. Theodore Davis. Mrs. Chamblee , formerly was Miss Tlllle Ilalnes of Roleaville. Assisting In the funeral service also was Dr^>W. R. Cullon of Wake Forest. Mrs. Chamblee, daughter of Wie late Mr. and Mrs. Newton R. Rainei, It survived by her husband and three brother*, W. C. Raines of Tftrboro, R. B. RaiDM, Raleigh, and Dr. Ivey Raines. Barnesvllte. Oa. ? ?????? fj Prices Slashed ! - Sensational Values Por Everybjie ! JANUARY CLEARANCE Here are a few Outstanding Specials! SHOES lc a pair V HOC pair to offer at tills price. With the regular purchase of one pair shoes at $1.08 you can purchase the second pair at'" tc. These shoes are broken lot sizes, but perfect. OUTING FLANNEL ' - e. - 27 inch nidf - All Solid "Volors 7c yard Sateeu Hound ? I'art Wool BLANKETS HeKular $2.1*8 Value' $1.49 MEN'S GOOD HEAVY WORK ? , SHOES I lingular 92.40 Value SPECIAL $1.49 Entire Stock New Fall LADIES' HATS Values to $2.98 YOUR CHOICE - 79c Some as low as I0< COATS DRESSES ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED FROM 25% TO 50% COME IN MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW ! Cotton to the Fore at World's Fair NEW YORK I WORLD'S FAlft **.CVIC.W OM -VMttiS, | IN# 30UTUEHH **oto?cak of ThC AfcCAOIAH caoucfi, * ? , ? ? - ? ??o??.W? ?? "*? ?sr?i4>rMs| o' ? "WILD HORSE CANYON" and ' ROBT. CUMMJNUH HEIiEN MACK ? ? In ? "I STAND ACCUSED" Chapter No. 14 "DICK TRACY RETURNS" SUNDAY-MONDAY, JAN. IVlfltli Sunday Shows 3:30 and 9:00 ERROli FLYNN BASIL RATHBONE DAYID NIVEN ? In ? "DAWN PATROL" The first great hit of the ? New Year. * J ? ?J* TVKSDAY, - JAN. fjfh" A stlrj if col I pgr life with a zip "nn