CHECK THESE- GREATER FOOD savings jijjr-fj-.rj-i-rrj.j..., ' ' _ . . Ja?-^ '? N __ I ... ? Ask your merchants for Pop ular Baby Contest Coupons. 1 1 1 - ? Cotton was worth 9 1-8 cents a pound ill Louisburg yesterday, lit ? Friends 6f Mrs. Genev.eve Perry, Treasurer of Louishiiig College, are glad to know she has retumed to the College and wish for her a speedy recovery. . : ? v ; ? A TIUIU'TK Mrs. Maggie Furgurson Hicks, widely known and well beloved cKteen of Louisburg-. quieily breathed her last at the family residence on Elm Street' Thursday of last week, Jan. 12. Her par eats were W, H. and Sallie Baker Furgurson, prominent in the so cial and religious life of Louis burg, fifty years ago, Her father a man of artistic temperament was skillful in the use of the pen cil and the brush, a talent that survived in t'his his gifted daugh ter. Blessed in her ancestry, blessed in her individual posses sions of heaven, bestowed facul ties and charm. She was still further blessed in her happy mar riage to the late L. P. Hicks an outstanding citizen of Franklin County, who in 1933 preceded her ^into the glory world. For nearly fifty years under the continued blessing of heaven these two trav eled together and worked togeth er ? as one. In this town where they always stood for what was right and against all they thought wrong or questionable. In yon der Methodist Church which they1 regularly aMwnded and always liberally supported'and where a beautiful memorial window ? their gift ? bears the names of her departed parents. And in their home too, they worked so beauti fully and so successfully together ? a home whose vury atmosphere breathed refinement, culture, hos- 1 pitality and religion ? t'he very best things that life has to offer. How many of the Master's tired . servants found rest and refresh ment beneath tj)at expansive roof I during all these years He only knows. Yes, $'he elements were so mixed in her that nature might stand up and say to all the world: This was a woman? a real woman; a Christian woman. ? She waB born April 28, 1861 .-J* Surviving her are two brothers, ! vlx: Messrs. Jaine and Ernest Fur-' gurson, and three children. Mr. I F. W. Hick^, and Mesdames J. A. Hodges and T&. M. Howard. E. H. DAVIS. ? 1 WILL, ( V\ I'HUDl'Ctt Farmers in l'agquotank, Per-, quimans and adjacent counties ?will grow 1,000 acres of tomatoes and 200. acres of Lima beans foi^, a cannery at Cheriton., VirgilijO this season. If the project- with the beans is successful, it Is expected ?that contracts for 10,000 acres of Ohis crop will be let in 1940. FOR HALE 46 Sheel>. 40 Slack Essex Hogs. 16- head t.uernse'y Cattle,. One. 1-Horse Wagon. W. H. ALLEN. )l-20-tf Louisburg. N. C. EXECUTORH NOTICE % Having qualified as Executor I of the Estate; of J. F. Williams, deceased, late of Franklin County, j N. C., this is to notify all persons! having claims against t'hc estate ?f said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day oT January, 1940. or ? t'his notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement". This the 18th day of January, 1939. S. F. Williams, Executor, R.F.D. No. 2, Zebu Ion. N. C. Charles P. Green, Atty. 1 -20-6t? . BABY CHICKS Now is the time to ?<> .Tuesday ? Uold Sujid. Wednesday ? Cedar Rin k. Thursday? Pearce's, Friday Saturda)'- Qtfiee. ? '#***, County IVderatlon Meeting Axriculliiii' Building .fail. 2f, IIKI9, |0:JI0 1. >1. Song. Devotional Dr. Paul Ha^hy. , Special Mimic. Busii/csK ^ iUnraliiff^? Mrs. .hums King. 9p* clal fll iisii . ? /fill roduct ion oi D? jiii I ions** Mr. Ila.iuilton Mol>K?>od. Address l?? ai> kit H. House, I MKiin ?>f i In- I'liivoi sjiy of N. (M SojVfc*. AdjoimuiK'iil. . launch. Everyone is invited to this meeting. Dean House is an exeel li-iil speaker and wc feel very for tunate in getting him for this median. Bring a lunch and stay to enjoy the lunch hour. * ? # A Statf Bookmobile is to lie in Franklin County during the month At February. A ohedule has been planned to try to make it avail able to as many rural women as possible. Watch the paper for a schedule and visit the Bookmobile at the p|ace most convenient for you. ? ? ? i For men and women who are interjf^d there is to be a (Jiscus sion wBdemonsTration of Simple ! WiiteriBBwi'ins at the Agriculture buildwJR'uesday . .Ian nary 24th. I !?H!t at? jyt. Mrs. Charlie U|oaniuger w Ul give a Meat Caitnfu-g -'Oemaiust i*a t Ion at (lie Agriculture Building. Jan. SO, 193? at 10:00 A. M. Fur th'er announcement will In; made regarding this MULES & MARES Our Kentucky buyer shipped us 2 loads of Mules and Mares this week. 1st LOAD WILL ARRIVE WEDNESDAY THE 18th. 2nd LOAD WILL ARRIVE FRIDAY OR SATURDAY. In these loads we will have Mules, good as can be raised, we also have Mules on the cheap and medium side and Plug* from $25.00 to $75.00. OUR LARGE SALES PROVE WE HAVE A BETTER MULE AT A LOWER PRICE ? ?1 ? 'i . ? *i . . *'.'>> ? ? i ?' ! ; J ? '-m 0f n-f CREEDM00R SUPPLY CO. Creedmoor, N, C, * { 1 ' iu'ji 11.1 . tui,U .????in ? J u-.mj.rn - . M ?iM? Vwj [.ivriurt ii ic ft .*91* Itl'II.AKII.rr.ATION The Farm Security Administra tion has announced that during t.lio last fiscal year it mafle reha bilitation loans to nearly 200.000 needy farm families ? many; of them 011 relief rolls -to enable them to become self-supporting farmers. ? pay NO MORE! far low cost financing of FORD PRODUCTS uniufcRSBi credit tompflnv ^ Fresh Vegetables J MEATS Western Steaks Roasts Hamburger Stew Beef Pork Chops Oysters - ' Fish GROCERIES Kraft Cheese, 2 lbs. 49c Rice Flakes, 2 for. . 25c Wheaties, 2 for . . . 25c Gold Medal Rolled Oats 9c Mustard, 9 oz. jar . 5c Excell Crackers, lb. 10c ? SOAPS ? 3 Camay Soap .......... 25c 4 Guest Ivory . . . 19c 3 Large Ivory Soap ..... 29c 4 Wonder Soap : I9c HOLLIDAY GROCERY CO Phone 366-1 Louisburg, N. C.T I Gold Bar No. 2 Can F*uH ^ Cocktail /y . LIBBY'S Apricots ** M ISEAVIEW MACKEREL, 3' Tall Cans v. 25c I FRESH FIG BARS, lb 10c! I 3 No. 2'? Cans m. Po & Beans Arm. Pork 3 - 8 oz. Cans Herring Roe...... HI WASHBURN'S PANCAKE FLOUR, 3 pkgs. 25c QUAKER MILK MACARONI, pkg 8c ROYAL ANNE CHERRIES, No! 2* can .... 25c Garden Queen Peas, OCc 2 No. 2 cans All Kinds Heinz - Clapps ? Gerbers BABY FOODS, 3 cans .... 25c PRUNES, 50 60 Size, 3 lbs. . . . 20c APRICOTS, FANCY QUALITY, lb. .\>v 19c EVAPORATED PEACHES, 2 lbs 23c BEST WATER GROUND MEAL, peck ...... 30c "Woods" GARDEN PEA New Crop SEED "WILSON'S CERTIFIED STEERS" T-BONE STEAK, lb 45c SIRLOIN STEAK, lb 40c ROUND STEAK, lb 35c SMOKED COUNTRY SAUSAGE, lb. ....... 30c FRESH COUNTY SAUSAGE, lb 25c PLENTY CHOICE MEATS AT LESS COST d W. MURPHY AND SON Louiiburg, N. C. ' * ....