SALE OF RE A, ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in Miat certain deed of truat executed by Everetti Ayscue, dated the 20th i day of May, 1997, and recorded in the office of the Register of Heeds, of Franklin County, North Caro lina, in Book 337_, Page 540, the ?ame having been executed and delivered to secure the payment of the balance of the purchase price of the lands therein conveyed, de fault having been -made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured and demand for J foreclosure having been made, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale to the highest- bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Louis burg, Franklin County. North Carolina, at or about' the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, on the ^ 13th DAY OF FEBRUARY, the following real estate: That certain tract or parcel of land, situate in Franklin County. Hayesville Township, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Thati certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of { Franklin, State of North Carolina, j bounded as follows, to-wit-:. Be- ' ginning in the middle of the Rocky Ford Road at the corner of Nos. 6, 8 & 9 (on the plot herein after mentioned) marked by a Ce dar stake on the East side of the road (formerly the Davis corner, | marked by a red oak); thence along the said road N. 6 deg. 30 min. W. 730 ft'.; N. 45 mill. E. 260 ft.; ; -N. 26 deg. 15 mill. 639 ft. N. J3 deg. W. 92 ft. to the Northeast corner of the store down the EaBt side along said road to where it intersects with Rocky Ford and Louisbtirg Itoad. This was originally cut oft for shoal purposes, if not used tor said purpose in tlve years to re vert to said Vernon R. Whitaker; thence along said Rocky Ford road N. 22 deg. 25 min. E. 638 ft.; N. 21 deg. 15 min. E. 46 ft. j to the corner of Nos. 3, 6 and 8 (on the ploti hereinafter mention ed), marked by a small locust tree on the West side of the road; j thence N. 87 deg. 15 min. W.-915 ft., to a stake and pointers at the fork of two branches; thence N. 2 deg. 46 min. W. 430 ft. to a stake and pointers; thence N. 87 dog. 15 min. W. 2550 ft', to a stake on the East bank of Lynch's Creek, corner between Nos. 3 and i 6 (on the plot hereinafter men-, tioned) on said creek; thence down said creek as it' meanders 3640 ft. to a stake, corner for No. 9 (on the plot hereinafter men tioned); thence S. 7*t deg. 15 min. E. 2810 ft'., to the beginning, and) containing two hundred twenty- | six and fifty-six one hundredths (226.56) acres, more or less. and being the lot designated as lot No. 6 011 a plot and survey made (or T. H. Whitaker by B. B. Egerton, surveyor. In December 191 7 and February 1918. The successful bidder will be required to mak? a cash depaait with Mie said trustee of ten per cent of the amount hid at the time of sale, said deposjt to be forfeit ed upon failure to comply with the bid. o Dated and posted this the llt-h day of January, 1939. HILL YAHBOROIUH. l-20-4t Trustee SOTICE OK KK-SALR Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in that certain order of re-sale entered on the 14th day of January, 1939 by W V. AVent, Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. N. C . in that certain tax foreclosure proceeding entitled. "W. N. Ful ler v. John Badger Joyner, et al.", judgment) wherein is recorded in Tax Judgment Docket 3 at page 36 in the office of the Clerk of the Supenior.Court of Franklin Coun ty, t'he undersigned Commission er will, on WEDNESDAY, FEBHVAKY 1, 1 980, at 12:00 o'clock noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public aucMon at the court-, house door in Louisburg. Frank lin County, N. C.. the following described real property: FIRST TRACT: Situate hi the Town of Louisburg, bounded on t'he east by Main Street, on the south by the river road, on the north by Lot No. 1 of the division Of the lands of G. W. Ford, on the west by the negro cemetery, and being Lot No. 2 in the division ?t the lands of G. \V. Ford, and more particularly described in that deed of trust recorded in Book 234 at> page 376, Franklin Count y'regis try, to which reference is Jiere made for a further and more ade quate description. SECOND TRACT: The eastern half of the home place on Ken more AvenujB in the Town of Louisburg and bounded as fol lows:', Beginning at an iron stake, cornef for P. S. and K. K. Allen on the alleyway on the, south of the home house and running up the alleyway east to Kenmore Avenue; thetjce down the avenue north to corner of Mrs F. ,W. Wheless: thence down the line of Mrs. F. YV. Wheless to an iron stake, corner- for F. W. Wheless and J. F. Faulkner; Mience nearly south along the line, of J. II Faulkner 10 an Iron stake, corner of Faulkner and P. S. and K. K. Allen: ; thence nearly south along line of P. S. & K. K. Allen line to SUMMER OR WINTER HOT OR COLD One is never fully protected without fire and windstorm insurance. Make a sur vey right now; and if you find that you are not adequately insured, telephone my office and I will gladly supply the insur ance needed in an Old Line, reliable Stock Company. ?r G. M. BEAM, Agent (20 Tears Fire Insurance Writing) Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Louisburg m-rn I wish to inform my friend* and customers ^th&t I have moved my furniture store to the store rooms under the TJnion Warehouse form erly occupied by the Louisburg Supply Co., and will be glad to see you at my new location. I also wish to extend to you my deepest ap preciations for the splendid patronage given me the past year. * # B0? b?*t R. A I an iron slake in the alleyway, the (place of beginning. This property , was inherited froih J. P Tiriiber lake, decease^, by Mrs. Perry, a , daughter. ? See partition of J. P. I Timberlake property in Book of ! Orders and Decrees 6 at page 142 to 190 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. Dated and posted this the 16th day of January! 1939. CHARLES P GHEEN. ? l-20-2t Commissioner. HE-SALE ok valuable heal ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order ,of re-sale of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made in the special proceeding entitled "Lidy Myers et als. v. W. M. Pinnell et als." the .undersigned 'Commissioner wilt on MONDAY the 30th DAY OK JANUARY, 1?89, at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, sell at public auctiou at the court- house door in Louis burg, Franklin County, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: 1. A certain tract) or parcel of land situate in Sandy Creek Town ship, Franklin County, North Car-" olina-, containing forty-two (42) acres, ?more or less, adjoining the lands of C. S. Merritt. Peter Fos 'ter, the old County Home Tract,' and others. , I 2. A certain tract or parcel of jland situate in Sandy Creek Town ship, Franklin Couiffy. North Car olina, containing fifty-four (54) acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of \V.,S. Fuller, Mrs. D. T. Fuller, the road leading from Moulton to Trinity Church, and others. v 3." A certain- lot or parcel of land situate in Hie town of Louis burg, Franklin County, North Carolina, on Spring Street. ad Joining the Methodist Parsonage, Mrs. ina Harris, and S. S. Mea dows, and fronting 60 ft. on Spring Street*. A deposit of twenV-Hve per cent of the amount bid will be re quired of t-he highest bidder at said re-sale, said deposit to be for feited in the event that the bidder should fail to comply _ with the terms of sale. This the 14th dav of January, 1939. HILL Y Alt BOROUGH, ! l-20-2t Commissioner. . VOTICK OK SVI.K I'iuier and by virtue of the au thority contained" in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County.' North Carolina, in that certain Tax Foreclosure suit' entitled. "County of Frank lin v Hinton SSotltherland and wife, et al". Suit No. 71. 'duly docketed in Tax Judgment Dock et 3 at page 7 1 in Mie office of the Clerk , of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to ('lie highesi bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg. North Carolina, at or about Hie hour of twelve o'clock noon, on FKBRfAHY MI/IIWO. the following-described land: All ?1i at certain tract or parcel of land lying. heun{'thl>d situate in Sandy Creek Township. Frank Un County. N. C.. adjoining the lands of Wash Falkner. Jane Delmant, the Horsey land, et- al.. beginning at_a point iu the branch, the west side; thej?ce N 82 1-4(1 E 32.50 chains to a stone. Wash Fnlkner's corner; thence N S'.*d W 1 1.84 chain's to a stakcpin said Falkne.r's line. Omega Soloman's corner; theiree N 87'jd W 28 fin chains along said Solomon line to the Solomon corner on the branch; t'hence up the branch as it mean- i ders to the beginning, containing 471*- acres Dated and posted this the lfith ' dav of January. 1939. CHARI.ES p. green. l-20;4t? ' Commissioner. NOTICE OK KOHKCIiOHI'HK IMU 1 I'ltder and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained- in a deed rtf trust dated September 25. 1936. executed by K. P Hill and wife, j Be.ttio R Hill to Thomaj H. Cal vert.. TrusOee. and recorded in the ! office of the Register of Deeds ol j 1 Franklin County. North Carolina, in Hook 330. pages 515-516; de- j : fault having been made in the ' payment- of the indebtedness se- I | cured by the said deed of trust. | the undersigned will, at 12 o'clock M, on MONDAY, KEBRt'ARY 20. 1IKIO. ; at the court'house door in Louis burg, North Carolina, offer for sale, for cash, to t|ie highest bid der, the land conveyed by t-he said | deed of trust and therein describ ed as' follows: ' A certain tract of land lying i and being in'Lotiisburg Township, I ; Franklin County. North Carolina, known as the Herbert Harris , Farm, , bounded by Tar River on , i the north and east, and by Long Branch on the south, and more ' particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in Sou therly edge of old road by Point ier* and runs N. 18 deg. E. 922. feet, crossing main road at 210 | feet to a stake; tjj^nce N. 29 1-4 deg. E. 1570 f?et to a stake; I thence N. 26 1-4 deg. E. 1376 feet to canal; thence down and wIMi said caqal N. 7 6 deg. E. 750 feet to center of Tar River; thence down and with said river, ite channel being the line, 1st, S. 31 deg. E. 226 feet; 2nd, N. 85 deg. E. 198 feet ; M. 40 deg. E. 3?0 feet; N. 45 /eg E. 200 feet; N. 80 deg. E. 5u feet>; N. 19 deg. E. 320 feet; N. <1 deg. E. 520 feet; N. 45 deg. E. 890 feet; N. 30 deg. W. 300 feet; N. 66 deg. E. 400 /net; N. 80 deg. E. 700 feet; 8. 22 deg. fi. #45 feet; B. 41 deg. B. 700 feeb; 8. 11 dec. B. 700 feat; 8. t deg. W. 300 feet; 8. 28 deg. B. 323 feet; 8. S? deg. W. 190 feet; 0 70 deg. W. 2?5 feet; 8. ] . .' v ? r \ 54 deg.'*W. 110 feet; N. 86 deg. E 500 feet: S. 3 deg. E. 240 feet; S. 11 deg. W. 400 feet'; S. 3 deg. W. 1100 feet; S. 25 deg \V. 400 feet; S. 33 deg. W. 300 feet; S. 65 deg. W. 505 feet; S. 26 deg. W. 255 feet; S. 13 deg. E. 800 feet; S. 23 deg. W 820 feet; S. 20 deg. E. 510 feet>; S. 10 deg. E. 300 feet; S. 3 deg. \V. 600; feet; S 16 i deg. E. 460 feet; S. 33 deg E. I 300 feet; S. 14 deg. W. 245 feet. to the mout'b of Long Branch; : thence up and with said branch, | it being the line. 1st. N. 45 deg. , 480 feet>; N. 74 deg W. 455 j feet; S. 32 deg. \V. 160 feel; N. '82, deg. W. 180 feet: S. 74 deg W. 200 feet; S. 62 deg. W. 300 feet; S. 45 deg. W. 830 feeK N. 88 deg W. 380 feet; N. 50 deg W. 710 feet; N. 1 31 deg. W. 1380 feet ; X. 50 deg. ! W 862 feet; N. 74 degi W. 318 feet; N. A'Vi deg. W. 322 feet to a stake by Pointers: thence N. 3 deg. E. 2141 feet to the beginning, containing 867.55 acres, lrfoie or less. DATE OF SALE: Monday. February 20, 1939. 12. o'clock M. This January 18. 1939. THOJ1AS H. CALVERT, l-20r5t. , Trustee. i NOTICE OK KE-S.-VLE Under and by virtue of the au t'hority contained in that certain Interlocutory Judgment of fore closure signed on the 25th day of July, 1938, and under the author ity of that' Order of Resale signed on 10 Decembef 1938, in that cer tain tax foreclosure proceeding en titled, "No. 1089, County of Franklin, v. W. M. Pernell. et' al., heirs-at-law of Mrs. P. \V. Per nell," recorded in Book of Tax Judgments 3 at pfge 63. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. N. C.. the undersigned Commissioner t'herein appointed and authorized will, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon on WEDNESDAY, 2 lAM AKY, 1030, offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at' the courthouse door in Louisburg. Franklin County, N. C.. the fol lowing described real property: .That certain lot- or parcel 808. 3-4 square feet, more or less, and he iiig the house and lot ? in which George I'. Inscoe now resides. Dated, posted and published ibis t'he 9th dav of January, 1939 CHARLES IV GREEN. 1-13-21 Commissioner. commissioner's s.ii.k ok V.XMWIII.E I AKM u\l) Purs ii mil In all order ?f re-sale entered ill Hip Superior -Coin I of Franklin County. \ on the 1 7 1 h <|ny of Januai'y, 1 !?3 !? . i if i U Spi'cUi I lines. i'ii' it led M iu II te Neat Spuiidi'i'N. Admin intra li ix of 'Miiry I*. Neal. deet'a vil el als, vs R IV \*'ji I ami \\ if?\ l.llrV Wilder Ni'al. .1 sfls. Mie linger signed- ConinjissioiiiT will ofler for sale' at public aim ion lo i U>' highest bidder, for cash, ai or aliollt' tile hour of* noon, on THI'IISIMV. THE axi? H.W Ol i Kiiimiiv, iiwm. at. the Courthouse O^JS?in Louis bill*. \. C.. the following describ ed Tracts or pan-els of land: ? TRACT ONE; Beginning in tin renter of the Wnri'entou (toad, ? rock in the West side, corner of No. 4: I hence N" 88d W 57 poles 1*1 links to a ro< k and pointers, eor; uer of No. 4: Mience South SO poles to a rock in Sledge's line anil corner of No. 4; Vhern-e N. 88d W. 2# poles 1 link to a rock and post oak. corner of No. 6; thence South 112 poles 21 links to a rock, corn er of No. 6 in Mrs. M. J. Bartholo mew's line: i hence. S. 81! "ad E. 91 poles 5 links to Mie center of the Warrenton Road. Bartholo mew's corner at the Barrow path; thence along said road. S. 3d W. 37 poles 23 links to the beginning, containing 48 >4 aerps. being Lot 5 as was allotted to Lillian Perry in that certain special proceedings, recorded in O & D. Book 3, Page 550, Office of the Clerk of I lie Superior Court for Franklin Coun ty, and conveyed to Mary P. Neal by W. H. Allen' and wife, by deed recorded in Book 202, Page 236, -Franklin Registry. There is, how ever. excepted from the foregoing described tract of land the follow-' ing described tract of land: Begin ning in the center of the Maple yVllle Road, Sledge's corner, mark ed by a rock on the West side; thence along the road. 8. 4d W 16 poles 8 links to the center of said road, a rock on West side; thence N. 82 l-4d W. 100 poles to a rock; (hence N. 4d E. 16 poles 6 links to * stake In line of Hie land conveyed by Mrs. Martha A. Perry to B. H. Saunders; thence S. 82 Hd E. 100 poles to the beginning, con taining about 10 1-6 acres, having been conveyed by Mary P. Neal to Minnie Neal Saunders by deed recorded in Book 192, Page 539, Franklin Registry, thereby leav ing In the above described tract 38 2-6 acres, more or lea*. TRACT TWO: Beginning at a rock, corner of No. 6 In Bartholo mew's line; thence South 112 pole* 21 llnks'tio a rock and pott oak, corner of No. 6 in Sledge's line; thence N. 88d W. 67 poles 14 links to a rock and pointer*, cor ner of No. 7; thence North 114 pole* 17 links to a rock, corner of No. 7 In Mr*. Perty'a line; thence Bf 88d B. 42 polea IS link* to a rock; thence t, IlVd 1. II polea 14 liaks to Mie beginning, .containing 41 1-4 acres, and being 1 I.tfj 6 as allotted to Fannie Perry in tbat certain special proceedings recorded in O. & D. Book 3. Page ,551, Oftlce of the Clerk tff t-he Superior Court for Franklin Coun ty, and conveyed by Fannie Perry i Earle and husband, J. R Earle to Marlah P. I'zzle. and conveyed by 1 Mariah P. Uzzle to K. P. Neal, et als,_ by deeds recorded in the Reg lister of Deeds Office for Franklin , County. TRXCT THREE: Beginning \at a rock. \V. H. Perry's corner; thence X. 19Hd E. 120 poles 19 ' links %o post oak, Sherrod Sledge's corner in Mrs. M. A. Perry's line; thence S. 88d E. 48 poles 10 links to a rock, corner of No. 6 in Mrs. Perry's line; thence South 114 poles 17 links to a rock and poTtit ers, corner of No. 6 ; t-hence N. 88d W. 89 poles 4 links to the 'beginning, containing 49 1-4 acres, being Lot T as allotted to James Perry in that certain special proceedings recorded In O. & 11. Rook 3. Page 546. Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Franklin County, having been con veyed to Martha Perry by deed of James Perry and wife, recorded in Book 12{i. Page -'10. Registry of Franklin County. N. C . , and conveyed by Martha A. Perry to Mary P. Neal by deed recorded' in Book 278. Page_ 223, Franklin Registry. The above tracts will be offered for sale, first. ' separately, theu Tract One and Three as one tract, and ('hen. the three tracts as a whole and the bids so (received will be reported to the Superior Court of Franklin-County for confirma tion. The successful bidders will be required to deposit 1(T% of the amount bid on the date of sale. .Dated and posted Miis 17th day of January, 1939. W. I.. LUMPKIN, 1 -2 the following described land in l.ouisbuig Township. Franklin County. North Carolina : l.isted for taxation for the year 1 2 1? in the name of .1. J. Allen I Joseph John Allen | as :i27*-.; acres home, more particularly de scribed as follows, to-wil: ylb'inR t-lie tract of land knnjAii as ' Allendale", cOlfiaining .'! J '> acirs. more or less, lieing compos i (1 ill two tracts of land, as fol~ (Ions: ill jroulaiuins :;nl '!-< acres, iieiiig/ntore purlicjtlaHy de scriix d in I hat cenaii' deed of \V. S. Alb a and wife to .1 .1. Allen. dat<'d 1 July 1876. anil recorded in Ho8 acres, adjoining t>he lands of Susie W. ? Yarborough, W. L. Allen, and oth | ers, and boundeft on the north by | the land* of W. H. Allen, on the east by the lands of W. H; Allen, on the south by tihe Loulsburg public road, and on west by the lands of Susie W. Yarborough, be ing the Identical tract of land con veyed by P. A. Reavls to A. W. Perry, Jr., In Book 179 at) page 460, Franklin County Registry. For further reference aee Tax Judgment Docket 2 at page 178, In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, and Booka 238 at page 498, 284 ati page 81, 171 at page 13, 178 at page 451, 190 at page 249 and 190 at page 184, which lodg ment and record dea cription ii hereby made a part hereof. A dnpoalt of 25% of the amoam bid will be required of tte high est bidder immediately after the t sale. Dated and posted this the 6t-h ? day of January, J 939. CHARLES P. GREEN. J-13-21 CommUioner. NOTICE OK HALE By virtue of the power contain ed ill. that- certain deed of trust executed by Sidney Smith to J. L Simmons. Trustee on the 4th day of April. 1938, which said deed of trust is recorded in Book 350. page 7 8 of t-h? Franklin County Public Registry, t|ie,, undersigned, i will expose t on-^puilij' sal.e to tfie highest bidder for cash, before the court house door in Louis Ming. X. C.. on MONDAY, EEBKl WHY ?, ll?;?tl at 12:00 Noon. Mie following des cribed property: That certain tract of land lying in Franklin County and State of North Carolina and beginning at the*, center of the Flat Kock Church Road in line with a stake ion its south side, corner of lot number 2: thence with the line of lot number 2. south 1 degree west 1-050 chains to 3 stak?: thence* west 1 0.57 chains to -a stake, corner of lot- number 2 and Tim herlake line, OiPnee with the TUnberlake line norrhi4' degrees ^ast 23.75 chains to a stake, cor ; tjer of the Flat- K&ck Church lot and G. W. Wiggins line; thence south 88 3-4 east 13.55 chains to a stake near a pine, Wiggins cor ner, thence with his line north 1H. degrees east' 6.30 ctjaiiis to the. center of the .aforesaid Flat Rock Church Road in line with a stake 011 its south ^ide: thence along the center of said road south 88 3-4 degrees 7.!>6 chains to ? UVe beginning. containing 47 3-4 acres, Reference is made to Book 8 in Clerks 6 (lice at page 1 522 et seq. It is the same land' described in Book 87 pi|ge 221: Book 199 page 495 and B6ok 271 page 256 of Franklin County Reg istry. " ' . / This sale is made on account "of default>in the payment of indebt edness secured by sairf deed of trust. A t?-n per cent deposit of bi present the same to the under sinned within one year from this dat?' or this lVotict," will be pleaded in bar to any recovery. Persons indebted to said estate ? are re q uestVd to make prompt settle-' nient>. This the 4 1 li day of .Ian nary. ift.lft. Mrs Ruby Nicholson. Execu trix of the Estate of C. T. Nicholson. .1. P. k J. 11 Zollicoffer. Attvs Henderson, N. C 1-ti-tit EXE) i roli'S NOTICE Having qualified as executors of Mie eyUtte of I,. A. Brooks. deceas ed: late of Franklin' C-otlnty. North Carolina, this is to notify all per1 sons having claims .igainsltlie es tate- -*?f said deceased to exhibit them to the n lufersigned on or be fore (it li day of January, 1040, or tills notice wlll'iie pleaded i.n bar of their recovery. All persons in debted l? said estate will please make immediate payment. This atli day of Januarv. 1 !? 3 !? . J. A. BROOKS, J. A CHEEK. 1-6-ttt Excutors. DM I N I ST K A TOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of Mie estate of Itoxanna (Roxie) Person, deceased, late of Frahklin County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit) thein to the undersigned on or before 23rd day of December, 1 ft:! it. or this notice -will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. *AI1 persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay. inent . This 2 2nd day of Dec., 1938 1 2-23-6t D. P. LEWIS. Adm'r. THl'NTEE'S HALE OF ltl. il. ESTATE Pursuant' to the power of sale contained in that deed of trust dated December 13. 1A37. and re corded in Book 291. page 111,1 Franklin Registry, from S. E. , Bailey and wife. Mary Lou Bniley.l to the undersigned trustee, de fault) having been made in the pftyment of the Indebtedness thereunder secured, I will sell at ' public auction ut the Courthouse Door to the highest' bidder, for cash, on MONDAY. JANUARY. 23. 1?80. at twelve o'clock noon, the follow ing lands situate In Louisburg Township, Franklin County, N. C.: Containing 202.7 acres, more or less, and being the tract) of land conveyed to M. W. Hardy by deed I of the Federal Land Bank of Co I lumbla, dated Nov. 21, 1936, re corded in Book 337, page 33. Reg | Istry of Franklin County, N. C., the said M. W. Hardy and wife, having conveyed the same to the said II. Q. Perpy and wife by deed dated December 9, 1936, recorded In Book 337, page 35, said regis try, reference being here made to ?aid deeds and record* for a more particular description of the lands hereby conveyed, said lands being i the same this day conveyed to the - said 8. E. Bailey and wife, Mary , Lou Bailey. The above lands are told sub , Ject to a ?ra? dead of trust to th? - Federal Land Bank of Colombia, i Dated and posted this Ht d day of December, IMS. t ? W. L. LUMPKIN, ? 12-30-41 Trustee y NOTICE No. 4D North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COUNTY QF/FRANKI.IN v." June .Johnson and wife, Lena Perry Johnson. The defendant June Johnson will take notice that- an action en titled as above has been institu ted and is now pending in the Su perior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affect ing certain lands in Franklin County, K> which suit the defend ant above named is a proper par ty And the said defendant above named will take notice t'hat he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in L,ouisburg, on or before the 20tl?; day of February, 1939, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in his said complaint. Dated this the 28th day of De cember, 1938: W. V. AVENT. 12=30-4t 'Clerk Superior Court. $/t C.iAtcvrvn^ APEX. N. C. Office 9 a- in. to 0 p. ni. Monday 9 a. ni. to Noon. Other days by appointment only. Write or Phone No. 10. Fudratial FARM LOANS J Low Interest J Long Term / Fair Appraisal J Prompt Service W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. \ LETS START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT' Have* your old clothe* ? (leaned and Passed and put them bark into their ? proper appearance. It's cheaper than new ones. *?' Call us. We will rail for them and j?ive you prompt and satisfactory service. ' " PROMPT PICK-IT. DKUVKHV " Louisburg Dry Cleaners 1/oulsburK's Oldest Cleaner* with Franklin County's most modern equipment.