TONKEL'S JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE " \ Fast and Furious Selling will make the buying public rush to Louisburg to secure some of the hundreds of bargains found at this Great Sale. Prices being split wide open. Here are a few of the big offerings in this store: Fast Color Dress Prints Per Yard - 5c , DRUID LL SHEETING Per Yard 5c 36 inch Curtain Scrim, 10c value Per Yard 5c Part Wool Double Bed Size Blankets - 79c Men's Work Shoes , . $1.19 Men's Griffon Suits $19.95 Men's & Young Men's Suits Single and Double Brested On Sale $9.75 MEN'S TOPCOATS On Sale $6.95 Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats Values up to $10.00 Now $3.88 \ Ladies Coats up to $19.50 -- YourQioice $9.95 LADIES' SILK DRESSES Values up to $2,95 One Rack - Special 98c TOBACCO CANVASS Lowest Price in State. Se Us Before Buying. TONKEL'S DEPARTMENT STORE, INC. "Louisburg's Shopping Center" Ask Merchants for Popula^Baby Contest Coupons. Every Joke haa a point, but some or the pointa need aharpen lng ft bit. If you do nob grasp life with a firm hold you are liable for ? bump. " FALSE RUMOR ' It is being rumored that we have discontinued selling FERTILIZER. This is FALSE as we are representing CHARLES W. PRIDDY & CO,, of Norfolk, Va. We have a complete line and are ready to serve yon. PLENTY PLANT BED GOODS. G..W> MURPHY and SPN ? " Mil. AND MICK. HHKARIN OB SERVK SILVER ANNIVER SARY WITH PARTY t'oupie Gives KnJojralili' Reiept iou To Celebrate Silver Anniver sary; Many Attend Mr. aiul Mrs. Arthur A. Shearin celebrated Oheir twenty-flfth wed ding anniversary with a delight ful reception given at their home on South Main Street-. Kooky Mount, N. C. More than a hund red guests attended the affair, for which t-he home was artistically decorated. Merits, long Ipaf-pine, Southern s/nllax. and a variety of cut flowers in white, carried out the bridal scheme of green and white, and white taperN burned in white floor candelabra. Guests were -greeted on arrival by Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bobbltt and Mrs. C. A. G. Thomas. Mrs. Clai borne Griffin directed Itieni to the bride's -register over which 'Mrs. H. M. Lee presided. Mrs. W it Turner and Mr ft. J. H. Gray serv ed delicious punch from a mas sive crystal bowl, entwined at it< base with fern and white flowei;a Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis, ol Farmville, introduced the guestjs to the receiving line, which was composed of Mr. and Mrs. Art-hui A. Shearin. their son, Karl; Mrs Laura Shearin. mother of the host; Mr. and MrS. J. K. Shearin of Farmville; Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Griffin, of Dunn"; Mr. and Mrs. John W. Neal, 'Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Griffin, and Mrs. Edgar Ful ler, a recent bride, all .of Center vilie;; Miss Frances Griffin, ol Louisburg, and Miss Jtuby Shear in, of Rocky Mount. Mrs. Shearin, who was Miss Hatt?ie Lee Neal, of Centcrville before her marriage twenty-fivt years ago, was attired in a forma gown of rose crepe faille. Sh( wore a lovely neck-lfXe spray ol white hyacinths and Briarciifft roses and a spray of hyacinths ii her hair. Mr. Shearin's mot-her Mrs. Laura Shearin, was baud somely gowned in black and wort a shoulder spray of white carna tions. The refreshment table was iac< covered and was centered with ai arrangement in green and white snapdragons, sweet-peas, chrysan theniums and feverfew being com bined with fern in a silver bowl A pair of antique candelabra li which tapers burned flanked thi central arrangement. On anothei table was placed the bride's cake three-tiered, beautifully decoratet and frosted white. It was sur mounted wit>h a miniature bridi and bridegroom who stood undei an arch eptwined with orangi blossoms and twenty-flve whiti candles encircled its base. Mrs John H. Stokes served cake, am Mrs. B. E. Frady poured^ coffee Assisting those two in servini were Mrs. Maggie Brown Korue gay. Miss Florene Gray. Miss Jose phine Drake. Miss llodgie Shear in. Miss Irma Griffin and Miss Ol ga Denton. Mints, with salted nut? accompanied cake and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Day pre sided ao the gift table, where ; ha ndsome array of gifts were dis played. Goodbyes were said b; Mr iiiW Mi*.. K*mt Dunn ?'&' Store than a* hundred guest: called durfug the evening to ex tend congratulations to the cou pie and to accept tHelr graMou hospitality. Among those who came fron outi of town were: Mr. and .Mrs. 11 M. Louis. Mr." and Mrs. J.' It Shearin, of Farmville; Mr. au< Mrs. Henry Griffin, of Dunn; Dr and Mrs. J. H. Brown, of Tarboro Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Drake, o(Cas Jalia; Mrs. W. L. Harrison. Mis Margaret Collins. Miss Mary Loui Collins, of Enfield; the Reverent and Mrs. J. U. Teague, of Hen derson; Miss Inez Thacker, o Petersburg. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. J A. Morgan, of Spring Hope; Mis Josephine Drake, Mr. and Airs. J A. Leonard, of Nashville; Mis Hodgie Shearin, of Wood; Mr and Mrs. J. W. Neal, Mrs. Edga Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grif fin, Mrs. Laura Shearin, Mrs. It D. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Georgi Raynor. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Louis .N*al. Mr. ant Mrs. Eulls Andrew*, all of Cen tervllle; Mrs. H. B. Griffin. Mrs Robert Pleasants, Misses France and Irnia Griffin, of Louisburg. OFFICES OI'ENKO BY A'. 8. SOU, SKBVH'i A. H. Venifjr In Chargr of Kervlo Kor K astern Norjh Carolina Regional headquarters of t h Soil Conservation of the U. S. De lutrtment of Agriculture to serv the eastern part of North Carolin have been opened here at 10 West i Harnett 8treet. A. H. Veaxy, in the regional of flee at Spartanburg, 8. C.. for th last year and a half, is hi charg and said yesterday he expected t( have t>he office In full operatloi by February 1. About 20 person will be employed here. ? "I consider It very advantage ous to he located In Raleigh be cause of the proxtmit? of the dlf ferent* state and federal depart ments with whlrh wfe have Join problems," Mr. Veaxy said. J. Max llet^drlx Is chief clerk ii the Raleigh office. ? News-Obser ver. Mr. Veaxey will be rememberei by Loulsburg and Franklin Coun ty citlxena as the son-in-law of Or and Mrs. S. P. Burt. He hai been very popular and succcssfu In t op?nins: session of - - lie Seventy-sixth Congress which 3 opened ou January third. r L* 1 ? 1 ' ? J i- I" ' " r r 8 FLAT ROCK b. t. u. * 1. Opening Period. President in ?! charge. Worship; Songs; Pray s er; Bible Readers Leaders Period. 2. Discussion Period, Oroup " Captain. Subject: "Deatih on the v Highways, the use of Beverage " Alcohol in Automobiles." A case ? ,in Point, Moselle A'iggins; Death ion the Highways. -Claire Hill; AP " cohol us a Cause. Joseph Hart; 11 Subintoxication. Thelma Roberts; ' What Can -be Done? Myrtle. Lee V Hendrix. 3. Closing Period,^ President?" s Open discussion; Closing Song;' ' Closing Prayer. Does alcohol contribute to the s death toll? What can we do about it? Hear such facts as 1 these discussed at Flat Rock Sun ? day evening. Jan. 22, at 6:30. 1 1 ASK YOUR MKRtANTS FOR BABY COUPONS About Wage Credits ? Part-time wages or wages for occasional work count toward old l age insurance beneflt?, If t-he Job ' is covered by the Federal old-age ' insurance provision of the Social * Security Act. 'i The term "wages" on employ s ers' social security tax reports to the Bureau of Internal Revenue ' means not only cash payments but " any other form of p *y, such as ' | meals, goods, lodging, etc. ASK VOIR MKRCANTS KOK BABY COUPONS 8 RKAJDY FOR BKKI M L. Settlemyre, ef Acme in llladen County has built a large beef cattle barn and set' aside g some of his best cultivated land for permanent pasture so as to p provide for his herd of Herefords. He says Miere is a better living i from cattle than from crops. ' ASK YOCR MKRCANTS FOR e ! BABY COUPONS a ? ? 3 i You cannot sit Idly by and ex pect the profits to cheer you on . - 1 the 1st. The red ink will getcha e I if you don't watch outi !l 1 9 I'LL BUY THAT SHOT - CrVH WOWs / SOLD SOME Kr STUFF FROM THE ATTIC j^\ : {WITH A WANTAD^r^ Sell "White Elephant*" , Buy What You Want I New Spring Happy HOME DRESSES Designed lu Styles and Put terns to please all. Sizes 12 to ao - 30 to 50. 89c ... Genuine 81x99 MOHAWK SHEETS Nationally known 8h<*t? ? Extra length, double bed size. Everyone perfect qual ity. V, 86c A Sensational Sale of SILKS & ACETATES Every yard cut from the bolts. 86 inches wide and guaranteed washable. . Think of It ? 4?c to 5#c Values ! ^ 39c yd. Giant Size OCTAGON SOAP 4 Bars for , 15c Vat Fast PRINTS 341 inches wide, light and dark grounds. Extra Sp4^l 8c yard BOYS OVERALLS .Sturdy quality In fight ount'<< Blue Denliu. full san forised shrunk, reinforced at all |>oiuts of hard wear. 39c Men '6 Corduroy & Moleskin PANTS Values to $3.00 - Nuff Sed! $1.79 Men's Broadcloth - .SHIRTS Famous make Broadcloth shirts in fancies and white, collar attached styles, full cut and well tailored, sizes 14 to 17. 91. 0? Values 79c Men's 66% Wool Coat SWEATERS Navy, Brown, or Grey Size* 36 to 40. Regular 91 -4? Value 89c Men's Triple Stitch WORK SHIRTS Made of durable ln? quality flannel, two pockets, full cut, sizes 14 to 17. 91-00 Valu? 59c FOX'S Louisburg's Best. Dept. Store Ask Merchants for Popular Baby Contest Coupons. ~y. Kniployrrs Mast Include Kucli Worker'* Horinl Security Ac count Number in Making Wn*e lie port s To Government Attention of businessmen is called to the facti that each em ployee's social security account number should be included in the employer's wage report to the Federal Government-. Bmietits to workers insured un der the Federal Old-age insurance system will be based on wages re ceived In covered employment from the time the program went' into effect. It Is' therefore impor tant! hat each employee's social security account contain a record of every dollar of his wages from January 1, 1937. untlt he reaches age 65. Subscribe to the Franklin Timet (Juaitcrly Witjt" Tax Keturnn IH|(? This Month Business Arms are now prepar:' iiiK t"he quarterly wage reports re | quired under the Social Security Act. N In order to credit an employee's ! wages to his social security ac | count, ituis necessary to have both ; his name and account number. I The name alone is not sufficient, because thousands of people may | have the same name. These tHX ' returns are due noti Inter than (January 31. ' ? v. YAMS i Sweet pfflato production in , 1938 was slightly larger than in 1937.' although there was a sharp decrease In the Central Atlantic 1 Coast states. Prices advanced sea sonally in recent weeks. NOTICE! , c _____ ? .. '"r ? * I am an Agent for the EQUITABLE LIFE ? r. ? ? in this territory.' This is one of the oldest and strongest Life Insurance Companies in Amer ica. * I offer prompt service in quoting you on any Standard Life policy. HAMILTON H0BG00D Phone 494-6 * y . ? THEATRE Night Shows: 7:00 and 9:00 15c and 30c Matinees: 3:30 Daily 10c and 25c Saturdays Continuous: 2 - 11 10c and 25c until 6 o'clock LAST TIMES TODAY FRIDAY, JANUARY SSOth BETTE DAVIS and ERROL FLYNN With JANE BRYAN 'THE SISTERS" SATURDAY, JAN. 2i?t Doable Feature Day William Boyd and George Haye* ? In ? . . Another Hopalong Cassidy Picture "HEART OF ARIZONA" also Laat Thrilling ( hapti r of "Dick Tracy Returns" and the First Chapter of the new adventure serial "Hawks of The Wilderness" starring Herman Br in SUNDAY-MONDAY, JAN 23 v&t Sunday Shows j j 3:30 and 9:00 l>irk Poran and Gloria Dickson" ? In ? "HEART OF THE NORTH" hi Technicolor Adventure flames anew in God'* Country Aimed in the* natwal beauties of the new techniooter. 'I ' TUESDAY. JAN. 24th The Roving Rfportcr* And new " thrills and headlines "WHILE NEW YORK SLEEPS" starring Michael Whalcu - Gloria Stuart WEDNESDAY. JAN. 2Bth GLADYS SWAKTHOUT and k. LiiOYD Nolan r ? In ? "AMBUSH" THURS. -FRIDAY, JAN. ?? - 27 KAY FRANCIS HUMPHREY BtKlART ? In ? "KING OF THE UNDERWORLD" with James St4-phenson ? John Kldrodgv COMING NEXT WEBK The ph'tur (hat is destined to win the academy award (orltW "THE GREAT MAN "WOTHS" and the technicolor hit "KENTUCKY" .. COMING SOON Nelson Eddy and Jeanctte Mc Donald in "Sweethearts." Jane Withers In "Ariaftna Wildcat." "\yings of The Navy." ?Stand Up And Fight." Allre Faye in "Tailspin." Norma Shearer In "Idiots De light." (Jiaudette Colbert in "Zaaa." "(Jang* Din." "Pfcrls Honeymoon." Tyrone Power in "Jesse James." THE PHRFBCT OIPT FOR ANY TIME IB THEATRE ECONOMY CARDS $850 in Admlaalou for fa.OO