/ ASK MERCHANTS FOR POPULAR BABY CONTEST COUPONS BELL TOTO TOBACCO AND COTTON IN LOUISBUEG FOR BETTER PRICES THE COUNTY - THE STATE THE UNION Boy Your Merchandise IN LOUISBURG From Merchants Who Ad vertise, for Better Bargains VOLUMN l.XIX SUBSCRIPTION ?l.SO ? Te louisburo, n. Carolina friday. ja.viary avih. 10.10 ( EIGHT PAGJCS) NUMBER 50 BALLOTING CLOSE AS BABY CONTEST GETS NEW ENTRIES Balloting Close As Baby Contest Gets New _ Entries l- v I $150.00 and Silver lo v- I ING CUP AT STAKE MARCH 1st Still Time To Enter Your Baby And Win ONLY 20 MORE DAYS OF HIGH CREDITS Com petition is getting keen in the "Dollars t6 You" Popular Baby Contest. After the first count, Wednesday evening the standing between all of the entries is ex tremely close. Just a few merch ant's coupons and Franklin Times subscriptions would make* a dif ference in the standing. The next count and showing of the contest is 8 p. m. Saturday, Jan. 28t>h. With the ideal Winter weather the' "Dollars to You" Popular Baby Contest) has been progressing with a great amount of pep and interest on the part of all the en tries. The Wednesday evening oount was most interesting. Hun dreds of merchants' coupoug tft>aded the ballot box in campaign bet ^quarters. Many FRANKLIN TIMK8 subscriptions also Were re ported. One thing is certain, this contest is going to be one of the most interesting ever conducted in this vicinity. Parents and relatives are hard i at i work securing the merchants' coupon and FRANKI.IN* TIMES subscriptions for their entries. Merchants report a gfeat increase] in business during the .past week | and bhe general public, is instruct ed to always ask for their "baby coupons" when making purchases In any of the participating stores. . * Only 20 more days of the high credit* on botih subscriptions and merchants' coupons the end will b* ' Wednesday Feb. 15th. This first perfod of high credits is the most important time of the entire campaign and parents and rel atives will do well to put their greatest effort* forth now while the 0. weatiher Is good and the credits ire HIGH. - Today's vote count shows that' the candidates are very close to gether in the "race. Even a new -nfrant could start today, turn in subscriptions and wiivout easily. When you consider tms and the ?hort time still left before the cash awards and the cup are given out to the fortunate win ners, why not make up your mind, to get In the win? The next count of the contest* takes place Saturday at 8 p. m. Contestants are asked to place all Franklin Times subscriptions aud merchants coupons in the ballot boxes at contest headquarters. The standing will be posted Saturday evening on the Franklin Times window showing the results of the Saturday evening count. BANNING DEMONSTRATION On January 30 at 10:00 A. M.| in the Agriculture Building Mrs. Charlie Cloanlnger will give a meat canning demonstration. Mrs. 1 Cloanlnger will furnish the ma- 1 terials for the demonstration. All ' women who are interested in can ning meats are urged to attend this meeting. Mrs. Cloaninger has had quite a bit of experience canning meate and her demonstration should be very helpful. She Is a graduate of Wlnthrop Collfege; has taught Home Economics several years; sapervised a school canning kitch en, and has given canning demon strations in cooperation with the fr'arm Security Administration in Booth Carolina. Her coming to Franklin Oounty was arranged by Mrs. C. C. Morris. Food Conservation Specialist, and 4s through the couHesy of the Ball Brothers Company. PROGRAM AT THE LOU1SBURG THEATRE The following is the program begging Friday, Jan. 27th: Last Times Today (Friday) ? Kay Frances and Humphrey Bo garO In "King of the Underworld." Saturday ? Double Feature ? Tex Hitter in "Song of the Buck uroo" and Frankli.. Darro In "Wanted By The Police." Also 2nd chapter of "Haws of The Wilderness." Banday-Monday ? John Barry more In "The Oreat Man Votes." Tuesday ? Dennis O'Keefe, Ce celia -Parker, Nat Pendleton and Harry Carey In "Burn 'Em UP O'Connor." ' Wednesday ? RetOrn Engage ment, Mickey Rooney, Lewis Stone, Fay Holden, Cecelia Park er In "You're Only Tonng Once." Thursday - Friday ? Loretta Tonng, Richard Greene afad Wal-, ter Brennan In "Kentucky " DR. A. H. FLEMING W. R. Mills Named Vice President At Annual Scout Council Meeting Held in Louis burg Tuesday Night The Occoneechee Council. Hoy Stouts of America. heTd ite an nual meeting In Louisburg Tues day evening, January - 24th, .Franklin Hotel, the opening ses sion occurring at 6 o'clock in the loungr' of Uiv hotel. This session was featured by u round table dis cussion. programs and troop ac tivities, held bv the Scoutmaster* and Troop committee-men. Also at the same time a meeting of the Council officers and district corti mitteemen held a meeting in the office of Mr. W. R. Mills. Super intendent of Franklin County Schools; the nominating commit tee held session in. the ladies' par lor of the hotel; and the nontUiat ing committee for the Silver Bea ver Award met in t'he hotel lobby The banquet session was held in the dlnlng'voom of the hotel at 7 p. m.. being presided over by Dr. V. Hoffman, of Raleigh, re tiring president of t'he Council, who made the annual report. In vocation was spoken by Rev. L. F. Kent, rector of St. Paul's Episco pal Church. Louisburg. _ Claud Humphreys, of Raleigh, made the executive's report and C. M. Cal houn displayed moving pictures of camp life and scout activities. The main address at the ban quet! was given by Hop. ,J. M Rroughton, o'f Raleigh, who in the course of his talk lauded the work and principle of the Boy Scouts of America, ai^d especially the advancement of the. Occonee chee Council. The Silver Beaver Award, the highest honor for Scouters, was awarded to L. P. Denmark, of Raleigh. Officers for the year 1839 for the Council were elected as fol lows: R. Hi Reynolds, Raleigh, president: Lloyd Williams, of Durham, W. R. Mlfli, of Louls burg, and W. O. Mclver. of San ford, vice-presidents; Paul P. Brown, Raleigh, treasurer; R. N. 1 Wilson, Durham, ibmmlssloner. Committee chairman were named aa follows: Finance, H. K. With erspoon. Raleigh; Court of Hon or, L. L. Collins, Durham; Organ iiaMon, Claud Bowers, Warren ton; Training. L. P. Denmark, Raleigh; Health and Safety, Dr. O. T. Watklns, Durham; Camping, Dr. V. Hoffman, Raleigh; Pub licity, L. J. Qrler, Bule's Creek; Civic Duty, W. H. Bryan, Hender son; Cub Scouting, Hugo Oiduz, Chapel Hill;, Reading, W. C. Btrowd, Louisburg; Rural 8cout? Ing. D. L. Bell, Pittsboro. , The Occofieechee Council Is composed of 8cout troops from ten counties: Franklin, Warren, Wake, Vance, Granville, Durham, Chatham, Lee, Orange, HarneM. All of the counties were represen ted at this annual meeting with Mie exception of Harnett and Orange counties. ASK. TOUR MKROANTS FOB ~ BABY COUPONS / Dr. Fleming Presides At ? Raleigh Meeting g ? ? Re-elected to Association < Presidency Dr. A. H. Fleming, of, Louis burg. was re-elected Jo the presi dency of the North Carolina Asso ciation of Fair Secretaries at the sixth annual meeting of this asso ciation which was held iu Raleigh Friday and Saturday of "last Week. The meeting w,as climaxed by a banquet- held /on Friday night at Which Dr. Fleming acted as toast master, which concluded with u series of floor shows of home tal ent artiste presented by three at tractions bookers, George A. Ha mid. Frank Wirth and James F. Victor, all of New York City. The featured address at> the banquet was given by J.'Melvin Broughtou, of Halelgh. who paid high tribute to the managers and entertainers at agricultural fairs for their part in North- Carolina's advanceiuent."?Governor Hoey had been scheduled for this occasion ' but due to conflicting engagement 1 out of italeigh, -he was unable to, appear. Guests introduced at the ban- j quoti were Commissioner of Agri culture W Kerr Scott. Senator W. X.. Lumpkin, of Louisburg. -Sena tor Arthur B. Corey, of Green ville. and Rep. It. T. Fulglium, of Johnston County. Besides Dr. Fleming's re-elec Oion, John W. Robinson, of Hick-,' ory. was also re-elected to his post ; as vice-president. New officers : elected were W. H. Dunn, of Wil son, secretary and M. W. W it llams, of Monroe, vice-president. J The Board of Directors elect-ed for J the Association are as follows: N. Y. Cham bliss. of Rocky Mount: Dr. J. 6. Drtrton, of Shelby; C. M. llight, of Henderson; F. A. White Side, of Gastonia; C. L. I'arnell. Mebane; A. .1. Grey, of Rocky Mount); and J. I,. Clayton, of Leaksvllle. . Dr., Fleming is one of Louis burg's popular Dentists and has beeu Secretary to tbe Franklin County Fair that has been so pop ular in Mils section for many years. He has enjoyed the honor of tbe term of President of the North Carolina Association of Agricul tural JJalr Secretaries for the past year and is more greatly honored by Ills re-election to the same post for another year. NO KIRK D.VMAiJK The flTe alarm sounded Wed- j nesday morning at 8:45 o'clock, was a call to the home of Mr. J. L. ! l'almer. on Sunset Avenue, where I a pile of wood behind the cook i stove in the kitchen had caught ' fire. No damage was done, ac cordiiig to report of Fireman Graham Holmes. ?SI'KCIAI/ MKfCTIN<; At a special meeting of t-he Franklin County Board of Cora-1 mlssioners held at the courthouse 1 on Saturday, January 14th. Ohe | Commissioners conferred with! Hon. W. L. Lumpkin. Franklin's I Senator to the North Carolina j Legislature, and Hon. A. F. John son. Representative to the Legis lature, In regard to the local ABC 1 Liquor Control Stores and the: laws pertaining thereto. They are 1 to meet again on Monday. Febru- 1 ary 6th. when tljey will again dis cuss and consider this problem. PHONK Z83 _?| IFOR FIRST CLA8B PRINTING THREE ACTIVE~~Y~qirftGSTERS T KHANOKS ANN. S y (511.!,, 4 Will's AI.MCN, 10 Months auxlitrr of Mr. aii.l Mrs. C. i:. s..n of Mr." niut Mrs. \\. l.i.n- S<Ai ?r Mr. and Mrs. M?niiel A?M-f. i TimlH'rhiko, IimiifclMirft. !?!? ' ' rastvr, . liOin*- >uvc. Elmer Meyers Killed In Auto mobile Accident * ? ? * Veteran Flier Led Aviation Advance Here; Mrs. Mey ers Injured _,,j >A truck-automobile collision near Itulelgh Thursday flight of last week claimed t'he life of El mer G. Meyers, 34. manager ofc Raleigh Airport and ? leadpr of aeronautical development in the State. *The 'wreck also resulted in serious injury pf his wife, Mrs. Marie M. Meyers 1 The tragedy oecured 11 miles from ltaleigb on the Wendell high way as Mr. and Mrs Meyers, re turning to the city by car after a trip to tihe east, met a truck load ed with- over seven tons of cement building slabs. Occupants or the t?ruck escaped unhurt. Ilini In Ambulance Thj- machines sidegwlped with terhVc' force, the impact -ripping, off -Hie entire left side If Hie Met ers car. First witnesses to reach the scene found Mr. Meyers uncon scious and Mrs Meyers, suffering severe shock, holding her hus band's head in her lap. An ambu lance from Wendelt was called but Mr. 'Meyers was- pronounced dead upon arrival at' Mary iilizabeth Hospital at 7:05 p. m. Dr. P. G. Fox. who attended Mrs. Meters, said she suffered, se vere lacerat litis about the face and painful bruises. He expressed be lief she was" not hurtt critically, but said the full extent of her in juries could not he ascertained at tihe present. Dr. Fox Informed her of Mr. Meyers' death after she had part ly recovered from mtmentary shock. ? / > Mr. Meyers' Injuries included a skull fracture, crushed ribs on the] left clde and a double fract>ure of his left arm. Truck Driver Held Corlner Roy M. Banks took i charge of the Investigation and directed the truck driver, H. B. i Plummer, 2n, of Charlotte, held Entries In The Franklin Times Popular Baby Contest Ask for your "Popular Baby Coupons" when making purchases in any of the participating stores. Tlio Ballot Box in contest headquarters in Frank lin Tirnes office will be opened for the second time on Saturday, Jan. 28th, at 8 p. in. and the coupons and subscriptions counted for publication. Below are listed the Babies who have been enter ed up to Thursday noon. -The list is alphabetical. Child Allen Betsy Rose Shirley Ann Ruth Fay Laney Lou Willis Nell rose Emily Nell Pfcuy Billy Baby ' Donald Arch Perry Lorlne Fayo Joyce Frances Ann Age 10 mo, 3 yrs. 3 yrs. 18 mos. 8 mo. 15 mos. 14 mos. 8 mos. 8 yrs. 4 yrs. 15 mos. 1 yr. 17 mos. 4 yrs. 3 yrs. 3 yrs. Parent* Homo Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Assof, Loulsburg Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bunn, Loulsbnrg Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bunn, Spring Hope Mr. and Mrs. Tad Cash, Youngsvllle R1 Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Collins, Lbg. R3 Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Cooke, Lbg. R2 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Daniels, Lbg. R4 Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Dean, Lbg. R4 Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Egerton, Loulsburg Mr., Mrs. W. O. Lancaster, Loolsburg Mr., Mrs. Or oyer Murray, Lbg. R1 Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Orerton, Frankllnton Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Read, Wood Mr., Mrs. C. J. Smith, Loulsbnrg, R3 Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer, Lbg. R3 Mr., Mrs. C. E. Tlmbertake, Lbg. R1 - Enter Your Baby Today -- HONOR ROLL POPULAR * BABY <X>NTKST * Standing of the Hi si 10 * * babies in the FRANKLIN * * TMMKK "I opulai' ^aby Con- * *' irsi" jis tallied .la i? nary 2<~th *' * This ? * * Count * * 1. Joyce Spencer. * * ?. "t Frances Ann Tinilwrl$?k*\ :{. Billy Lancaster. * I. Allen Ass?*f. * /?. Betsy Hok.h Biiiiii. * U. Kmil> Nell lleim. * 7. Patsy Kgi'rton. * 8. Awli Perry Reail. ^ 0. Lorine Fay Smith. * * lt>. Donald Overton. * N'vit t omit Saturday rven* * * inu from tl to H. Onl> 20 * * more <lays of hitch credits. * * Who will he leading depends * * upon your support. Now is * * tho lime to Mip|>ort your fav- * * oritr. * * # * ? ? *- ? * ? * * under $50rt liond pending u hear ing. James Yarborough. Negro, o(. RaleijHi. was a passenger 'in tile' "truck. ?r Investigating offirtTH saldt hoy were unable to place blame from physical evidence at the scene.? News-Observer. ' . HOOKS at IKANKI.iN Idl NTV ?JHKARY Tljf! Ilookmobile will leave a lar^e supply of new books at Jjhe I'rnnklln County Library begin ning Monday, January 30th. Dtir 1 ing the month the Rook mobile Ik in the County. t'hls supply will be exchanged for other books. ThMe books are free and we suggest that everyone visit Mic Library and take advantage of this oppor tunity. The books are on all sub jecs ? from Hie easy reuder through book* In religion, science, art. farming, cooking. craftB, home management, literature and i fiction RENEW YOUR SCBHCRIPTION | Named Candidate For Annapolis "1 W. B. BARROW. JR.. above of Loulsbnrn, has been no tified of his appointment an one of the principal candidate's for the United State* Naval Academy by Congressman Harold Cooley. Barrow Is an Eagle' Seoul and now la attend school at Marlon Institute In Marlon, Alabama. Examination for the vaoabcles will be held at Annapolis late this spring and the sncceefnl candi date* will enter the service school in June of tbta r?*r. W. S. Person De^cl Services This At'lernrton ? Till- death of Mr. William ..? Person, of Cold Sand, o^jciirred pi llii- hospiljil in Rorltv Mount v. licrt' ho Iia<( boon confined afU'i a severe accident .which p.e<ttn"?<l on Tuesday,, January 17th when struck l?y a falling tree while cut tins timber, 011 Wednesday eve ning at> 6 o'clock. Mr. Person is one of Franklin County's most popular and pro gressive farmers, being active in I be Gold Sand Community activi ties and development'. He was the ; oldest son of the late Mr. and Mvs. ; S. J. Person. The accident leading to his death occurred When he was overseeing and helping wil'h i the^cjjttinjf of some timber near his home. Ilis condition made a j turn for, the worse 011 Wednesday morning. * The deceased is survived by his I wife, who- was before, her mar riage. Miss Eva Underwood of i Voungsvilie, and one bspt'her, Mr, I Maurice M. Person also of the Qold : Sand community, also' three nieces tiind one nephew Mr Person was ;i hou 1 52 years of agemnd a mem ber. of tile Sereptn Methodist i.f'hurch. The funeral services will be conducted from the home near (ioid Sand this afternoon at 3 o'clock by Rev. E, It. Shuller. of , Warreiuon, pastor of the deceas ed. lie v. Wjlljiain Towe, of Rocky , Mount, a former pastor, and, Rev. | J. It. Edwardifc pastor of Baptist Church, Rt> 1 Louisburg. The in terment will be made in Oaklawn Cemetery, Ijoiflshurg, following the services- at the home. E. 1 1. Kl l, I, Kit DIES AT lUXtniTT HOME K. 1. Fuller, aged 6!< years, died Tuesday morning at 11:45 o'clock at his home in the Bobbitt community. Death was attribu ted to a complication of diseases. He had been in poor health for about three years, and for t-he last three months was confined to his bed. Funeral services were conduct ed from Plank Chapel Methodist Church, of which -he was a life time member, Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock. i Mr. Fuller. is survived by his widow, Mrs. Patty Brummltt Ful ler; seven sons, Thelbert L., Clif ton. Sam, and Jack Fuller, all of the BobblW. community; Fletcher B., of Epsom; Edgar M. Fuller, of Louisburg; and Charles E. Fuller, of Seattle, Wash.; and two daugh ters, Mrs. L. E. Thurmond, of At lanta, Ga.; and Mrs. Esker Per klnson, of KlttTell. He Is also sur vived by nine grandchildren. Mrs. Marfcuerlte Finch, and Mr, and Mra. Llwlejohn Faulkner en tertained a number of their friend* -?t their home In Wilson, N. C. An Italian spaghetti supper was enjoyed by all. The decorations war* carried out in the Val?nttne motif. Souvenlra of Valentine can dy were given to the following gueata: Mr. and Mr*. W. N. Fuller. Jr., Mr. and Mra. L. E. Scogglfi, Jr., Mr. and Mra. J.'L. Gupt<on. Mr. and Mr*. Wilbur Raynqr, Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Belhy, Mra. George Weaver, Mlaa Frances Green, Miss Joaephlne Rouse, Miss Marguerite House, Mlaa Marguerite Tonkel. Mlaa Jlmmle James, Mrs. S W Scoggln, Mlaa Anne Rarnhill. Mr. Kldd Bulluck, Mr. Jack Tnvlor, Mr. Arch Wllkon, Mr. Lealle Cook. Mr. Napier Williamson, Dr. J imes Whelesa, ICr.' and Mra. 0 orge Bartholomew, Mr and Mr? Tal madge Green * GENERAL NEWS U. S. Solicitor General Robert H. Jackson addressed the League of Municipalities legislative din ner Wednesday night, at which tipie he attacked those influence* who would defeat the program?ot the New Deal. The "Diversion" battle contin ues to be waged inathe N. C. L#eg: lslature. It Seems to be the No. 1 issue before the current legisla ture session. Gov. Hoey is con templating appearing personally before a joint) session, of the leg islative bodies to give his opiolotia and views on highway diversion. Everyone seems to be sbowlag much interest in the moves on this question and many prominent statesmen are airing their views pro and con. Also, this ever popular argu ment on Ahsehtee ISallots is re ceiving its share of attention in the Legislature. Anti-Absentee Rills arestiU flooding the House; Officials of the North Carolina Merchant's Association advocated an adoption of a flat two per cent sales tax with no exception in lieu of the present three per centi tax. with essential foods and drugs ex empted, to a Joint finance com mittee of the General Assembly on Wednesday. Dr. Clyde Erwin, Stated Super v^" intendent of Public Instruction, asked a hard pressed legislative I committee Wednesday to appro priate approximately J2, 900,000 : during the next two years for raising the salaries of the 14,000 North Carolina teachers, to re store their salaries to the 192# ; level. , - "7 ~ ^ -r ?: .^tnWuently the U. S. Congress in a round-table discussion by members of tobaefcb-growing dis ? trirts, has decided to look to the ; Soil Conservation Act to control tobacco production in 1939, bnt I to be prepared to move forward with a prograhi for invoking 1940 (juntas Just as soon as the Supreme j Cc^urt passes on the new AAA act Senator "Bob" Reynolds has taken occasion to flay the Presi dent's foreign policy. Although paying due respect to President J Roosevelt, he did not check his J "bitter attacks on his movement in rotations t tr the foreign conn tries. t: ' 1 Joe Louis. Heavyweight Champ ion. again defended hi? title la his own fashion Wednesday night whVti he defeated John Henry ; Lewis, another member of the colored, race and formerly the light heavyweight champion. In the first I round. The bout lasted only two minutes and 29 seconds, the de cision being a technical knockout, John Henry I.?wi8 having been knocked down ttirlce in that short time, j Elsworth Vines won his seventh I victory in the series Wednesday night when he defeated the fam onf Don Uudge at Chapel Hill, where the two professional stars appeared on their tour. A crowd of about 3800 were present to witness this tennis match. Lou Gehrig signed a 1939 con i tract with the New York Yankees I Wednesday calling for a salary of between $30,000 and $39,000. ? This will be Gehrig's fifteenth [season with the world champions. One of file most terrific disas ters was the earthquake In Chile Wednesday, leavlhg a badly dev astated area and an estimated death toll as high as 10,000 or more.. A score of school children were hurt Wednesday afternoon when a truck aldeswtpral a school bus carrying 52 chlMrtV and forced It off a bridge Into XjtMe Rock Fish. Creek near Wallace. '. SNOW WHITE AND SEVKN DWARFS AT EPSOM -? A stage production of the fa mous fairy story. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, will be brought to the Epsom High School next Tuesday night, Jan. 31, at 7:10 o'clock. A fine performance In cluding Snow White, Prince Char ming, The Seven Dwarfs, The Queen's Palace, The Wicked Queen, The Wltche's Dance, and The Old Witch. This entertain ment Include* music and singing as well ns the dramntizatlon of thn story CARD OF THANKS Appreciation and deep thaaka are sincerely exteadrd to all those friends wh? rendered much serv ice and kiadnettps to us during the Illness nnd death of our. broth er Mr. 9. F JtWTWilf?.r His Sisters * Brothers. ,

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