10 ID I TONKEL'S DEPT. STORE | Now Featuring 1 NEW SPRING LADIES' SHOES ' ' \V.. ' " In very smart styles, Brown and E White, Solid White, Black Pat- |] ents and Japonicas. Prices 11 ranging from V $1.98 to *5.00 i New styles in Men's Oxfords, E T an and White, White, and Nat- L ural, Crepe bottoms and Leath- f er soles. Priced from [ 'i.98 * '2.98 [ l I OUR BIG JANUARY I CLEARANCE I S A L E | STILL GOING ] Men's Suits and Topcoats at 1 1-2 PRICE | Ladies' Fall and Winter Coats 5 at less than Q 1-2 PRICE | LADIES' SILK DRESSES j] Final Closeout JJ *1.00 Each D LADIES' FALL FELT HATS | Priced at ] 2SC and S0C j TOBACCO D CANVASS j Lowest Priced in Louisburg. | See Us Before Buying ! - j TONKEL'S jj DEPARTMENT STORE, INC. H "Louis burg's Shopping Center" U ? The KENTUCKY ?*>F GREAT TRADITION! Love all fir* and pride! Long-fought racing rivalry and Its dramatic climax... th* Kentucky Darby! A dramatic cavalcade of the Blue Grass country from the days of the War Be ^ tween the States to now! with LORETTA YOUNG RICHARD GREENE WALTER BRENNAN DOUGLAS DUMBRIllE KAREN MORLEY MORONI OLSEN Dir*ct*4 by DAVID ,0UTLER ' Associate Producer Gene Marks y Screen Ploy by' lomcr Trotti and John Tointor Foofe ? From the story "The Look of Eagles" by John TalnJor Foote A 20tl? Century-Fox Pictwr* DARRYl F. I AMUCK in Cha/g? of Prcdvctten TRUCKS HANDLE ONLY 5 PER CENT OF TOTAL FREIGHT. SURVEY SHOWS I Since the rise at Mie highway industry two decades agrt. motor trucks have at no time handled more Mian 5 per cent of the total freight moving In this country during any given year, according to statistics compiled by the Cleve land Trust* Company. The com pany's study covered the years j from 1926 through 1937. In a recent issue of itv publica tion "Business Bulletin", the firm stated that in 1929 trucks were carrying less than 2 per cent of all freight. From that time until ' 1932, they gradually rose to 5 | per cent, but have not increased that proportion in the past> six - years, the sstudy showed. Trucks hauled "a little less" Minn 5 per cent in 19*7. "Their gains were made in the early depression years when they doubled their propor tion of total freight transported In the years from 1929 to 1932." j i While the trucks were making thfclr "great gains" during 1929 and 1932, according to the study, i the comparative amount* of ton nage hauled by the railroads de creased but 1 per cent in the same period. I "In 1925 the railroads carried 76 per cent of Mie total. That pro portion did not change much In -the first eight years of the period,' for In 1932 at Mie. bottom of the depression the railroads were still carrying 75 per cent of the total", . the reports stated. "They had lost greatly In vol ! ume In the depression years, but that was mostly because much 1 loss freight* was being moved, and not to any large degree because the railroads were losing It to | other agencies. On the other band. Mie report showed that from 1932 to 1937 the proportion carried by the rall roada declined from 75 per cent' to. 66 per cent, while trucks also suffered a slight loss. "A summary statement of the noat significant changes that have taken place In the transportation of freight from 1936 through 1937 is that* In those 13 years the share of the railroads dropped 10 points, ' from 76 per cent to 66 per cent", the report added. "Theae 10 "points lost by the ratlroadsrailroad were absorbed by | the three other agencies (trucks. 1 waterways, and pipelines). The trucks gained three of them. The pipe-lines also gained three points, and the remaining' four were tak en over by waterwaya." "In 1926, the trucks carried 2 'per cent of the freight; Mie | pipelines 5 per cent; the water ways 17 per cent, and the rail roads, Mie remaining 76 per cent. In 1937 trucks carried 5 per cent ' ; pipe-lines, 8 per cent; waterways, ' | 21 per cent, and the railroads the I remaining 66 per cent." ? Ex, HOO SALE A cooperative shipment of 247 fat hogs through the cooperative I market* at New Bern netted the farmer* approximately $4,000 last week, report! County Agent L. O. i( Matthls. I 1/ictfo ELECTRIC TUNING RADIO as advertised on page 00 of this week '? issue of THE SATURDAY EVENING POST See this amazing new radio value NOW! ? Electric Toning for 6 stations ? Victrola Button ? Magic Eye ? RCA Victor Metal Tubes ? Master Antenna ? Standard Broadcasts ? ShortWave Broadcasts Other brand - new model* at $20 to $70 lets than any com parable model* lant year I Quo look it thin fforjjfrtua now 1 9!!9 RCA Victor Electric Tuning K:uii OF THANKS Wc wish- to t'hank our friendi and neighbors for their many gift! and kindness shown us sine** tin loss of our home By fire, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0- tlenn ant Family. ' EXECUTOR'S HALE OK ' PROPERTY I will, on Friday, the 3rd da> of March. 1939, at or about< elev en o'clock A M., on the premisee of the A. S. Powell Gin Lot in thi Town of Franklinton, N. C., sell for cash to the highest bidder the property of the A. S. PoweJl Es tate consisting of all farming tools, one t-wo-horse wagon and livestock, one 193" model Chev rolet. Truck, one 1937 Chrysler Sedan, also for One fifth cash, with balance in four equal annual deferred payments, the A. 8. Pow ell Cotton Gin Lot. buildings, gin machiiovry and equipment com plete. This 20th day of January. 1939. It. H. JONES. Executor of A. S. Powell Estate. Box 206, Franklinton. N. C. 1-27-Bt NOTICE , North Carolina, In' Franklin Co. Superior Court Rosser Clements Mullen, et als ri VS. B. M. C. Mullen, Jr., et als. The defendant above named will take notice that an action or special proceading entitled as above has beenicomjnenced In Sup erior Court of Franklin County which action or special proceeding has been instituted for t>he pur pose of selling the estate In re mainder in .114.53 acres of land situate in Dunns Township. Frank lin Countiy, N, C., and being that tract or parcel of land conveyed by J. C. White and wife to B. M. C, Mullen and wife, Pattle C. Mul len for life with remainder to tihelr children, said deed being duly recorded In Book 184 at Page 358 In the Registry of Franklin County, the prSceeds of said sale to be re-Invested under order of the court) for the benefit of the said remainder interest; an<^ the defendant will further take notice tihat he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County at the courthouse In said County In Lou Ishurg, N. C., on or before the 276h day of March, 1939, and an swer or demur to the petition filed herein by the petitioners In said special proceeding or action, or (fee said petitioners will apply to ttfe court for the relief demanded in said petition. This the 26th day of January, 1939. W. V. AVE NT. 1-27 -St. Clerk Superior Court). THEATRE Night Shows: 7:00 and 9:00 15c and 30c Matinees: 3:30 Daily 10c and 25c Saturdays Continuous: 2 - 11 10c and 25c until 6 o'clock SATURDAY, JAN. SStb - Doable Keuturr l>ay l'KX (UTTER in "Song of The Buckaroo" and, t j- KKANKIE DAKKO in "Wanted By The Police" ( Also and Chapter v" Hawk.H of The Wilderues" 8FNDAYJMONDAY. JAN. SMWIO Sunday Shows H : .'10 and 9:00 No Man's if a Failure \ Who's a Hero ^ to His Kids! The drama of a / shiftless highbrow I whos< controlling^ . ? vote made him a city's pampered son It's all warmth ana chuckles and heart-tugs! ? ' great mamvotis ~ss . DimM MaeBn** ?o \ Katharin* dUx.nd.r uoO ^ a . rcas fi* >AN0?O 5. BEtMAN In cHarf* o I p?od jeKon. Dk*ct?d by Gorton Konin. Produced by Cliff ??? Scf?.? ftov by Jo*" Twrf*. The picture that Is destined to ; win the academy, award (or thin year as outstanding entertainment. Variety says "Sparkles with value and brilliance. Worthy of topmost position." Box Office Magazine says, "Deluxe entertainment, flaw less performances, delightful com edy." The Film Daily says, "grand piece of entertainment, one of the finest* dim experiences of the year," The rave reviews can't be wrong. Your money back if you don't think this show Is grand e-u tertalnment to*. TUESDAY, JAN 81st A Grand action story of the fast est things on wheels, I Dennis O'Keefe, Cnvlla Parker, Nat IVndleton and Harry Carey "Burn 'Elm Up O'Connor" WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1st Return engagement of the beat of the Hardy Family stories. Mickey Rooney, hemU Stone, Fay Holdcn, Cecrlla Parker Is "You're Only .Young Once" r THURSDAY-FRIDAY, FEB. M I,oretta Young - Richard Grecae Walter Rrennan In "KENTUCKY" Filmed entirely In Technicolor. A great picture that has been held over for additional playing Ume In all key cities, and has proven It's merit as great entertalnmeat by splendid word of moubh adver tising. ? ? v T."" COMINO BUN-MON., FEB. ft-6 Nelson Eddy - Jeanette M< Donald In "SWEETHEARTS"* COMING SOON "Wings of The Norjr" - "Stand Up and Fight" - "Tallspln" . "Id!** Delight" - "Kara" ? "tlunga Din" "Pari* Honeymoon."