SAUSAGE We have been Belling our sausage around town for a long Mme go you will know what you are get ting. We will appreciate it if you will call on these merchants for our sausage. Our fresh sausage Is being handled by G. W. Murphy and Son and Thomas Grocery Co. l-27-3t P. G. and M. G. SMITH. ARK YOU OUT tJFrfA JOB? If you are not regularly employ ed, or are not earning enough to satisfy yourself, get' in touch with me. You can earn $5.00 or more a day on a Watkins Route now vacant. Must have car and be un der 50. See me at once. CHARLES P. COWLEY, R.P.D. 4, Louisburg, N. C. NOTICE OK SALK Nort'h Carolina, Pranklin County. Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority of sale contain ed. in that certain interlocutory judgment of foreclosure' entered on 13 February, 1939 in Tax Judgment Docket 3 at page 7 4. by the Clerk of the Superior Court, in tihat action entitled "County of Pranklin v. J. Forrest House, et al., heirs at law of OLiylA BREWER, deceased," the under signed commissioner, will, as therein directed, offer fbr sale for1 cash at public auction at the court { house door of Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon on MONDAY, 20 MARCH, 1030, I the following-described lands: Lying $nd being in Cedar Rock Township, listed for taxation in 1930 and 1931 in the name of OLIVIA BREWER, containing twenty-five (25) acres, more orj less, hounded on the north by the i lands of Charles C. Benton, on the east by the lands of Calvin W. Conn, on the south by the lands of H. J. House or the J. A. House es tate, and on the westi by the lands of Charles C. Benton and Wiley I Bartholomew, being the home | place of Olivia Brewer, widow of j John Brewer, where she lived and died. For further reference see Book 227 at page 304 and Book 285 at page 357. and Book of Or-' ders and Decrees 6 at page 320, Franklin County Registry. Dated, posted and publtalvrtl this 13th February, 1939. CHARLES P. GREEN, 2-17-5t Commissioner. RE-SALE OK VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and-by virtue of an order of re-safe of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, made in the special proceeding entitled "Lidy Myers et als. S, . % v. W. M. Pinneil et als." the undersigned commissioner will on MONDAY, the 2fflrm.OI FEBRUARY, 108V, at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, sell- at public auction at the court< house door iu Louis burg, Franklin Cpunty, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: 1. A-certain trai t' or parcel of land situate in Sandy Creek Town ship, Franklin County, North Car olina, containing forty-two (42) acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of C. S. Merritt, Peter Fos iter, the old County Home Tract, and others. 2. A certain tract or parcel of land situate in Sandy Creek Town jship, Franklin Courtly, North Car olina, containing fifty-four (54) j acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W. G. Fuller, Mrs. D. T. ! Fuller, the road leading from Moulton to Trinity Churclf, and others. 3. A certain lot or parcel of land situate in the town of Louis burg, Franklin County, North Carolina, oil Spring Street, ad joining the Methodist Parsonage, Mrs. Ilia Harris, and S. S. Mea dows, and fronting 60 ft. on Spring Street). A deposit of ten per cent of the amount bid will be re quired of t-he highest bidder at said re-jale, said deposit to be for feited in the event that the bidder should fail to comply wi,th the terms of sale. This the 8th day of February, 1939 1 HILL YARBOROUGH, 2-17-2t' Commissioner. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Everett* Ayscue, dated the 20th day of May, 1937, and recorded in the offite of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Caro lina, in Book 337, Page 540, the same having been executed and delivered to secure the payment of the balance of the purchase price of the lands therein conveyed, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured and demand for foreclosure having been made, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale to the" highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Louis burg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of 12:00 o'clock noon, on the i:?th DAY OK FEBRUARY, 1 n failure to comply with the bid. Dated and posted this the llt'h day of January, 1939. HILL YARBOROUGH, 1-20-4t Trustee. The above sale was continued to Monday. Feb. 20th. 1,939. at, about the lldllr of^k&o'cjock noon, by consent of all parties concern ed. This Feb. 13th, 1939. HILL YARBOBOrttl*. 2-1 7-1 1 Trusses. KXK( TTOR'S NOTK E Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Mrs. Maggie Hicks, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against ifie estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February 1940, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All will please make Immediate pay ment. This 9th day of February, 1939. MRS. O. M. HOWARD, O. M. Beam, Atty. Extrx. 2-1 0-6t. ADMINISTRATORS NOT UK Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of W. B. Pearce, deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty,- North Carolina, this is to noti fy all persons having claims against Mte estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 10th day cf February. 1 940. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 9th day of February, 1939. WILLIAM P. PEARCE. E. F> Griffin, Adm'r. Attorney. -2-10-6t Tltl'STKK'S StliK OK HUM ? Ksr.vrr. Pursuant to the power and au thority contained in a certain deed ot trust dated the 11th day of May, 1936, executed by Lott-ie Mae Freeman and husband, J. W, Freeman to T- C. Abernethy, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in thm 1 J. H. Dennis and wife, Maude R. !( Dennis, to the undersigned t-rus, dated April 28. 1936, record ed Book 300, Page 222. Franklin Registry, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereunder secured and demand having been made 1 upon the said trustee for foreclos ure; 1 will sell at public auction , for cash at twelve o'clock noon at Courthouse Door at- l.ouishurg. N. C? on - ERIDAV, MARCH a, the following laud: All that certain tract of "Iandi containing 196 acres, more or , less, known as the J. 11. Dennis place, in Frankliuton Township, j Franklin County, N. C? located on the Franklinton-llenderson Road, about four miles North of Franklinfon, N. C.. now in the 1 possession .1. 11. Dennis, bounded,' on the Nort?h by the lands of ' Higlit; bounded on the East by the Nicholson lands; bounded on the South by Persons Spring ' Branch, and Billies Creek; IxTunV ded oil the West by (.lie Ray land, described as follows: BEGIN ' NINO at lusta-k'e ill Person's Spring ! Blanch, corner for Itay liuid; -thence along the Ray line N. 1 3-4 ; deg. E. 3184 feet to a stake in old io;uI7 corner fm?Hny ? ttcmt ? a?4? Might land; thence N. 7J,deg. E. 500 feet; thence N. 86 deg. E. 100 feet; thence E. 400^ feet; thenci? N. 84 deg, E. 400 feet to Frank lin ton-Henderson Road; thence N., 8 2'/2 deg. E. 200 feet; thence N. 75Vj (leg . E. 4he name of J. W. Thomas, as "130 acres Home" and "12 acres Dead Road", and! more particularly described as fol-j Iowa: FIRST TRACT: Adjoining the lands of J. -h Thomas, James Mor gan,' and. other*, and described In the Wilt of Allan Thomas, record ed In Book of Wills W at page 77, dated 4 January 1916, and pro bated 7 November 1919# devising to Joseph W. Thomas, son of Al len Thomas, 100 acres, more or less, which said t-ract of land, said to contain 100 acres, more or less, having been surveyed and platted by Pittman Stell. C. E., in 1928, a [ copy of which plat is of record in i Franklin County Registry, con tains 123 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Containing j | seven (7) acres, more or less, ad- ( joining the lands of the heirs of Eddie Alford, J. W. Thomas and i Wolf Harbor Branch, and describ- [ ed by metes and bounds in Rook ! of Orders a-iul-llewees 12 at page 42, Franklin County Registry. |i THIRD TRACT: Containing |i three (3) acres, more or less, ad- J ' joining the lands of J. C. Fowler, and the public school lot. t lie ! i Louisbui'g-Poplar Spring Road I and others, and more particularly i described by metes and bounds in Book 124 at* page 554, Franklin I County Registry. < I FOURTH TRACT: Containing i 9.8 acres, more or less, and being ' Lot No. 14 in the subdivision plat ted in Book 192 at page 550, and I being mole particularly described ' in Book 190 at page 444. both ref- I efejices being to books in the leg- 1 istry of Franklin County. 1 Dated and posted t-his the 30th I day of January, 1939. CHARLES P. GREEN. I 2-3?4t -* ' Commissioner, i NOTICE OK RE-SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority contained in that certain judgment ot the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, in (hat certain Tax Foreclosure suiti entitled, "County of Frank lin v. Hi ii ton Southerland and wife, et al.", Suit No. 71, duly docketed in Tax Judgment Dock- j et 3 at pafce 72 in Mie office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to Mie highest bidder for cash at the courthouse floor in the Town of Loiiisburg, North Carolina, at or about Mie' hour of twelve o'clock noon, on ? MONDAY, MARCH tt, t ?:{?> the following-described land: All that certain toad or parcel' of land lying, being and situate in Sandy Creek Township, Frank lin County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Wash FaMtner, Jane nebnani, the Dorsey land, etf al., beginning at a point in the branch, I he west side; thence N 82 1 - 4 d , K 32.50 chains to a st-oite. Wash Falkner's corner; thence N 5Vid \V 11.84 chains to a stake in paid Falkner's line. Omega Soloman's tOTMr; thence N 87'-.d W 28.65 -bains along said Solomon line to he Solomon corner on the branch; t'helice up the branch as it mean ders to the beginning, containing 47 'a acres. Dated and posted this Hie 27tli lav of January, 193,9. / CHARLES P. (1REEN. 2-3-.51 Commissioner., t,ill%' VAU'AIILE REAL ESTATE Under and oy virltle of 'Hie nil-' thoritv contained in that ceiuiin deed of trust executed by Alex Evans on the tftii day of February. 1936. and recorded ill- the Public Registry of Franklin County, in . book 299, at page 4 28. default having been made in the comli thins of said deed of trust. Hie un dersigned Trustee will, on MOXIlijv. MARC H 13. IH.MI. at or about the h our of 12 o'clock noon, sit tin; courthouse door In Louishurg. N; offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash: That certain tract or parcel of land. situate in Franklin County. Louishurg Townsiilp. N. and described as follows: Containing; 83.9 acres, more or less; and being the land described in the deed of Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank' of Raleigh to P. !1. Alien, dated Sept. 12. 1932, re corded in book 250, at page 731, Registry of Franklin County, N. reference being here made to said deed and record for a more particular dl'scription of the land hereby conveyed, it being the land t'h is day conveyed to tin,1 said Alex . Evans by deed of F. II. [ A lien sind wife, the bonds hereby secured representing the hajjtnce of the l purchase price therefor. This. thei'-Mh day ot'J^eb.. 1939. ' k ? K. II. M ALONE, i (?. M\ Beam, Trustee, i Attorney. 2-10-5t ' XOT1CE OK FORECLOSURE SALE I Under and by virtur of the |>ow- i er of mile contained- in a deed of t trust (fated" September 25, 1936. j executed by K. P. .Hill and wife, Bettie B. Hill to Thomas H. Cal vert, Trustee, and recorded In the office of tbe Keglster of Deed* of - Franklin County. Nortb Carolina, in Book 330, pages 515-516, de fault having been made In the payment' of the indebtedness se cured by the said deed of trust, the undersigned will, at 12 o'clock : M, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 19.19, at the courthouse door in Louls burg, Nortfi Carolina, offer Tor sale, for cash, to the highest bid der, the land conveyed by Mie said deed of trust and therein describ- 1 ed as follows: - , A certain tract of land lying and being In Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, known as the Herbert Harris Farm, bounded by Tar River on the north and east, and by Long Branch on the south, and more partrfcularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake In aou therly edge of old road by Point- i ers and runs N. 18 deg. E. 922 feet, eroding main road at 210 feet) to a stake; thence, N. 29 1-4 deg. E. 1570 feet to a stake; thence N. 26 1-4 deg. E. 1376 feet to canal; thence down and wibb ?aid canal N. 7t deg. E. 760 feet to center of Tar River; thence dow? and with aald river, it* channel being the Hne.'lat, 8,(31 deg. B. 321 feet; 2nd, B. 198 feet; N. 40 deg. E. 360 feet; 'N. 45 deg. E. 203 feet; N. 80 deg. E. 50 feet*; N. 19 deg. E. 320 feet; N. 11 deg. E. 520 feet; N. 45 deg. E. 89# feet; N. 30 deg I W. 300 feet; N. 65 deg. E. 400 I feet; X. 80 deg. E. 700 feet; S. i 22 deg. E. 645 feet; S. 41 deg. E. 700 feet'; S. 11 deg. E. 700 feet; 5. 5 deg. W. 300 feet; S. 28 deg. E. 320 feet; S. 26 deg. W. 390 feet; S. 70 deg. W. 285 feet; S. 54 deg. W. 110 feet; N. 86 deg ! E. 500 feet; S. 3 deg. E. 240 feet; 1 S. 11 deg. W. 400 feet-; S. 3 deg. W. 1100 feet; S. 25 deg. W. 400 feet; S. 33 deg. W. 300 feet; S. 85 deg. W. 505Jeet; S. 26 deg W. 255 feet; S.. 13 deg. K. ?00, feet; S. 23 deg. W. 820 feet; S. 20 fleg. E. 510 feet-; S. lo deg. E. 300 feet; S. 3 deg. W. 600 feet; S. 16 deg. E. 460 feet; S. 33 deg. E. 300 feet"; S. 14 deg. W. 245 feet-, 0 the mout'h of Long Branch ; Ihence up and with said branch, | it being the line. 1st. ft. 45 deg. IV. 480 feet'; N. 74 deg. W. 455 feet; S. 32 deg. W. 160 fee(;"N ': S2 deg. W. 180 feet; S. ?4 deg. W. ,200 feet; S. B2 deg. \V. 300 feet;' S. 45 deg. W. 830 feet-: X, 88 deg. W. 380) feet; X. 50 deg. W. 710 feet; N. !1 deg. W. 1380 feet; N. 50 deg. \V. 862 feet ; X. 74 deg. W. 318 feet; N. 47>? deg. Wi 322 feet to , 1 stf March, 1 939. al or about' elev 'ii o'clock A. M., on Ihe premises if Ihe A. S. Powell Cin.Lot in the Pown of Fiiatiklintoii. N. ('.. sell or cash to the highest bidder the property of the A, S. Powell Es ate consisting of all farming ools. one Mvo-horse wagon and livestock, one 1937 model Chev rolet Truck, one 1937 Chrysler ledan, also for one fifth cash, ivith balance in four equal annua! ieferred payments. I lie A. S. I'ow ?ll Cotton Uin.Lot. buildings, gin nachlnery and equipment 'com plete. This 20th day of January. 1939. R II. JONES, Executor of A. S. Powell Estate, Box 206. Frankliuton, X. C. 1.-2 7-5t WWIIN ISTR.A TOR'S XOTK E Having qualified as Administra tor of Mie estate of Mrs. Karl K. Allen, deceased, late of Franklin County,' North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims ngainst- the-estate of said deceased lo exhibit them to the undersigned >n or before the 2Tth day of lamiary, 1940, or this noMee will lie pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said |i estate will please make Immediate >ayment. This 26t'h day of January I! 1939. i' FELIX II. ALLEN. l'-27-6t. Adm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of he estate of Mrs. Martha Barham, leceased, late of Franklin Coun-j :y, North Carolina, this is ta no ify all persons having claims igalnst t'he estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under lined on or before the 20th day >T January, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re :overy. All persons indebted to laid estate will please make Im mediate payment. This 19th day )t January, 1939. Sylvester Thomas Barham, l-20-6t) Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of O. H. Bowden, | deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this Is to noMfy all persons having claims againsj( the estate of said deceased to ex hibit) them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of Febru ary, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded la bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment. Tbla 2nd day or Febru ary, 1939, WALTER BOWDEN, . 2-3-6t Adm i , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executors of t'he estate of L. A. Brooks, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notifyuall per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore 6th day of January, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will pleasa make Immediate payment. This 5th day of January, 1939. J. A. BROOKS, J. A. CHEEK, l-6-6t Excutors. EXECUTORS NOTIC E Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of J. F. Williams, deceased, late of Franklin County, N. C., this is to notify all persona having claims against t'he estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of January, 1940, or Mi is notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement'. This the 18th day of January, 1939. S. F. Williams, Executor, R.F.D. No. 2, Zebulon, N. C. Charles P. Green, Atty. 1-20-60 gA&CtAfwwn APEX, N. C. Office days every Saturday and Monday, Hours for eye examination: Saturday 9 a. in. to 0 p. ni. Monday 9 a. ni. to Noon. Other days by appointment only. Write or Phone No. 10. rudmtial FARM LOANS , J Low I nterest ** J Long Term / Fair Appraisal J Prompt Service W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. LET'S START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT ^ % Have youi* old clothes Cleaned and Proswd and put them back Into their proper appearance. 1 It's cheaper than new ones. Call us. We will call for tlieni and Rive you prompt and satisfactory service. PROMPT PICK-UP, DELIVERY Louisburg Dry Cleaners Lonlsbnrg's Oldest Cleaners with Franklin County's roost modern^ equipment. O. R. Sjrkes Ed Btovnll ? PHONE 436-1 Corner Church M Nash Sis. LOGUBCM, If. O. SERVICE That You Can Depend On Quality Work You Will Like Service Dry Cleaners offer yon the kind of service yon want ? fast ? and at the same time, give yon work of the highest quality ! Send as your clothes today, we'll return them fresh, claln and new in appearance. CALL PHONK 440-1 SERVICE Dry Cleaners P. 0. HIGHT Market Street ' LoaMttf, N. U, Sell Your Cotton ud To bacco in LovMrarg WIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIWI /