THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday US Court Street Telephone 288-1 A. F. JOHNSON, Bditor and Manager Junea A. Johnaon, AwlM?nt Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hour Y ear *1.00 Kiffbt Mootht 1.00 Six Months 78 Four Months . . . .00 Foreign Advertising Repi-esehtative AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Nw York Olty Gntered at the Posto/fice at Lonlsburg, N. C. iu- second daaa mail matter. INCOME TAX TIME AGAIN About this time some four million American heads of families are struggling with their income tax returns, ?which must be made to the Federal Government by March 15th. In many states the same people are work ing on their state income tax returns, also. It is an an nual job which has to be done by everybody who receiv ed from any source as much as a thousand dollars last year. Not everybody who got a thousand dollars lias to pay income tax on it, of course. Single persons having no dependents pay no tax on the first thousand of their' in comes, and married, persons have a $2,51(0 exemption, with an additional $400 for each dependent under IS. The net result? that only about tive-eiglrts of the per sons who make reports of their incomes to I'ncle Sam pay any direct tax at all. We have a feeling that there i> a very much larger number of persons who ought, under the law. make tax returns than there are who actually make them. The machinery of Government is! not geared to trace down every tax evader. In England, where the income-tax originated, there is a reward for informers. Anyone who tells the Government on somebody' who ought to be pay ing the tax but isn't gets ten per cent of whatever the Government recovers. We don't think that system of making snoopers out of everybody would be a good thing in America, but it does seem as if a small direct income tax ought to tje paid by many more than do pay it now. Of course, the Social Security tax is technically an income tax, but few who have it deducted from their pay look at it that way. There is something to be sail Ho r the plan of taxing gross incomes and having the tax deducted and turned in- .to the Government by the person paying the taxpayer. The more citizens there are who know that they_aije paying taxes, thf? closer Government will watch its stejL Waffles for Gay Parties Courtesy 8chrafft's Restaurants, New Tork Trtt. oeDonur crisp, golden waffle, aristocratic cousin of the democratic pancake, haa taken on airs of late and now ap pear* at many gay and faihion able parties or impromptu nippers. There are chocolate waffle* and baeon waffles, those containing fresh fruits, nuts, raisins and so on ? -all made by aimply adding any one or more of these tasty treats to the original batter. Here's a basic batter that lends itself to ml) Muds of variations. Waffles: J npa ilM pMtrr I 4 top. baldn# pew H cup cream H cip milk 4 lb* p. sad ted whites, J stiff H Up. salt ' 81ft puttrj floor and meawre. Add baking powder, sugar and iihudin again, Combine egg jralka, mQk and cream, add thU ?a tka floor, aad beat to a smooth I Mill- r Stir (a the molted foM in tlx beaten egg whites. Bake in a not waffle iron. This makes 8 waffles. Then there are all the decora tive and delicious sauces and other accompaniments to dresi up and vary the gay dish. Of course, there's the favorite butter and hot maple syrup combina tion, or butter and honey, marma lade or 'nuts. Then don't forget ice cream and butterscotch or chocolate sauce; or use them as the foundation for chicken hashed in cream or some other pet dish, And here's a recipe Schrafft's recommend for Chicken Hashed in Cream: * cap butur 1 tWp. fraud o?lo? (pulp mm4 juiw) * ?? <o?r Mil u4 hW t cup* milk S en pa cream ft c?p* boiled ehteken. cut ?p well Santa onion in butter for ? few minute!. Do not brown. Blend the flour with the batter and onion. Add milk and cream. Cook until thoroughly done. Season and ?train. A?M ?bteket>. Mis wejf, Thto terret 8 g?Mnm*ly. i a i _____________________________ GENERAL NEWS France was reported on Tuesday nighti us having decided to accord unconditional recognition to the Spanish Nationalist regime and send a French general as its first ambassador. Also on Tuesday. Richmond County citizens voted against the ABC Stores. A majority of 1,045 i votes gave the decision as a Dry County' for Richmond. The new economy drive to cut> $4,252,000 from the TVA appro priation was defeated by a rally ing of, the administration forces in the U. S. Senate this week. Senator J. W. Bailey proposed , that a meeting be held In Wash ington on Monday, February 27, at which time the Congressional delegation and representatives of the FHA, the North Carolina Leg islature. and the State Financial Institutions could get together. This move was the~result of the answer of FHA Administrator Stewart McDonald to requests by members of the House of the N. C. General Assembly delegation for an explanation of why the total of FHA-insured loans in North Car olina are so low. The Oolden Gate Exposition in San Francisco, California, held its official opening on Saturday, Feb ruary 18 th. The Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church will hold their conclave beginning March 1st. Their voting (or a successor to P<)pe Pius XI will begin on Mi& Sceuiid day o i tlieii' iuec?t. The U. S. Senate military af-j fairs committee has been told by a high government official that I the Southern shores of the United; States are vulnerable to attack by [ German boniDers sent through I South America and fueled and ser viced at South American bases. This testimony was given by G. Grant Mason, Jr., a member of the Civil Aeronautics Authority. He also slated that Germany and Itffly are making great strides In sales of planes in Latin-American countries and warned that if these advances are not arrested the Uni ted States may be shnt out of this market. ? ? The mysterious SOS call receiv | ed by radio from Hie region south ' of the Azores, ?s yet has not been) ; solved. Although several vessels ! arrived at the designated position. no evidence of tragedy was found. I Since the SOS call was not repeat I ed, radio officials expressed the 1 view that if the call was genuine, ' t be torpedoed vessel had plunged to the bottom. Again, Japan is offering its pop ular apology to Great Britain for the destruction and bombing that occurred in Hongkong recently, staturg they wouid pay for all damage. tfc: Thf German Nazi newspapers continue to attack President Roosevelt' and the United Press, suggesting that a "rupture in dip lomatic relations between Ger many and the United States would be the next step in present strain ed relations'." - RENEW VOIR SUBSCRIPTION TO THK KRANKIJN TIMES AND HELP SOME BABY. ( TC I JE URATES BIRTHDAY i Mr. and Mraf^ C. T. Hudson en tertained at* home a number of their friends on Tuesday night, Feb. 16, 1939 In honor of his 64th birthday. The guems were met at the door by his daughter. Edna Hudson and granddaughter Alice Phelps, and asked to register. Then asked to the living room where games were played. About 9: SO the birthday cake was brought In. Mr. J. 3. Wilson, a friend of Mr. Hudson, shared in the pleasuro of blowing out the candles as it was his birth day too. To his surprise presents were brought in which were very much appreciated. Then the hostess served coffee, j sandwiches, cakes and mlntk They all left hoping him many more happy birthdays. Those present were his child ren and tome of his grandchlld 1 Uncle Jim Says | IllhlWI 1 Hill I ' i FMPI ' PITH Til City people are concerned with ,the success of the Federal Farm Program, observes the State Col lege Extension Service, because better prices and conditions in ag ricultural districts mean a similar prosperity in urban areas. ' ren. Edna Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. WH lard Parrlsb, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hudson and family, Mr. and Mi'? C. B. Hudson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phelps and family, Mr. H. Bartholomew, Mrs. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Perdue and family, Mr. David Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. 1. P. Parrlsh, Mrs. Annie E. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Phelps, Mr. G. W. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. J. Z, Terrell. Mrs. J. H. Parrlsh, Mr-'and Mrs. J. S. Wilson, Mr Paul Flam, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Murphy, and Mrs. Gladys Beasley^J RKNKW YOUK SUBSCRIPTION TO THE FRANKUN TIMKS ANI) HK1.P SOMK BABY. WEEK-END \ SPECIALS MEATS IiOin Steak, lb 21M Pork Sausage, lb UK Weiners, lb. Ilk Souse, lb I Wr lJver, lb. l.V VEGETABLES Tnrnip Salad, lb. ... . 7c 8 lbs. 20c Irish Potatoes, 2 lbs. . , Sf Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. . . 5c CabtMgc, 2 lbw. ...... 5c String Beans, 3 lbs. . . 25c FRUITS . ORA.NOKK ? 10* loa n ? TANGEKINKS ? 1CK* .low n aitAI'K FRUIT ? 6 for 25c FltKSH FISH (every week-end) 3 lb>. SNlc SATURDAY IS REMNANT DAY ! REMEMBER? We buy and sell country produce, and we cany a GOOD line of Dairy Feed, Ship Stuff. Oats and Flour. '? We are also agent for The Morris Fertilizer Co. Le< us give you the best .service and prices on your guano. SOUTHSIDE MERCANTILE CO. TEXACO GAS and OIL South Main Street (At the Top of The Hill) [taught mv husband something : . WARCf I C'JESS iVE HAVEN'T M*0( ANY MONEY OM OUR CROPS AGAIN THIS YEAR! THAT? BAP. JOE THERE GOES JOHNNIE'S SCHOOLING AND THAI RADjO WE'VE - WANTED. IM STUMPED. I FARM AS GOOD AS NEIGHBOR Thompson - BUT HE JUST SEEMS TO BE LUCKIER. ARE YOU SURE IT'S JUST LUCK, JOE ' MRS. THOMPSON SAYS THEY'VE BEEN USING #?# FERTILIZERS EXCLUSIVELY MAYBE SO JOE, BUT YOU KNOW I WM.0 THE IHOWSQNS ARE AL( EERTIII7ERS SUCCESSFUL. I THINK ARE ALIKE. SHOULD TRV S-O GOODS ALL RIGHT, MARGE I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING I ELSE -MAYBE SO lj!!iL HElP NEXT SEASON I HOPE SO JOt WE SURE NEED THE MONEY. WELL MARGE. OUR CROPS BROU6HT THE HIGHEST PRICES. WE'VE MADE A REAL PROFIT THIS YEAR' THAT'S WONDERFUL JOE! NOW JOHNNIE CAN START SCHOOL AGAIN AND WE CAN HAVE THAT RADIO. MARGE, THAT S-tf FERTILIZER DID THE TRICK -WE'LL NEVER USE ANY OTHER. | THO* ?-# HRTHCEPS / C IRTMNLV ARE BETTER. I > APE NT TVty.jOE' WHY 1UY AMYTHINO ?UT S P POOPS? Thousand* of formers toy S-D fertilizers or* Hit finest on Hi* marlc*t ? that they or* powerful in producing quantity and quality. Wh*n you con buy S-D goods at the tarn* price a* ordinary fortiliier, why hoveonything but th* best? Try S-D fertiliser this season? you'll be convinced. SMITH- POtretAtS CO.. INC., N0N01K, it. Louisburg Supply Co Louiaburg, N. C COUNCIL Egypt, facing difficulties simi lar to those of American cotton growers, lias established a Cotton Advisory Council of Cabinet mem bers, growers, merchants, and spinners. NEW BEAN Newest of horticultural contri butions" to growers in Minnesota is a creamy wbite string bean de veloped by T. M. Currence of the Horticultural department at the University farm. Soap is a very flue-tiring for the body. 10 might be well for lis if we had some kind of soap which would work on the mind. RENEW VOI R SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ERANKL1N TOUCH AND HELP SOME BABY. KKNEW YOUB SUBSCRIPTION TO THE FKANKLIN TIM EH AND HELP SOME BABY. ALMOST rOMPIJCTE " Farmers of Wilson County huvt practically completed tbe seeding of tobacco plant beds, since heavy rains and resulting wet grounds lmve made late plantings difficult.. FAVORABLE Florida citrus growers taking, pact in a recent referendum for regulating fruiti shipments through a marketing agreement) voted bel ter than 95 per cent in favor 9? I the 'program. I Wouldn't Beethoven, Mozart and the boys qf long ago lift an ey I brow if they could see fhe lead ers today directing an orchestra with their hips? COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh Fruits and Vegetables MEATS VEAL STEAK VEAL, CHOPS SPAIR BIBS PORK CHOPS JT.ANDED STEAKS STEW BEEF SELECT OYSTERS GROCERIES CORN FLAKES, .3 for 25c ORANGE JUICE ... S for 25c PEACHES, No. 2H can .... 2 for 35c BONITA COFFEE, 1 lb.. . 19* BREAK O'MORN COFFEE, 1 lb. 17c BINGO <X>FFEE, 1 lb lOc Starting and Growing Mash, Scratch Feed, Laying Mash, Shipstuff, Red Dog, Fish Meal and Dairy Feed. HOLLIDAY GROCERY CO. Phone 366-1 Louiaburg, N. C. . GET YOUR SHARE OF THESE GOOD BUYS. FRIDAY, FEB. 24th THROUGH MARCH 2nd. O/VL V 1 Ot BtAUTIEUt. 'KITCHEN APRON AND A (OX TOP OR WRAPPER FROM COIOATE-PAIMOIIVE-PEET GUARANTEED SOAPS l'almollve Snap 3 for 20c Octagon Soap 4 for 10c Octagon Powder 3 for 14c Octagon Toilet Soap 3 for 14c Octagon Chips 2 for 19c Octagon CleaiM* 2 for 9c ..Octagon Granulated 2 for 19c | Concentrated Super Sud* (for clothes) 2 for 19c Super Hods (for washing dishes) 2 for 19c Crystal White Toilet Soap 3 for 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap 3 for 14c Armour's Tomato Juice %c 3-20 oz. cans . . Navy Beans 1 Cc 4 lbs Armour's Iftc TRIPE, lge. can Kraft Cheese iO< 2 lb. Loaf ^0 Assorted Iftc Preserves, 1 lb. 3 - No. 2 Cans "Tie CORN ?? "Gold Cup" 1 lb. Vacum Tin ^Cc COFFEE . . rnrnwiTT L0NG shred, ib. ..... 20c l V l V 11 U 1 FINE SHEED, lb 14c MACARONI, Quaker, 2 pkgs 16c MACKEREL, 3 Tall Cans .... . . 25c SUGAR 100 Pounds .? ? W.65 PLENTY SEED . Garden Peas Salads - Beets - Oats - Lespedeza Onion Sets ? Cabbage Plants. -- Week-End Meat Values - * SLICED PORK LIVER, lb 14c FRESH PORK BRAINS, lb f 10c SLICED BACON, lb 22c ? 28c TENDER CURED PICNICS, lb 20c t W. MURPHY AND SON Louisburg, N. C

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