TODAY ?nd WASHINGTON .... arts Whenever I have an opportunity to roam around Washington, where I lived and went to school from the time I was ten until I was 21, I get new impressions of the Nation's Capital, and the people who live in it. More and more I am impressed with the feeling that Washing ton is becoming t>he nation's cen ter not only politically but in the fields of science and the arts, as well of information on every imaginable subject. In the Library of Congress, for example, there are more books and documents than in any other | one place In the world, all indexed and available for reference. A new eight-million-dollar annex has just been added to t-he Library to at- ' commodate the growing store of , knowledge on every subject un- ( der the sun. The new National Art Gallery, , the gift of the late Andrew Mellon, is nearing completion. It will bouse the finest collection of paint-: 1 ings in the world, in addition to 1 two great art collections already 1 in Washington. Nearly all the im-' portant scientific societies have ' headquarters in Washington, and more and more national business,1 organizations are establishing 1 themselves in the Capital also. PEOPLES Negroes Every .race and nation of the world is represented in Wasliing ton, either by an ambassador and his staff, or by larger groups. Of the racial strains which make up the American people there is a higher percentage of Negroes than the average for the whole na tion. The largest Negio institution of learning. Howard University, is located iu Washington, turning out doctors, lawyers and teachers who go forfli to serve th^jge^ple of tHeir own. race. There is a large number of .N's-i groes of both sexes employed in the Government offices. Nearly all official elevators are run by color ed girls, and the messenger, door keeper and janitor staffs of the departments are practically all Negroes. They get' good pay, life jobs and pensions at retirement age. A few Negroes hold really important Government positions, but tbey are the exceptions. The majority of Washington Ne groes live in alley slums, which, furnish about the worst living conditions to be found ip any| large city. Many public officials have fried to do something about j the Washington slums, but little has been done effectively. VOTBS . . . . sc^cKiitioii For years there has been a strong movement to give the citi zens of t lie District of Columbia the right to rote. So many of those holding Government offices, how ever. find it important to retain their voting residences ill their home states, that the movement I to give t-he District residents the franchise has been blocked, by the' fear of Negro control of the local government as much as by any other one cause. Nearly a third of Washington's permanent residents; are Negroes. While separate schools are pro-' vided for the colored folk, they! cannot legally be segregated in; Btreet cars or excluded from seats in theaters. Once across the Poto mac. in Virginia, Negroes have to ride in "Jim Crow" cars. FKUtUICK .... equality 1 seem to have got into a dls-l cussion of racial prejudices. That J subject is up toward the top of | world discussions right now. It is almost unescapable. 1 know few, if any. persons whol do not have a feeling that some ' or all people of other races than! bhelr own are inferioir in one way or another. I believe that Is an inherent and ineradicable trait of human nature. But such prejudices are no excuse for depriving those we dislike of their common hu man rights. We can admire the achieve ments of persons of a different race without giving a blanket In dorsement of the whole race. The wise thing, It seems to me. Is to tolerate all races and welcome whatever contributions they can make to the general good, without roCTAGONl 3 FOR \JoUet Soap ? 14< Octagon Cleanser 2 for Be Octagon Boap 4 for l?c Octagon Toilet Boap 8 for 14c Octagon Graanlateil a for 19c Octagon Powder 8 for 14c Octagon Chips a for l#c Palmollre Boap 8 for SOc Concentrated Bopcr Bad* (for clothes) 8 for 19c Bnper Bnda (for w^hiig dl?h<*) 2 for 19c Oyrtal White Toilet Boap 8 for 14e Hollywood Toilet Boap 8 for 14c Universal Toilet Boap 8 for 14c ?ogae Toilet Boap 8 for 14c Hex Pun ice Boap a for 0c > Oil Toilet Soap 8 for 14c STIRLING STORE CO. N. C. FOURTH PRIZE WINNER I JOYCE 2 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer. Louisburg,. N. C. Route 3. either banishing them, as Hitler is doing with the Jews, or opening the doors of our private lives to them. Equality under the law is one thing, which every good American should insist upon, especially If the legal rights of one of another race are infringed. But social equality is something else. The right to ?boose one's associates and friends is as sacred as the right to worship according to one's individual conscience. MUSIC .... achievement* There are two races which stand out among all oMiers fori their achievements in the field of music. They are the Jews and the Negroes. Probably a majority of the outstanding musicians of I the past two centuries have been: Jews. Certainly musical ability isi nore common among Negroes than : among the whit* races generally. ; Many eminent critics of today acclaim Marian Anderson, a Ne gress. as the greatest singer of modern times. In Washington no hall large enough to hold the crowds who waul to hear her can 1 lie obtained. The largest auditorium in the; Nation's capital is Constitution Hall, which is owned by tlje Daughters of the American Revo lution. and the Dl.A.R. has' refused to let it be used for the Anderson concert. Heifntz, Klman. Menuhin and many other famous Jewish musicians have given concerts there, but Marian Anderson has FIFTH PRIZE WINNER BETSY ROSS 3 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrg. R. Ii. Bunn, houisburg, N. C. been barred because of her color. The ladies are. of course, entire ly within ttoeir rights. There prob ably are few if any Jewish mem bers of the D.A.R., and certainly no Negroes. But racial prejudices are racial prejudices and the line is drawn sharply in Washington, even against a great artist. ONE WEEK AHEAD Continued warm weather re cently "advanced t?he cabbage and other truck crops tn Carteret County at least one week ahead of the average date. "Watch^You k Kidneys/: Help Them Cleanse the < poison the system sad upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dluineea, getting up nights, swelling, pufflneas under the eyes ? a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis order may be burning, scanty or toe frequent urination. There ahould be no w^ubt that prompt treatment Is wiser than neglect. Use Doan't Pill s. Doaa's have been arinning new friends for more than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. \re recommended by grstef'.l people the ountry over, A$k your a*t( Mori Doans Pills SEEP TREATMENT ?k PAYS We Have Installed The Latest Improved Cotton Seed Treating Machine. Capacity 400 Bushels Per Hour Treated cotton need produce a better stand of more vigorous plants and usually increase the yield by improving crop quality; pays larger pro fits by destroying disease organisms before tbcy can do damage; prevents seed from rotting in cold, wet soil and controls many diseases. Treated seed require less seeil per acre to secure a stand and can be planted earlier. We will be glad to lend you treated or untreat ed seed of the very best variety this spring. Or, if you have any improved seed of your own we will treat them for you cheaper and much better than you can do it yourself. It is very important that you get the proper amount of Ccr6san; too much does harm, not enough will not properly protect your seed. Our machine has a graduated scale force-feed that ap plies just exactly the right amount to each seed. The cost will be about 15c per acre and will pay you from $5.00 to $15.00 per acre profit. See us before planting, we will be glad to show it to you any time. THE FRANKLIN SEED CO. W. B. TUCKER, Manager LOUISBURG, 1 N. CAROLINA ? -? ' " - ? Every situation, no matter how I discouraging, has its bright spots, , if you have l>be patience ,to look for them. The fellow wno always blames 1 somebody else for his mistakes, never profits by them, that's cer-, tain! ?. Our neighbor says It has reach ed the point where a father has to ask bis son three days in advance if he can use the car to take Mother out. Have you ever noticed that the fellow who is able to do as he pleases, never knows what to do? "GOT NATCH EL SODA IN yo' FERTILIZAH, MISTAH G RAy?" ^ Z V \ I JT 5UKE HAVt, UN CUC NATCHCL. WOUlPNt TRY TO MAKE A CROP WITHOUT NATURAL SODA UNOCR IT." TV/ E can suggest no wiser, safer plan than to fertilize every " crop every year with Natural Chilean Nitrate of Soda. Top-dress with it. Be sore its in your mixed fertilizer. Use it as your side-dresser. . f Chilean Soda is the world's only natural nitrate. It gives you ideal, quick-acting nitrogen, plus a natural blend and balance of many protective elements. The longer you use it the more you get the full benefit of all its natural fertilizing and soil-improving properties. NATURAL ~ CHUEAN N/TKATE or SOM THE NATURAL 5IDE DRESSER ON YOUR RADIO! Enjoy the Uncle Natchel program every Saturday night on WSB and WSM,and every Sunday afternoon on WRVA,WPTF,WBT, WIS, WDBO, WSFA, WAGF, WJBY, WJRD, WMC, WJDX, KWKH, WL. FOR YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS ? REPRESENTING ? Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Hartford Accident and Indemnity Co. Baltimore American Insurance Co. Great American Indemnity Co. FIRE - HAIL WINDSTORM - AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY - COLLISION - HEALTH ACCIDENT - BONDS "Strong Indemnity ? Adjusts Honorably Pays Losses Promptly" CHAS. I FORD AGENCY LOUISBURG. N. C. Chas. E. Ford John Williamson PROMPT ^ SHOE REPAIRS You get double value for your money when you have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine savings in added use and comfort GANTT'S SHOE SHOP lut Nuh Street Lonlabug, N. 0. . Sell Tour Cotton and Tobacco In Looistarg I HAVE MONEY) "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY! Have^Money For Your Family - IF anything should happen to you what would happen to your FAMILY . . . would they be provided for? They can be cared for if you leave them a home and MONEY. START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome YOUR Banking Business FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CORNER MAIN AND NASH STREETS 0 . LOTJISBURG, N. CAROLINA BANKING HOl:R8: ?:00 A. M. TO ?:00 P. M. THINK! HA vt money: - "Home of The Thrifty" THINK! HAVE MONEY! STEEL beam, steel SHANK la>w (Moth, per yme In and see our Complete IJne of "OAKKN" Poultry Supplies. PLl'MBING A ELECTRICAL HUPPLIES 3 Pc. Bed Room Suites . . . $29.95 Cooking Ranges... 21.95 9x12 Linolium Rugs . . $2.88 cash Poultry Supplies | Sporting Goods H. C. TAYLOR H&RDWA1I STORE pbonb 4?i ' hovnmvmo, n. e.