? Tomorrow is April 1st. ? * t ? All Fools l)ny. tomorrow. ttt ? Monday is first Monday. t J t ? The City fathers meet Tues day night. t t 1 ? The County. Commissioners meet Monday. ttt ? Quite a lot of farm work has been done the past week. r r * ? Contractors have become ac tive on Route 59 since the weath-' er opened up. ttt ? The City authorities are mak ing nice headway on the street improvements. I t I ?Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holt an-! nounce the birth of a son, oil Sat urday, March 25th. ttt ? Quite a large number of our people attended the Musicale given by Nelson Eddy in Raleigh Friday night. ttt ? The following announcement : has been received by relatives in Louisburg: "I am a boy. I ar-.l rived on March 21st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Redding, Asheboro, N. C. . My name is j Thomas Stanley, Jr." Mrs. Red ding is the former Miss Dorothy Hicks, of Louisburg. i CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ANNOUNCED The United States Civil Service i Commission has announced open i competitive examinations (or the , positions named below. Applica- ? tions must be on file not later than |' April 17 if received frorti States east ot Colorado, and not later j than April 20 If received from ! Colorado and States westward. Associate health education spe cialist, $3,200, assistant' health education specialist, $2,600 a year, United States Public Health Ser vice. Applicants for the associate grade must not have passed their I 35th, and applicants for the assis tant grade must not have passed their 40th birthday. Aerologist, $3,800 a year, Air Safety Board, Civil Aeronautic* Authority. Except for certain sub stitutions. a 4-year college course with major study in meteorology, engineering, or physics, and pro- 1 fesslonal experience in aeronauti cal meteorology, are required. Applicants must not have passed their 53rd birthday. Full Information may be obtain-! ed from J. A. Wheless, Secretary ' of the U. S, Civil Service Board j of Examiners, at the popt office or from the Secretary of the U. S. i Civil Service Board of Examiners at any first or second-class post' office. BANKRUPTCIES . Bankruptcies among American farmers numbered 1.799 in the ; 1937-38 fiscal year, a decrease of 27 per cent under the same period | a year previous. Tommy ? Is it really lucky to have a black cat follow you? Smith ? Well, It all depends on whether you are a man or a mouse. EVERY SUIT AND COAT I SELL IS GUARANTEED FOR A YEAR BECAUSE IT IS MY PRIVILEGE TO SELL THE FAMOUS jbauil Jli+te OF TAILORED-TO MEASURE CLOTHES . The Only Clothing You Can Buy That Is Both Qt4ana*tteed For Wear and JnluneA Against Damage ? THE NEW SPRING SELECTION OF 3 00 HANDSOME FABRICS IS NOW READY AT PRICES STARTING AT *24 50 DOUGLAS PERRY Boitluldr MrrranliU> Co. Phone 287-3 8. Main St. The Bridge Club ' 1 BID THPEE HEARTS' MY GOODNESS, GiRLS, WHAT WILL WE DO IF SKIRTS GET AMY SHORTER?? MY WORD, DID YOU SEE MRS. MEFFTY ? Sve vas A Sight, akid her new hat looks like An UPSIDE -DOWN J L WASTE BASKET - - ? j } wi, budge, * ? . TIME T'CMANGtl TM' BABY J Vah.yah, * NURSlE -! SlKlG- DM llTLABY, \M A - MAH I bid one" i SPADE ~! ^ > I PASS 3 JlSTWSO^ I ? i .Bid H"FWO CLUBS ~ have our own Dorothy Knox (She Believes Everything), the K?v. Herbert Spaugh ? "The Everyday Counselor ? New York columns by Charles B. Driscoll and Alice Hughes; Dorothy D!x and her sage advice; "The Worry Clinic" by Dr. George Crane, famous psy chologist ; political hot stuff by Washington Merry Go-Rounders, General Hugh Johnson, Heywood Broun and Dorothy Thompson ? Not to Mention Associated Press full trunk service (whu-lj no other city in North or South Carolina hasTr Burke Davis and his sports talk, a staff of capable reporters, forceful editorial writers and a full complement of comics, including P4fvEye, L'ii Abner, Dan Dunn and Out Our Way. % THE CHARLOTTE NEWS Afternoon and Sunday Morning Subscription rate: 20c a week by carrier. TTON A $75,000,000 export subsidy program to move the government's huge surplus cotton stores has come under consideration of the Agricultural Adjustment Adminis tration. ?*. . ?UBItKK The newest transparent food wrappers developed l>y scientists are made of tightly -stretched ruh l>er that will encase products in a skin-tighf. air-free container. l/out\ su*\ *WI ^f Q, KHRfXl0 SODA FOR TOP-DRESSING OR SIDE-DRESSING Give your crops the nitrogen they need for plant-food bal ance and profitable yields. Use dependable, quick-acting ARCADIAN NITRATE, The American SODA. ? THE MT?OI< BARRETT COMPANY for CRIPPLED CHILDREN 1939 H. M. Beasley Ii Now Selling WAGONS - FARM INMPLEMENTS AND FERTILIZER FOR L egg - Parham Co. Henderson, N. C. SEE ME FOR PRICES ypfe Cs44 Afon&t! Complete Line Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES MEATS W. T-Bone ICc STEAK, lb Western Club lie STEAKS, lb. Pork Chops 11c Pound &0 Sliced Bacon OAc Pound OU SELECT OYSTERS GROCERIES Fruit Coctail 25c Fancy Wet Shrimp 18c Light Tuna Fish . . 18c Orange Juice 3 cans 25c Dog & Cat Food . . 5c Lipton's Tea 23c Bingo Coffee 1 Ac Pound *" Seed Potatoes, Seed Onions, Laying Mash, Grow ing Mash, Scratch Feed, Shipstuff, Red Dog, Fish Meal, Horse and Mule Feed, Feed Oats, Dairy Feed. ? HOLLIDAY GROCERY CO. Phone 366-1 Louisburg, N. C. , Sliced or Halves Y. CLING No. 2'? PEACHES 15c 2 Tall Cans BEST PINK SALMON 23< | MUSTARD SAUCE, qt. jar 10c 3 No. 2 Cans APPLE 7Cc SAUCE 2 No. 2 Cans PINEAPPLE JUICE SALAD DRESSING or RELISH, qt 22c KELLOG'S CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs 23c FRESH GINGER SNAPS, lb 10c NAVY BEANS, RECLEANED, 4 lbs. 15c BABY LIMA BEANS, 4 lbs 23c . -J I | PET MILK, 6 tall cans .... 45c | | Fresh Ritz Crackers, lb. pkg. 23c | All Kinds GARDEN SEEDS FLOWER SEEDS Bulk and Packages SEED OATS - LESPEDEZA Treated FIELD CORN Also Wood's Hybrid FRESH PORK BRAINS, lb 10c SLICED PORK LIVER, lb 12 He WHITE LABEL BACON, lb 25c CO. PORK SIDE or SHOULDER, lb 18c ? EXTRA SPECIALS ON FRESH FISH ? t W. MURPHY AND SON Louisburg, N. C. lauifkurn ?hi m T H.E A T R E ' Night Shows: 7:00 and 9-: 00 15c and 30c Matinees: 3:30 Daily 10c and 25c Saturdays Continuous: 2 - 11 10c and 25c until 6 o'clock SATl'HDAV, APRIL lxt Double PeSiui*' I>ay (iKOIUiK O'RRIKN ? In ? "Arizona Legion" a i^., "St. 1mm Mm" it Km iuhi i gtoriws mm M jntwt! 9 8 BIO SOty MUSI Sv -Vl A rdcomoupl ric?u'? -with DOROTHY UMOUR ? LLOYD NOLAN II'O GUIZAfl - JEROME COWAN JESSIt RALPH ? WILLIAM fMMUV MARY PARKER ? MAXINE SULLIVAN CLIff NAZAR1IO- THE KINGS MEN and MAI! Y MAINECK amlM'Cbe'ltj .0|c?cfi'd by flaowl TIKSDAV, APRIL 4th Waller I'fdKiitu - Virginia Unite L(M) < iit illo ? In ? "Society Lawyer" WKDXKSDA Y, APRIL 5th Those Inn IovIiik r?i\ IliK reporter*, Ml<-hael Whulcn - t'hJck ("handler and Jean Ri*<'rs ? In ? "Inside Story" THIKHDAY-FRI., APR. ?tli-7th Irene, 1>unn<- -Charles Boycr "Love Affair" With I4* Bowman - Astrid Allwyn COMING NEXT WEEK "THE FLYING IRISHMAN." Shirley Temple's ureatest show "THE LITTLE PRINCB8S" In Technicolor. > COMING SOON Don Ameche In "MIDNIGHT Bob Born* In "I*< FROM MIS. SOIJRI." Jennette McDonald In "BROAIN WAV SERENADE." Brrol FIjb. in "DODGR CTWA"