THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday 915 C?nrt Street Trlephonr MS-1 A. P. JOHN MJti, Editor mud Maugrr J?an> A. JobAson. .taittut Editor and )|aw^rr SCBSCiUPTlON RATfc> I Owe Tear EUbt MobUm 1.00 oU MoMhs *.75 Koar MoUbi ... .50 KorelgB Advertising Rtpmnluin AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Xw Tort City EMrml at the Po*U>ftlce at boaisburg. X. C. a* xroud claai mall mattrr. The name of L. 0. Tharrington has been suggested as a candidate for the Board of Town Commissioners. If nominated and elected he would make a good official. TTTFonal The editor of the TIMES feels deeply grateful to his son, Mr. James Johnson, and his daughter, Dr. Sadie C. Johnson, for the splendid assistance they gave him in publishing the TIMES while he was away attending the sessions of the Legislature at Raleigh. Their work has been splendicj in giving the public such interesting edi tions of the paper. Ho also publicly expresses his ap preciations to his office force, Messrs. E. F. Thomas and R. P. Lassiter, for the splendid interest they displayed and work they did in keeping the FRANKI.IX TIMES in such fine shape. AVe thank you all. RETIRING AUDITOR In the retiring of Mr. W. N*. Fuller, ?- County Account ant and Auditor Franklin County loses the services of a most capable, efficient and energetic official. As will be seen from the figures given the Commissioners on Monday he has been alert in looking after the County's finances for the past seven and a half years, for whi<*h the people and the Commi-sjoner? are very thankfuli Monday end ed twenty-six and a' t bird years of service in the Court House by Mr. Fuller, including his. service a- Deputy Sheriff, and in every instance he has proven hi- capacity and efficiency and especially his interest in the better fi nancial condition of his County. The public is delighted to know that h>- i- succeeded by another highly capable"&hd f-fllcl.-hT Mr. Pier Williamson. DEATH ON THE HIGHWAY Now that Spring i> la-re the annual slaughter of men and women on the highways of the nation lupins to climb toward its peak. There are a couple of million more earn <>n the rbud* this year than last year, and greater incentives to motor travel in the attraction of the two World's Fair- in New York and Kan Francisco. It will be, therefore, xnne thing like a miracle if the highway death toll of 1939 drops below that of 1938. In 1937 more people were killed in motor accidents in the United States than there were soldiers killed under the Stars and Stripes in the World War. In. that year .'{9,500 Americans met death on the highway, while only 35,886 members of the A.E.F. were killed in action. Last year's record of motor deaths was somewhat bet ter, only 31,500 fatalities in 1938. lint whether we kill 30, I5.000.y0 of the amount in^Re voiviug Fund has b?-en pledged t?j- j wards the building of an Armory ! in Louisburg. and $500.00 towards I a Community building in You agt ville. I w ish also to remind you I ihut the Court House roof now [ needs a second coat of paint and funds for this purpose are In the R-rVolving Fund. It has been my duly to check monthiy the books of the Tax Col lector, the Clerk of the Court and the Register of Deeds and I wish to say that I believe each of them j are doing their best to give the I County an eSicleL".'. honest admin istration of the aii airs of their re spective offices. ? Now that I am concluding m> "service to this Board ami" to Tti.-> H administration of tbe public at- I fairs of Franklin County, ' I desir? to say Hiat I am profoundly inter ested in Franklin County and its advancement, and 1 assure this | Board and all of Franklin County that as a citizen of Franklin Coun ty 1 will ever be mindful of th* needs of this .County and will al ways be r<-ady and anxious to lend a helping hand in preserving the I credit of tile County and in. the promotion 1 of all activities that will tend to make Franklin Coun ty a befcer place in which to live. I desire to thank the Public for their splendid cooperation and al so desire again express my sin cere appreciation to the Board of Commissioners for their splendid j service and help to me during 111) | tenn of service to the County. f Respectfully tours, W. NORWARD Ft'LLKR. { Louisburg, N. C., Apr. 3, 1939. Mr. W. N. Fuller, Louisburg, N. C. Dear Mr. Fuller: Your final report as Cou illy Ac countant lor Franklin County wag received by the Board of County Commissioners on April l&iH,^ and 1 lia\t been refuelled by lue Board to lUauk you lot this splen did report. and I fi ? ? Board also le quested that I write you this let ter. expressing the appreciation of this Board for the wonderful ser vice you ba\e rendered Franklin County during your term of office as County Accountant. The Commissioners of Franklin County are mindful of the fact that your Interest has alway* been for the benefit of Franklin County, and we feel that your aer vice tw the people of Franklin County has been very profitable and in every respect satisfactory. The suggestions ofiered by you In your report relative to the af fairs of Franklin County are high ly appreciated, and this Board feels that your recommendations are consistent; with a policy that would advance and promote the public aflalrs of Franklin County, and this Board will make an ef fort to put Into Effect these re commendations. The Board of County Commis sioners of Franklin County are wishing you every success in pri vate business and in life, and again thanking you for your splendid co operation and service, we remain Respectfully yours, TV W. BOONE, Chairman of tfce Board of County Commissioners for Frank lin County. After allowing a number of vouchers the Board adjourned to meet again on April 17th. > HOLIDAY POULTRY Anticipating a demand for poul try and en* by summer visitors to the beaches of Dare and ad jacent counties, Currituck farm era are increasing their poultry flocks this spring. They say eggs and broilers sold f cents higher a dosen and ponnd on the beaches lMt summer than -on- tb* Norfolk market. The Legislature Two of the most impressiTe in- j tances in the recent legislature j r*-re the love (easts held by the ; louse on Friday night and the j -enate on Monday night. Good el'.owship and the finest of feei ng:? prerailed on each occasion. and alt present enjoyed C'he flne spirit that prevai^-d. In the last hours many bills! were passed and made into laws, and the House enjoyed a general 1 good fellowship hour while wait ing for the Senate to complete some bills so that both branches could adjourn at tie, same time. Both branches of the General As sembly completed its work and took adjournment Sine Die at 3:35 Tuesday morning. During the joint session on Fri day morning Senator W. L. Lump kin was elected one of the Trua>| tees of the Greater UnlveriUjr, \ along with many others. Those nearby were J. H. Kerr, Sr.. of Warren. W. E. Keener, of Nash. C. B. Park, of Wake. I.YXCH IS BATTING ACK IX LOl'IHBlIUi VHTOHY Buie's Creek, April 5. ? Louis burg raked three Campbell pitch ers for 14 hits and chalked up a ?i-3 victory over olje Camels here today. Lefty Lynch led the Loulabui g attack, with two alnglea and a double In (our trie*. Horac* Hrantley waa runner-up. with three for alx. Hargrove Uavia led Campbell, with two for three. Score R. H. E Campbell 111 000 000?3 7 1 Loulaburg 000 020 211 ? 6 14 I; Lynch, Kalrlngton and wise; Howard, Harper, Wllbourne and Melton. ItKSKVf YOUIt SUBSCRIPTION! gaiiuaji!JBra/i!rafiifi!faii!nuiaHJEn!jriiinnu^^ uainiiijaiaiiiiitm'afi'jnfafiifafiUMM Step Out and Stand Outjj THIS EASTER WITH LEGGETT VALUES jj "" fl I FOR MEN WHO CARE ! Presents The Rockingham Clothes Noted for Style and Durability SU95 to Sjj '5? I 'laid.-, ( 'lieeks and Herringbones, < i r;niit Greys, Blues and Greens., Gabardines, Homespun-, Cheviots. A really complete line of Spring Suits. Don't wait ! Come in to day and get one of these real values. YOU CAN Tt U A UftV BY NCR SHOES Natural bridge Show give graceful carriage ? pretty anklet ? charming posture ? all marks of the well-bred. High ityling add* ! distinction. A delightful St*H" >? Hack. Iliw or Wtiit* Kid " v MdiUiul Aids I -CwiKimi Im HmI I -CutKi?n l?r lns?*p I -Bu* * M?i? Irui A/ch $4.98 EASTER PARADE FROCKS 1 rv 11 Fashion-hit frocks to make you bewitching < 'hoose yours today. Rayon Crepes, Sheers ? jjj Basques, Boleros, Pleats. Sizes 12 - 44. , $ $ 595 CHIC HATS to complete your Easter outfit. Rough straws ami lovely pastel felts. All the newest styles ami colors. _ $1.98 ' | * ? VISIT OUR BARGAIN SPOTS 31 2000 yds. New fast col or Prints and 1 Ac yd. Sheers ...... 1U Boys' King Kotton heavyweight Overalls, Sizes 2 to 18, OQc Special 7. ?y Men and Boy's Fine Wool Caps, Regular 25c 48? 50 doz. Men and Boys Dress Socks. Ec pair . Only W A new and Lrage assort ment Ladies Dresses in prints and sheer OAc materials, Special Men's Wopk Q^c Shoes, Special ... Special lot of Ladies' Dress Oxford*, many styles to select $1 .48 pr. from 1 Tennis Shoes for Men and Bo Special and Boys,