FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE FARM FOR RF.XT Good for tobacco and tvitlon on halves or fourths. . ? ^ MRS. J. T. THOMPSON. 2-24-tf Epsom, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTICK Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Miss Anna Wheless, deceased, late of Frank lin County. North Carolina, t'his is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 7 day of April, 1940. or Ibis notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This ti day of April, 1939. JAMES E. FULCHUM. M.I). 4-7-6t. Adm'r. ORDER AUTHORIZING S 10,000 SCHOOL Itl'lLDINO BONDS WHEREAS, the Board of Edu cation of Franklin County has cer tified to this Board a resolution passed by said Board of Education on April 3, 1939, showing that it is necessary in order to maintain the constitutional six months' school term to erect and equip a four-room school building at Ep som, adjoining the building now known as Epsom High School, in Hayesville Township, upon a site now owned by tihe County; and WHEREAS, said resolution rep resents that no funds are avail- 1 able and no provision has been made by local tax or otherwise by which said school building can be provided and requests this Board to order and issue a sufficient i amount of County bonds in order to secure funds for providing said school building; and WHEREAS, the Board of Com missioners has carefully examined , the facts and has determined and hereby finds as a facti that said statements of said resolution are ) true and that it has become the duty of said Board of Commission ers for the County of Franklin, acting as an administrative agent of the State in providing a State system of public schools to order the issuance of a sufficient amount of County bonds in order that said school building may be provided in order to maintain the constitu tional six mouths' school term; now, therefore, BE IT ORDEIiED AN1) HE SOLVED by the Board of Commis sioners for the County of Frank lin: 1. Thai bonds of Franklin County be issued, pursuant to Hie County Finance Act, as amended. iii an amount nut exceeding $10,000 for the purpose of erect ing and equipping a four-room school building at Kpsoni. adjoin ing tlx' building now known a.s Kpsoni lligh School, 'in llayexville Township. upon a Hit"- now owned "by Mie County, in order to niain taiu the constitutional six months' school term. 2. That a tax sufficient to pay tile principal and interest of said bonds when due shall lie annually levied and collected: 3. That a statement of pie' County debt has been 1TTe i he Town, such cost to be de termined by deducting the total 1 amount of the premium hid from, the aggregate amount' of interest upon all of the bonds until their respective maturities. No bid of less than par and accrued interest will be entertained. Bids are required on forms to be furnished with additional in formation by the undersigned, and each bid must be enclosed in at sealed envelope marked "Pro posal for Bonds." and be accom panied by a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company, payable unconditionally to the order of the State Treasur er of North Carolina for $360. The rigfit to reject all bids is re served. The approving opinion of Masslich and Alitchell. New York City, will be furnished the pur-! chaser. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION, By W. E. Easterling, Secretary of the Corn 4-7-1 1 mission. NOTICE OK SAI-K l!nder and by virtue of the au-. ihority of sale contained in that certain Judgment' of the Superior! Court of Franklin County, North j Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 41). enti tled "County of Franklin v. June Johnson, widower," which said , judgment is duly docketed in tax judgment docket 3 at' page 75. in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County,' North Carolina, the undersigned commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the) courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg. Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about) the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on the 1st 1>.\Y OK RIAY, | the following described land in, I.ouisburg Township. Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed as "ffcac. near cemetery" and more particularly described as follows: Adjoining the lands "f Harry Maloue. A. \V. Perry, et al.. bounded on the north by the lands of A. W. Perry, Jr., 155 feet; on the east by the lot of Harry Ma lone 141 feet, and on the south by A. W. Perry, Jr. 155 feet, and oil the west by the lands of A. \V. Perry. Jr.. 141 leel. lo the poim of beginning, being about one-hall an acre, more or less, and the same being about' one mile no'ih of the Townof Louisburg and on j Henderson road. For further des cription .srr ctceil of A W IVrry. Jr., and wife, Sallie Allen Perry.: to June Johnson, dated 16 May 1918, acknowledged and recorded 16 May 1918. and of record in Hook 217 at page 506, Franklin County Registry. Dated and posted this the 27 th day of March. 1939. CllAlil.KS P. tiKEKN. 3-31-lit Coniinissioiu r. XOT1CK OK SAI.K t'nder and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment' of ttle Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 3D. enti tled "County of Franklin v. Cato I). Perry, sole heir at law of Ada Perry, deceased and of Ned Perry, deceased, and wife. Mrs. Cato D. Perry," which said judgment is duly docketed in tax judgment docket 3 at page 76. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. Nort'h Caro lina. the undersigned commission er will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at the ceurt-1 house dbor in the Town of I?0uls burg. Franklin County. North, Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on the 1st DAY OK (MAY, 198(1 the following described land in Pranklinton Township. Franklin Co'unty, North Carolina: Kist-ed for taxation in the year 1932 in the name of Ada Perry,! and being situate in Franklintonl Township, bounded on Hip novth by land* of I. yH. Kearney, on the] east by the colored cemetery, on! ihe south by Aniirtida -Foster, anuj on the west by Norman \Vi 1-ong,-| and more .particularly described; by metes and bounds as .follows: Bounded by a line beginning at' a rock, Norman Long's corner; ' thence south 1 'j degrees east i along said Long's line seventy yards to a rock, 11, A. Bobbin's corner; thence south degrees east seventy yards to a bur of iron in said H. A. Bobbin's line; thence nearly north seventy yards to a rock pile in Norman Long's Hue; thence north degrees west seventy tjards to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less. Reference is hereby had to deed I recorded in Book ISO at page Franklin County Registry, for a further and more adequate des cription. Hated and post- d ibis the 27th day of March. IMS. CHARLES P. GREEN. 3-31-5t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SA LE By virtue of the authority con tained in that certain deed of trust executed by Joe Crudup, to. Southern Loan & Insurance Com pany, T^uste^, on t'he 2nd day of November, 1936, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County. N. C., in book 337. at pages S, 9 and 10, default having been made in the condi tions of said deed of trust, the un dersigned Trustee will, on the 24th DAY OF APIUL, 1039, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door of Franklin County, N. C., otter for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following describ-' ed property: All those certain lands situated in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, N. C.. and known and de signated as lot- No. 2 on that cer tain map of sub-division of J. M. Allen Farm, which was conveyed to Virginia-Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank by deed of Southern Trust Company, Trustee, which is duly recorded in the Public Regis try of Franklin County, and which map was made by (J. B. Cooper, Surveyor, on March 18th. 1931, said property described by metes and bounds according to said map as follows: BEGINNING at a post on 'old Tarboro Road where Wolf Pit-t Branch crosses said road and running thence S. 2 Id. feet and S. 30' E. 227 feet ; tliemv leaving said road N. 88d E.821 feet: S* 33V?d \\\ 1222 feet; thence S. 83d E. 2.021 feel; ; theme S. <>0d E. N 1 9 feet; thence N. 16 l2d E. 490 feet to Wolf Pitt Branch; thence along Wolf Pin* Branch Northwestwardly to the Eastern line of lot No. t on silid map: thence S. - 8 d W. along* said line of lot No. ft to the South - east corner ? of ? sirrd ? hotr; ? thence along the Southern line of said lot No." 4 N; 5X^4 (I MT t>0 8 feet- to Wolf Branch; thence along said Branch Northwestwardly 1260 feet, to the Old Tarboro. Road, the point of be ginning. containing 59.2 acres. The above property will be sold subject to all taxes now due ami , unpaid. A deposit i ?!' five per rein* of the amount bid will be. required of tie' successful liidd'*r at the hour of sale. This notice dated and posted this 23rd day of March.., 1 939. SOCTllERN LOAN ? IXSt'R- , ANCE CO.. Trustee, By Worth \ I Tomer. Attorneys 3-li 1 - 4 1* Elizabeth City. N. C. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the authority con tained in that certain deed ??r trust execut"d by F. IT. Allen, to Southern Loan & Insurance Co.. Trustee, on the 1st day of January, 193t?. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County. N. C.. in book 324. page 591-2-3, default having been made in the conditions of said deed of trust, the undersigned Truste will, on the 17th DAY OF APRIL, UKMI. at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at t?he Court House door of Frankli t County, N. C.. offer for sale at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: All those three certain tracts of land situ A ted in Franklin County. HOCUS-POCUS WONT WORK! Medicine man magic won't keep the , Demon Fire away from your property.* Correctly written Stock Company F1EE INSURANCE is the only cer ? tain way to ward off financial catastrophe. ABK AT MY OFFICE ! G. M. BEAM, Agent *> (20 Tears Fire Ineorance Writing) Sell Tew Cotton aad Tdbaeeo in Lottebnrg I- . ? N. C., and known and designated ;i as lots No. 1A, 4 and 6 on that! certain map of the subdivision ofji the J. M. Allen Farm, prepared by G. B. Cooper, Registered Engineer, 'i on March 18th, 1931, and describ ed according to said map by metes ' and bonnds as follows: I 1st Tract: Beginning in the' center of a road 30 feet wide, in t'he Northeast corner of lot No. 1 i on said map. and running along I the center of said road S. 83d E. 227 ft.: a. GT'id E. 139 feet; H.'| 47 'ad E. 363 ft. and S. .">5d E. 363 ft. to Jhe Northwest corner of lot i No. 3; t'hence along the line of said lo* No. 3 S. 33d W. 2f>2<) ft. to the run of Wolf Fit' Branch; thence along the run of said Branch < Northwestwardly 560 feet to the ! Southeast corner of lot No. 1 ; i thence N.,l'3'yd E. 414 feet to a ditch; theme along the run of < said ditch Northwardly 1486 faeO; i thence N. 1 3-4d \Y. 860 feet to I the point of beginning, containing I 38 acres. I 3nd 'tract: Beginning at the" Southeast corner of lot No. 4A on I the road which is 30-t feet wide 1 and running thence along- said' road S. 4"'jd E. 263 feet; S. 55d K. 363 feet: S. 46 l-4d ?. 651.5 1 feet to the llneof lot No. 5: thence ' along the line of said lot No. 5 N. ' 30d E. 1261 feet; thence S. 87', id I W. 1546 feet to the Northeast cor- ' ner of lot No. 4A; thence along ' the Eastern line of said lot No. 4A Southwardly to the point of begin-1 ??ing, containing 23.1 ai res. 3rd Tract: Beginning at the, Northwest corner of lot No. 7 and< running thence S. 2d 10' W. 2750 ! feet; thence N. 79d W. 660 feet; thence N. 16 l-4d E. 88 feet to;' Wolf Pit Branch; thence along the run of Wolf Pit Branch North westwardly to the line of lot No. 3; thence along the line of lot No. 1 3 N. 28 >/id E. 2341 feet to the ceil- i ter of a road 30 feet wide; thence I along the center of said road S. 1 3 6 ',2 d E. 196 feet; S. 66d 15' E*-! 717 feet and continuing along the center of said road 459 feet to the 1 point of beginning, containing < 105.7 acres. The above property wHl be sold subject to all taxes now due and ; unpaid. A deposit of live per cent' of the . amount bid will be. required of the successful bidder at the hour of sale. This notice dated and posted this 17th day of March. 1939. SOl'TIIEKN LOAN & INSUR ANCE CO.. Trustee, (Formerly Southern Trust Co. t By Worth & Horner. Attorneys. 3-24-41 Elizabet'h City. N. ('. K.\ K< I TOK'S XOI'ICK Having qualified as Executor of t ho estate of Jolin Edwards. (le i-cased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, tills is lo notify all persons haying claims against IV e<.lHl? <4 siiid deceased to <-x hihit them to the undersigned on or bet'orji t'hfi 101 ii day of March. ;,' 1H40, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All . persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This !>th day of March, ltfU'.t. n-10-?;i .1. A. WILLIAMS. Extr. 1 XOTMK or S.M.K ruder and by virtue of tin- au Ihorily contained in that certain lax iuilKni'MlcuiUJiMl "Coilnlv of I " irRTftrT""4.! I >h uila <1 11 r Joync. . el al.". soil No. 147'J. recorded in lax judgment al* page 75 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. N. C., < the undersigned Commissioner I will, on * .THUtso.w, \ run. i.t. t at 12: U0 o'clock noon, offer for siilc to i 'llest bidder for rash t page 376. Franklin County regis try, lo which reference Is here made for u further and more ude iiuate description. SECOND TRACT: The eastern half of the home place on Ken more Avenue In the Town of Lnuisburg and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at an iron slake, corner for P. S. and K. K. Allen1 on the alleyway on the south of the home house and running up the alleyway oast lo Kenmore Avenue; thence down the avenue north to corner of Mrs. F. W. Wheless; thence down the line of MrS. F. W. WheU'SB to an Iroi^ Hake, corner for F. W. Wheless and J. F. Faulkner; Mtence nearly Bouth along Hie line of J. H. * i'aulkner to an Iron stake, corner ' Df Faulkner and P. S. and K. K. - Allen; thence nearly south along line of P. S. & K. K. Allen line to in iron (take In the alleyway, the j 1 place of beginning. This property j was Inherited from J. P. Timber- ! lake, deceased, by Mrs. Perry, a daughter. See partition of J-. P. . Ttmberlake property in Book of Orders and Decrees 6 at page 142 1 to 190 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. Dated and posted this the 13th ' day of March, 1939. I CHARLES P. GREEN, 3-17-4t Commissioner. 1 NOTICE OK TOWN PRIMARY ELECTION AND ELECTION To the citizens and voters of the ' Town of Loulsburg, N. C. Ton will take notice that pur suant to an order of the Mayor and the Board of Town Commis sioners of the Town of Loulsburg, N. C., a Primary for the selection of a Mayor and Board of six Com missioners, to be voted for In the regalar Election to be held in May. till, baa been failed for on Tues day. April 25th. 1939. The Polls will he opened at 7 A. M. E. S. T.. and will be closed at sunset, and the Primary will be held in th" Point Hou9e. The Regular Election for the Town of Louisburg, N. C., will be lield on Tuesday, May 2nd. 1939. The Polls will he open at 7 A. M. E. S. T., and will he closed at sun set, and the polling .-'place will be in lite Court' House. Mr. A. W. Green has been ap pointed as Registrar, and R. C. Heck. Jr. and John W. Stovall are ippoitned Judges of the Election and Poll Holders, to hold t>ot,ll the Primary and the Regular Election. The Registration fiooks will h >pen Saturday, April 1st. 1939 ai 9 A. M., and will close at sunset ?n April 15th. The Registration Rooks W\ill be open in the Town Klerk's On ice-except. on Saturdays tluring these dates, when they will l>e open at the polling place in the 3ourt House. No new registration is required. Only those persons r-ntiMed to register and not here lofore registered for the Town Election are required to register. rilOSE PERSONS WHO REGIS TERED FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR THE SPECIAL BOND ELEC TION WILL HAVE TO REGIS TER AGAIN. Challenge Day will be on Saturday, April 22, 1939, when the Registration Books will lie open from 9 A. M. until 3 P. M., in the Court House. All persons in Louisburg, N. C.. desiring to become candidates for either of t>he Offices named, are hereby notified to file theironamc2 and the information showing for what Office they desire to run. with T. K. Stockard, Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners, not later than April 18th, 1939. This requirement- is necessary in urder to provide time, for publish ing the ballots, and is in com pliance with the Australian Bal iot Law, under which this Primary tnd Election are being held. By order of the Board of Town Commissioners of Lonisburg, N. C., this 7th, day of March, 1939. W. C. WEBB. Mayor. T. K. STOCKARD, Clerk. }-24-5t. AT /7 * ^^>G3EcnzaQy \PKX, N. r. Office clays every Saturday a ixl Monday. Hours far oyc examination: Saturday ?? a. in. to o p. m. Monday 0 a. in. to Noon. Other days l>y appoint incut only. or Phone No. Id. PROFESSIONAL COLUMlv Dr. Harry H. Johnson Physician and surgeon Ueiieral Practice - t. 'lapses Fitted Special attention to diseases of lOye, and Throat. Phones: ! 1 o- 1 and 1 1 0-2 Ollhcs: 120 X. Main Street Br. H.. G. Perry I'li.YMcinn ami Surgeon 101 W. Nasli St. Louisburg, N. t Phone*: Office 287-1 , Home 287-2 Hours ? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to V Special attention to office work Obstetrics and D Lseasee of Women (-Kay and Fluoroscopic K lamina Jon, Diathermy and Cltra-Vlolet ight treatment. Miss Elizabeth Fuller, Sec'y. Mrs. Walter Cuthrell, It. \. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Woud,aN. C. Office in Service l>ni|c Co D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louistiurg, N. C. Office over Hose's Slore Edward T. Griffin Attorney at Law l.oul- plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said Com plaint. This 9th day of March, 1939. \V. V. AVENT, C. S. C.. 3-1 7-4t for Franklin County. 4 Jftrudrntial FARM LOANS J Low Interest J Long Term 4 Fair Appraisal J Prompt Service W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOtJISBTJRG, N. C. LET S START THE h NEW YEAR RIGHT Huve your e? Cleaned ?ii(l Prisst'd and put flieni l>?Vk into (lipir proper appearance. It'll cheaper than new ones. Cull us. _ We will rail for tliem and jjive you prompt and ?4tri?fa< lory wrvlce. I'HOMI'T Pit K-( l\ Dh'lJVKKY Louisburg Dry Cleaners LoulsbnrK'* Oldest Cleaner* with Kr&uMin County's most modern eqnlpment. & R- Sfka E4 8{ot?U PHONE 430-1 Corner Church M Naefc Stt. LOIISHITUJ, N. a Prepare Early FOR SPRING Reliable service of Quality and Distinction U offered to yon for your DRY CLHANINO and SHOE REPAIRING, at oar lew location where we are better equipped to serve you. NOTE? We have addecN^ SHOE SHOP to oar business BKNNIH MANN, Kipert Shoe Repairer. Call C? I'hoae 44rt-l SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP \ ? r. o. m*t & Naak W. I. a