LOUISBURG THEATRE Thursday -'Friday, April 13-14 i . i fEMPLE ia SKirleij fHE ILlTTlE Princess , IN TECHNICOLOR! j with S RICHARD GBEENE ? ANITA LOUISE I IAN HUNTER ? CESAR ROMERO ARTHUR TREACHER ? MARY NASH \ SYBIL JASON ? MILES MANDER MARCIA MAE TONES Directa^by Walter Lang t** A 20th Cer.?ury-foK Pictur# Dirryl F. ZtaucV. In Cfc of Pre DOGS TO BE VACCI NATED Dr. R. F. Yarborough^ who is ?required to appoint vaccination of fices, under the State law, an nounces that these officers have been appointed and have entered upon their duties. This vaccina tion is compulsory on all owners of dogs, who will get their money refunded from their dog tax when they go to pay It by presenting the receipt of the vaccination of ficers showing he has paid it. Look out for the vaccination of ficer. MEETING Sixty rural and urban women from 31 states will meet with Secretary of Agriculture Wallace in Washington April 13-14 to dis i-uss improving living standards both on the farm and in the city. JOHN B. BAI.L I Warrenton. ? Final rites tor: John B. Ball, 77. who died Sun day at the home of a daughter,] | Mrs. Arthur H. Harris, at Embro,| were held Monday afternoon at Areola Methodist Church near' here, conducted by the Rev. E. R.. SUuler. Burial was in the church! cemetery. Mr. Ball is survived by four) daughters, Mrs Harris. Mrs. Rufus Marks of Vaughan, Mrs. George Rainey of Burlington and Mrs. Marion Parker of Bennettsville. S. C.; and two sons, the Rev. W. C , Ball of Goldsboro and Luther Ball , of Wood. He was a former Frank lin citizen. Janet ? -He is a self-made man, is he not? Garnet ? Yes. except for the al terations made by his wife and : her mothsT. ---. ? - NORTH CAROLINA WRK.V DCiUW NKST IN MAN'S (OA T POC'KKT New York. April ? If yon tried to buy a meal on tlie instalment plan or had a wren build its nest in your coat pocket, you kuaw how some of the luminarjefc hi the moukeyshine marathon Uisi week felt. . . . All ludiana clothing dealer wont out to lunch and absent-mindedly locked a lot of customers In his store. ... A South Carolina rail road executive's train broke down and he had to bhumb a ride. . _ . The Ottowa weather man was marooned in his home by a bliz zard he had predicted. ... A Hoston holdup man and his vic tim ran in opposite directions around a block and bumped iftto each other in front of a cop. . . .j A Canadian judge ruled that meals could not be bought ou the instalment plan. . . A Chicago cop installed a burglar alarm on! every window in his home and a! burglar got in through a trail-' sOm. . A Connecticut swimming me M j audience protested a referee's de cision by heaving him into the pool. ... A Mexico City audience, annoyed at the outcome of a so - cer game, burned down the grand stands. . _ . Some California iih protested an editor's criticism of oranges by dunking him. in effigy, in orange juice. . . . A Are burned up everything in an Oklahoma building except the fireplace. . . . Some snow was placed on exhibition in Florida. . . The Federal Trade Commis sion declared short spaghetti is just as nourishing as long spag hetti. . A North Carolina Wren built its nest in a man's coat pocket. . Fried chicken was served on a New York subway. . . Some body planted corn stolks down the main street of Coatesville, Pa. Cnnadian agriculture officials] opened a package labelled "nurs-j er.v stock" and discovered a crib. . . The Rhode Island house of) representatives voted $500 for a nonexistent Charity. . . . A New Jersey man who swal lows razor blades for a living got a stomach ache from eating shWmp. . . A sheep that eaus cigarets was found in New York. A Louisiana travel booklet was banned in Ohio as rlsqu.e. ... A Newton. Mass . womau completed her 64th year as^a temporary city employee. ... A inau held up the Maumee, Ohio, police headquarters and Marlborough's (Conn.) fire en gine burned up. , . . And an Indianapolis motorist told the judge he couldn't have been speeding because he was on tela way tip pay his Income tax. . . . T ; EXAMINATION ANNOyNCKII FOB Jl'MOK OBSKllVKlt IN >IKTKOttO!AX;Y The United States Civil Service Commission has announced uiii open competitive examination for the position of junior observer in meteorology, $1,440 a year. Wea ther Bureau. Applicants must have completed a 4-year high-school course or 14 unit* of high-school study. Those who do uot meet this I requirement, but are otherwise qualified, will be given a mental test. Applicants must have, rtach jed their 1,8th but must not have passed t>heir 35th birthday. Applications must be on lile with the 1". S. Civil Service Commis sion not later than April 17 if re ceived from States east of Colora do, and not luter than April 20. if received from Colorado and Stales westward. Full information may be obtain ed, from J. A. Wheless. Secretary! of -the U. S. Civil Service Board, of Examiners, at the'post office in, this ,city, or from the Secretary of the U. S. 'Civil Service Board of Examiners at. any first -or second class post office. TOO DKK1* KOK HIM A London missionary society re cently received a report from the interior of Africa telling of a visit , of due of )ts members with an old negro cannibal of the tribe of Niam-Niam. The missionary was telling th eold cannibal about the World War, and how many lives it cost. ^ "But hov^ould so much human meat be eaten?" asked the aston ished old black. "We whites," answered the ljiis sionary proudly, "do not eat hu man beings." "Well, then, what did you kill | them for?" asked the cannibal in great amazement. Pay your taxes with a smile as urged by .an editorial writer prompts the immediate question, where will they take smiles for taxes? \VOOI> l\ T. A. The P.T.A. of Wood School will meet Friday night (tonight) at 8 o'clock iu the school auditorium. Mrs. Wall, the diswict P.T.A. president froyi Henderson will make a talk. Mrs. J. F. Mitchi iier. head o( the Franklin County Welfare Department will also be present. Each parent is urged to be there. Mrs. F. A. Read. Pres. of Wood P.T.A. ? Timely Farm Questions Answered at State College . QUESTION: When should poul try be vaccinated for chicken pox? ANSWER: Young birds are more susceptible to pox than the adults so tlie proper time to vac cinate is when the birds are from ten to fifteen weeks old. Do not use pigeon pox virus at this time. Pull a few feathers from the thigh and l^ib the small brush, which comes wiih the vaccinating ma terial, over t-he holes left by pull ing the feathers. Be sure the brush lias been'dipped in the vaccinating ?solution. When once started, all birds on the farm, except the old liens which are probably resistant, should be vaccinated. QUESTION: Is it necessary to plow up tobacco plant bods? ANSWER: Yes? all beds should be Qlowed up and all plants des troyed immediately after use of the bed. These plants and beds furnish a breeding place for in sect pests which will spread to the tobacco in the field and cause the loss of thousands of dollars worth of tobacco. After the plowing the bed should be planted to sweet po tatoes or some other gardep crop or it may be sown to soybeans. FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHOMti Z8J > POCKET AND WRIST WATCHES *1.00 to *3.95 V ~ MmXSSi*. * ALARM CLOCKS *1.00 to *2.93 LOOK FOR ?&***? ON THE DIAI -? " ? 1 launLurn Night Shows: 7:00 and 9-: 00 15c and 30c Matinees: 3:30 Daily 10c and 25c Saturdays Continuous: 2 - 11 10c and 25c until 6 o'clock SATURDAY, AI'RIli 8thl Doublr Feature Day THKKK MKHQUITKKItS^ ^ I ? In ? "Red River Range" and FRAXKLIK DAKKO ? In ? "Tough Kid" | Also Fiuul Chapter of "Hawks of The Wildernos" The I.one Hanger rides again Saturday, April 15th. KA8TER SUNDAY, APRIL ?tli i Sunday Shows :t : :i(? and 9:00 DOUGLAS (Wrong Way) C'ORRIGAX ? In ? "The Flying ? Irishman" With Paul Kelly - Robert Armstrong KASTKK MONDAY, APRIL 10th lilcliurd Own, Basil Hathbone, Nl(jel Brace and Wendy Rarrie IH J" "The Hound of the , Baskervilles" by Sir Arthur Conan I>oylc Sherlock Holmes' most breath taking adventure. I TCKSDAY, APKIli I tttt Matinee and Night Performances THE ORIGINAL Home Town Movies Thirty minutes of fun. See your self as others see you. The morte photographer was here Monday of last week. Did he get your picture. See scenes at Mills High School, at Iiouisburx College. Tennis ml golf at Green Hill Country Club, street scenes In IiOiiishUTK witl> hundreds of net ion pictures Of liOuisbui'ft citizens. Also on the same program Sylvia Sidney and Leif Ericksan "One Third of a Nation" WEDNESDAY, APRIL lath The number one G-Man bringH his first true story to the screen J. EDGAR HOOVER'S "Persons In Hiding" With Patricia Morrison, Lyime Orerauui J. Carrol Naish, Judith Barrett THURSDAY and FRIDAY APRIIi 13 - 14 Shirley Temple "THE LITTLE PRINCESS" Photographed in Technicolor With Richard Greene, Anita (louise Ian Hunter anil Cesar Romero Darryl F. Zanuck the prodnw uf "Alexander's Ragtime Band" ?nd "Jesse James," says, "The Little Princess is the finest aail best picture I have ever produced." COMING NEXT WEEK "Don Aineche in "Midnight." Bob Burns in "I'm From Mis iouri." M fl %M *f? SAVE HONEY 9!) THESE EASTER NECESSITIES! P II JL 3 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY! "Style Without Extravagance" YOUR PENNIES COUNT AT FOX'S ! OUR GREAT EASTER SALE ENDS SATURDAY - ? SAVE! ??????????? ?? DRESSES Arriving Daily For Your Easter ! Fresh and FlatteruiK Styles for street, afternoon, bridge, cockttail, sports . . . all the best colors ! $1.97 to $9.95 COATS Suits ? Toppers LEAD THE EASTER PARADE With a now xmart man tailored wait or roat from FOX'S. nth A?e, and I'arls creations xhown at ' TOI'H Budget Price*. Htw the now smart arrival-*, Toppers . . $1.79 up Suits $2.95 up Coats .... $5.95 up THEY'RE WORTH MORE ! STYLES P?H JUNIORS ! STYLES FOR MISSES ! STYLUS FOR WOMEN ? STYLES FOR MATRONS Every New Style ! Every New Color ! A WIDK SELECTION OF BEAUTIFUL NEW EASTER HATS 97c to $2.95 THEY'RE WORTH MORE DRESS UP THE LITTLE ONES GIRLS' EASTER DRESSES French Ilayon Crepes and Kayon Acetates in color ful prints and solid colors, also white and pustel or- . gandies and even white dotted swisses. Rnffled, (| pleated and swing'skirts, --- 97c --- OTHERS 19c to $2.95 HOY'S EASTER SHIRTS 36c l?4ir><;<* selection to choose from, ? whites, lilacs and fancy iwitteras. AM full cut and fast colors. Slae 8 to 18 ? 50c value. NKW SPUING & SUM'MF.B Broadcloth Remnants ;MM> |>atU>ms to delect from, cut In a to 8 yurd length ? fast colors ? values to ?lc yard. FOX'fj HPKCIAli PRICK 8c yd. Shirts or Shorts Funt' colon ? K?n. IDr Value 9c Of Course! These IUV at FOX'S ONE M>T Spool Thread 2 Spools for 5c MEN'S HEAVY WOKK SHOES 97c $1.08 Value? For Fridu.i and 8attt#day Only JUST ARRIVED ! SEE THE NEWEST IN SMART SHOE STYLES Nbtw hare wr shown a mor? KlorlM line. Kee our stylo* ? By all mri>n?. Our price* runga- from 97c to $4,95 KVKRY FAIR WORTH MORF. ! FOX'S DEPARTMENT STORE LOUISBURG'S -BEST STORE We Will Prrfre THAT ?&UR DOLLAR GOES FURTHER AT FOX'S