THE COUNTY THE STATE THE UNION F riMEf WAl'OH THK I.AKKI ON lOPR I'APKR Rcacw Your Sulitrription Before Kxpirution |>?u? To Avoid Min.-iac An Inge. VOLUMN LXX SlBtk'RIPTION ?l.SO a Year LOUISBCTRO, N. CAROLINA FRIDAY. APRIL 31, I9SV BURCHETT i NOT GOILTY H. C. AYESCUE BEING TRIED FOR INCEST Judge G. V. Cowper, Presid ing At The April Term of Franklin Criminal Court ? Grand Jury Makes Re port The regular April term of Franklin Superior Court conven ed Monday morning with His Hon or Judge G. V. Cowper, of Kin afon, presiding, and Solicitor W. Y. Bickett ably representing the State. The Gravid Jury drawn in February was in session and heard a most able and practical charge in which Judge Cowper stressed the idea that every citi zen has a right to think and do whatever he wishes to do, until it ? begins to interfere with Wke rights of others. Referring to the Con- 1 stitutlon he quoted "we hold these | truths to be self evident" t>he rights of man, "that all men are j created equal." He didn't think , the last reference meant eqnal. ex-: cept in opportunity so far as gov ernment* is concerned, to life, lib erty and the pursuit of Happi- j ness. It is the object of govern ment to protect these rights, he said. He informed the jurors that ' it was tiheir duty to find probable cause, and not to try cases, for the purpose to see that those entitled to be tried should be sent on to Court, and t'hose against whom was not sufficient evidence to jus tify a trial be not sent up to oc cupy the time of the Court. He; advised them that it' would be ' wise to get back to the fundumeu- 1 tal parts of this government. The: charge, while varying largely from others, was regarded as the wisest and most directly t?> the ] question of the relation of the Courts to the public and the pub lic to the Courts that has been heard in t'his Court House in a long while. The docket was taken up and disposer of as follows: J. V. Pridgen plead guilty tot failure to support his child and was given 8 months on roads, to be suspended upon paying the doc tor $25 and to the Court $10 per montlffor his child, and the costs. ! He was allowed to see child three times each month by giving its , mother one day's notice. Talmadge Burchett was found not guilty of reckless driving, hit ..nd run. H. C. Ayscue. incest, in process' 02 tTial. This is only a one week term. Report of Grand Jury The Grand Jury completed its work on Wednesday morning and was discharged with the t'hanks of the Court. It's reports is as tOltOWBT ? We, the Grand Jury for t'he April, 1939 term of the Franklilij County Superior Court, do respect Sully return and report the fol lowing as a true report of the acts, activities and works of the Grand Jury for this term: I. We have made a careful and deliberate examination of all oi lis of Indictment and have pass- ; ed on all bills presented for thoj' consideration of the Grand Jury. ' 2. That the common jail of Franklin County has been iuspec- 1 ted and examined by the Grand Jury and found to be In good con- 1 dltlon, except certelir Improve ments which have been heretofore recommended by the Grand Jury [ nave not been completed, and it is highly recommended that the Board of Commissioners give this matter their immediate consider ation. y 3. The County Home was vis ited and the home is being kept in a very sanitary and good condi tion. The inmates are well pleas ed and it appears that the home is being properly managed and sup ervised. 4. The North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Pris on Camp was visited and Inspected and found in excellent condition. 6. The Grand Jury Inspected the courthouse and the offices and in so far as they were able to as certain, It was found In good con dition and the offices properly conducted by the officials of the County. 6. It was reported to tihe Grand Jury from several commu nities that there is now existing minor law violations, such as dis orderly conduct, and the Grand Jury called the Solicitor of the County Court before its body and requested certain action to be ta ken, and each violation was re ported in detail and it appears ?hat proper action will be taken to correct) the existing evils. The members of this Grand Jury wish to thank His Honor, G. V. Cowper, Judge Presiding over this ?esslon of the Court, for his in structions and the courtesies chown us during this term of ! Court, and also we wish to thank William Y. Bickett for his per formance and asslstanee during this term of Court. Respectfully submitted. Jullan-K. Weldon, Foreman. BUYS BONDS ORORGK I. GH1FFIX formerly of Louisburg. wlioj bought the $18,000 bonds for thej Armory Tuesday. Bonds Sell Well George I. Griffin, Louisburg Boy, Buys Issue News received in Louisburg Tuesday relative to the sale of the i $18,000 Armory Bonds was very pleasing to officials and citizens. The first $5,000 was sold to bear an interest) rate of 4 per cent and the remaining; $13,000 sold at 4 1-4 per cent. Both lots were bought by Mr. George I. Griffin, a Louisburg boy, who is meeting with much success in the bond business, with headquarters at Kahigh. EIGHT FOR COMMIS SIONERS Two I ''or .\Ja> t?c in Town of I'Vauk linloii? Winners To Bo. Deter mined at Klcrtion May lind. The town of Pranklinton does ' not hold a primary but lets all j who wish to do so file and run for ! Mayor and Commissioner on Elec- j won day. This year Mayor H. C. Kearney will be opposed by Mr. Wallace H. Green, and eight of Kranklinton's popular citizens will contend for the tive Commission- [ ers places as follows: L. W. Hen- j demon. 1'. P. Purnell, C. W. Brown, Dv. A. If. Winston. .1. T. Cooper, G..L. Cooke. It. ('. Whit fleld. F. P. Preddy. The election will be held on May 2nd. in the Mayor's office, at which time and place every citizen of-t^i ankiinton e ntitled to vote "is urged to go out and cast his or her ballot for the 'ones they wish to govern the town the next two years. JAMKS T. l/AKSITER PIES AT HOSPITAL James Thomas Lassiter, 54, died at a local hospital here at ff>80 a. m. Saturday after an ill- 1 ness of eight weeks He was a native of Franklin County, and had engaged in farming most of' his life. Mr. Lassiter is su rVived by "tils'] widow, Mrs. Myrtle Lassiter, and j the following children: Theodore Lassiter, Mrs. Lucille Neal, of Warren Counfy; Nathaniel, Isa bel'le and J. T. Lassiter, Jr., of Palmer Springs, Va. Funeral services were held Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock at Lib erty Christian Church at Epsom, in charge of the pastor, Rev. S. E. Madren, and interment was in the church cemetery. Mr. Lassiter was a former resi dent! of Henderson, but had not lived here for the past five years. Pallbearers for the funeral were as follows: Frank, Joe W. and Robert Lassiter, and Robert, Jack and Everett Ayscue. ? Gold Leaf. "Have you ever noticed." says Fletcher Daily, "that when a man U about fixed for life he is ready for death?" PROGRAM AT THE LOUISBURG THEATRE The following is the program at the Loulsburg Theatre begin ning Saturday, April 22: Saturday ? Double Feature ? George O'Brien In "Gun Law" and The Hlgglns Family In "My Wife's Relatives", also Chapter No. 2 "Lone Ranger Rides Again." Sunday-Monday ? Jeanette Mc Donald In "Broadway Serenade" j with Lew Ayres. Inn Hunter and Frank Morgan. Tuesday ? Don Ameche. RiU Bros., Blnnle Barnes and Gloria Stuart In "The Three Musketeers". Wednesday ? Sally Ellers and Allan Lane In "They Male Her A Spy." Thursday1FYIday ? Errol Flynn, Olivia DeHavlUand and Ann Sher idan in "Dodge City." LOUISBURG BOARD NAMES PRESIDENT i ? i, I, Dr. Walter Patten, Former Public Relations Agent. To Head College Louisburg College trustees, meeting in Edenfcou Street Meth odist Church, Raleigh, voted to accept the resignation of Dr. D. E. Earnhardt as president of the | school and unanimously elected ; Dr. Walter Patten, public rela- i tions agent for t'he" college; to sue- j ceed him. li Dr. Earnhardt's resigntion will ?' i become effective at the end of the 1 school year. May 23, and Dr. Pat- | ten will take office immediately. ( Dr. Earnhardt submitted his res ignation on April 3. He is com- j plet'ing his third year in the office, j Before considering a successor, j the board of trustees heard a mo- , tfon by E. H. Malone. speaking "not only as a trustee but on be- ; half of Louisburg College." that j the board ask Dr. Earnhardt to withdraw his resignation. The 1 motion, seconded by the Uev. W. V. McRae, of FayeWeville, was | adopted unanimously. In response, Dr. Earnhardt spoke of "my love for the college and my faith in its future," said he accepted the presidency of the college to yWmet an emergency cre ated by the sudden death of the Uev. A. D. Wilcox. "The work has acorded me great pleasure and many fine contact's." he declared, "and although I appreciate the spirit of the board, 1 feel that hav-j ing dedicated my life to. the! preaching of t lie Gospel. I lie pas-1 torate offers 'me the field for the j lies!- service." i ne noaru voiea 10 a ceo pi me," resignation "with deep regrets and appreciation for the splendid service" oT Dr. Earnliardi. The trustees decided to act im mediately on selection of a succes sor so that* he might have an op portunity. before the close of the sehoot year, to gain full knowledge or 'operation of the school. . After discussing a number of prospective nominees, the board decided that itr. i^atteir^iiot only ? qualifies in scholarship and execu tive ability but by reason of his knowledge of the needs of the col lege, and is ideally suited to suc ceed Dr. Earnhardt." H Dr. Patten has served a number ' of churches in North Carolina and as presiding elder, and ia regard ed as an outstanding .Methodist ' minister. During Dr.' Earnhardt's admin istration t?he college enrollment has increased from 271 to 441; 25 new dormitory rooms have been 1 added; 18 0 acres of land has been | added to the college property, and a poultry farm, ii dairy farm and a truck farm have been establish- ! ed. Salaries of teachers have been j Increased 25 per cent. : The college debt lias been re- 1 duced from $190,000 to less than: $20,000. WILLIAM BARROW TO ANNAPOLIS Marion, Alabama, April 16. ? j' Special ? The Navy Class of the ; 1 Marion Institute Army & Navy 1 College consisting of 56 members . ' will complete their special prepar- . atory course for entrance to the United States Naval Academy here ' Tuesday. Forty-three members of . the class will be exempt from men- . tal examinations and the remain- c ing thirteen will begin exams here Wednesday morning, April { 19 and wi|l complete exams Friday J afternoon, April 21. All the members of the class with one or * two exceptions will remain at Mar ion Institute until the close of the ' academic year May 22 and will ' take the first* year course given at Annapolis. Among those listed from North Carolina are William I Barrow, Louiaburg. and Sam Du ltn, Fr., Elizabeth City. SCHOOL CONTEST With four filing to fill the three places on the Board of Trustees of the Franklinton Public Schools, a contest has resulted which will have to be decided in the election to be held on Tuesday. May 2nd. This election will be held Jointly with the Town of Franklinton election and the polling place will be at the Mayor's officfe in Frank linton. All voters In t>he town ship are entitled to vote In this election and should show their in terest In good schools by going out and giving a big vote to the three they wish tv be members of* tho Board. The vacancies to be filled on the Board are D. C. Hiclcg, George i Gilliam and C. L. McOhee. Those : filing for election on May 2nd, are D. C. Hlcka, George Gilliam, C. L. McGhee and C. F. Best. Go out and vote for your choice. u "The rath who says he want* s but little here below," aaya Dan a Burton, '4a usually too laty to go <j after mora."- \ , .. a INTEREST IS AWAKENING WEBB AND FURGERSON FOR MAYOR Nine Out For Commission ers ? Only One of Origi nally Elected Board In Race ? Primary Tuesday As the time for tiling for the privilege of running for the nomi nation for the several town offices closed on Tuesday nighi it was learned that two filed for Mayor ind nine for Commissioners. In :he Mayoralty lace Mayor W. C. Webb, Ltjuisburg's present effic ient official, will be opposed by VfcM. Furgerson. This face is; creating some political comment* n the fact that one is classed as a Democrat while the other is class- 1 >d as a republican. The town ?lection however makes no distinu ion, but is and has always beeu iperated as u non-partisan elec ion. In fact Mr. Furgerson has lerved the town as a Commission- 1 sr in former years. .IiLthe Commissioners race there tre nine seeking the six places to| )e tilled, only one of which. Mr. >V. B. Barrow, was among those sleeted two years ago. P. W.J Elam, C. R. Sykes and F. H. Al en, members of the present Board, were appointed to fill the vacancies caused by the deaths of W. B. White, L. L. Joyner and F. ! tf. Allen. Sr. The new candidates ire R. C. Bock. C. A. Itagland. F t. Pleasants. W. <1. Lancaster ind W. J. (Pete) Shcaiin. All of bese gentlmen art: among Louis lurg's most success I' u 1 and proin lient citizens an<l any of theini ?lected will make excellent olfir a Is. The primary will he held on lext Tuesday, the polls being held >pen in the Court House and ii< is loped a large per cent of the vo-| ers of the town will go out and ake a part In selecting the offic ials for the tov.ii the next two ream. ? , 1 The attention nt' alt onv read-1 ;is is direct ell t.i the :i niioii ni-i' uents of candidates in this issue. I AUTO INJURIES Mr. n nd Mrs. J. A. IVarce. Mr. I. P. Lumpkin and Miss Josephine' louse received painful. hut not lerinus injuries in an qiitomobUeJ iccident in Suffolk. Va., Sunday! light*. Th?*y wen* returning from Portsmouth where they had been 0 see the U< S. battle fleet, and heir car was struck in the side by 1 car driven by a Mr. Outlaw, at i street crossing. The car driv- f ?n by the Louisburg party was. 11 r lied over and badly deniofishcd. Their many friends will be glad o know they are recovering nice- ^ y after returning home Monday evening. Chief of Police C. K. | 'ace went up after them and ac :ompanied them hack. STUDENTS VISIT ' WASHINGTON t'urt of the studenls'of the Ooldl Sand High School Hpent several lays, just before Raster, in Wash-| ington. A Rood time wan had l>v jveryone. \ They visited the Capitol, While: House, Zoo. Meuseum, Building of Printing and Engraving, Lincoln * iome, Lincoln's Memorial,! Ar-' ington Cemetery, Unknown Sol der's grave, Mb. Vernon, etc. Those who went were as fol-j own: Miss Turner, Marie Lanier, losa Speed. Mildred Watkins, ..iuda Lancaster. Inez Guptoji, Ha :el Joyner. Edith Joyner, Hilda jriffin, Eleanor Wilson, Mr, Alex-; inder, Maurice Person, ^r., Geo. | ^aynor, Jr., A. C. Grey, Jr., and j ililton Lancaster. FORESTRY TRIl' Raleigh, April 19. ? An acade nic odyssey 8,400 miles long will >e started Saturday by seniors in he Division of Forestry at North Carolina State College. Included n'this group is W. L. Beasley, Jr., if Loulsburg, On- a 40-day inspection trip hat will take them to California md back, the 33 students and two acuity members will visit many if the nation's natural wonder ands. They are scheduled to re urn to State Cbllege May 31. Accompanying the students on he tour, longest attempted by a itate College group, will be Dr. f. V. Hofmann, director, ofthe Dl 'ision of Forestry, and Lenthall Vyman, professor of forestry. Onrh spring an Inspection tour Is aken by seniors In forestry, as a equlsito for their graduation, rhey will make dally reports en oute ns part) of their claaswork. THANKS We wish to express our sincere ppreclatlou for the kindness and ympathy shown us during the Ickness and death of our llttt? laughter, Betty Ann. Mr. and Mrs... Earl Currln Three Generations of Ford's at The World's Fair NEW YORK CITY . . . Henry Ford (center), his sen Edscl (right), and his grandson Henry, 2nd, took part with ether distinguished visitors in the dedication of the Ford Exhibit and "The Road of To morrow" at the World's Fair. Henry Ford, 2nd, is in his third year at Yale University. BASE-BALL liouisbiii'g town (cam an iiounceM a game on Sunday, .April 28rd, against Sclnui, at the Hall Park. The game will be called at 3:30 p. m. and ad missions of 10 cents for children and 25 cents for adults will be charged. This promises to l>e a live game as both teams are in flood shape. REGIONAL CONFER ENCE Mi's. \Wll. Murphy. Viee-Chair man <?!' the* Stute Democrat if Ex ecutive Committee. called togeth er seventy-live democratic women leaders Saturday. April 15. at* the Robert E. Lee Hotel in Winston Salem to plan for the coming Southern Regional Conference of democratic woim-n to be held in Winston -Salem May '!'?'> and 24. The Conference will be one pt the largest political gatherings of wo men ever to bo held in this stat<e. The meeting Saturday was at tended by delegations from each 1 he- eleven CniigrcsKionn ! Dis tricts. Tentative plans for the Con ference were oiuttned by Mrs. May Thompson Evans. Asst. Director of the Women's Division ot Hie Dem ocratic National Committee, of Washington, D. C. The following Committee Chair iiieii were appointed: Mrs. T. W. Watson, of Winston Salem. Chairman of . Conference Arrangements; Miss Beatrice Cobb, of Morganton, National Committee Woman. Chairman of Finance: Mrs. Charles W. Tillett. of Charlotte, former SWite Vice Chairman. Chairman of Publicity; Mrs. E. L. McKee.' of Sylva. form er State Senator. Chairman of Dis tinguished Guests Committee; Mrs. Hugh Page, of " Clayton. Chairman of Caravans. Miss Gertrude Carraway. of New Bern, and Mrs. Bonn Drum, of Shelby, wore^ named sub-chair men of the Publicity group. Miss Kate Urquehart, of Woodville. and Mrs. Ilurper Barnes, of Burling tnrr. were chosen sub-chairimji of Caravans. All interested democratic wom en in the state will be invited to attend the Conference. Represen tatives will come from both the CarolinaH. Virginia. Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee. West Vir ginia, Georgia, Florida, Mississip pi, and Alabama. FRANKLINTON SCHOOL CLOSING Superintendent G. R. Harris an nounces the following Commence ment Program: Oil Friday, April 28. Operetta. Sunday, April 30, Sermon by Rev. C. K. Proctor. Tuesday. May 2. Class Day Exer cises in the afternoon and Music Recital In evening. Wednesday, May 3, Recitation and Declama tion Contest. Thursday, May 4, Senior Class play. Friday, May 6, Graduation Exercises, Honorable R. N. Simms, speaker. The Sealor Class will leave for a trip to the New York Fair on Monday, May 8. and will return Saturday, May 13. CARD OF THANKS We w'lsh to express ou Sincere thanks ^nd appreciation to our many friends and relatives, for the kindness shown to us through words of sympathy and the beau tiful floral offerings, in the recent illness and death of our dear mother and gTandmother. Mrs. R. W. 8turdlvant & family. FIRST TORACCO Dare County, land of surf bath ing, waterfowl and flsh. is rapidly becoming a farming country, es pecially on Roanoke Island itnd on the mainland across Croatan Sound. Joseph M. Rratten of East I<ake has received the flrsb tobacco allotment ever allowed In the coun ty when he received three acrei for 1939. When a man beglna bo feel a bit leary when they mention stream lianf, li a r>ol iUn of middle age. Town Commis sioners Meet The Board of Town Commis sioners met in semi-monthly ses ision* April 18, 1939. All members were present except Cooper. Commissioner Barrow informed I Mie Board that it would cost a great deal of money to widen Spring Street to a width of 28 feet , between Beck's Oarage and the I building occupied by the Holliday Grocery Co. The Board ordered that Ih is street be left as it' is, which is a width of approximately J feet. The Board instructed Mr. M. S. Davis lo start the improvement of file South end of Mini Street im i mediately, . The Board appropriated $15.00 lo defray the expenses of K. I'ace to attend the Convention of | Law (enforcement Officers, to In1 held at Sumter. S. ('.. April :io. 1 !?:!!>. There being no further business the meeting adjourned, , SIMPLE FUNERAL HELD FOR JUDGE FRANK DANIELS Ooldsboro. ? A simple funeral .service was held Sunday tj>r Judge Frank A. Daniels. 81. who died Saturday at a hospital here alter a brief illness. 1 Tile ceremonies, held at Judge Daniels' home, were conducted by tile Ilev. Walter C. ltall. pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Church of Ooldsboro. He was assisted by the Kev. A S. Barnes, superintendent of Mie* Methodist Orphanage of ' Raleigh. Several hundred persons attend ed the service, They included Jo vephus Daniels, of Raleigh, United States Ambassador to Mexico, a brother of Judge Daniels: Super ior Court Judse Clawson I.. Wil liams, of Sanford, and many state officials. At the re?iuest of the family, no rtbituary was delivered. Burial j was in the Willow Dale Cemetery - here. Judge Daniels served for 24 jyetirs as a Superior Court judge land for the last five years as an emergency, judge. He was born in i Washington. N. C., a son of Jose !phus and Mary Cleaves Daniels. Judge Daniels was well known in F"ranklin County, where he had many friends who join in extend ^ ing sympathy to his bereaved {family. LOUISBURG BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. A. Paul Bagby, pastor spoke on "Three Approaches to Truth' basing his three approaches upon the Inscription Pilate hart written on the Cross, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." This title was written in Hebrew, Greek and LaMn, giving three avenues to truth. The Hebrew represents the .intuitive approach. It was a lan j guage of authority to the Jew ? I this voice of the soul. The accura cy of intuition depends on how we have used this power. The Greek represents the scientific ap | proach. There will be and are j changes in the scientific method of securing the truth but It re mans that truth is truth. The La tin represents t'he practical ap proach. "If any man wills to do he shall know." This week has been set aside as u Week of Consecration. Mission 'study of South America and Inapt ' rational messages by the pastoi i make up the program for eact evening. Tonight th? pastor speaki |on "Am I a Christian?" Ask your self that- question, and come t( hear the pastor's answer. Morning worship at 11:00 A. M The pastor will bring ? messagi on "Lovest Thou Me More That These?" Evening worship at 7:81 P. M. Subject: "Saul." Sunday School at >:4K A. M Baptist Training Union at 1:31 P. M. Personally we prefer to get ou news In print, not by radio. Farley Speaks To Young Democrats ( Hon. James SA. Farley. U. S. Postmaster General, in an address j before the Young Democratic Club at Washington, D. 0.. Wednesday night, said in parti; O You have a large stake in the outcome of next year's Presiden tial election. It is an old Ameri can custom, as each succeeding election comes around, for solemn political orators to warn the vot ers that' the approaching crisis is 1 the most momentous to face the Republic since the time of George Washington. I like to avoid exag geration. Yet: I think everyone I will agree that it is impossible,^ over-emphasize the gravity of the present world situation. The man who occupies the White House during the next few years will be compelled to carry a burden of almost super-human proportions. He will be called upon to make de cisions upon the outcome of which will rest the destiny of his own ^generation and the destiny of gen erations that come after. In euclt a situation, a profound duty rests upon tihose of us who are actively i engaged in politics to exercise tha utmost care in choosing our ' I course of actiou. t By ttte process o! catching on 'to the Roosevelt coat-tails, the Republicans hope to slip by and ' capture t-he great prize in 1940. We should bear in mind that they are masters at the art of intimi dating the voters by raising up straw men and predicting calami ties thab never will occur. They also do (airly well at promising benefits that fail to materialise. They used the "full dinner pail" to capture one Presidential elecr tion. and several years later they increased the a utv to "To chick ens in every pot and two cars ill every garage". 1 assume they will be equally generous-in their prom ises next year. The "Outs" in American politics have a tremendous advantage over the "Ins". They enjoy the luxury of criticising the efforts of the Ad ministration in power without be ing called upon to demonstrate what they would do tinder like cir cumstances: The volume of critt rlsm directed against t lie Roofee velt Administration has swollen to > huge proportions because the tCliief Kxejpuiiivti lias had the cour age to act with vigor and foresight in the face of perils, both foreign and domestic, that could be met in no other way. It is a common human trait for individuals to en joy the sound of t'heir own voices. The opponents of the Roosevelt Administration huve been vocal for so long that they mistake their own cat-calls for the solid weight of American public opinion. They made the same mistake t'hree years ago. it is well tn recall thai the op position party always has the ad vantage unt il the time comes to nominate a candidate. In the old days the Republicans had a simple formula that very often workod amazingly well. They merely nom inated a figure-head, fastened hira securely to a pleasant Front Porch, and then sent forth an ar my of compelling orators to her rald the glad hidings that a new Sir Gallahad was about to enter the White House, under the sta bilizing influence of the G.O.P. That method is now out of date ? Uhnnks to the development; of mod ern means of communication and transportation. The Republican nominee selec ted in 1940 will face the unpleas ant prospect of standing under thu spotlight to bell the voters la hi* own words what he proposes to do about the complex problems of public life. A political party, to be success ful. must have a platform that ap peals to the electorate. Your plat ' form Is the splendid record in or ifice of President Franklin D. | Roosevelt. To those who scoff and jeer at his accomplishments ? a habit quite fashionable in some quarters ? your answer is plain and to the point: There is no man 1 now living who could have carried the nation through the storms and ' dangers o( the past six yeara as well as he has done. Confronted by problems of appalling magni tude, hampered and hindered by those who should have offered help and encouragement, the Chief Ex ecutive has lifted his country from the bog of depression and pesslm . ism in which he found it, to the . high road tihat leads to peace, pros perity and progress. He has won the great triumph by substituting courage for caution, action for , apathy, and statesmanship for , petty politic*. From his predecessor In office. President Roosevelb inherited a mass of economic wreckage an I , .disheartened people. H" f-anrt - .'necessary to restore the fiihric of Industry and commerce ?n r ? old wrongs and abusi - t ? rrvhe the normal channels of e In i disorganised and disonl v d wo . , He found it MCMsnry i ? any o.i j a host of emergency u n-IMes m l top of th$ arduous dm < whir i always burden the man In ih ? White Honae He has done tli ? >???? ably and wall. and again I repca . that no oa? of his critics ci< 11 (Continued on pa* c.<l?t>

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