ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix, c.t.a of the estate of W. H. Tharrington, dec'd., la,te of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 28th day of April, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of April, i 1939 MAGGIE P. THARRINGTON, 4-28-6t Admrt'x, c.t.a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Joe C. ,(Ce-j phus) Wright, deceased, late of i Franklin. County, North Carolina, this ip to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit* them to the undersigned on or before the 28th i day of April, 1946, or this notice I will be pleaded in bar of their re- 1 covery. All persons Indebted to] said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 27th day of I April, 1939. ; I DAVID T. FULLER, 4-28-6t Adm'r. !' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Mary Day, de ceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify j all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to t'he undersigned on or before the 21st day of April,' 1940, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate., will please make immediate pay- 1 ment. This 20th day of April, 1939. 4-21-6t CHAS. P. GREEN, Admr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of J. C. Thomas, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 7th day of April, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 6th day of April, 1939. 4-7-6t G, T. MEADE, Adm'r. NOTICE t Sale of Real Estate 1 Under and by virtue of a cer-| tain deed of trust executed by Mollie Perry, widow, to the un dersigned, L. J. Blakey, Trustee, bearing date of July 30, 1938, and being duly recorded iu the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, in Book of Mor tgages and Deeds of Trust No. 360, at pages 250-251, default, having been made in the payment -of the notes secured by -said deed of trust, the undersigned, L. J.1 Blakey, Trustee, will, on TUESDAY, MAY It, 1031) at 12 o'clock Noon, offer for sale at puble auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Courthouse door of Franklin County, in LouiBburg, North Car olina, the following described real, property, to-wit: TRACT NO. 1: Adjoining' the lands of John Edwards and rail road and bounded as follows: On North side by John Edwards and Montgomery railroad on the East by lands of John Edwards, on South by Tarboro Road, on the West by Montgomery railroad, be ginning at an iron axle stake at the Tarboro Road; thence North erly 341 feet to an iron axle stake at the said Montgomery railroad; thence southwesterly with said railroad 404 feet to an iron stake; thence easterly 221 feet to an iron * stake to the beginning, containing,' 966 feet or 1-4 2 1 1 00 acres, more or less. t TRACT NO. 2; Beginning at an I iron stake in the center of the 1 Tarboro Road 50 feet from the t center of the Montgomery Lumber, i Company's railroad, the same be-,c ing in the light of the "right of s way" of said railroad; thence i along the center of the Tarboro I Road south 64 degrees 25 minutes t Fast 227 feet to a stake corner of ? W. R. Perry lot; thence South ( 35 degrees 45 minutes West 191 % 1 feet to a stone Harris corner; > thence along the Harris line Nort-h 4 54 degrees 25 minutes east 227 ? feet to a stone; thence North 35 degrees 45 minutes west 191 feet to the beginning containing t one acre as per survey of Plttman c Stell October 24, 1922. TRACT NO. 3: Beginning at anj old dead oak corner for the Oillis and John Baker line thence south 4 degrees 16 minutes west 80S1 feet to a stone Red Jones corner in Baker's line; thence along Red Jones line south 89 degrees 30 ' minutes 2266 feet to a pipe and ?tone Luvlnla Jones corner In Red Jones line; thence North 4 degrees 16 minutes east 805 feet to a hickory Luvinla Jones corner In the Oillis line; thence along the line of satd Oillis land south S9 degrees 30 minutes west 2255 feet to the beginning. TRACT NCK4: Being lots num bers 8 and 9 Block"K" as shown on majr of New Hope, N. C., Har ris Township, Franklin County, surveyed by Herman Clodfelder,] on Marth 10, 1925, said map be-: ing recorded in map book 1, page 184, Franklin County Registry, reference to said map Is made for a more perfect description and identification. TRACT NO. 6: Beginning at a stake corner of New Hope Ceme tery south side of Tarboro road; thence with said Tarboro road 91 feet to the Montgomery Lumber Company railroad right of way, thence with said right of way 235 feet to a path known as MedMn paoh; thence with Mid Medlln path 4< feet to the southeast cor ner of New Hope Cemetery; thence with said Cemetery line 180 (eet to the said Tarboro road, the be ginning, containing 33-100 acres, more or less. TRACT NO. 6 : The M. J. Cooley tract containing 111 3-10 acres and adjoining the lands of Charlie Richardson, D. W. Spivey and others known as L. P. Woodard land, bounded on the north by D. W. Spivey on the south by Lee A. Jones home tract, on the east by the lands of Charlie Richard son on the west by the lands of James Sanders, it being t'he same land conveyed by M. J. Cooley to J. I. Gillis by deed dated Feb. 16, 1903, and recorded in the Registry of Franklin County in Book 128, at page 52, and conveyed by said J. I. Gillis March 4, 1905, as per deed recorded in Book 156 at page 470, Franklin County Registry to Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Co., and in turn conveyed by Greenleaf Johnson Lumber Co. to Montgo mery Lumber Co. by deed dated Feb. 16, 1912, and recorded in Franklin County, recorded in Book 271, page 628. The above described real estate is to be sold subject to a home stead in favor of Mollie Perry. TERMS OF SALE: This sale will be made subject to Increased bids as allowed by law and will be held open ten days after the late of sale for the reception of luch bids. ? DATE OF SALE: Tuesday, May 9, 1939, at 12 o'clock Noon. PLACE OF SALE: Courthouse loor of Franklin County in Louis aurg, North Carolina. This, t'he 5th day of April. 1939. L. J. BLAKEY, Dameron & Young Trustee. Uty's., Burlington, N. C. 4-14-4t NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au :hority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Jourt of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain ax foreclosure,suit No. 129 M, en itled "Commissioners of the rown of Louisburg v. George W. ?ord, unmarried, et al.", which said judgment is duly docketed in rax Judgment Docket 3 at page S2, in the office of the Clerk of he Superior Court of Franklin bounty, North Carolina, the un lersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder or cash at the courthouse dqoujn he Town of Louisburg, FrauRlin bounty. North Carolina, at or ibout the hour of twelve o'clock loon, on THURSDAY, 25 MAY 19.19 he following described land in -ouisburg Township, Franklin Jountyj North Carolina: Listed in the name of George W. Foi d as "1 lot Nash & Spring," md defined by a line beginning at he southeast corner of the build ng situate in Louisburg on the corner of Nash and Spring Streets, he northwest corner of the inter leOtlon of said streets : running hence north 58 degrees west ilong Nash Street 30.9 feet to the :orner of said building, corner for S. S. Ford estate: thence north 32 iegrees east ajong the line of E. 5. Ford estate" 105.6 feet to Mrs. Shaw's line; thence south 58 de crees east 30.9 feet more or less o Spring Street; thence south 32 Iegrees east along said street 105.6 feet to the point of begin ling, and being a part of the lands :onveyed to George W. Ford. Sr., n Book 99 at page 463. Refer ence, for further description, is lereby made to Book 261 at page 123, Book 270 at page 294, Book !51 at page 552. and Book 320 at )age 302, all of Franklin County iegistry. Dated and posted this the 24th lay of April. 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, l-28-4t Commissioner. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis ratrix, c.t.a. o( the estate of R. A. 'earce, deceased, late of Frank In County, North Carolina, this is o notify all persons having claims tgainst the estate of said deceas ?d to exhibit them to the under ilgned on or before the 28th day >f April, 1940, or this notice will >e pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate >ayment. This &7th day of April, 939 MATTIE R. PEARCE, l-28-6t Admrt'x, c.t.a. NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the au hority of sale contained in that ertain judgment of the Superior 3ourt of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain ax foreclosure suit No. 128, M, en ltled "Commissioners of the ["own of Loulsburg v. Mrs. Hazel V. Ford, widow, et al.", which laid judgment is duly docketed in rax Judgment Docket 3 at page 11, In the office of the Clerk of he Superior Court of FranWfti bounty, North Carolina, the un lerslgned Commissioner will of 'er for sale to the highest bidder 'or cash at the courthouse door in he Town of Loulsburg, Franklin bounty, North Carolina, at or ibout the hour of twelve o'clock innn. on 1 THURSDAY, 25 MAY 1080 he following described land In L,oulaburg Township, Franklin bounty, North Carolina: Listed In the name of Mrs. Ha !el W. Ford, as "1 lot North Main 9treet", and defined by a line be ginning at a rock on the west side of Main Street where the same is Intersected by College Street, and being the southwest corner made by the intersection of the two said itreets; thence 268 % feet in a westerly direction along College Street to a stake, Mrs. A. F. Neat's corner; thence in a southerly di rection along Mrs. Neal's line and parallel with Main Street 107 feet to a stake, Mr*. Neal's line; thence in an easterly direction along Mrs. Neal's line parallel with College Street 268% feet to a rock on Main Street, Mrs. Neal's corner; thence in a northerly direction along Main Street 107 feet to the point of beginning, containing 28,729% feet, more or less, and being the identical lot of laud con veyed to Hazel W. Ford by deed of C. T. Stokes on 3 April 1911, recorded in Book 170 at page 380. Reference is further made to deed of W. H. Nicholson and wife to C. T. Stakes, dated 2 January 1905, and recorded in Book 146 at page 170, and to the instruments re corded in Book 250 at page 701 and Book 299 at page 130, said Registry. Dated and posted this the 24th day of April, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 4-28-4t Commissioner. AO TICK OK SAIiK OF UK \I, ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA: FRANKLIN COUNTY: Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that certain deed of trust execu ted by S. T. Barhani, to the un of 'f. nT! tl.ustee> wh'ch said deed of ust is dated the sixth day of 1934, a,ld reco,'ded in: Book 324, pages 127-8 of the Franklin County Registry, and Book 681, Page 272, of the Wake County Registry, default having in the Payment of <.he indebtedness thereby secured and in the conditions therein secured ?,i1,!e/sisned trustee will, on 1 1 ESI) A V, MAY HI, 1930, at or about twelve o'clock Noon, i t',1? c?ui'house door at Clinton, I No th Carolina, offer for sale and ?hi t?,?*-biKhJBt bidder for casi? the following described property bituate in Little River and Har ris Townships, Franklin and Wake. Counties, North Carolina, and de scribed as follows: MRST TRACT: Beginning at an iron stake in a bottom or' swamp. S, H. Scarboro's and J B FHu'a!'1S ?0rnei': ,heme *,th ??i? the Last' side ot the trestle iff the -Montgomery Lumber Company's lailroad (main line) said Ed wards corner; thence down the meanderings of Little River (the bein* Ink and (distances being taken for convenience in the r?7,i S- 5J 4 de?' w- :",r' cf deg. w. 195 feet ; S. 2 deg. f ? ? a feet: S. 5 % deg. E. 122 feet; S,. 21 deg. E. 150 feet; S 5 deg. W, ? Z&8 leet; K. 12 deg. f 1.0 feet.; S. 37 deg. W. 233 feet;' S. .8 deg. W. lis feet; ii. 4 1.4 fe^t 8 'l-l'V- S" 53 dp* E- "6 - o i , * w 287 feet ; S. o2 deg. W. 224 reet; about 2435 on th? w S,ak.e, and P'"e Pointers on the West side of said river, M A. Barliam's corner; thence with ??'d Barham's line N. 87% deg W. 3265 feet to the center ot" aforesaid Zebulon-Oxford High wf.h' m"' ?a,ham'8 corner; thence, with his line along the center of said road S. 3 deg. E. 1556 feet; b- 1 1-4 deg. E. 555 feet to the ?L'he Highway bridge over Middle Prong Creek, said Bar ham s corner in J. R. Perry's line thence with said Perry's line up the meanders of said creek (the following bearings and distances being taken for convenience in the survey: S. 84 deg. W. 162 feet-' N. 38 deg. W. -473 reet to a small! persimmon tree on the south bank I ?aid creek .and on the east side of the Spur track of the Montgom- ! try Lumber Conifcpny's railroad, said Perry's corner; thence with said Perry's line along the east, side of said railroad S. 4 3-4 deg. W. 1485 feet to a stake on the east side of said track, L. P Per ry's corner in said J. R. Perry's line; thence with said L. P. per-' ry's line N. 84 deg. W. 1921 feet to a stone, said P. Perry's and Bo ing Dunns corner; thefice with Boling Dunn's line North 84 1-4 1 deg W. 281 feet to it stake; thence N 3 1-4 deg. E. to the Center of ' aforesaid Middle Prong Creek (the measurement taken for con venience being 1568 feet tq the North bank of said creek); thence up the center of said creek follow ing ite meanders (the following bearings and distances being tak en entirely on the North side for I convenience In the survjey; g. 88 3-4 deg. W. 500 feet; N. 77% deg. W. 692 feet) about 1092 feet to a point in the center of said creek In line with a stake on Its Nort-h side, S. H. Scarboro's cor ner in Frances Dunn's line; thence with said Scarboro's line N. 1 % deg. E. 3622 feet to the beginning containing 563 % acres SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a stake, with ash and maple pointers, on the east side of Little River, Willi. Prlvett's corner; thence wit'h his line S. 88 3-4 deg L. 2802 feet to an iron stake, said Frivett s corner in Perry and Pat terson's line; thence with Perry and Patterson's line S. 11% dee K7 V6*1 t0 a 8take: thence 8. 67 3-4 deg. W. 26 feet to a stake, said Perry and Patterson s corner and Jonas Denton's corner; thence with said Denton's line S. 11 1-4 deg. w. 264 feet to a stake with two large pine pointers, said Den thence with his line N. 88 3-4 deg. W. 2287 feet t*> a i V\ pol?tprfl on aforesaid Little River; thence up said river as It meanders (the following be ing the bearings and distances ta ken for convenience in the sur ry) LN J deg E- 118 feet; N. 64 deg. E. 196 feet; N. 14% dec E 209 feet; N. ? 3-4 deg. E m 2TV F* 11 ? 1B* ,Mt: n. w V. X' 74 N. 7? deg. W. 74 feet; N. 172 feet; N. 11 3-4 Ideg. E. 170 feet; N. 42 1-4 deg. W. 103 feet; S. 78',i deg. W. 98 j feet; N. 45?/4 deg. W. 114 feet; S. 74 3-4 deg. W. 179 feet; S. 83 1-4 deg. W. 130 feet; N. 25 1-4 deg. ;w. 146 feet; N, 4 1-4 deg. W. 285) reet; N. 24 Ms di g. W. 197 feet; N. 3 deg. W. 195 feet; N. 36 deg. I W. 45 feet) about 3351 feet to the j beginning, containing 130 acres. From both of the above tracts should be deducted 21.66 acres conveyed to the Montgomery Lum ber Company for a right of way, on November 15, 1917, and which j is regislered in Roolt 324, Page 123. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10c;. of the amount of the bid as his evidence 1 of good faith. This Hie fifteenth day of April, 1939. C. E. FLEMING, 4-21-4t Trustee. NOTICE OK SAI,K OF REAL~ ESTATE Under and by virtue of the pow er and .authority contained in an order of the Superior. Court of t Franklin County, North Carolina, in the special proceeding therein i pending entitled "Mrs. P. T. Sykes, Admrx. et al. vs. Osbourne Sykes et al.? the undersigned commis- j sioner will, on MONDAY, MAY, 10;l?, at or about the hour of one o'clock P. M., a 0 the courthouse door in Louisburg, North Carolina, offer j for sale at public auction to the ' highest bidder, for casly t}lf fol lowing described trayt or parcel of land, to-wit: ' <"? Lying and being in Cypress Creek Township. Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on the north bank of a creek in \V. C. M. Sykes line; thence along the line of W. C. M. Sykes N. 00 degrees 20 minutes W, 1768 feet to a stake in W. H. Gay's line; thence along the line of \V. H. Gay N. 79 degrees 40 minutes W. 2520 feet to a stake in Peyton Sykes heirs lino; thence ajong the said Peyton Sykes heirs line St1 5 degrees 4 0 minutes E. 825 feet to a stoke in J. A. Creek- j more's lirte on thf northiide of a creek; thence aloiig.the creek and J. A. (.'reek more's line S. 60 de-: grees E. 2781 feet to the begin ning, containing 73 acres by sur- j vey of G. W. Taylor, Surveyor, made August 11. 1926. plat oft which is recorded in nook of Maps j 1, page 198, Franklin County Reg- ! istry. , >? The said tract of land will be sold subject th day of June, 1939, to answer or demur to the com plaint herein filed, the plaintiff j will apply to the Court for the re- , lief therein demanded. This the 14th day of April,1: 1939. W. V. AVENT, C. S. C., 4-2 l-4t of Franklin County, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au- ] thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior! Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 41, enti tled "COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG *. Dinah Davis and' husband, June Davis, et ait., heirs at law of AUSTIN OREEN, deceased," which said judgment is duty docketed in Tax Judgment Docket 3 at page 78, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Caro lina, the undersigned Commission er will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at the court house door in the Towg of Louis- ] burg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 25 MAY 10:10 the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Located in the Mineral Springs section of the Town of Louisburg, being the northern half of lot No. 34 in the plat of the Hilliard lands, made by W. N. Fuller, less the lot conveyed to Dinah Davis by deed of Austin Green and wife, recorded in Book 227 at page 510, said lot conveyed to Dinaji Davis j fronting 57 feet on the street lead- i ing from the Mineral Springs and running back 200 feet in parallel lines. Said lot No. 34 is more par ticularly described in Book 54 at page 323, and is situated on the|< east side of Mineral Springs ,i Street. The southern half of said i lot No. 34 was sold to Martha Ruf-ji fin. The land herein described is all of the northern half of said lot No. 34, containing one half acre, ! more or less, less that portion thereof, described above, which was conveyed to Dinah Davis by Austin Green. Dated and posted this the 24th day of April, 1939. _ JOHN F. MATTHEWS, ! 4-28-4t Comililssioner. ] SALE OK HK.AI, ESTATE 1 Under and pursuant to an order ; of the Clerk of Superior Court of. Franklin. County, North Carolina, entered oil the 13th day of March, 1939 in I'liat action entitled Com missioners of the Town of Louis burg, North Carolina vs. Louis- . burg College, an educational cor- | po ration, the undersigned Com- 1 j inissioner will on MONDAY, the 22ml DAY OK MAY, 1030, at or about the hour of noon at ] the courthouse door* in the Town j of Louisburg. North Carolina, of-1, fer for sale at public auction l<> the highest bidder, for cash, the following desecribed lot or parcel , of land: . Situate in the Town of Louis- \ hurg. County of Franklin, State | of North Carolina, on South Mainl] Street, and being Mie lot described , in deed of F. N. Egerton, Jr., et , als, Executor of F. N. Egerton, , deceased, to Louisburg Female [ | College, dated January 12, 1925, ,( recorded in Book 249, Page 415, Franklin Registry, reference to which deed and record is hereby made for a further tlescriptloii , thereof. This 21st day of April, 1939. J. E. M ALONE, 4-28-41 Commissioner, j VOTH'IO OK SAI.K <>!' HKAI. ' ESTATE PERSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THIS SUPERIOR COURT OK FRANKLIN COUNTY made in : thai Special Proceedings entitled: ? Ruelah Fletcher, Administratrix i ( of J. B. Fletcher versus Albertina Ayers and other heirs at law; the undersigned commissioner will, 011 the 25th DA V OK MAY, 1 ?:?>, at 12:uu o'clock. Noon, at the Courthouse Dour in Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale to ! the highest bidder for Cash, thai ; certain piece, parcel or tract of j iand lying and being in Franklin ton Township, Franklin County, North Carolina; and more partic ularly described as follows: ? "The OI.D FOUNDRY lot and containing lots No. 1, 2, 3 and 4. as surveyed and platted J. W. Pugh, Engineer; Recorded in Plat Rook No. 1, page 214, Register of Deeds Office of Franklin Coun ty. The said tract being that same property conveyed by Deed of T. C. Council, Trustee, to E. W. Kearney, Book 271, page 135; and from E. W. Kearney to J. B. Fletcher, Book 278, page 31 of the Franklin County Registry." 1 This 24th day of April, 193!>. NEAL SIMON. JR., 4-.28-4t, Commissioner.], 0, W. .Williamson, Atty. NOTICE OF HALE ' Under and by virtue of author ity contained in that certain pow er of sale contained in that deed 1 of trust, executed by K. K. Allen 1 1 and wife. Grace P. Allen, on the j I 15th day of December, 1938. and duly recorded in the ofTice of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, North Carolina, in Book 1 338 at page 243, -^default having j been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will, for cash,' to the highest bidder at the court- | house door of Franklin County, I North Carolina, at twelve o'clock , noon, on WEDNESDAY, HI MAY, 10.10, 1 offer for sale the following desert- I bed land ; 1 All that certain tract or parcel I of land situate, lying and being in I Louisburg Township, Franklin 1 County, N. C., more particularly 1 described as follows: I Bounded on the south by the 1 road leading from the Tarboro or : Bunn Road to the home place of ? H. H. Harris, deceased'; on the east and on the north by the lands of the Metropolitan Life Insurance 1 Company^known as the "May 1 place," containing 191 V4 acres, < more or less. The above described tract* of 1 land being the land Inherited by ( K. K. Allen and known as the Al- 1 len Farm on the Louisburg-Bunn < Road. For a further and more I adequate description, reference is 1 hereby had to the Public Registry of Franklin County. Dated and posted this the 29th day of April, 1989. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, B-6-4t Trustee. ? * NOTICE 145 M 1 North Carolina, In The t Franklin Co. Superior Court I Commissioners of the Town of Loulsburg, v. Loureynold Pediford and husband, I Nathaniel Pediford, et al. The defendants Loureynold Ped iford and husband, Nathaniel Ped iford, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted and is now pending In the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affecting certain land in the j Town of Louisburg, Franklin County. North Carolina, listed in the name of John Green Estate, to] which suit the defendants above named are proper parties. j And the said defendants above j named will take notice that they j are required to appear before the I Clerk of the Superior Court of ! Franklin County at his office in j Louisburg, on or before the 26th < day of June, 1939, to answer or' demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply I for the relief demanded in its said complaint. Dated this the 27th day of April, 1939. n W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-5-4t i ' c NOTICK . 137 M f North Carolina, In The i c Franklin Co. Superior Court | Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg, v. I ini Plummet- Davis and wife, Mrs. ? Jim Plummer Davis. The defendants. Jim Plummer _ Davis and wife, Mrs. Jim Plum mer Davis, will take notice that in action entitled'ns aJiove lias ' been instituted and is now pend- * ing in the Superior Court of 1 Franklin County, being a tax fore closure suit affecting certain land in the ToVvn of Louisburg. Frank lin County., North Carolina, listed n the name of Jim Plummer Davis o which suit the defendants aboVe named are proper parties. And the said defendants above j' named will take notice' that they . ire required to appear before the," Clerk of the Superior Court of : Frankliq County at his office- in ' Louisburg, on or before the 2(ith ' lay of June, 1939, to answer or .' lemur to the said complaint; " otherwise, the plaintiff will apply l< for the relief demanded in its said 11 complaint. Dated this the 28th day of . " April, 1939. Jj W. V. AVENT. Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, ? ? Attorney fiir Plaintiff. 5-5-41 ( NOTlfK ' TT. 148 M |c North Ciiwilimi, III Tlio Franklin Co. Superior Court J A Before Tile Clerk ) Commissioners of the/Town of Louisburg, J v. A 'arrie llazelwooil. unmarried, solo _ ,lieir at law of llixie Haielwood. deceased. The defendant, Carrie llazel- ( ( wood, unmarried, sole heir at law ^ >f llixie Hazel wood. ^dfeceased, jj (Vill take 11 o t^t'c e thtjt in action entitled, rts a hove lias i cj >een inst ituted ^and is now pi'iid- (j tig in the ^Superior Court of u *' r a 11 k 1 i n Co u nty^he jn g a tax fore- ^ ?lositre suit affecting certain land n ^lie Town of Louisburg, FTitnk- n in County, North Carolina, listed gi li the name of Hixie Hazelwood. n 0 which suit the defendant above ^ tamed is a proper party. And the said defendants above lamed will take notice that she s required to appear before the, ;ierk of the Superior Court of ?Vanklin County, at Ills office in * ^ouisburg. 011 or before the 26th m lay of June, l!ll!9, to answer or - lemur to the said complaint: itherwise, the plaintiff will apply or the relief demanded in its said f complaint. Dated this the 27th day of i Vpril, 1930. 1. W. V. A VENT, Clerk Superior Court, lohn F. Matthews, Mtorney for Plaintiff. S-5-4t 1 NOTICE 142 M Morth Carolina, In The franklin Co. Superior Court Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg, v. klillie - Foster, widow; Laura |p Hedgepeth, widow; Mary Jane Hamilton, widow; Sol Wllljam- T son; E. H. Mai one, trustee; Charles P. Green, Asignee ofj the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Louisburg, N. C.; Elmo Sills I and wife, Lena Sills. The defendants, Millie Foster. L.aura Hedgepeth and Mary Jane ' riamilton will take notice that in action entitled as above has j )een Instituted and is now pend- ! ng in the Superior Court of [ franklin County, being a tax fore- j ?losure suit affecting certain lands j n the Town of Louisburg, Frank- j In County, North Carolina, listed ^ In the name of Millie Foster, p ,0 which suit the defendants above named are proper parties. i 1 And the said defendants above ! lamed will take notice that they : j ire required to appear before the j r Slerk of the Superior Court of I Franklin County at his office in ; Louisburg, on or before the 26th lay of June, 1939, to answer or lemur to the said complaint; Hherwise, the plaintiff will apply [or the relief demanded in its said complaint. Dated this the 28th day of April, 1939. W. V. AVEJNT, Clerk Superior Court. 1 , John F. Matthews, 1 Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-5-4t NOTICE .43 M Jorth Carolina, In The franklin Co. Superior Court Commissioners of the Town ot Louisburg, v. leirs at law ot Huldah Gill, de ceased, to-wit: Charlotte Steg all and husband, Oscar Stegall; Nannie Parks and husband, William Parks; Cornelia Bane and husband, Isaac Bane; Maude Davis, widow; Julia Bullock and husband, Joseph Bullock; Edward Gill, divorced: Evelyn Jackson and husbasd, Roy Jackson; and Willie Kin ton and husband, James Kinton. The defendants. Nannie Parks, Villiam Parks, Cornelia Bane, saac Bane, Evelyh Jackson and toy Jackson will take notice that n action entitled as above has )een instituted and is ikiw pend ng in the Superior Court ot ?Yanklin County, being a tax fore ?losure suit affecting certain la:id n the Town of Louisburg. Frank in County. North Carolina, listed n the name of Huldah Gill, o which suit the defendants above lamed are proper parties. And the said defendants above lamed will take notice that they ire required to appear before the Jlerk of the Superior Court of franklin County at his office in ..ouisburg, on or before the 26th lay of June, 1939, to answer or lemur to the said complaint; itherwise", the plaintiff will apply or the relief demanded in its said omplalnt. Dated this the 28th day of kpril, 1939. W. V. AVENT. Clerk Superior Court, ohn F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-o-4t NOTICE 36 M forth Carolina, In The 'ranklin Co. Superior Court Commissioners of the Town of ? Louisburg. v. Dinah Davis and husband. Ju:;e 1). Davis. The defendant Dinah Davis ill take n o t i c e that n action entitled as above has eeil instituted and is now pend lg.ill the Superior Court of ranklin County, being a tax fore losure suit affecting certain land l the Town of Louisburg. Frank n County. North Carolina, listed i the name of Dinah Davis. > which suit the defendant above allied is a proper party. And the said defendants above anted will take notice that she i required to appear before the lerk of the Superior Court of 'ranklin County at liis office in .dtiTsburg. on or Ijefore the 2 6 1 Ti ay of June, 1939. to answer or emur to the said complaint; therwise, llie plaintiff will appVy 1)1' the relief demand' <1 in its said omplalnt. ?I >a ted ? Htis ? the U 8 1 li ? ? of prll, 1939. W. V. AVENT. 'Clerk Superior Court, ohn F. Matthews. ttoriyy for Plaintiff. 5-5-4t ,\ UMIMSTHATOR'S NOTICF Having qualified as Administra >r of t lie estate of Miss Anna /heless, deceased,- late of Frank n County, North Carolina, t'his i to notify all persons having lainis- fl gai n s t ?Uie estate of said eceased to exhibit them to the ndersigned on or before the 7 ay of A~)pril, 1940, or this notice 'ill be pleaded in bar- of their ecovery. All persons indebted to lid estate will please make ini lediate payment. This 6 day of pril, 1939. JAMES E. FULGHUM, M.D. -7-6t. Adm'r. DIAL. 283-1 OR FIRST CLASS PRINTING Office days every Saturday and Monday. Honrs for eye examination: Saturday 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. Monday 0 a. m. to Noon. Other days by appointment only. Write or Phone No. 10. Prepare Early FOR SPRING Reliable service of Quality and Distinction la offered to yon for roar DRY CLEANING and 8B0B (UCPAIRING, at our new location where we are better equipped to >erve yon. I NOTE ? We have added a 3H0E SHOP to our business BENNIB MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. . 'ail Us Phone 440-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP r. c. Bisht B. Naafc St. IxHrtiburf, N. O.