fin rutbutial FARM LOANS 4 Low IntarMt /Lon,T?m 4 Fair Appraisal 4 Prompt Service W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBUEO, N. C. We beg to differ with the histor ian who claims that chess is the oldest known game. We think It is passing the buck. PROFESSIONAL OOLUMD Dr. Hairy H. Johnson Physician and Burgeon General Practice ? Glasses Fitted Special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Naah St. Louisburc, N. C Phones: , Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Monr* ? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 9 Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Dig eases of Woraes, I X-Ray and Fluoroscopic tfcm, Diathermy and Ultra-Violet light treatment. Miss Elizabeth Fuller, Sec'y. Mrs. Walter Cnthrell, R. Ji. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. 0. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. Smith wick Dentin Louisburg, N. O. Office over Rose's Store Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Law Louisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice la all Courts 0. M. Beam Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. O. Office In Professional Building Mart to The Franklin Times Practice la all Courts W. L. Lump Attorney Louisburg, N. C?^ Offioe In First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Courts ? W. H. Yarborougb Hill Yar borough Yarborougfa & Yarborougb Attorneys * Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton Building Over Toakel's Store Louisburg, N. ?. Practice la Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and la the Uaited Atates Courts at Raleigh R. B. White E. H. Maloat J. E. Malone White & Malone Lawyers Louisburg, N. O. General practice, settlement of ee tates, funds Invested. One mem ber ?f the Arm always la offlee. Main Street Barber Shop L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers Lovlaburg, N. O. Parlors under Union Warehouse ea Mala Street. First sfaas wort guaranteed. Give m a eaB. Sr SPRING IS HERE and no is the time to have your Winter Clothes cleaned ud pressed and packed away In Moth Proof bags. We have them. ALSO To have your Spring Bolts cleaned and pressed for Spring wear. We can give yon the best service to be bad, and at reasonable prices. PROMPT PICK-UP, DELIVERY Louisburg Dry Cleaners Mibng*! Oldest Cleaners with Franklin Ooanty's most PALM BEACH Made To Measure By J. L. Taylor & Co. - $17.25 - O. J. HALE ?'eit to Wheel^r'g Barker Shop LOUISBURG, N. C. Aids Southern Women Reporters r.fkcd users in twelve cities of the South ? "Were you helped by CARDUI?" Of 1279 women queried, 93 per rent said they were benefitted. This' word of users everywhere is given to show how CARDUI helps build physical resistance by improving appetite and digestion, and thus works to relieve the symptoms of "functional dysmenorrhea" due to malnutrition. Try CARDUI 1 JOt G Jil ljttle birdie reus j JOB THAT TMe SVN9AV P*/VER$ A?e COHAINQ-. EVERY SUIT AND COAT I SELL IS GUARANTEED FOR A YEAR BECAUSE IT IS MY PRIVILEGE TO SELL _ THE FAMOUS jbcuuA. Jline OF TAILORED-TO MEASURE CLOTHES The Only Clothing You Can Buy That Is Both QtiGJlG+lteGlf For Wear and OniuAed Against Damage ? THE NEW SPRING ? SELECTION OF 300 HANDSOME FABRICS * IS NOW READY AT PRICES STARTING AT *24 50 DOUGLAS PERRY HovthMdc Mercantile Co. Phone 2B7-3 8. Main St. roCTAGONl 3 FOR I \JoUetSoapA 14(| I'almolive Soap, 3 for 20c Super Suck (for washing dishes) Regular size, 3 for 27c Giant nli?, 2 for 38c Con. Super Suds (washing dishes) Regular size, 3 for 27c Giant Size, 2 for 43c Giant Octagon Soap, 4 for . , 10c S|>ecial Octagon Soap, 2 for . . 5c l-arge Octagon Powder ( 3 for 14c Special Octagon Powder, 2 for 5c ! Octagon Cleanser, 2 for 8c j Octagon Granulated Soap, 2. 19c1 Octagon Soj? Chips, 2 for . , 10c Crystal White Toilet Soap, 3 . 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap, 3 . . . 14c | Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for . . 14c i Klex (Pumice) Soap, 2 for . . Oc Universal Toilet Soap, 3 for . 14c Vogue Toilet Soap, 3 for ... 14c 1 Fair Sex Toilet Soap, 4 for . . Hk GEO. D. FULLER R. F. D. Louisburg, X. C. | CLOVER SEED * The amount of crimson clover seed harvested within the next few weeks will largely determine the acreage of this valuable winter le gume which farmers of this sec tion will plant next fall, according to William E. Adams, Junior Agronomist of the Soil Conserva tion Service in the CCC camp here, and district work unit near Frank lipton, N. C. One of the principal reasons for the failure of farmers to plant more legumes as cover ci'ops in | the past has been the cost of seed. , To encourage development of a complete vegetative program, ser- ( vice technicians have sought to es tablish seed patches on every co operating farm which would en- j able farmers to expand their acre- j age of various cover crops with a minimum outlay of cash. With crimson clover seed patch es now established on many farms, i several methods may be used for harvesting the seed. One of the most effective methods is to mow \ the clover with an ordinary mow- I er and later throw the cured clover on a poultry wire screen stretched over a wagon bed and beat out the seed with a pitchfork. Crimson clover seed are ripe enough to mow about May Vi, i when two-thirds to three-fourths of the seed heads will slip, that is, when the seed can be pulled easily from the seed stems. Fully ripe seed shatter easily when dry. Clo ver with seed inclined to shatter should be handled only in the late afternoon or early morning when the clover is damp with dew. County Agent W. C. Boyce or Soil Conservation Service workers will be glad to explain other me thods of harvesting crimson clover seed. Regardless of method used, it is important at this season to harvest all available crimson clov er seed in order to have a supply on hand for fall planting, Adams said. Farmers cooperating with the CCC camp may secure a crimson clover seed harvester from the camp upon request, which can be used to harvest their seed. I MAKES FENCES Using discarded pipe and tele phone wire. Emmet Reeves, an Ashe County farmer, has made i serviceable gates for use on his i farm at Laurel Springs. MKQUAre Uf ?T INSURANCE ENABLES MCUR WIDOW TO BAV HER OWN WAV THRU UPg.. f , . . . hi* FROM 6EIKI& OCPCNOtWT upon -nut OMxxMNG&iArrv Of WtUATlVES. mh4 ?Ct the rAcrs ANQMfctfMMftMeiMON NOW WELDON D. EGERTON Rrnrral Agent Loui*burg, N, C. Security Life & Trout Co. HALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered by Hon. W. V. Avent, Clerk of said . court, on Monday the 15th day of May, 1939, in that ceftain action enti tled Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg vs. North Carolina Baptist Foundation, a Corporation, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY, the 10th DAY OF niNE, 1080, at or about the hour of noon at the courthouse door In Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following descri bed lot or parcel of land: Bounded on the Eaat by 8outb Main Street in the Town of Louia 'Trtirg, Franklin County, North Carolina; on tbe South by the lands of Annie D. Joyner; on the West by the lands of the G. W. Ford Estate, and on the North by tbe lands of L. R. F. Allen, front ing 127.4 feet on said South Main Street and being more particular ly described in deed of James E. Malone, Jr., Trustee, to N. C. Bap tist Foundation, Inc., recorded in Book 294, Page 547, Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina, reference to which is here made for a more particular description thereof. This the 16th day of May, 1939. J. E. MALONE, JR., 5-26-4t Commissioner. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE ! Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Theodore C. j Cooley,' deceased, late of Frank lift County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Raleigh, North Carolina, on or before the 16th , day of May, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 16th day of May, 1939. EMMA COOLEY, Adminis- f tratrix of Theodore C. Cooley. j Little & Wilson, Attdrneys. 5-26-6t < ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra-j tor of the estate of Mary Day, de ceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceasid to ex- , hibit -them to Mi^ undersigned on or before the 2 1st day of April, 1940, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 20th day of April, 1 1939. 4-21-6t CHAS. P. GKEEN, Admr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE "I Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Joe C. (Oe phus) Wright, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, | this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceasetf to exhibiti them to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of April, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 27th day of April, 1939. DAVID T. FULLER, 4-28-6t Adm'r. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE ] Having qualified as Adminis tratrix, c.t.a. of the estate of R. A. Pearce, deceased, late of Frank lin County. North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 28th day of April, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar. of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of April, 1939 MATTIE R. TEARCE, 4-28-6t Admrt'x, c.t.a. NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the au- | thority of sale contained in that ! certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North , Carolina, entered in that certain lax foreclosure suit No., 127 M, entitled "Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Mrs. Alice! Blanche Moseley ( Mrs. N. L. Mose ley) and husband, et al.'\ which; said judgment is duly docketed in , Tax Judgment Docket 3 at page 84, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, the undersign ed Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Franklin , County, North Carolina, at or', about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on ( THURSDAY, in JUNE I0: Louisburg, on or before the 26th I day of June, 1939, to answer or 1 demur to the said complaint; I otherwise, the plaintiff will apply I for the relief demanded in its said i complaint. Dated this the 28th day of i April, 1939. 1 W. V. AVENT, I Clerk Superior John F. Matthews, jl Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-5-4t < ' i NOTICE " || 148 M j, North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Before The Clerk j | Commissioners of the Town of | Louisburg, I v" Carrie Hazelwood. unmarried, sole . heir at law of Hixie Hazelwood. , deceased. The defendant, Carrie Hazel- ( wood, unmarried, sole heir at law , of Ilixie Hazelwood. deceased, j will notice that I an actiou entitled as above hasj been instituted and is now pend- 1 ing in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax fore closure suit affecting certain land in the Towp of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, listed in the name of Hixie Hazelwood, to which suit the defendant above named is a proper party! And the said defendants above , named will take notice that she is required to appear before thC|" Clerk of the Superior Court of ' Franklin County at his office in ' Louisburg. on or before the 26th > day of June, 1939, to answer or, demur to tlie said complaint; ' otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in its said ! complaint. Dated this the 27th day of April, 1939. | W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-5-4t ! XOTICE 142 M North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg, ? Y. Millie Foster, widow; Laura ? Hedgepetb, widow; Mary Jane, Hamilton, widow; Sol William son; E. H. Malone, trustee; Charles P. Green, Asignee of the Farmers & Merchants Bank ? of Louisburg, N. C.i Elmo Sills and wife, Lena Sills. The defendants, Millie Foster, Laura Hedgepeth and Mary Jane Hamilton will take notice that an action entitled as above has been Instituted and is now pend ing in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax fore closure suit affecting certain lands in the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, listed in the name of Millie Foster, to which suit the defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the 1 j Clerk of the Superior Court of I Franklin County at his office in ' Louisburg, on or before the 26th day of June, 1939, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded In Its said complaint. Dated this the 28th day of April, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney tor Plaintiff. 5-Mt 1 NOTICE 143 M North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg, ? T. Heirs at law of Huldah Gill, de ceased, to-wit: Charlotte Steg all and husband, Oscar Stegall; Nannie Parks and husband, William Parks; Cornelia Bane and husband, Isaac Bane; Maude Davis, widow; Julia Bullock and husband, Joseph Bullock; Edward Gill, divorced; Evelyn Jackson and husbasd, Roy Jackson; and Willie Kin ton and husband, James Kinton. The defendants, Nannie Parks, William Parks, Cornelia Bane, Isaac Bane, Evelyn Jackson and Roy Jackson will take notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted and is now pend ing in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax fore closure suit affecting certain land in the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, listed in the name of Huldah Gill, to which suit the defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Louisburg, on or before the 26th lay of June, 1939, to answer or lemur to the said complaint; Jtherwise, the plaintiff will apply For the relief demanded in its said :omplaint. Dated this the 28th day ot April, 1939. W. V. AVENT. Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-5-4t NOTICE 136 M North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg, Dinah Davis and husband, ^U3e D. Davis. The defendant Dinah Davis will take notice that an action entitled as above has t>een instituted and is now pend ng in the Superior Court of franklin County, being a tax fore closure suit affecting certain land in the Town of Louisburg, Frank in County, North Carolina, listed In the name of Dinah Davis, :o which suit the defendant above named is a proper party. And the said defendants above named will take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of franklin County at his office in Louisburg," on or before the 26th lay of June, 1939, to answer or lemur to the said complaint; stberwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in its said somplaint. Dated this the 28th day of April, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 6-5-4 1 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra rix, c.t.a of the estate^of W. H. rharrlngton, dec'd., late of Frank in County, North Carolina, this is o notify ail persons having claims igainst the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under ligned on or before the 28th day jf April, 1940, or this notice will je pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of April, L939 MAGGIE F. THARR1NGTON, l-28-6t Admrt'x, c.t.a. DIAL, 283-1 ?OR FIRST CLASS PRINTING APEX, N. C. Office days every Saturday and Monday. Honrs for eye examination: Saturday 0 a. m. to 6 p. ra. Monday 0 a. m. to Noon. Other days by appointment only. Write or Phone No. 10. Prepare Early FOR SPRING Reliable service of Quality and Distinction la offered to you (or your DRY CLEANING and SHOE REPAIRING, at our nerw location where we are better equipped to serve you. NOTE? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BENNIB MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. Call Us I Phone 440-1 , SERVICE DRY GLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F. C. Hlflbt K. Naah fit. Lnifbfff, IT. a