FARM LOANS / Low Interest / Long Term ?> <4 Fair Appraisal J Prompt Soviet W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURO, N. C. An elderly person is one who can remember when Europe was not In a state of crisis. PROFESSIONAL COLUMH Dr. Harry H. Johnson Physician and Snrgeon General Practice ? Glasses Fitted Special attention to diseases of Bye, Ear, Hose and Throat. PbOnee: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash 8t. Eoulsborg, N. C Phones: Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hoars ? 10 to 19; 2 to 4; 7 to ? Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Womta. X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Uon, Diathermy and Ultra-Violet light treatment. Miss Elizabeth Puller, Sec'y. Mrs. Walter Cuthrell, B. N. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service Drag Co. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Loilabirf, N. O. Office oyer Rose'* Store Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Law Louis burg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book Store General Practice in all Conrts 0. M. Beam Attorney at Law Loulsburg, N. 0. Uffice In Professional Building ant to The Franklin Tinea Practice In all Court* W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Loulsburg, N. O. Office In First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Court* W. B. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborough & Yarborough Attorney* A Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton BnHdlng Over Tonkel's Store Loulsburg, N. C. Practice in Franklin and adjoin teg oountlea, and in the United States Court* at Raleigh R. B. White R. H. Mai out J. K. M alone White & Malone Lawyer* Loulsburg, N. O. General practice, settlement ef es tales, funds Invested. One mem ber at the firm always in office. Main Street Barber Shop L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers Loulsburg, N. C. Parlors under Union Warehouse ?? Main Street. First 4nss wot* ? guaranteed. Give me a eaH. SPRING IS HERE and ho is the tine to bare your Winter Clothes cleaned and pressed and packed ?way in Moth Proof bags. We haTe them. > ALSO To have your Hpring Suite cleaned and pressed for Spring wear. We can give yon the best serric?- to be had, and at reasonable I"***- ..... PROMPT PICK-UP, DELIVER* : x Louisburg Dry Cleaners MlliMrg*! Oldest Cleaners with Franklin County's moat ?darn aqalpauiL ?. E Sykas Bd NrnD PHOVK 480-1 roCTAGONl 3 FOR I Sottpl 14 <| Pulmoliw Soup, 3 for 20c Large Octagon Powder, 8 for. J4c Giant Octagon Soap, 4 for . . 19c D. T. DICKIE Epsom, S. C. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION ! >3 PALM BEACH Made To Measure By J. L. Taylor & Co. - $17.25 - O. J. HALE Zi ?'ext to Wheeler's Barber Shop LOUISBURG, N. C. 81 Chart showin& the oepftessi^N IN THE SMITH KAMlUV Income whe^ father smith oieo wiYyOuf IN$U?ANl<??. I OCT -me FACTS IHE time to insure is NOW L , 1 WELDON D. EGERTON General "Agent Loufcbnrg, N. C. Security Life & Trust Co. EVERY SUIT AND COAT I SELL IS GUARANTEED FOR A YEAR BECAUSE IT IS MY PRIVILEGE TO SELL THE FAMOUS ^bcutU Jline. OF TAILORED-TO MEASURE CLOTHES The Only Clothing You Can Buy That Is Both QuG/iatiteed For Wear and Jnlu/ied Against Damage ? THE NEW SPRING SELECTION OF 3 00 HANDSOME FABRICS IS NOW READY AT PRICES STARTING AT $24 50 DOUGLAS PERRY gonttwide Mercantile Co. Pbone 2*7-8 B. Main St. I CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA TIONS ANNOUNCED The United States Civil Service Commission has announced open competitive examinations for the positions named below. Applica tions must be on file in the com mission's office, Washington, D. C., not later than June 26 if re ceived from States east of Colo rado, and not later than June 29 if received from Colorado and States westward. Associate household equipment specialist, $3,200 a year, and as sistant household equipment speci alist, $2,600 a year, Bureau of Home Economics, Department of Agriculture. Completion of a 4 year college course, courses of study in physics and household equipment, and experience in test ing or demonstrating household equipment are required. Substitu tion of certain postgraduate study in home economics may be made for part of the experience. Applic ants for the associate grade must mot have passed their 53rd birth day, and for the assistant grade they must not have passed their 40th birthday. Horizontal sorting machine operator, $1,260 a year. Three months' experience Operating horizontal sorting machines is re quired. Applicants must have reached their 18 th but not have passed their 53rd birthday. Full information may be ob tained from J. A. Wheless, Secre tary of the U. S. Civil Service Board of Examiners, at the post office in this city, or from the Sec retary of the U. S. Civil Service, Board of Examiners at any first- 1 or second-class post office. Simpler Simplifying the program for Farm and Home Week which will be held at State College this year July 31-Angust 4 will enable de legates to attend each event scheduled. NOTICK OK 8ALK ? Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority of sale contained in that certain Interlocutory Judg ment of foreclosure entered on 29 May 1939, in Tax Judgment Dock et 3 at page 85, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, in that certain action en titled "Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. May Belle B u r w e 1 1, widow, et al.", the undersigned commission er will, as therein directed, offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door of Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 20 JUNK 1030 the following-described lands: Listed in the name of Ollie Bur ?ell estate for the year\1933, and in the name of May Bfelle' Bupwell for the years 1935, 1936 and 1937, and defined by a line beginning at a stake in the western corner for Willie Stokes on the Halifax Road in the town of Louisburg, and running thence in a westerly direc tion along said Halifax road two hundred twenty-seven feet, more or less, to a stake on said road, on the eastern bank of a small branch; thence down said branch as it meanders two hundred fifty five feet, more or less, to a stake in the line of Willie Stokes; thence in a northerly direction along the line of Willie Stokes one hundred sixty-four feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, and being the identical lot of land conveyed to Ollie Burwell and wife, '"Wary (May Belle), by deed of E. F. Griffin, trustee, recorded in Book 280 at page 257, Franklin County Regis try. For further reference and de scription see Book 278 at pages 11, 12, 56 and 57, said registry. See als6 Book .344 at page 553, said registry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the com missioner a sum equal to 10% of the amount bid, to secure compli ance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 29th day of May, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 6-2-4 1 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority of sale contained iu that certain Interlocutory Judg ment of foreclosure entered on 29 May 1939, in Tax Judgment Dock et 3 at page 86, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, in that certain action en titled "No. 134M, Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. J ojh n Bullock et al.", the undersigned commission er will, as therein directed, offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door of Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 20 JUNE 10:10 the following-described landB: Listed in the name of John Bul lock as 2 Baker lots, and being Lot No. 1 ill Block E, and lot No. 1 in Block F, on the map of Col lege Heights, in the town of Louis burg, recorded in Book 156 at page 522, Franklin county regis try, each lot fronting fifty feet on Glenn street and running back 150 feet respectively, and said lot No. 1 in Block E having been conveyed to John Bullock by deed of M. S. Clifton and wife, recorded in Book 227 at page 284, and lot No. i-l in Block F having been convey ed to John Bullock by deed of Daniel Allen, recorded in Book 233 at page 299, said registry. Re ference is also made to Book 299 at page 93, said registry, for fur ther description. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the com missioner a sum equal to 10% of the amount bid, to secure compli ance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 29th day of May, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, C-2-41 Commissioner. NOTICE OK SALE* Under and by virtup of the pow er and authority of sale contained in that certain Interlocutory Judg ment of foreclosure entered on 29 May 1939, in Tax Judgment Dock et 3 at page 87. by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, in that certafh action en titled "No. 139M, Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. George Egerton and wife," the undersigned commission er will, as therein directed, offer for sate for cash at public auction at the courthouse door of Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on I THURSDAY, 20 JUNK IO:lO the following-described lands: Lying and being in the town of Louisburg, on Railroad Street, bounded on the north by the lands ? ? h*?6 \ \ JOHNSON SEA HORSE, OUTBOARD MOTORS JtW TIME PAYMENTS ON Now you ean gel any of die new Johnson Set-Bone i outboard motors for ? imail down payment Bsl- f ?see od euj terms . . See tlie famous model MS? the greatest outboard bargain ever offered. A genuine Johnson Sea-Horse, with Johnson quality features throughout including underwater exhaust, 360" steer ing with raaarsa, patented oo-pilot, synrbrcwonirol. Only 17 pounds. 1.1 N.O.A. cmrtijUd brake b-p. at ?000 r.p. m.1 Rugged. DEPENDablel GET READY ''(Mama fish talkin' to her kid*) Bays She ? When you hears One of them Alternate Firing * hea Hor*on a-hnmmln' Von Scoot. It's a nlgn there's a GOOD fisherman After YOU.'t All the above can be bought at the BROWN ? ? FURNITURE HOUSE. Talk to the man that knows what yon need, when you go fishing. SEE MY WINDOW BROWN FURNITURE HOUSE J. L. Brown Prop. , Youngsville, N. 0. of John Blount (now Joe Bell), on the south by E. N. Dent or-t^e alley leading from Main Street to the old Colonial Pine Company property, on the west by J. P. Timberlake (later W. W. Webb), and on the east by the right of way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, containing one eighth acre, more or less, being a part of the lands deeded to John Dallas Blount by J. P. Timberlake on .8 February 1898, and recorded in Book 114 at page 94, and being (the identical lot conveyed to George Egerton by deed of John ; Blount and wife, Christiana Blount, dated 14 September 1905 land recorded 7 November 1923 in [Book 249 at page 93. in the public registry of Franklin County. North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made. The successful bidder will be : required to deposit with the com missioner a sum equal to 10% of the amount bid, to secure compli ance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 29th day of May, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 6-2-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority of sale contained in that certain Interlocutory Judg ment of foreclosure enteied on 29 I May 1939, in Tax Judgment Dock jet 3 at page 88, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, in that certain action en titled No. 138M, Commissioners of ^lie Town of Louisburg v. Maude Davis, widow of Wash Davis, et a].", the undersigned ocminission er will, as therein directed, offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door of Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or -about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 20 JUNE I03IJ the following-described lands: Beginning at an iron stake, Mar gin Dunston's corner on Bullock Street; thence along said street i north fifty-six degrees west five poles fourteen and one half links ito a stake on Kenmore Avenue at 'the intersection of Bullock street; thence along Kenmore avenue north thirty-two degrees east eight poles five links to a stake (lot No. 1, sold to Billy Bridges by J. P. Timberlake); thence south sixty-one and one half de grees east seven poles 12 links to the point of beginning, containing thirty-six one-hundredths of an acre, and being fully described in Book 124 at page 418 in the regis try of Franklin County, North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made for a further and more adequate description. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the com missioner a sum equal to 10% of the amount bid. to secure compli ance with the terms of the sale. Dated and posted this the 29th day of May, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, ' 6-2-4t Commissioner. EXECUTION KALE Under and by virtue of an exe cution issued to me out of theUu perior Court of Franklin County in that action entitled. Farmers & Merchants Hank of I.ouigburg vs. H. C. Kearney and I. II. Kearney to the use of Mary G. Kearney, as signee, I will offer for sale at pub lic auction, for cash, at the court house doof'in Louishurg, N. C., at or about the hour of noon 011 I MONDAY, the 3rd (lay of JULY, III3W, all the right, title and interest of 1 H. C. Kearney, defendant, in and to the following described lots or parcels of land situate in the County of Franklin, State of North Carolina: FIRST TKACT: One lot near the corporate limits of Franklin ton, N. C., bounded on the North by the lands of R. II. House, on the East by J. P. Jenkins, on the South by H. E. Pearce, oil the West by Hillsboro Road (Cheat ham Street extended), il being the residue of lot No. 1 in deed- of H. A. Kearney, Sheriff, to 11. C. Kearney recorded in Hook 261, Page 282, Registry of Franklin County. SECOND TRACT: One lot 01 I parcel of land about two miles West of Franklinton, bounded 011 the North by J. T. Cooper, on the South by T. F. Wilder, on the East by T. F. Wilder and F. H. Cooke, on the West by J. S. Moss, con taining 14 3-4 acres, more or less, and known as the Powell land and conveyed by N. Y. Gulley, Com missioner, to H. C. Kearney. This 29th day of May, 1939. 6-2-5t J. P. MOORE, Sheriff. SALIC OF REAL ESTATE Under and pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Franklin County entered by Hon. W. V. Avent, Clerk of said court, on Monday the 15th day of May, 1939, in that certain action enti tled Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg vs. North Carolina Baptist Foundation, a Corporation, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY, the 10th DAY OF ?IUNEr 108V, at or about the hour o"f' noon at the courthouse door in Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest Ud der for cash, the following descri bed lot or parcel of land: Bounded on the East by South Main Street in the Town of Lpuls biirg, Franklin County, North Carolina; on the South by the lands of Annie D. Joyner; on the West by the lands of the O. W. Ford Estate, and on the North by | the lands of L. R. F. Allen, front 1 ing 127.4 feet on said South Main I Street and being more particular ly described In deed of James E. Malone, Jr., Trustee, to N. C. Bap tist Foundation, Inc., recorded in Rook 294, Page 547, Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina. reference to which is here made for a more particular description thereof. This the 16th day of May, 1939. J. E. MALONE, JR., 5-26-4t Commissioner ( ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of Theodore C. Cooley, deceased, late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Raleigh, North Carolina, on or before the 16th day of May, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This 16th day of May, 1939. EMMA COOLEY, Adminis tratrix of Theodore C. Cooley. Little & Wilson, Attorneys. 5-26-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of Joe C. (Ce phus) Wright, deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit) them to the undersigned on pr before the 28th day of April, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 27th day of April, 1939. DAVID T. FULLER, 4-28-6t Adm'r. 1 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Adminis i tratrix, c.t.a. of the estate of R. A. Pearce, deceased, late of Frank | lin County, North Carolina, this is i to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 28th day lof April, 1940, or this notice will | be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said 'estate will please make immediate I payment. This 27th day of April, j 1939. MATT1E R. PEARCE, j4-28-6J Admrt'x, c.t.a. NOTICE OK HALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that | certain judgment of the Superior i Court of Franklin County, North I Carolina, entered in that certain | tax foreclosure suit No. 127 M, entitled "Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Mrs. Alice j Blanche Moseley (Mrs. N. L. Mose jley) and husband, 'et al.", which ! said judgment is duly docketed in Tax Judgment Docket :1 at page 84, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, the undersign ed Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or j about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 15 JUNK ! the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin 'County, North Carolina: Listed as "1 lot Spring and No I ble Streets," and defined by a line j beginning at the' intersection of I Noble and Spring Streets, running tlience in a northerly direction along Spring Street, 120 feet, more or less, to a rock, corner for Mrs. Nora Wilson, formerly A. T. Uzxell; thence in an easterly di rection along the line of Mrs. Nora Wilson and parallel to Noble TStrogt 105 feet to aji iron stake in Mrs. Nora Wilson's line aud corner for Mrs. Mamie Lancaster; thence in a southerly direction 120 feet to Noble Street, an iron stake, Mrs. Mamie Lancaster's corner; thence in an easterly di rection along Noble Street, to the) beginning, being the home place of N. L. Moseb y and wife. For further reference see Book 300 at page 20 and Book 234 at page 24. 1 in the public registry of Franklin j County. Dated and posted this the 15th day of .Mhv. 1 939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 5-19-4t Commissioner. 1 NOTICE OK HALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 130 M, entitled "COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG v. George W. Ford, unmarried, et al.", which said judgment is duly | docketed in Tax Judgment Docket | 3 at page 83, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the T&wn of Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 8 JUNE 19.19 the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: (1) bounded on east by Elm St., on south by C. W. Edwards, on north by Mrs. P. H. Allen, and on west by Martha Thomas, occu pied by Martha Thomas. (2) bounded on west by E. S. Ford estate and river farm, north by Tar River,, east by F. H. Allen estate; south by river road, occu pied by Willie Fogg. (3) bounded on north by river road, on west by F, H. Allen es tate, on south by F. H. Allen es tate, on east by E. S. Ford estate, on which house has been burned. (4) bounded on north by river .road, on west by E. S. Ford estate (lot 3 herein), south by E. S. Ford estate, on east by E. R Ford estate (lot 5 herein), occupied by Buck Perry. (5) bounderf on north by river road, on east and south by G. W. Ford and F. H. Allen, on west by E. S. Ford estate (lot 4 herein). (6) west by river farm, or F. H. Allen estate and C. E. Ford, east by Mineral Springs St., north by Tom Perry, occupied by widow of Joe McDowell. (7) north by Mrs. W. J. King, ?-ast by Main Street, south by Town of Louisburg, formerly F. H. Al len estate; west by river farm or F. H. Allen estate and C. E. Ford, occupied by Jennie Allen. (8) north by Perry St., west by Seaboard Air Line Railroad, north by Mrs. Ben T. Holden (house oc cupied by Rosa Malone), and known as the old Barrow Storage House lot. (9) north by Mrs. S. T. Wilder, south by Mrs. F. H. Allen, east by Cedar Street, and occupied by Mollie Dent. (10) one-half undivided inter est in brick store building on east side of Market St., known as old Aycock Drug Co. building owned by Hazel W. Ford, described in Book 291 at page 82, and in Book 285 at page 317. (11) bounded on east by S. C. Ford, on west by Spring St., north by E. S. Ford estate, on south by I Franklin Street, described in Book j 259 at page 618. (12) bounded on east by S. C. Ford, on west by Spring St., on I north by Mrs. F. H. Allen, on {south by E. S. Ford estate (lot 11 j herein), and described in Book 259 at page 618. 1932 taxes have been paid on lot No. 10 in j this description but the years 1933 through 1938 remain unpaid. ' The lots above described will be offered for sale, both as a group ;and severally, and the most ad 1 vantageous bid will be accepted in the discretion of the commission er, and subject to confirmation by the Court. A deposit of 10% of the amount bid will be required o? the purchaser or purchasers. Dated and posted this the 8th day of May, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 5-12-4t Commissioner. NOTICE. 140 M ! North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court ! Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg, v. Jennie Egerton, et al. The defendant Amos Egerton \ will take notice that an action en titled as above has been instituted and is now pending in the Super ior Court of Franklin County, be ing a tax foreclosure suit affect ing certain lands in Franklin County, to which suit the defend ant above named is a proper party. And the said defendant above I named will take notice that he is required to appear before tho i Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office ia I Louisburg, oil or before the 3rd ; day of July, 1939, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply ' for the relief demanded in its said ] complaint. Dated this the Sth day of May, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 5-12-4t ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix, c.t.a of the estate of W. H. Tharrington, dec'd., late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 28th day of April, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 27th day of April, 1939 MAGGIE F. THARRINGTON. 4-28-6t Admrt'x, c.t.a. APEX, N. C. Office days every Saturday and Monday. Honrs for eye examination: Saturday 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. Monday U a. m. to Noon. Other days by appointment only. Write or Phone No. 10. Prepare Early FOR SPRING '? W ? . * Reliable service of Quality and Distinction is offered to joa for your DRY CLEANING and SHOH REPAIRING, at. our new location where we fcre better equipped to serve fot, * ' NOTE? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BENNIE MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. Can Us Phone 446-1 SERVICE DRY GLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP r. o. eight E. Nash St. Louisbnrg, W. a

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