THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday US Court Street Telephone 283-1 A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager James A. Johnson, JUaistant Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES BOm Yemr fl-BO Eight Month* .... l.?0 Kb Month* 78 Fo?r Months 00 Foreign Advertising Representative , AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION < New fork City Entered at the Poetoffioe at Louisburg, N. C. aa second class mall matter. LET!S pull for Louisburg so that Louisburg can pull 1 for us. t. ' , 0O0 : LOUISBURG extends a hearty Welcome to the As sembly Delegates. 0O0 ? DON'T lets forget that it is the cooperative trading 1 and working and the building of a substantial pay roll that benefits a town. 0O0 1 NORTH Carolina took the day at the New York "World's Fair Monday. But that's nothing out of the ordinary, it was North Carolina. oOo ?. AFTER all doesn't all tax find its way back to the consumer? It certainly does unless the several Tax As sociations are wrong in their check-up of ' ' hidden taxes. ' ' oOo THE Rolesville rock quary seems to be furnishing quite a bit of interest in the legal channels in Raleigh to determine the ownership between Lassiter's and Rag land 's. : ' . ?*- T- * 000 LOUISBURG Chamber of Commerce should see that nothing is left undone that will create a desire on the part of every delegate to the Assembly to return to Louisbui^^arakusoon. ? ?? - i? " ? - oOo **" : ?? IF Commander Nanquin of the submarine Squalus knew before the accident what he is telling since the sink ing a great deal of the responsibility for the death of the 26 men rest upon his shoulders. oOo FORMER Judge Manton was sentenced to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, for selling his integrity. He was evidently guilty, and the sentence is none too great, but what relief will this bring to those injured by his sale. oOo "AMERICA again displays conceni over blockade," reads a headline with reference to the Japanese blockade in China. What is needed is some leader with proper backbone to give Japan 24 hours to lift theblockade and respect other countries rights. oOo INFORMATION from Washington says the Senate ex pects to pass tax bill by last of this week. This is the revised tax plan that is supposed to help business recov er. Everything else including business lifts been taking quite a bit of holiday the past several years, now why can't tax take a holiday and let the poor devil ? business ? have a little rest. oOo CHIEF of Police C. E. Pace suggests that the resi dents of Louisburg who park their cars down street each day begin to correct this practice by leaving their cars at home, so they will be used to the new regulations limit- ' ing parkings to one-lialf hour when highway 59 is com pleted and the streets taken over by the Highway Com mission for the use of through as well as local traffic. , The highway department means business and Louisburg officials will have to fall in line and enforce such rulings , as may be made to keep the streets open for travel. oOo : FORMER. Candidate Ralph W., McDonald took a rap at the State Monday for increasing taxes. Of course no body likes taxes, nobody wants to pay taxes. And no doubt everybody would like to find some way to reduce or eliminate taxes in all forms. But this has got to start first with the people in their demands on the State for . service and assistance and the heads of the several de partments. Taxes can't be lowered until the public and j the departments decide to ask and expect less of the , State government. oOo NEW PAINTING THE U. S. government has just had put up an oil painting of a tobacco sale picture over the entrance to the Postmaster's private office in the New Postoffice building lobby. The work looks as of a high order, but the artists' idea of a real tobacco warehouse sale is eith er badly off, or he failed to express it in the painting as it is a most unnatural presentation of a scene that is very real in the South. by Greyhound Super-Coach ? At th? l?w*ti fares in Hlatoryl Yon cu km tha dm* of yom Ufa o? your vacation wkk tha many you m going by Orry bound Bnpar-Coacb I l?a?li Rttml-T ri* Fim Kaietgb .... f i.uu Wilmington . 4.0(5 W.-8al?n . . 4. Oft Charlotte . . ft.40 Itartuun .... $1.90 (Irmuboro , 8.AA Fayetteville. a.ftn Aahevllle . . , 8.00 I DODDER DRUG STORE ' PHON : 890-1 Loolabarg, N. O. bu GREYHOUND BRIDGE CLUB The Friday afternoon Bridge 1 ?lub met with Miss Elizabeth Tim aerlake. High score prizes were I presented to Mrs. J. M. Allen II 'or tbe club members and to Mrs. W. Person (or tbe guests. Tbe hostess was assisted in lerving delicious salad course by ( Mrs. Hill Yarborougb, Mrs. J. M. I Mien II, and Miss Lucy Timber- I ake. ] Mrs. Julian Heron of Washing- I on, D. C. and Miss Bess White, ( if Durham, ^ere out of town 1 guests. THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciations to all those ren dering kindnesses and expressions )f sympathy during the recent 111 ?ess and death of our wife and mother. They will be long and tenderly remembered. C. C. Brewer and Children. THE FRANKLIN COUNTY A B.C BOARD Next week a joint meeting of the Board of County Commission ers, tbe Board of Education, and the Board of Health will elect a Board to operate tbe Franklin County ABC Stores. The ABC Board conducts for the people of i Franklin County the only private i business, or business for profit, , that the County engages in. A good business administration of the ABC Stores means good law enforcement, the breaking up of ' bootleggers and a tremendous sav ing to every taxpayer in the Coun- I ?V' , There are a number of candi- , iates who are seeking appoint- ' tnent on this Board, and being in terested in the welfare of the peo ple of our County, and in saving ' noney for our taxpayers, I have >nough interest to express my , jpinion on this vital question, I feel that the present ABC ! 3oard has made a very good re- ] :ord and believe that they have 1 lone as well as any other Board n the State. The present Board is 1 nade up of two successful butii lessmeja an<} jrc successful farm- | >r. The Board started a brand new >usiness without the County hav ng had the benefit' of any past ex- 1 perience in the operation of ABC Stores. They started without one ' lollar In the bank and without the iredit of the County to hack them, ind during their one term of of ice, the records show that they have paid into the Treasury of franklin County, for the benefit Jf all of its taxpayers, $50,000.00, ind have also paid for all of the itock in the ABC Stores, amount ng to close to $30,000.00. This has been done without one cent of coat or expense to the taxpayers of the County. I believe that every citizen in the County will admit that there are less stills and blind tigers in the County now lhan when the ABC Board started operating, and that conditions in the communities in the County have improved. On account of the amount of business transacted and for the reason that the ABC business is operated along business lines sim ilar to a store or any other private business, it only seems reasonable to me that the Chairman of the Board should be located or always available at the County seat. The present ABC Board, by their effic ient business methods, have been successful in handling this branch of the County's business and I feel that they should have tbe thanks of the people of the County for the splendid manner In which they have handled the ABC Stores. I, personally, feel that 1 am publicly expressing the sentiments of the majority of our citizens. Public servants who have serv ed the public well in their first term of office should be called up on to continue their good work for a second term. I feel that the joint Boards meeting next week would be ren dering a distinct public service to tbe people of our County to reap point for a second term the pres ent ABC Board. Yours for a continuing Better Government, C. C. HUDSON. Place Your Order ? FOR ? TOBACCO FLUES And Be Ready. SEABOARD STORE CO, INC. SHOP IN UNION WAREHOUSE *iPOB|t TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE Standing of Clubs: 31ubs W L ^OUISBURG ...10 3 Pilot 8 4 Spsom 6 6 Pine Ridge 6 7 jreyetone 3 7 Varrenton 3 9 Schedule For Saturday Pilot at Pine Ridge Warrenton ati LOUISBURG Greystone at Epsom Schedule For Wednesday Pine Ridge at Warrenton Greyatone at Pilot Epsom at LOUISBURG EPSOM GETS DECISION OVER LOUISBURG, 8 TO 1 Irvin Byrd Turns in Five-Hit Hurling to Halt Louisburg's Winning Streak Epsom, June 21. ? Louisburg's 13th start in Hie Tri-County Lea gue proved to be ill-starred as Ep som checked the loop pacesetters' winning streak at 10 games here :oday. The score was 8-1. Irvin Byrd of Epsom pitched live-hit ball and struck out six. Epsom won the game with a t-hree-run blast in the first. Sin gles by Howard Hobgood and Bob Lassiter and a double by Charlie Poole brought in one run. Bing Miller walked, filling the bases, ind Wheless was relieved by Ren frow (Peanut) Doak with none out. Peanut forced in one run by giving up a pass to Carl Hearndon and one run came in on Doc Smart's infield out. Louisburg scored on Ed Lamm's homer in the third. Miller led Epsom's 10-hit of fense, with a brace of singles and i two-run homer. His circuit blow came in the sizt'h. . __ Score : H H E Louisburg 600 010 000 ? 1 5 3 Epsom 311 003 00* ? 8 10 2 Wheless, Ooak, ? Lindsay and Fuller, Lamm; -Byrd and Poole. GREYSTONE MOVES UP Greystone, June 21. ? Greystone moved out of the cellar of the Tri County loop by trouncing Pine Ridge under an,^18-hit barrage. Pet. .769 .667 .600 .462 .300 .260 12-1, here today. Emmett Roberson led tbe Grey stone attack, witb tihree doubles (or five tries. Windy Winston bit a tbree-run bonier in the fourth. Stott of Pine Ridge batted 1.000, ;with three singles. Score R. H. E. P. Ridge 000 000 100? 1 8 1 Greystone 020 422 llx ? 12 18 1 Gardner, Bass, Parrish, Kemp; Jackson, Holding Dunn. PILOT TRIUMPHS, 4-1 Pilot, June 21. ? Pilot took third in the league by turning back Warrenton, 4-1, here today. Warrenton's loss dropped It Into the loop cellar. Pilot clinched its triumph by rallying (or three runs in the sixt'h after trailing 1-0. Leaders in Plot's attack were Bullock and Mitchell. Leaders for Warrenton were Bracey and Rob inson. Score: R.H.E. Warrenton 001 000 000 ? 1 6 1 Pilot 000 003 lOx ? 4 7 1 Riggins and Mayfield; Green and Denton. LOUISBURG GIRLS DEFEAT FRANKLINTON Playing their first tennis meet of tbe season, the Louisburg girls won from Frankllnton last Satur day afternoon on the local court. The only match to go beyond two sets was won by Margaret Lumpkin, Frankllnton, over Lu cille Hudson, (7-6) (2-6) (7-5). From the beginning each point was hotly contested and it was the endurance of Margaret t'hat finally won. Dorothy Avent, Louisburg, de feated Martha Hicks, (6-2) (6-3); Marguerite Rouse, Louisburg, de feated Betty Vann, (6-0) (6-0), and Dorothy Avent and Margue rite Rouse defeated Betty Vann and Martha /Hicks, (6-1) (6-1). ENDORSES ROSE The Jambes Post American Le gion of Louisburg at a meeting held this week, endorsed June Rose, of Greenville, (or State De partment Commander and elected T. K. Stockard and C. C. Collins as delegates to the State Conven tion with George Davis and A. W. Fowler, alternates. NEW ROUTE A new milk route has been started in the Pensacola section of Yancey County, wit'h ten patrons furnishing appproximately forty gallons of milk daily. Fftftfii i LEGGETT'S WEEK-END Men and Boys' Poloj Shirts, all colors and| si *ep, Special 19c 1000 yds. New Sheer| materials Including Or gandy, Voiles, Prints| and Sheers, Special 10c yd. Ladies' Hose, cotton orl silk, in many popular| colors and sixes, Special 10c pair Cool and lovely Spunl Rayon Skirt materials, | in white and pastels, 48c yd. Ladies' Smart Straw Hats, H PRICE Don't fail to get one of these. A real value. Special Clos?-Out La dies White Dress Shoes and Oxfords, Special 97c Odoro Closets ? Pro tect your clothes from dust and moths, 97c to $2.98 Sheets and Cases 81 x 99 SOS Sheets Special 50c Pillow Cases - 10c SOY BEANS WOOD'S YELLOW Tokios ? O-too-Tans ? Laredos MIXED PEAS FAT BACKS Thick - White - Fresh 50 lbs. or - By the ijc more ? strip I f 10c Oatmeal 4 for 25c 10c Pickles 5c 10c Southern Style Loaf ... 5c 5c Soup .% 8 for 25c 10c Soup 4 for 25c 5c Cleanser 8 for 25c 10c Wheaties 5c 5c Macaroni 8 for 25c 10c Watch Dog Lye 5c Staley's 5 Lb. Syrup 29c Sauer's 25c Tea 15c Sauer's 10c Tea 5c 5c Bluing 8 for 25c 6 Large Octagon Soap 25c 7 Large Octagon Powder . . 25c 6 Octagon Toilet Soap 25c CULTIVATORS AND CULTIVATOR STEALS CAST IRON AND STEEL HILLERS FOR GIRL CHAMPION AND DIXIE PLOWS LAWN MOWERS I > f : \ ? ? DOORS, WINDOWS, NAILS, LOOKS ftDd HINGES, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, LATHS, ROCK LATH, PLASTER BOARD, SHINGLES, ROOFING. SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. WHOLESALE - RETAIL Pay Cash and Pay Less D. F. MeKinne, President

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