THE SALE THAT TOPS THEM ALL ! NOW ON! Read Our Big 4 Page Circular For Sensational BARGAINS! LOUISBURG'S BEST DEPARTMENT STO THE FRANKLIN TIMES ' Issued Every Friday 915 Court Street Telephone 283-1 A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager James A. Johnson, Assistant Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Tear $1JW Six Months 75 Eight Months .... 1.00 Four Months 50 Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Ne* York Olty Entered at the Postofflee at Louisbarg, X. C. as second els? mail matter. THERE'S one thing dead s^ure. The committee Tues day sold Franklin County to the Governor's Committee, personally, whether it sold a site for the hospital or not. -? 0O0 IF the salaries of the VYTA heads as published in the daily papers on Wednesday are any indication, there should be no wonder the "poor devil" on the job doesn't get hardly enough to sustain life. r-OOO A WASHINGTON dispatch announced Wednesday that the U. S. Labor Relations Board had modified its 'TOllngs in keeping with and response to Congressional criticisms. A case where Congress rendered a service without passing a law. v? OOO = ABOUT the best ruling we have seen yet made by the WPA is the one that drops a fellow for striking. If he can't appreciate the governments help by giving his time in work then he should not be allowed to remain on the job. And he should not be allowed on the relief rolls either. , 0O0 i THE Federal-State estimates place North Carolinas tobacco crop at 701,070,000 pounds for 1939. This is said to be a 21 per cent increase over 1938. Besides this being a natural increase for a year of good and adaptable seasons against a year of just the reverse, it is still way ehort of the ndj^nal crops ten to fifteen years ago. oOo IT looks to us that the position of State Guide created by the last Legislature, is about the most necessary job in the State bearing relations with the $225,000 adver tising fond. Guide Stell is doing a good work in show ing the people about North Carolina's Capital City, that have a hard time finding information otherwise. Let's keep it going, at least as long as we advertise for people 4e ewe 'to see ue. ... i ? .. _ _ . _ ? ACCORDING to reports coming from Kaleigh, Wake County's Commissioners are planning to test out the law passed by the recent Legislatures exempting religious, iraternal and educational property from taxation. In all fairness to ajl other property, and even to these in stitutions themselves the law ought to be declared un constitutional. Information received during the discus sion of the question in the last Legislature'these institu tions are entering private business, especially from the investment standpoint which appeals to the ever need for funds and if the practice continues another few years as it has the past few will destroy the influence and res pect for their present well meaning and deserved effort. 0O0 THAT tax exempt securities are doomed to be a thing of the past is revealed in the announcement that Con gress would probably adjourn before considering the bill embodying the recommendations of Secretary Morgen thau of thcU. S. Treasury, that no more tax exempt se curities be issued. The passage of the bill eliminating the exemption of government officials from income tax was a great step in the right direction. Ndw if the gov ernment will eliminate tax exempt securities of all kinds, more money will find its way inta business channels, which will improve business conditions as well as in crease tax collections because of greater business. Under present conditions peopje and institutions rather than release their money into business channels where it would be taxable, hoard it away in tax exempt securities, leav ing business in all its subsidiary alliances without the necessary cash to carry on. 0O0 IT is interesting to see the Courts beginning to get in terested in cleaner elections and not leave it all to law or some private prosecution. The laws are and have been all right. There has been plenty provision to provide clean elections. The trouble has been all the time in the persons administering the law and operating the elec tions, with no set plan of getting a violator into Court, except by private prosecution and then it was hard to get beyond the sanction of the election officials. All this coupled with the personal and business relations made it impossible to bring about wholesome conditions in the various elections. It is to Judge Frizzell that congratu lations should be directed for taking the initiative to in struct the grand jury that it is its duty to make full in vestigation of election irregularities. This is a good start, and although will have little meaning by itself, may be the beginning of enforcing the election laws which will mean honest and fair elections in Ndrth Car olina. It might be remembered, however, that ev