? When you think of buying or selling think of Louisburg. ? * J ? Cotton was worth 10 cents a pound in Louisburg yesterday, t t t ? Work was begun on modern izing the Louisburg Theatre build ing this week. t t X ? The Highway department is making quite a nice roadway of the Nashville road. i : t ? Lightning did slight damage to the home of Mr. Clyde Burgess in Tuesday nights storm. I t t ? Capt. and Mrs. F. G. Baker announce the birth of a son, July 18th, in a hospital at Henderson. nt ? Some of t'he front stone work was placed at the New Armory the past week. It looks especially nice. ? nt ? The removal of the trees in front of Franklin Hotel the past week makes quite an improve ment. ?* ttt ? The residence of W. N. Ful ler, Jr., on North Main Street is taking nice shape and work is progressing. Ill ? Misses Lucy Mitchiner, of Wilson Mills, and Penelope Mitch-' iner, of Garner, were guests of Miss Rut>h Wilder, of Franklinton the past week. I t I ? The new garage building of Harvey Bartholomew next to the jail is progressing nicely and will be an especially nice building and almost fireproof. - . * A. J. J. ? The heavy winds Tuesday! night did right much damage 1 throughout the county according to reports received Wednesday. Many barns were deprived of their roofs, tobacco damaged by being blown about, etc. I t X ? All telephone subscribers in Louisburg who are or have been having trouble with their tele phone service are requested to re port this trouble to the telephone office or Mr. T. K. Stockard. Pres ident of the Louisburg Chamber of Commerce. I t I ? Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wil-I der, of Long Beach, California, announce the birth of a daughter, Wllla Kay on June 30th. Mrs. Wilder was formally Miss Kath ryn Griffin, daughter of Mrs. Wil lie Griffin, of Zebulon. Mr. Wil der is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wilder, of Louisburg. TRINITY REVIVAL The series of revival services held at Trinity Methodist Church through last week were closed ! The Rev. J. A. Martin, pastor, was with the service on Sunday night, ably assisted by the Rev. R. E. Brown, pastor of the First Metho dist Church of Henderson, who did the preaching in bis usua'.ly faithful and deeply impressive manner. A noticable and pleas ing feature of the services was the fine spirit of unity and cooper ation on the part of the unusually l&rge numbers of people in atten dance at every service, in which Mr. Brown was greeted with close attention in his devotional and in spirational messages. It is evident from the interest so manifest in these services that much good was accomplished to this and other neighborhood com munities. There will be a number of con verts added to Trinity and prob ably other churches as a result of these meetings. LAWN PARTY Od the evening of July 4th Beth Beailey entertained on the lawn of her home at a birthday party the following guests: Kathryn Foster, Ben Beasley, Beth Beas ley, Sam Jones, Ray Peoples, Lu la Robertson, Jack Ayscue, Mar tha Ray Matt&ews, Kitty Jo Beas ley, Sarah Hardwlck, Billy Moon, John Perry, Halite Merritt, Grover Harris, Jr., Mary R. Boone, John Lindsay Harris, Dorothy Weldon, Iris Thomas, Naomi Fuller, Jean McGowan, Nicky Alston, Betsy Cobb, Nancy C. Griffin, Joyce Grimm, Betsy Blue Person. The lawn was well lighted and beaiitlfully decorated for the oc (anion. After the arrival of the guests and opening of t>b? pres ents a number of games were played. Nicky Alston and Jobn Perry were awarded prises for the best two minute conversation and . consolation prizes were given Nan cy Robinson and Joyce Grimm. 8ouvenlrs consisting of fire works were given eacb child and ao torches were applied there fol lowed much fun and merriment. Later In the evening a large birth day cake, beautifully decorated with 12 small candles was placed on a table on the lawn. The can dles were blown out, the cake was then cut and served with ice cream. After which the children wishing Miss Beth "many a happy birthday" said good-night and left for their respective homes. Ther? is now available to tree pruner, operating on hydraulic pressure, that cuts limbs as thick as two Inches with no effort, an-d by means of extension poles the operator can remove a limb 20 feet from the ground. FOR FIRST CLAM) PRINTING PHONE 288-1 Mr. S. G. Mattox visited Char-i lotte the past week. ttl Miss Frances Green is spending this week in Monroe with relatives. t t I Miss Pearl Perry was a visitor i to Wilmington the past week-end. I t t Mr. B. C. Wells, of Durham, was a visitor to Louisburg Wed ! nesday. 1 t t Mrs. W. E. Collier, Sr., left yes J terday for a week's stay at White Lake. t t t j Mr. John Burt Hill, of Raleigh. I was a visitor to Louisburg Wed-; nesday. Ill Mra Leherald Bunn was guest of relatives in Clayton, Gji., the past week. I 1 1 Mrs. O. M. Shadrach is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robin Woodlief, of Concord. tit Rev. L. F. Kent) returned the past week from a vacation at Vade Mecum. t t t Little Miss Betsy Blue Person 1 is spending this week in Oxford : with relatives. 1 t t t Mr. Mac Stamps, Jr., was guest of Mrs. Stamps in Morehead City the past week-end. t M Miss Fannie Wells, of Wilson, was guest -of relatives in Louis burg the past week. Ut ? Miss Frances Turned was guest 1 of her sister, Mrs. F. R. Rose, in Richmond the past week-end. t t t Miss Louise Wilder spent the past two weeks wit'h her cousin, 1 Miss Vivian Bulfaloe, of Raleigh. 111 Mr. J. A. Hodges, Jr., of New 1 York City, arrived last week for a 1 two weeks' visit with his mot-her. ' ttt Misses Louise and Elizabeth Jones, of Red Oak, were guests of i Miss Lucy Leonard the past week. ; Z H Mrs. J. C. Thomas, Mrs. Louise M. Johnson and Mrs. J. C. Davjs visited Ocean View the past weft. HI Dr. E. W. Woolard, of Hender- < son, was guest of friends .in and near Louisburg the past week-end. X t X 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchiner, '? of Durham, were guests of rela tives in Louisburg the past week end. Ill Miss Eleanor Wiggins returned home this past week-end from a ? week's visit with relatives in Dur- ? ham. tit Mrs. H. R. Strother and child ren are spending this week with Mrs. Strother's mother in Greens-, boro. t t t Misses Elizabeth Johnson and Bettie Cooper Davis left Wednes- ' day for a visit to friends at Wades- > boro. i t t t Mr. A. D. Wall attended the Vo cational Agricultural Teacher's Conference in Raleigh the past week. it't Mr. D. E. Barkley, of Asheville, formerly of Franklinton, was a visitor to friends in Louisburg Saturday. I t J i Miss Virginia Spivey was guest of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rus sell Bailey, of Raleigh, the past week-end. ttt Mrs. J. J. Barrow is spending 1 this week in Rocky Mount with 1 her daughter, Mrs. Norman Y. Chambliss. t t t Miss Helen Welch Tucker has returned from a five weeks' outing at Camp Tonawonda, near Hen- ! dersonvllle. t t t Mrs. A. R. Strange and Miss ; Doris Jeane McGowan were guests of relatives in Rocky Mount tbe past week; 1 1 : Miss Grace Finley bas-J-eturned to ber home In Hazlehnrst, Ga., after spending a week with Mrs. C. M. Howard. t t t Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hand, of Atlanta, Ga., were guests of rela tives and friends near Louisburg the past week. in Mr. Paul Bagby, Jr? of Wake Forest summer school, was guest of his people in Louisburg the past week-end. X t t Miss Hazel Boone and Mrs. W. E. White, Sr., were guests of Miss Athlea Boone in Greenville the past week-end. t t I Mrs. R. R. Jackson and child ren, of Harrellsville, are visiting Mrs. Jackson's father, Mr. p. W. Murphy, this week. i i i Misses Virginia Frances and Pearl Perry and Mrs. J. H. Uzzell and Mrs. O. W. Perry were visitors to Durham Friday. t t t Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perry, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jennings visited Richmond Sunday. t t I Mrs. Julia P. Scott', Mrs. E. F. Sriffin and Nancy Carlisle, left yesterday for a visit to Mrs. Hen ry Page at Aberdeen. t t t Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch, of Henderson, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mat thews the past week. t 1 I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Welch and Mr. Edwin Welch were guests of relatives and friends in Elizabeth City the past week-end. til Little Miss Allen Loy, of Eustis, Fla., is spending some time with her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Allen on North Main Street. lit J. H. Joyner, of Louisburg has ]een visiting his friends at Fu iuay Springs and Crystal Lake tor the past two weeks. t t t Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Jennings and Miss Ruth Gordon visited Vir ginia Beach and Manteo on their vacation the past week. I X t Messrs. Q. S. Leonard, Jr., Geo. Leonard, John Strange, Jr., and Billy Person were visitors to Car olina Beach the past week. t t t Mrs. Florence E. Underbill is spending the remainder of the summer at the University of Vir ginia at Charlot'tesville, Va. tit Miss Mamie Beam returned home Tuesday after finishing the first; term of summer school work at the University of North Caro lina. , t t t Misses Eugenia May, Virginia Frances and Linda Perry and Mr?. 0. W. Perry were guests of friends in Nashville and Rocky Mount the past week. ? ? t t t Mr. and Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough have returned from a visit of sev eral days with Mrs. Tarborough's iist-er, Miss Kate Blanchard, of Hertford. I t t Mr. David Collier is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Col lier, while on leave from the Unit ed States Naval Training Station in Norfolk. ~ * J t t Mayor W. C. W?bb and little daughter, Louise Ellis, spent Bev >ral days in Philadelphia this week where he went for special eye treatment. It I Miss Alberta Davis is spending Beveral weeks in New York, doing observation work at the Lincoln Inst4tute and attending tbe World's Fair. Ill Master Jimmy Flncb left Mon day morning with tbe H. M. Tours for a week's trip to the World's Fair and all points of Interest along tbe rout?.* ltt Mrs. E. A. Englar and Little Miss Anna Englar and Mr. Merle WHY SWELTER COOKING These Hot July Days ? ? LET PRINCESS CAFE TAKE CARE OF YOUR EATING NEEDS. COOL, PLEASANT AND HEALTHFUL DINING HALL. Special Meals, Luncheons, Family Tables and Party Tables. f Menus changed daily. Can accommodate all. Full menus each day. Try our popular Business Men or Ladies' Luncheon. . Hot sluing steaks. Special menus for special occasions. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT PRINCESS CAFE Main Street Louiaburg. N. C. Meyers, of New Windsor, Md , were week-end guests of Mr. and Mis. George Selby. ? ? : ; t Miss EVa Wilder. Miss Miriam Downey and Mr. Ed Richardson Visited Mr. 8hirla Downey at the United States Naval Training Sta tion in Norfolk the past week-end. til Mr. and Mrs. F. L. O Neal and little daughter, Jackie, have re turned from a weelt's trip to the Mountains of North Carolina, the Valley of Virginia and Washing ton, D. C. t * t Sen. and Mrs. W. L. Lumpkin. Mr. J. P. Lumpkin, Miss Frances Turner, Capt. Chas. P. Green and Lieut. E. C. Bullacjt attended the marriage o Mr. M. C. Pearce at Richmond Saturday evening. it: Mrs. Mack McGrew and daugh-| ter, Virginia, have returned to j their home in Charleston, W. Va.,' after spending some time withj Mrs. J. B. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ward, of near Louisburg. ttl Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Howard and children, Carey Jr., Mildred and Virginia, have returned from a week's outing at Carolina Beach. Mrs. J. A. Hodges and son, John, and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Scoggin, Jr., were guests of the Howards, t r t Mrs. Robert Leonard, of Louis burg, R 2, visited her mother, Mrs. Satchel, of Salisbury, Md., and her sist'?r, Mrs. Bailey, at Pocomoke, Md,, on July 4. Her neice, Mis^ Madge Bailey returned with her to spend the remainder of tlie summer. tit Miss Annie Perry Neal visited her mot'her the past week-end and returned to Woodberry Forest, Virginia where she is spending her vacation. She was accompanied by Mr. W. W. Neal and Mrs. W. P. Neal who will make her a short visit in Washington. D. C., and re turn to Louisburg in about three weeks. t t t '"Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McDuffee, accompanied by Mrs. N. H. Ayscue, visited Rehoboth Beacb. Del.. Cambridge and Baltimore, Md. and Washington City recently. They spent, a night and day in a cottage at Chap Tank river at Green Point Beach where they enjoyed fishing and bathing. They returned home July 10. t t t Miss Nell Ward and Miss Alice Knight returned past week from a two-week stay at Atlantic Beach where they were house guests at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. ElliB Simon of Kinston. While there they visited Fort Macon, Cape Fear Lighthouse and one of the oldest) cemeteries in the United States, located at Beaufort. t t t Among those from Louisburg to attend the. marriage of Miss Anne Elizabeth Wort'ham to Mr. William B. Harrison last Saturday morn ing in Henderson were: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas, Misses Tal madge Thomas, Martha Urey King, Louise Ellis Webb, Mayor and Mrs. W. C. Webb, Judge and Mrs. G. M. Beam, Mrs. W. W. Webb, Mrs. James B. King, Mr. W. A. Huggins and Joe Barrow. NOTICE North Carolina, In Franklin Co. Superior Court JOSEPH WILLIAMS y. ANNIE E, WILLIAMS The defendants Annie E. Wil liams, will take notice that an ac tion entitled, as above, has been commenced in this court by the plaintiff herein, for the purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony with t'he defendant, Annie E. Williams; And the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said county at t'he courthouse in Louisburg, N. C., on or before the 19th day of August, 1939, and answer or demur to the complaint heretofore filed in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for t'he relief demanded in said complaint. This, the 18th day of July, 1939. W."V. AVENT, C. S. C. 7 - 2 1 - 4 1 of Franklin County. When you hear a man praising his neighbors its doughnuts to fudge he wants to sell his home. | Uncte Jim Sags j Extension Agronomists at State - College say that using conserva tion practices on the s