Roberts Fined For Little Fish M,euiber of Department of Conser vation and Development I'ays $10 at Lake Lure Raleigh^ Aug. 19. ? Records on file in the game and fish division of the State Department of Con servation and Development show ed today that Coleman W. Roberts of Charlotte was arrested and con victed in Chimney Rock Township Sunday on charges of possessing undersized fish. Roberts is a member of the State Board of Conservation and Development, and the State Ad vertising Committee. He also is head of the Carolina Motor Club. The records stated that Roberts was arrested by W. R. McLean, special agent of the department, and was fined $10 and costs by J. A. Riddick, Lake Lure justice of the peace. Mr. Roberts was at his Suftinier home at Lake Lure yesterday when the report of his conviction in a fishing case wag received here and could noti be reached for a statement. The next day: Here's a statement from the pen of Mr. Roberts, who is a Char lotte resident and president of the Carolina Motor Club: CATCHES BIG ONES "Your statement in Sunday issue regarding me incorrect. I have caught but never retain small tish ? I cater big ones. "My boat house on Lake Lure 1 9 a refuge for fish? large anil small. They eat out of my hand. I invite you to come and see them. "(Signed) "COLEMAN W. ROBERTS." But that wasn't all. J. A. Rid dick, Justice of the Peace before whom Mr. Roberts appeared, had this to say: "Your article Sunday involv ing my judgment Coleman \V. Roberts fishing violation mis leading in facts. "Officer apprehended guest of Mr. Roberts on a technical charge of possessing undersize bream for bait. Mr. Roberts sportsmanlike. submitted to charge with guest for the rea son they were on his property. Neither party guilty of catching or purchasing small fish in North Carolina. same_ being brought here by guest for bait only. "(Signed) J. A. Riddick, "Justice of Peace." ? ?????????? * HEALTH DEPARTMENT ? * ? * Dr. R. P. Yarborough, * * Couuty Health Officer * * ???????,??? Tubercular Clinic Beginning September . 1 1th the Extension Department of the North Carolina Sanatorium will hold a tubercular clinic at the Franklin County Health Office. Recent improvements in the flu oroscope have made it possible by fluoroscopic examination to detect practically all tuberculous lung lesions of clinical significance. The State Sanatorium has recently had developed for its use a portable fluoroscope which will be used In this clinic and make it possible to examine patients more quickly and more accurately than by physical examination alone. AH those who have lived*in fam ilies with tuberculosis or been closely associated with a person having tuberculosis should make an engagement at> the Health Of fice tor examination in this clinic. It will be necessary to make an engagement as to date and time on account of all dates being ex peceted to be utilized. An Act To Prevent Rabies in The State of North Carolina The Legislature passed a law that all dogs In the State of North Carolina should be vaccinated an nually between April 1st and com pleted by June 30, The law also states that the Health Officer of Soil conservationists of the State College Extension Service say tihat American farmers pay a 1400,000,000 bill every year for tillable soil lost through uncheck ed erosion. ? Her Father's Gal ? NEW YORK? (Special)? Ruth Mix, daughter of the redoubtable Tom Mix, is the featured per former in the Wild West Rodeo at the New York World's Fair. Miss Mix follows in her father's foot-teps as she speeds through a brilliant routine of riding, roping and shooting while the folks's i eyes pop out. the County shall appoint a Rabies Inspector for each township. These inspectors were appointed and Mr. Walter Holmes was appointed In spector for Louisburg. The Health Officer has no Juris diction except to appoint the Ra bies Inspector. Owners of dogs are required to take their dogs to the Rabies Inspector for vaccination. A fee of fifty cents (50c) is, charg ed by the Inspector per dog, who should give the owner of the dog vaccinated a receipt and t?g. when this receipt is presented to the Tax Co'lector same will be refun ded. REVIVAL MEETING AT POP LAR SPRINGS The annual revival meeting at Poplar Springs Baptist Church, near Bunn. will begin Sunday night, Aug. 27. at 8 o'clock. There will be services through the week at 3 P. M. and at 8 P. M. The pastor, Rev. E. Y. Averett, will be assisted by Rev. C. R. Wagstaff, of McKinney, Va. ? The public te cordially- invited to attend these services. The value of poultry and eggs produced in the United States in 1938 was nearly a billion dollars, or about 12 per cent of the total farm income. By burning 25% slower than the average of the IS other of the la rge*t- telling brands test ed? slower than any of them ? CAMELS give a smoking plus equal to EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK Camels itfNG-BURNING COSTLIER TOBACCOS LEGGETT'S DEPARTMENT STORE Far a Season Ulsla ze wife Color and Gayetp-Steilinq Creates the new HAPPY Hi HOME j*cSXi II iM&Si. i / // Style 3422 chartreuse and navV WH'TE AND HAVY ROSE AND vVTNf 12 TO 20 Ml \ i Style 3433 \ 1 BLUE, VV?f4? \ \ KQO A I \ 36 TO 52 . m S?yl? 3*31 G?AY, V/'INS BLUR 38 TO 52 342? \ FUCHSIA TUftO'JClSt COPCN 14 TO 44 Style 3426 ftlUE. GREEN PUR PIE 14 TO 20 b S#V?? 3425 NAVY, CHCRJT# VI OUT 12 TO 20 Sryfc 3432 pu?n? NAVY. WINf 39 TO 52 S?rW 3424 / / MD, OWN ' /. / W TO 20 \ n \ v *yf? 3420 NAVY, wm KOYAL U TO 20 ^ V SfyW 3434 NAVY. M.UE Wt? 34 TO 52 I Sty I* 3427 GREEN. BlUE PUCHSIA U TO 20 SiyU 3430 RED. BlUE NAYY 14 TO 44 -iW~ . -JSnm, i .la. M mm > < m iiiii 1 1 mm ? MAIL ORDER BLANK COLOR I SIZE lit 0.) NAGGING BACKACHE M.n Warn of Disordered Kidney Anion. Don't Neglect It!, Modern llfa with ltf harry ?nd worry. Irregular habits, improper rat ing and drinking, exposure, contagion, whatnot, heaps doctors >0|bifi, hospitals fZVSM} U crowded. The after wSJwC^ effecta are dlaturblng to the kidneys and often tlmee people suffer without know ing that disordered kidney action may causa tha trouble. After colds, feref and similar His there Is an Increase of body Impurities ; the kidneys must Alter from tha blood. If the kidneys are orertaied and fall i to remore eirpss acid and other harm ful waste, there la poisoning of tha whole system. % Symptoms of disturbed kidney func tion aay be nagging backache, persist ?nt headache, dizziness, getting up nights, ?welling. piifflness under the eyes ? a feeling of nervons anxiety and loasof strength and energy. Other signs of kidney or bladder dls- THE REASON doan's turbance may are FAMOUS be b a r n 1 n g , All ??? tk? eoaatr? ?canty or too pxcfil p*?>pU t?il frequent urlna- other* t "Omu'i kmw tlon. helped m| I rw?n* In inch case? mmnd t k*m 10 yu It !? better to Tket Is w hj we My, rely on a med- d?k yr m*ghb ori Iclne that ha? won world wide approval than on something less favorably known. Use I) on n't pilli. They have been Winning new frlanda for more than forty yearn. Be sure to get Do o*'$. Bold at all drug ftorta. S FILLS LOANS TO TENANTS TO BUY FARMS SPREAD TO NEW COUNTIES r WORTH CABOUNA i? ? i I" 1 ?0WTI*8 DB3I0NATID fOI TB|*T NHMfca* I T LOAMS DURIB1 riJdAt YlAfl lwtf ? 1MO. ? ?HH| COOVTICS DEoIONATED 'FOB'THaHT fOBCKA* ??? loams tmina fiscal has 1*38 - m?. WW///A coorrits Disiou?*D*roR'fBiAjrr roiKma* W/Mw* LOANS DURIHO flSCAL YVAft 1907 - 1938. Shown la whits above are the, 50 new North Carolina counties where the Farm Security Admin- 1 titration, U. S. Department of Ag-! ricultiure, has J^ust made loans available to tenant farmers to buy farms under the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act. Loans also will continue to be made in the other 50 counties. ; Shown In black are 33 counties where the program was started / I If your wife's hands are getting rough on account of running the lawn mower this summer, why don't you get her ? pair of second hand gloves? i lasft year. The remaining 17 coun-i tie*, diagonally hatched, were the! first to be designated in this state rear before last. In the old coun- 1 ties numerals indicate the number I at loans already made to buy terms. In a gradually Increasing pro cram Congress has appropriated 140,000,000 (or Tenantt Purchase for this fiscal year. Ot this amount the Secretary o( Agriculture, last CffRfred Employee (at the ex press office) ? Now, what we gwine to do about dat billy goat in de crate, boss? He's done et whar he's gwt?e. week, allotted $2,102,533 to North Carolina. This will enable about 443 industrious (arm tenants to buy and Improve (arms In ttois state. Applications (or loang to buy farms should be made to the near Bst FSA. County Supervisor. Paul B. Cone, Louisburg, N. C. Is Coun ty Supervisor (or Franklin and Nash counties. His office Is" lo cated in the Ford Building The old-fashioned woman who used to "put everything on her back" now has a daughter who doesn't put mnch of aoytfifrg on hers.