THE FRANKLIN TIMES Issued Every Friday 115 Court Street Telephone 288-1 A. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager Junes A. Johnson, Assistant Editor and Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oh Tear . . . $1-5? Eight MontlM .... 1.00 tiix Montha . ? .70 Four Months .... .50 Foreign Advertising Representative AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION New York City Entered at the PoMofflce at Ixralabnrg, N. C. as second daw mail matter. Louisburg Tobacco Market 'will open September 11th, instead of the 7tfc as first announced. ? " '? 0O0 Hitler's answer "Wednesday was an increase in de mands of territory. Let him alone awhile and he will demand the entire of Europe. / 0O0 "War in JsSorope Means U. S.' "Will Not Collect Bil lions," reads a headline over a daily dispatch. What difference will Jhat make when gurope is repudiating its debt. ? ? oOo Russia signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, according to radio reports, and the Russian cabinet de layed ratifying it. In the meantime Russia informs Po land she can XiH sell her war materials. Where is the Irishman 's| ftea. ? M , i oQo The Hertford County Herald, which has just issued a large special historical edition, is. to be congratulated for its s'plendid ""showing up" its community. The is sue was a splendid one and reflects much credit upon Parker Brothers, its publishers. ? ?????????? ? FARM AGENT'S DEPT. ? ? _ ? ? By County Farm Agents * The Farmers in Centerville community met at Mr. G. M. Ray- I nor,'? ttore Monday night, Aug. 21, and organized themselves into a One Variety Cot