\ 'iACjn? ] ' f 'J -J *HCu*Lr\ ? Monday is first Monday, lit ?City Fathers will meet Tues day night. t t t ? Franklin Superior Court con venes Monday. (r t t t ? The County Commissioners will meet Monday. tit ? The Louisburg Tobacco Mar ket opens Monday, September 11th. t 1 t ? Coteon was worth 9 % cents a pound in Louisburg yesterday. Ill ? Many of the schools in the County will begin. on Thursday of next week. I- til r? The heavy rains the past weak Interfered with the programs of ^be work on building and roads. Ml ? The town in general is get ting ready for the opening tobacco sale on Monday, September 11th. t t I ? There will be no general ob servance of Labor Day, except by the banks and postal authorities in Louisburg Monday. lit ? The First-Citizens Bank and Trust Co., at Louisburg and Franklinton will observe Labor Day next Monday by closing. t t t ?Tar River rose to high water mark this week, and the several streams nearby were in flood stage, crossing t-he highway in many places. tit ? Bobbitt Furniture Store has received much of its fall stock and invites you to call and see it. Watch for its announcement next week. t X t ? The September term of Franklin Superior Court which convenes on Monday is a two weeks term. The first week will be presided over by Judge J. Paul Frizzell, and the second week by Judge N. A. Sinclair. t t t ? Information received here Tuesday was that two or three miles of paving had been poured on Route 59 before the rains. It seems that two crews are at work starting at Or near Morris Store and near Neuse river and using the Rolesville Rock Quarry as a base. FOR SALE ? 1 Extra fline young Guernsey Cow, fresh. 8-1-lti J. A. MUNFORD. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINA TIONS ANNOUNCED The United States Civil Service Commission has announced open competitive examinations for the positions listed below. Applica tions must be on file in the Com mission's office at Washington, D. C., not later than September 18 if received from States east of Colo rado, and not later than Septem ber 21 if received from Colorado and States westward. Junior engineer, $2,000 a year. Optional branches are aeronauti cal, and naval architecture. Appli cants miist' not have passed thir ty-fifth birthday. Junior marketing specialist, $2,000 a year, various optional subjects, in the Agricultural Mar keting Service of the Department of Agriculture. Applicants must* not have passed their thirty-fifth birthday. Psychologist, $3,800 a year, as sociate psychologist, $3,200 a year, and assistant psychologist, $2,600 a year. Employment is in Children's Bureau ( Department' of Labor), and U. S. Public Health Service (Federal Security Agen cy). Applicants for the psycholo gist grade must not have passed their flfty-tbird, for the associate grade they must not have passed t'heir forty-lifth, and for the as sistant grade they must not have passed their fortieth, birthday. Associate physical oceanogra pher, $3,200 a year, Treasury De partment. Employment in this po sition Includes service at sea for about! 5 monhts each year. Com pletion of a 4-year college course including work in physics and cal culus, and professional experience in physical science are required. .Certain education may be substi tuted for the experience. Appli cants must not have passed their thirty-fifth birthday. The age lim it will not' he wuived In any case. Full Information may be ob tained from J. A. Wheless, Secre tary of llw U. S. Civil Servjpe Board of Examiners, at the post office in this city, or from the Sec retary of the U. 3. Civil Service Board of Examiners at any flrat or second-class post office. Frlend; ? Is your wife having any success In learning to drive a car? ? Louisburg Man Well, the road is beginning to turn when she does. A campiiign has beeh started among Pork County farmers, in which fhey will be asked to plant five pounds of crimson clover on their pastures this fall. Friend ? You say you never had a quarrel with your wife? Loulsburg Man ? Never. Sh< goes her way and I go hers. One way to make the weathei a Utile less wearisome is not t< talk about It and not to get* mac about It. Mr. F. M. Fuller visited Raleigh Tuesday. X t X , Mr. W. B. Tucker visited Ral j eigh Tuesday. t t t Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Collier visit ) ed Zebulon Tuesday. i JtX ? Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ward were visitors to Richmond the past week. >? 7 t t t Mrs. H. M. Sledge, Sr., is visit ing relatives and friends in Nor folk. lit Mrs. W. M. Wash, of Peters burg, Va., is t'he guest of Mrs. J. j ; C. Thomas. ! - 1 X 1 I Mj"John A. Tucker, of Hender 1 son', was a visitor to Louisburg] Wednesday. r III , Muses Xena and NeUie Cyrus 'are guest* t>f relattveB and friends in Raleigh. r III Mrs. J. R. Phelps is visiting friends and relatives in Atlanta, ua., this week. Ill Mrs. R. L. Wells, of Warrenton, was guest of friends In Louisburg the past week-end. t I X Miss Peggy Bowen, of Rocky Mount, was guest of friends in Louisburg Sunday. I X I Mrs. Perry Beasley and Mrs. Thomas Denton were visitors to Raleigh Tuesday. t t t Chief of Police C. E. Pace left | this morning for a two weeks vaca tion trip to Chicago, 111. . XII Mr. Tom Hardy, of Henderson, Ky.,.is visiting his former room mate, Mr. Colin McKinne. t t t Mrs. Duke Champion, of Hen derson, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joyner. tit ; Mr. Rueben Strange, of Dur-5 ham, was agistor to relatives in and near Louisburg Sunday. t : i Mr. C. C. Cockrell, of Nashville, were visitors to relatives and i friends Dear Louisburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Egerton and ( children, returned the past week [ from a trip to Virginia Beach. 1 1 ?? Mr. and Mrs. J. R. perry, of Washington. D. C., are guests of relatives in and near Loul3t>urg. t t X Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowden, of Norfolk, attended the Perry Re union near Louisburg Sunday. * * * I Mr, and Mrs. J. s. Alford, of Wendell, were guests of j-elatives rin Louisburg the past week-end. I ' Ml I Mrs. Susie H. Jackson is spend ing this week in Henderson with her sister, Mrs. H. A. Newell It! Mr. and Mrs. H. G. BarneU, of Plant City, Fla., spent the past week-end with Mrs. T. W. Watson It I Little Miss Helen Welch Tuck er is visiting Little Miss Helen Elizabeth Lea, of South Boston, v a. j iii :ii Mr. and Mrs. Herman Davis and " son, of Rocky Mount, were guests of relatives near Louisburg Sun day. i .. * * t Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Perry, Jr., of Raleigh, were guests of' rel atives in Louisburg the past week end. Mr. D. E Hardw*ck and family returned this week from a visit to his old home in South Caro lina. V r. 1 X * Mrs Fannie W. Crossman, of Bevei ly Hills, Mass., is guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R H Welch. ? t X t Mrs. K. P. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. John Burt Hill, of Raleigh were visitors to Louisburg Wed nesday. M f 111 Mrs. Laura Bryant, of Greens boro, was guest of relatives and friends in and near Louisburg the past' week. t t t I Miss Beulah Lancaster, of Ral eigh. spent the past week-end with iher parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E L Lancaster. Mr*- 8- fr Bailwdj, who spent the past week-end with her hus band, left Sunday for her home in Kicnmond. Ill Miss Ernestine Perry left Wed nesday for her School near Kin ston where sh? -will teach the coming year. Mr. Harold McKeithan. of Ral eigh, was guest of relatives and friends In and near Louisburg the past week-end. , t t t | Mrs. Luren Leete, of Macon, hag returned home, after spending a few days with her mother, Mrs ; Ben T. Holden. tit | Mr. Alfred Bryant, of Peters burg, Va., spent the past week I with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Griffin, of j near Louisburg. ? mi * 1 X Mr and Mft. B C. Barnes, of I Norfolk, were guests of her p*r jents, Mr. and Mrs. J. w Perrv 4 1 the past week-end. M???e *>ay "nd Mrs Drew | Hons?, of Portsmouth, Va., were visitors of Mrs. J. F. Mitcbiner, the past week. I ? t Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Joyner, Mr. apd Mrs. D. E. Griffin and Mrs. Duke Champion visited Sanator ium, Wednesday. * *.t Miss May Johnson, of Sanator ium. is spending a iwo-weeks va cation with her parents, jklr. and Mrs. W. A. Johnson. Little Miss Talmadge Thomas left yesterday to spend several days in Henderson with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison. lit (] Miss Rose Malone is visiting friends in New York. During her . two or three week Tl?tt she will . attend the World Fair. Ill Mrs. J. Howard Moye and little daughter, Jeanne, of Greenville, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Lancaster. ttl Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Beaman, of Charlotte, visited Mrs. Bea- 1 man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. ? M. West near Whit<e Level. i HI Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Lea have returned from a two weeks' visit with their son, C- W. Lea, Jr., and Mrs. Lea, at South Boston, Va. tt t Miss Kate Blanchard, of Hert ford returned home yesterday af ter spending a few days with her sist?r, Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough. S J t Miss Jill Allen has returned to her home in Raleigh after a week's visit' with Miss Martha Grey King and other friends here. Ill Mr. and Mrs. Leon Timberlake and Mrs. A. S. Wlggs spent the week-end in Winston-Salem with their moi'her, Mrs. J. E. Timber- ; lake. ttt Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Joyner and Mrs. Henderlite, of Petersburg. < Va., spent' the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Griffin, of near Louisburg. Ill Miss Dorothy Medlin and Miss Edith* Joyner, of Louisburg, left this week to enter training at the N. G. State Sanatorium at Sana torium. t t t Mr. F. L. Rawles. of Miami, Fla. visited his family this week, who have been visiting hir mother, Mrs. T. W. Watson for several ? weeks. X t t Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Houck and children, of Philadelphia, h3ve returned home after spending sometime with Mayor and Mrs. W. C. Webb. ttt Miss Mamie Davis Beam has re turned home from a ten-day stay j at Virginia Beach, guest of Miss Mary A rma .Clifton, who bus been there" all season. I I I Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. L. X. Wlretess, Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Allen visited Manieo the past week-end and saw ' The Lost Colony." * t t Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Smithwick. 1 of Frederickburg, Va., were visi- I tors to Louisburg Wednesday, guests of Mr. Smithwicks parents, . Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Smithwick. ttt Bud^y Beam has returned from a mont-h's visit to his aunt's at 'their summer home at Amburg. Va., and also attended the World s Fair ylth his aunt, Mrs. R. G. Bailejr':' ttt Mr. W. L. Perkinson, and Mr. , and Mrs. W. L. Perkinson, Jr.,' and family, of Birmingham, Ala., were guests of relatives and friends in and near Louisburg this week and attended the Perry Re union on Sunday. t t t Miss Bessie Lancaster has re turned home after spending two weeks with her sister, Mr. and ' Mrs. J. Howard Moye, at their | Cottage at Mimosa Shores, near I Washington, N. C. X t X Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas, j Misses Mart-ha Grey King, Helen j Welch Tucker. Talmadge Thomas 1 and Jim King spent the past week end at Virginia Beach with rela tives of Mrs. Thomas. t t t Mr. and Mrs. A. J. J. Jones of 1 Bunn, have as *h^ir guests this week Mr. A. C. Jones, of Norfolk, \'a., Mrs. H. W. Mizelle and daugh ter, JeaneMe, of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. H. A. Bashford and daughter, Imogene. of Raleigh and Mrs. B. C. Jones and son, B. C. Jr., of An napolis, Md. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! PRimOUVE3%? Mod* with GsntU Olivs OH '20 t Pnlmolire Soap, 8 for 20c Super Suds (for washing dishes) Regular size, 3 for 27c Giant size, 2 for iWc Con. Super Suils (washing clothe*) Regular size, 3 for 27c Giant size, 2 for 41k Oiant Octagon Soap, 4 for I Mr Special Octagon Soap, 2 for. . JVc Large Octagon Powder, 3 for 1 4c Special Octagon Powder, 2 for 5c .Octagon Cleanser, 2 for .... ?c Octagon Granulated Soap, 2 . 10c Ocfagoo Soap Chips, 2 for . . l?c < rfstatWhlte Toilet Soap. 3 . 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap, 3 for 14c Octngo? Toilet Soap, 3 for . . 14c Kle* (Pumice) Soap, 2 for , . Or Universal Toilet Hoap, 3 for . 14c Vogue Toilet Soap, 3 for . . . , 14c Fair He* Toilet Hoap, 4 for lflc L H. DICKENS R. F. D. Louisburg, V CS jYoull Fall for Leggett's l ? - Fashions This Fall - D See Our New Fall Coats, Hats and Dresses Now ! Jj Don't Miss These Bedding "Buys" These enormous savings on blankets await you! Use our convenient Lay-Away-Plan to purchase your ^needs and buy now ! Part-wool and all-wool Chat ham Blankets wade with high, light in weight. Bound in dur able rayon satin in matching colors ? 97c to $7.95 F UR CHUBBIES FOR FALL Inner lined soft lustrous furs including Beaver, Blue raandel, Black pony. Can he used over your coat, or~ wool dress and as an even ing wray. See them now ! $j?.95 D Bargain Highlights from Louisburg's Newest and Most Complete Department Store n Natural Bridge Shoes For real comfort rfnd long wear see our new Fall line of Natural Bridge Shoes. They are more "beautiful than ever. It's a combination of style and comfort. All size? and widths. $4.98 School Bags Many styles in book bags, handle bags, or shoulder straps. Cloth or leather with extra pockets and a place for your name. Real bargains! 25c to 97c Men's Shoes See the many new styles in Men's Dress Shoes, includ ing black, (tan, and the new antique color. Crepe or lea er soles, wing tip. cap toe ? featuring Frank Jarman's Friendly Five. Weyenbers, and The Southerner. $1.98 to $4.98 School Supplies Wide or narrow pencil tablets, ink tablets, note book paper, and composition books. Your Choice 2 for 5c .Men's Suits If it's a suit you want ? we have it or we'll get it for you ? We feature the "Rock ingham Suit" as our "In Stock" line. $15.00 and $19.95 Also we have the Nation ally known "Schloss Broth ers" custom tailored to mea sure line. Prices range from *2)).. VI to Just Received A large supply of Turkish towels, huck towels, kitchen towels and wash cloths. Get a supply while they Fast. Special 5c each Men's Work Shirts I Good quality, full cut and well made work shirts in Kue oj> grey with two but ton-through pockets. Special 39c Outing Special ! One large table of plain and colored Outing, good hea-vy quality in short v lengths and odd widths. A real bargain. 2 Yds. for 5c p Meet Me At Leggett's D D You Are Always Welcome ETTS - LEGGETT'S LEADS IN LOUISBURG -- Lean? So you call yourself a J vegetarian and here you are buy ing a beefsteak. . : Hefty ? Yes, you may call this a j beefsteak, but I call it' forbidden' fruit. -It Movie Fan ? Don't- you enjoy those slow motion pictures? Grocer ? No, they remind me too much of some of my credit custo mers. If you think the world is grow ing old the reason may be that we do not note the things in it which are new. Colonel ? Hey, you. mark time! Cadet ? With my feet, sir? Colonel ? Have you ever seen | anything mark time with il? hands? Cadet ? A clock, sir. NOTICE OK SALE In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern Distric of North Carolina. Raleigh Di vision ? In Bankrtrpter No. 2<Sti 1 In the matter of NATHAN SHOK. trading as "Shor's", Bankrupt. Pursuant to an order of Hon. W. B. Duncan. Referee in Bank ruptcy, the undersigned Trustee will sell to the highest bidder at public auction in the store build ing formerly occupied by Nathan Shor, situate on Nort-h Main Street, Louisburg, N. C., on SATURDAY, SKI'TKMHKK 2nd, 1MB, at 12:00 o'clock noon, a ?to?k of merchandise, consisting chiefly of ladies' and gent's ready-to-wear, hats, etc., total cost price being 11,916. 67; also one 1936 2-door Chevrolet coach. This sale is made sunject to confirmation by Hon. W. B. Dun can, U. S. Referee In Bankruptcy. W. H. ALLEN, Trustee, Louisburg, N. C. August 23rd, 1939. 8-25-20 FARMERS! We Are_, Now -Buying Clean, Bright SCRAP TOBACCO *? ? At Our Plant in Wendell, N. C. I MONK - HENDERSON TOBACCO CO., INC. Wendell, N. C. ? Enjoy both Radio and R coord -ntrrtainmenl Tiro Fine Instrument s in One! TBWsai , ? Lowest t rier Ever -v *oau termer valum... ^ we bring you the latest RCA Victor achievement. Model U-121 combines a new Electric Tuning radio with a fine phonograph. It's tbtlowe*?pr ed console KCA Vic trcia In history. Has Crystal Up. i rue-Trac?-i-"* Trr* Ar*n. Auto matic Sto*-. RCA Vic* -r EWctric Tun ing, RCA Victor Metal Tubes Price includes $4.30 wcrth of. any Victor or Bluebird Records you choose, end other Victor Record Society bene.. is. See it . . . hear it toe' ay! RAYNOR'S RADIO AND JEWELRY SHOP REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES "We Sell The Best and Service The Rest" *HONE 454 6 LOUISBURG, N. C. The musityou want, whenyoufwdhlit

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