TEMPORARY THEATRE Night Shows: 7:15 and 0:00 15c and 30c Matinees: 3:30 Daily 10c and 25c Saturdays Continuous: 2-11 10c and 25c until 0 o'clock Opening Soon WITH EVERYTHING NEW RUT THE NAME The New Loiusburg Theatre LAST TIMES TODAY ? FRIDAY Sonja Henie - Tyrone Power Rudy Vallee ? In ? Irving Rerlin's "SECOND FIDDLE" j i SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 Two Big Hits On One Program M7TRY and SMILEY BUR.MviiE "IN "OLD MONTEREY" and THE DEAD END KIDS "HELL'S KITCHEN" Also Chapter Xo. 6 "Daredevils of the Red Circle" SUNDAY-MONDAY, SEPT. 8-4 (Sunday Shown 3:30 and 9:00) JAMES CAGNEY and GEORGE RAFT "EACH" dawn I DIE" More Heart Thrilling and Smash' in|t Entertainment than "Angel* "With Dirty Faces." TUESDAY, SEPT. J ANN SHIRLEY and JAMES ELLISON "SORORITY HOUSE" WEDNESDAY, SEPT. < J. CARROLL XAISH and PATRICIA MORRISON "ISLAND OF LOST MEN" THURSDAY and FRIDAY SEPT. 7 -8th Another Rrand New Hit ' Picture NORMA SHEARER , JOAN CRAWFORD ' ROSALIND RUSSELL "THE "WOMEN" COMING SOON "LADY OF THE TROPICS." "BACHELOR MOTHER." "WIZARD OF O'A." "THE STAR MAKER." By sprinkling acid phosphate every few days on manure piiei around his dairy bams, A. C Barefoot, a Harnett County farm er, has practically eliminated fliei about his place. Sally ? When I marry I want I man who is game from head t( foot. FooMiall Player ? Well, give m? a chance; I've got a game leg al ready. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! F^ONCINTtATID^?o|uM ['SUPER SUDS T 27c th, IP80 45 B. F. Woodlief vs E. B. Preddy et als 74 George W. White vs ' James W. Murphy 84 Charlie Spivey et al vs C. V. Floyd et al 90 Sam Radford et al vs ? Brantley, Wood & Co. Wednesday, September Oth, 1030 77 Lee Davis & wife vs Ceo. A. Wheless et al 82 Louisburg Supply Co. vs Plummer G. Green et al | 94 Susie B. Hicks vs Robert R. Bowden et al Thursday, September 7th, 1030 68 Wallace Medlin vs J. P. Timberlake et) al 86 E. M. Wheeler vs D. M. Brannan et als 99 J. Y. Beasley et al vs W. Z. Whitaker et al Friday, September 8tli, 1030 89 Smith-Douglass Co. vs F. C. Satterwhlte ? SECOND WEEK ? " Monday, September llthL 1080 49 Owen Doyle vs 1 Maggie Whitley 61 P. E. Dean vs T. E. Ratcliffe 85 S. B. Daniel vs H. L. Altord 95 R. F. Moss vs Eugene Reavis 101 Mrs. Rebecca Pugh vs Ray R. Larnard 105 R. A. Martin vs Elizabeth Rut>h Martin Tuesday, September 12th, 1030 54 A. C. May vs Capitol Coca Cola Co. 75 Larry (Bud) Young vs Clydia W. Young 79 Derother Bailey vs E P Prlvett ! ? 81 Prudential Ins. Co. vs Burgess Lumber Co. et al Wednesday, September 13th, 1030 .,59 Gold Seal Rubber Co. vs McOhee-Joyner Co. 60 Lamed Garter Co. vs McOhee-Joyner Co. Thursday. Septemlwr 14th, 1030 88 F. W. Wheeler vs Rip-land Wheeler 103 Lutie Delbrldge vs Louisburg Supply Co. et al The above cases have been set for trial on the days named. If any case la not r^atfhed on the day set It will not lose )ts place bat will be tried when reached. All other cases are for motion In same. W. V. AVENT. Clerk Superior Court. It 1* estimated that (or every' lnopjpase of $100 in the income re eetrid by families whose yearly income is $1,500 or less, from 20 to 30 per cent of the increase would be spent for food. Case Worker ? Why do yon' want to go on relief? Client ? Well, my husband had a stroke of parallel and we can't make ends meet). From a recently completed pro ject begun with 200 baby chicks, James Lee. a 4-H Club member of Pour Oaks in Johnston County, made a net profit of nearly |30'. Wife ? I almost cry when I think I might have married Mr. Rich. Hubhy ? And I almost cry, too, when I think about it. RENEW YOUR SUHSCRIPTION ! Clarence ? Does your girl know piuch about automobiles? Paul ? No! She asked me if I cooled my car by stripping the gears. Iti's Impossible to run a piece of wire through a lawn mower. So painful though it may be, it will save time to stoop over and ex tract the pesky thing. Due to increased activity In the J construction of small homes, luni- j ber consumption in the United States during 1939 will be from 10 to 15 per cent greater than it was in 1938, the Department of Commerce predicted recently. Nothing used to embarrass a woman more than getting a hole in the toe of her shoe . . . Now she buys them, that way and saves all the trouble of scuffing them out. SPECIALS Girls and Little Tots DRESS SALE Back to School Styles Sizes 1 to 3 and 7 to 14. Also Junior Dresses from 10 to 16 H. 49c - 59c 97c ? ? t NEW FALL DRESSES For Campus Business or Usual Wear. Slim or Pleated Skirts. Rayon and Wool. Sizes 12 - 20. Plaids, Solids and Stripes. $1.94 - $2.97 $3.95 - $6.95 LOUISBURG TOBACCO MARKET OPENS MONDAY, SEPT. 11th Bring a load on Opening Day and each sale day thereafter and make OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS ! ADVANCE FALL SHOWING OF CHILDREN'S SHOES SIZES AND STYLES FOR ALL BOYS AND GIRLS 97c Tr ? MEN'S FALL SUITS Values That Can't Be Duplicated, New Cheviots, Tweeds and Worsteds in a variety of colors. $9.95 and up jgUR FABRIC COATS Rich 4 Sealines COATS THAT HAVE CLICKED IN T NEW YORK. I'' Misses and W omens $10.95 - $14.95 $19.95