? ?????????? ? FARM AGENTS DEPT. ? ? ? ? By County Finn Agents * ? ? ????????? MARKETING CARDS MIST BE USED Cotton marketing cards are re quired to be used by all cotton growers and they must be pre sented to glnners and buyers at the time cotton is ginned or sold, it was announced Thursday by E. Y. Floyd, AAA Executive Officer of State College. The marketing cards are now available in the offices of the county farm agents, except in a few cases where farmers over planted their acreage allotments and it has been necessary to re check their farms, Floyd stated. Ginners and buyers are subject to a penalty if they do not make proper and prompt reports to the AAA committee in the county from which the cotton came as required under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Triple A of ficial declared. All growers are required to show their marketing cards to ginners and buyers re gardless of whether red, white or blue card was issued^to them. "Under no circumstances are marketing cards transferable, and no grower is allowed to sell cot ton or have it ginned in his name where the cotton was produced on a farm other than the one for which the particular marketing card was issued," Floyd saitT. "Growers with more than one farm should be careful in report ing to ginners and buyers the cot ton produced on each farm." It was pointed out by Floyd that where growers' names and serial numbers are not properly ehown on the buyer's or ginner's report by reason of failure of the grower to present his card to the ginner or buyer, the County AAA Committee is required to with hold both the agricultural con servation^ And the cotton price adjustment payments from the grower until such reports art I correctly made. Convictions for Violating Tobacco Marketing Quota Provision of Th? Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 The first convictions for violat ing the tobicco marketing quota provisions of the Agricultural Ad justment Act of 1938 were re turned on September 20, 1939 in the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Caro lina, Judge Isaac Meekins, pre siding. Nell Watson, Roseboro, N. C., ?tore clerk, was sentenced to three years in Federal Prison at Atlanta and fined $500 on a charge of "passing and uttering a forged instrument, to-wit, a tobacco marketing card." On a similar charge, Elliot Bass, Clin ton, N. C., farmer, was sentenced to 18 months in Federal Prison, and fined (500. Eural Beatty and Woodr&w Smith, Roseboro, N. C., farmers, facing similar charges as Watson and Bass, were put on three years' probation. On September 19, 1939, the Grand Jury of the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina returned indict ments against Moses Tart, Dunn, N. C., farmer, and J. K. BoyetU, Benson, N. C., merchant, on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the Government and obstruct the operation of the tobacco market* ing quota provisions of the agri cultural adjustment program. Tart also is alleged to have failed to make reports of the purchase and sale of tobacco as required under the,, tobacco marketing quota provisions of the agricul tural adjustment program. The practice of government sponsored public works goes back to ancient times. Uncle Jim Sags R. W. Graeber, forester of the State College Extension Service, reports that the farm woodland, properly managed, may become a cash crop as well as a means of controlling erosion and rebuild ing washed hillsides. WHY suffer from Colds? ?-666 For relM LJqlud-T*blet?-8*lTe - Now Drop* I Plaque Commemorates Illinois Citizens Florence Crav of Chicago. student of the late L-rz.*o Taft. tac o America's most widely known sculptors, puts the finishing touches on a ilaque commissioned by the citizens of Dwight, 111., to commemorate the .ixtieth anniversary of the Keeley institute, and pay honor to the three nea who founded the organization. FROM MAPLEVILLE The following Items were in tended for last week, but were received too late: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Davis and daughter, Susan Ray, of Rocky Mount, speDt the week-end with Mrs. Davis" father Mr. W. H. Perry. Miss Elizabeth Strange, of Ral- 1 eigh, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strange. Mr. aad Mrs. G. B. Wilder, of. Henderson, visited friends and i relative iii and near Louisburg, the past w<- :k-end. Mrs. Oliver W. Perry and Miss Virginia Frances Perry accom- 1 panied Mrs. John Uzzle to the bedside of her sister Mrs. A. C, Hughes of Wilson last Friday. Miss Virginia Frances Perry at tended the Carolina-Citadel Foot ball game in Chapel Hill last Sat urday. Mr, Joshua William Ethrldge. . of Washington, D. C., was a guest | to friends in and near Louisburg. i the past week-end. The many friends of Miss Bessie Strange as sorry to learn she is in a hospital in Durham, recovering from a short illness and wish for her a very speedy recovery^ The many friends of Miss Pearl Perry are glad to learn that she is improving after an illness of a few weeks. Who ever said that we wanted little here below! ! ! Breath Bad, Logy? I . To disregard those frequent signs of constipation such as he'adaches, biliousness, or bad breath, may invite a host of other discom forts due to lazy bowels: sour stomach, belching, no appetite. See how much better you feel the day after taking spicy, all vegetable ULACK-DRAUGHT. This intesti nal tonic-laxative tones lazy bow els; by simpleuii-ections, acts gen t I ly, promptly, thoroughly. Try it! L "Clean Up or Close Up" Action! The Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee was organiz ed for the purpose of cooperating with' state and local law enforcement offi cials in helping to eliminate those re tail outlets which permit law viola tions behind the respectability of legal beer licenses. Wayne County authorities in Sep tember revoked the licenses of five retail outlets because of improper conduct of their establishments. Wilmington officials closed an outlet after attention had been called to its operation in violation of the law. A Mecklenburg County license was revoked and another license was sur rendered following our petition to the County Commissioners. It is our desire to continue cooperation such as this with the constituted law enforcement agencies of the state, its counties and its municipalities in bringing about conditions of which the industry, the authorities and the public may be justly proud. You can help us by restricting your patronage to the places that obey the law. Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee SuiU, 813-17 Cnn? uial BdUh*, lUkigfc, H. C. Cokmel E*ar R B*in, Stat. Dncte E-STERTAINS FACULTY ? Mrs. Alice Utiell and Mrs. Gladys Bailey entertained the members of the (acuity of Mills High School at a delightful and delicious out-door dinner on Sat urday evening, Sept. 30 at 5:30 o'clock on the spacious lawn to the rear of Mrs. Uzzell's apart ment on North Main Street. Tables centered with arrange ments of lovely cut flowers were placed at intervals about the lawn around which the guests gat{)?red when plates were serv ed. . Assisting the hostesses were little Misses Rachel and Sarah Bailey. The teachers expressed their appreciation to Mrs. Uzzell and Mrs. Bailey for this "opportunity of enjoying a pleasant evening together. We notice that the man who gives up smoking usually takes to growling in place of it. L. B. D. S. For County Employees Tenant ? It's pretty cold to night. Don't you think you should put some alcohol in the refrigera ' tors of my apartment? Janitor ? Why do you want me to put alcohol in your radiators? Tenant ? To keep them from , freezing. 'RENEW YOCR SUBSCRIPTION! > SALE of FIRST QUALITY MONUMENTS Remember your departed loved ones with a monument from us. Now is the time to buy ? and you' save when you buy from us. 20% to 35% DISCOUNT ON ALL MONUMENTS All materials and workmanship guaranteed sat isfactory. We use Winnsboro blue, Stone eternal, Salisburg pink, Berkley blue, Vermont and Georgia Marble. If you are unable to come to our plant at Roles villejve will be glad to call and show you the newest designs. We use only the best marbles and granites that can be bought. We have more than 60 monuments on our display yard foi^jou to select from. WAKE MONUMENT COMPANY MEMORIALS BOLESVILLE, N. C. P. 0. Address, R 2, Wake Forest, N. C. Phone 311-0 ATTENTION! On October 1st our quota for shipping pulp wood was dou bled. Wood accepted anywhere on the Atlantic Coast Line from Rocky Mount to Raleigh. Further information gladly furnished by contacting bland PRurrr PRUITT LUMBER CO. Louisburg, N. C. FURNITURE MAKE YOUR HOME "HAPPY" FOR PALL New furniture will give your home a brighter, cheerier outlook for Autumn, with more time being spent indoors you want your home to be truly inviting. See our new lines. Prices very reasonable. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. ? MAIM 8TRXET LOUI8BURO, N. 0. In Louisburg, N. C., the^side- | walks are marked off witb paint stripes, two outside lanes for loafing, the inside (or walking. Every fellow started life aa \ wee baby, and tome of them atlll act as If tbey hadn't outgrown those early days. Help your teeth shine like the stars ? . . use Calox Tooth Powder Many of Hollywood's brightest stars use Calox to help bring out the natural lustre of their teeth ? and you can rely on Calox too. Pure, wholesome, pleasant -tasting, approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. Five tested ingredients, blended accord ing to the formula of a foremost dental authority, make Calox an economical tooth powder that can't harm tooth enamel. Get Calox today at your drug store. Five sizes, from 104 to $1.25. NATURAL LOGIC "YOUR DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC CAN HELP YOU MOST WHEN YOU GO TO THEM EARLY." It is only logical that care and treatment to an ailment or physical trouble at its begi nning would , be easier and more progress or reliel would be obtained sooner. "NIP THE TROUBE IN THE BUD," as the old saying goes, or "A STITCH IN TIME SAVES ftlNE", or "AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION These are philosophical mu sings but they are based on profound logic and truth. Their application to the care of your Health are entirely logical. Chiropractic and Drugless Methods of Healing are more natural. Their principles are based on Natural Logic. Keep HEALTHY through CHIROPRACTIC i _ DR. SADIE C. JOHNSON 215 Court Street Louisburg, N. C. Phone: Honrs: n_. , 9 to 5; Thnrs. 9 to 1 Office S64-1 7_g p m Mon..\Ve