B. T. U. SOCIAL The Senior B. T. Union of Cor inth Baptist Church held its quarterly social Saturday evening, October 14, at 7:30 o'clock, at the home of Miss Daphlne Jeans. Many amusing games were played which were enjoyed by everyone. Fruits and candy were served as refreshments. The members present were: Misses Caroline, Alice Mae, Irene and Mary Emma Lancaster, Hat tie Boyd Faulkner, Dorothy Ed wards, Daphine Jeans, Fannie Mae and Claude Roberson. Mes srs. Ruffin Hunt, Joe Wright and Paul Edwards, Jr. Two visitors were present, they were Marion Roberson and a visitor of Ruffin Hunt, from Henderson. Everyone left declaring they had had a very nice time. Senior B. T. U. Pres. I The shortage of hay in some states is causing dairy farmers, their leaders, and college specia lists to urge the disposal of low producing cows and cows in poor health or suffering from disease. American housewives have been assured by the U. S. Department of Agriculture that the supply of dry beans? one of the nation's chief staples ? is "more than ample" to meet all demands. What happened to the old-fash ioned couple who thought that the only thing to do on Sunday afternoon was take a walk? Irudratial FARM LOANS J Low IntwrMt ? | i / Long Torm f 4 Pair Appraisal J Prompt Sarvlc# W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. Styled to suit your TASTE Cut to fit your BODY (Imjlor ^'(Clothf $ By O. J. HALE . 7'ext to Wheeler'* Barber Shop LOUISBURG, N. 0. THEY'RE FRESH Smart Service Cleaned Clothes ! They're Fresh from 8ERV1CB Cleaner*, perfectly cleaned and preaaed by expert workmen . All of tba little details of replacing bnttona, fixing pocketa and mak ing minor repair* are taken care of when yon *end your clothe* to SERVICE Cleaner*. NOTE? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BENNIE MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. Can Vb j Phone 440-1 SERVICE DRY GLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP F. C. Hight a Naafc 8C LnUui, 1*. 0. mminmnmmmmiM THE FRANKLIN TINES ? For ? "Printing That Pleases" Phone 283-1 ALWAYS RINGS THE ? BELL! * Franklin Times Advertising And the prize is something to shout about, too0 ? extra cash from those odds-and ends you no longer want ! The FRANKLIN TIMES advertising columns gets results fast . . at an amaz ingly low cost. It's ready to work for you, whether you want to Trade . . . Sell . . . Rent. Why not use it? Free To Advertisers If you want help in preparing your Ad, eall and auk for an Ad Taker. This service is free lo TIMKK advertisers ! ' ~-v-' Sulphur applied to peanuts in \ tests conducted with five Edge combe County farmers seems to give good results in controlling leaf spot, says Farm Agent J. C. Powell. -Johnston County farmers are realizing that good pastures are essential in a successful livestock program, says M. A. Morgan, farm agent of the State College Ex tension Service. There may be no new sins in this modern world, but lots of folks are having a blamed good time with the old ones. WANTED Old Mattresses to rebuild, $3.50 and up. Write, phone or call SURE-REST MATTRESS CO., Youngsville, N. C. 9-29-4t SCRAP TOBACCO Let K. S. MARSHALL, handle your scrap tobacco for 1939. R 2, Wake Forest, N. C. 10-13-tf HORSES FOR SALE I will on Monday, Nqv. 6th, at the rear of the Court House in Louiaburg, N. C., about the hour of noon, offer to the highest bid der for cash, one pair of horses, about 9 years old, weighing about 1100 pounds each, well Broke for general farm purposes. 10-13-4t GEORGE D. FULLER. . NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the [ power and authority of sale con | talned in that certain Deed '>f Trust of Lillian Flora Mayfleld I to Charles P. Green, Trustee, da led 10 August 1938 and recorded 2 September 1938 in Book 338 at i page 202, conveying the lands hereinafter described, default hav ing been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured, the Undersigned trustee will of fer for sale for cash at public auc tion at the courthouse door of Franklin County In Louiaburg, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 0 NOVEMBER 1?39 the following described lands: All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Franklinton, Franklin County, North Carolina, and fully described as follows: Beginning at a rock In the An bury Eller line on Green Street In the town of Farnkllnton and run ning thence nearly west along Green Street 76 feet; thence near ly north 76 feet, thence nearly east to Asbury Fuller's line; thence along Fuller's line to the beginning. Containing 1-16 acre, more or leas, and being the lot conveyed by deed from W. B. Bullock to H. E. Pooce recorded in Book 96 at page 150, Registry! of Franklin County, by H. E. Ponce to B. J. Backley, Book 150 at page 494 and by deed of B. J. Blackley to W. C. Hester. The successful bidder will he required to deposit with the trus- 1 tee a sum equal to ten percentum i (10%) of the amount bid for the said lands, to insure compliance ' with the terms of sale. Dated and posted this 6th day of October, 1939. CHARLES P. GREEN, 10-13-4t Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND | Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that deed of trust from W. B. Ellis to E. C. Bulluck,! Trustee, dated November 23, 1936, recorded in Book 300, j Page 286, Franklin County, de-j fault having been made in the payment of the notes thereunder secured, I will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER H, !?:?>. I sell at the Courthouse Door in | Louisburg,v W: C., to the highe&t bidder, for ca?h, the following J lands: That certain tract or parcel of land situate in Sandy Creek Township, Franklin County, N. C., on the Boddie Road, known as a part of the Willis W. Boddie home place and bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a point on the Boddie Road, corner for Chlora E, Holt; thence N. 39%d W. 2400 ft. to a rock in Chlora E. Holt's corner; thence along the Boddie Estate line S. 81d E. 684 ft. to a rock, corner for Boddie estate line and Sellars Hargrove; thence along Sellars Hargrove line S. 44d 30' I E. 1650 ft. to a stake in Boddie Road; Sellars Hargrove corner; thence along Boddie Road S. 3 Id I W. 640 ft. to the point of begin- j ning, containing 25 acres. Dated and posted this 6th day > ] of October, 1939. E. C. BULLUCK, 10-13-4t Trustee. NOTICE No. 178 M North Carolina, In The [ Franklin Co. Superior Court' j COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURQ T. Robert Yarborough, et al. j The defendants Fannie Y.I Oreen and husband, Johnnie ' Green, Johnson Yarborough and wife, Mary Yarborough, Vincent Yarborough and wife, Sadie Yar borough, Blanchard Yarborough and wife, Mary Yarborough, and Willie Johnson will take notice that an action entitled as above has been Instituted and Is now pending In the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure ault affecting certain land* In th? Town of Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, to which suit the defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Louisburg on or before the 25th day of November, 1939, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaln t.iff will apply for the relief de manded In his said complaint. Dated this the 9th day of Octo ber, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk of Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-13-41 XOTH'H No. 179 M North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superio/ Court COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG v. Susie Williams, et al. The defendant Daisy Williams will take notice that an action entitled as, above has been Insti tuted and is now pending In 'he Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, . being a tax foreclosure suit affect certain lands In the Town of Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, to which suit the defendant above named Is a prop er party. And the said defendant above ,named will take notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Loulsburg on or before the 25th day of November, 1939, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plain tiff will apply for the relief de manded In his said complaint. Dated this the 9th day of Octo ber, 1939. JK. V. AVENT, CJfcrk of Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-1 3-4t NOTICE No. 177 M North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG Y. SaHle Yarborough, et al. The defendants Joseph Yarbor ough, and the unknown heirs of Sallie Yarborough, deceased, are hereby aotlfled that they, and each of them, and the wives or hus bands of the said unknown heirs of Sallie Yarborough, are requir ed to aouar before the under signed Crerk of tha Superior Court of Franklin County, at his office In Loulsburg, North Caro lina. on 25 November 1939, to answer or demur to tha com plaint of the plaintiff herein, a copy of which has been deposited in the office ol the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court; and 1 the said Joseph Yarborough, and the unknown heirs of Sallie Yar borough, deceased, and each of I them, and the wives and hus bands of the said unknown heirs of Sallie Yarborough, will further take notice that if they fail to bo appear and answer or demur, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in its said complaint. Dated this 9 October, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk of Superior Court, i John F. Matt-hews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-13-4t NOTICE OK SALE OK REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Counties of Wake and Franklin. WHEREAS on the 22nd day of ; May, 193&, Mrs. Ida Barnes, wi-: dow, L. B. Matthews and wife Katie Matthews, and C. C. Har ris, Trustee, executed to F. E. Winslow, Trustee, a deed of trust which is recorded in Book 324, ! pages 310-11, office of Register1 of Deeds of Franklin County, and in Book 702, page 197, Wake County Registry; and whereas default has been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by said trust deed, and the holder thereof has requested exercise of the power of sale therein con tained. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given that on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 193?, at 12:00 o'clock, M., at the front door of the Court House in Louis burg, Franklin County, N. C., the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid-* der for cash, the following des cribed real estate lying in the Counties of Wake and Franklin, State of North Carolina, to-wit: A ONE-FOURTH UNDIVIDED INTEREST In that certain tract or parcel of land beginning at a point in the center of the Wake field Road, witnessed by an iron stake and pine pointers, on the west side of S. T. Barham's cor ner, thence along said road N. 26d 30' W. 1102 feet tor a point in I said road, witnessed by a stake on the east side; thence N. 74d E. 3443 feet to a persimmon on Lit tle River, poplar pointers, W. J. Young's corner; thence down Lit tle River, by the courses and dis- , tances to a stake, S. T. Barham's corner; thence with Barham's line N. 87d W. 4230 feet to the: beginning; containing 150 acres, more or less, and being the iden tical properly conveyed tir R. B. Reavis, Trustee, by the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Wendell, 1 N. C., by deed recorded in Wake j County Registry, in Book 456, page 463, and in Franklin Coun- | ty Registry in Book 262, page 246; and being the same land conveyed by deed dated March 1 27. 1835, from F. E. Winslow, ; Trustee, to C/C. Harris, Trustee, for the use and benefit of Mrs. Ida Barnes to the extent of a one fourtli undivided interest, and ' the use and benefit of other per sons for the remaining three fourths undivided interest, to which deed reference is made for further description and identitica- ' tion of thf land and interest here I by conveyed. A 5% cash deposit will he re I quired of the highest bidder. This the ,5th day of Octobe'r, ' 1 U39. F. E. WINSLOW, Trustee Battle & Winslow, Attys., Rocky Mounty, N. C. 10-20-4t ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra I trtx of the estate of H. S. Hayes, deceased, late of Franklli} Coun j ty, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims j against the estate of said deceas ] ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 13th day j of October, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This 12th day of October. 1939. FANNIE S. HAYES, Admr'x. R 1, Henderson, N. C. j jO. M. Beam, Atty. 10-13-6t ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE '? Having qualified as administra trix of the estate of R. H. Joens, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Franklinton, N. C., R. 1, duly verified, on or before the 29th day [of Septemberf i940, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. , This Sept. 28th, 1939. MRS. VIOLA A. JONES, Administratrix of R. H. Jones, j W. L. Lumpkin, Attorney. 9-29-6t RE-SALE OK REAL ESTATE Under and purauapt to an Or der of Re-Sale, entered In that certain action entitled "Commis sioners of the Town of Loulsburg vs. Henry Poythress, A. Brame and Wgst Hawkins, Trustees of Loulsburg Leader Lodg No. 3607 of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows," by the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County on the 2nd day of October, 1939, the undersigned Commissioner will on MONDAY THE 23rd DAY OK OCTOBER, 1980 at or about the hour of noon at The Court House door of Franklin County, ofTer for re-eale at public auction to the higheat bidder for cash the following described lot or parcel of laad: Situate la the Coyat? of Fr^nk lin, State of North Carolina, Town of Louisburg, on the West side of South Main Street, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds in that certain deed bf J. M. Allen and wife to P. W. Williams, et al, Trustees of Louisburg Leader Lodge No. 3507 of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows. This 4th day of October, 1939. J. E. MALONE, JR., 10-6-3t Commissioner. NOTICE No. 180 M In The North Carolina Superior Court Franklin County. Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Ella Sledge Hawkins and husband, W. H. Hawkins, et al. The defendants Alice Sledge, widow of Wesley Sledge, Jimmy Sledge, minbr, and Ruth Sledge, minor, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted and is now pending in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affecting certain lands In the Town of Louisburg Franklin County, North Carolina, to wh(jch suit the defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Louisburg, on or before the 25th day of November, 1939, to an swer or demur to the said com plaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply lor the relief demanded in his said complaint. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-13-4t NOTICE No. 77 C North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court , > " Before the Clerk COUNTY OF FRANKLIN AND COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG . . Plaintiff's, v. Addie NVilkins, widow, et al., Defendants. The defendants, Addie Wilkins, Ira Wilkins, Felix Wilkins, and Juliet Chamberlaine and Hus band, Jerry Chamberlaine, will take notice that an action has been instituted in the Superior Court of Franklin County to fore close a tax lien upon the lands in Franklin County described in the complaint. And the said defendants will take notice that they are requir ed to appear before the under signed, Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, at his office at Louisburg, N. C., ,on or before the 18th day of November, 1939, and answer or demur to the said complaint, otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demanded in the complaint in this action. ?* This the 3rd day of October, 1939. W. V. AVENT, C. S. C., of Franklin County. John F. Matthews, Atty. 10-6-4t NOTICE No. 173 M North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG V. Eugene Yarhorough and wife, et al. The defendants Eugene Yar borough, Frederick Yarhorough, Mattie Yarhorough, Gerald Shel ton Yarhorough and Ollie Yar horough will take notice that an action entitled as above has been instituted and is now pending in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure, suit affecting certain lands in Franklin County, listed in the name of Calvin Yarborough, Sr., to which suit the defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office in Louisburg, on or before the 18th day of .November, 1939, to an swer or demur to the said com plaint; otherwise,, the plaintiff Aliil apply fAr'the relief demand-' ed in his said complaint. Dated this the 2nd day of Oc tober, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. 'John F. Matthews, jAttorney for Plaintiff. 10-6-4t NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority of sale contain ed in that certain deed of trust of Mary Bass, widow, to the ul>' derslgned trustee, being recorded in Book 299 at page 534, default having been made in the payment I of the indebtedness thereby se ! cured, and demand having been made on the undersigned to sell I the property described in said ; Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, ?8? at the hour of twelve o'clock M., at the Franklin County Court house door, Louisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Frank linton Township, North Carolina, and described as follows: Lot No. 32, Block "B", In Map Book 192, pages 48 and 49, Reg ister of Deeds office, Franklin County. , .,For further reference and description tee Book 270 at page 223, Franklin County Regis try. Dated, posted and published thla 18th day of September, 1939. W. W. COOKE, ? H. c. Kearney,' . Trustee. AJtO?5??. . . 1-22-St ? PRINTING ? to Order at Our PRINT SHOP "^^Esnnsnsar APEX, N. C. Office days every Saturday and Monday. Hours for eye examination: Saturday 0 a. m. to 6 p. ra. Monday 0 a. m. to Noon. Other days by appointment only. Write or Phone No. IO. PROFESSIONAL COLUMH Dr. Harry n. Johnson Physician and Surgeon General Practice - Glasses Fitted Special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Ijouisburg, N. O Phones : Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hours ? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to ? Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, X-Kay and Fluoroscopic Examina tion, Diathermy and Ultra-Violet light treatment. Miss Elizabeth Fuller, Sec'y. Mrs. Walter Cuthrell, K. N. Dr. Arch H. Perry 1 General Practice Wood, N. C. Office in Service Drug Go. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louisburg, N. O. Office over Rose's Si ore Dr. M. C. King Franklinton, N. C. Residence I'lione 249-1 Office Hours: 0 to 11 .4. M. ? 2 to 3 P. M. (I to K P. M. Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Law Louisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Building, Over Pleasants Book 8 to re General Practice in all Courts Q. M. Beam Attorney at Law Louisburg, N. C. Dfflce in Professional Building sell to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. X. Lumpkin Attorney Louisburg, N. C. Office In First National Bank Bld| Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborough Yarborougti & Yarborough Attorneys & Counsellors at Law Office in Egerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Louisburg, N. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin lng counties, and In the United States Courts at Raleigh R. B. White B. H. Maloot J. B. Malone White & Malone Lawyers Louisburg, N. C. General practice, settlement sf w tales, fnnds invested. One mem ber of the Arm always in office. Main Street Barber Shop L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers Louisburg, N. C. Parlors under Union Warehouse on Main Street. First sines work guaranteed. Give me a call. EXCELLENT CLEANING NEAT PRESSING COMPETENT TAILORING QUICK SERVICE and careful personal atten tion and courteous treat ment. Use our Dry Clean ing Service as yon would your Grocery Service. Let us prepare your sum mer suits for winter storage. PROMPT PICK-UP, DELIVERY Louisburg Dry Cleaners UmUbmrfB Oldest Oleaaerfl