OXFORD ORPHANAGE POINTS TO RECORD 0,000 Children Trained Ily I?lo y neer Institution In Social Wel fare Work The Oxford Orphanage at Ox- J ford, North Carolina, has a record of sixty-seven years of service to j the children of North Carolina, i Over 6,000 have been cared for and trained and the Home is fill-! ed to capacity all the time and has a waiting list. Its graduates and former pupils are in all walks of life and there is no record of a former pupil having been convict- j ed and sentenced for committing a major crime. It is the oldest or phanage in the State and the only fraternal order orphanage in the United States that receives child ren other than those of the mem bership of the supporting order. 1 At the present time 50% of the population of the Orphanage is of Masonic parentage. The Home possesses valuable buildings, grounds and equipment and has had no operating deficit for sev eral years. The annual budget of the Or phanage calls for an expenditure of $170,000.00. This provides shelter, clothing, food, recreation, heat, light, books, school supplies, health program, star of trained workers, vocational training in several departments, laundry, re pairs and upkeep to buildings, grounds and -equipment, and ex perienced case work for a family of more that) S30 children. During, this year much needed repairs and replacements have been made in an effort to provide more comfortable living quarters for the children and enable the Orphanage to continue its hi^h standard in the country as an agency for care and training. Better living facilities have been provided in all the cottages and every effort has been made to make conditions more home-like. , Superintendent C. K. Proctor announces that the sum of $12. ^00.00 is needed this year in ad dition to operating expenses in order to provide for the repairs! and improvements that have been mnde. The Oxford Orphanage is more than a philanthropy ? it is ail in vestment in the lives of North Carolina boys and girls Who would not otherwise have a chance. It pays to the State and its citizen ship the high dividends in charac ter and trained young people. It Is an opportunity today for North Carolina citizens to express in a substantial way their desire to help others. j The orphanages of the Slate use j the Thanksgiving season as an dc- ( casion to appeal to the citizens of the State for much needed assis tance. The Superintendent of the Oxford Orphanage announces that the Home is open for visitors each day and hundreds of North Caro lina citizens visit this historic j spot every year. North Carolina's Tar Heels held the Deacons of Wake Forest to 119 yards carrying, but the Wake's have nevertheless main tained an average of 370 V4 yards per game in six contests to-date. RALPH CULDAHL? 1937 and 1938 win nar of the U. S. Open golf chempionship Whatever price you pay per pack. It's Im portant to remember thia fact: By burn ninff 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested ? slower than any of them? C AM ELS give a smoking plus equal to PKMMY FOR PENNY YOUR SCS T CIGARETTE BUY LONG -BURNING COSTLIER TOBACCOS Oats For Corn Shortage Farmers in this sectioiV who face a probable shortage of corn this season because of unfavor able weather, can sow tall oats and thereby avoid having to buy feed next spring, according to William E. Adams. Assistant Agronomist of the Soil Conserva tion Service in the Franklin County Work Unit of the Tar River Soil Conservation District at Franklinton. In the sowing of fall oats max- I lmum protection against erosion can be secured by setting up a strip rotation, it is pointed out. A desirable strip rotation can be established by sowing each third terrace interval to oats and fol lowing the oats with lespedeza or some other summer legume.! The two intervening terrace in- 1 trvals can be planted to winter | iegumeB. followed by row crops. This will provide a two-year ro tation on terrace intervals devoted to row crops. ? Upon completion of the rota tion, according to Adams, the grain strip can be moved either up or dow nhill, again using each third terrace interval for grain and summer legumes. Where machinery is used for harvesting grain, two or more adjacent terrace intervals may be used and the same rotation put into effect. Such rotations pro-| vide for maximum use of legumes for soil building. Wake Forest's Demon Deacons have rolled up 2,223 yards rush- 1 ing the ball in six games this sea son for an average of 370% yards per tilt. !l HOSTESS TO CLUB Miss Elizabeth Timberlake was hostess to her contract club Fri day afternoon. Mrs. H. J. Lewis scored high tor club members and Mrs. J. E. Fulghum for guest. A salad course with tea and candy was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. J. M. Allenll and Mrs. Hill Yarborougli. Guests beside club members were Mrs. J. E. Fulghum. Mrs. Paul Elam and Miss Camille Swindell. Farm wages, averaging $1.57 a day without board, were about ; the same on October 1 as they were three months earlier, re ports the U. S. Department of Agriculture. RENEW YOUR SUBSCttU'TIOX! PROMOTION The many friends ot Miss May Johnson, R. N., formerly connect ed with the Sanitarium Hospital of Rocky Mount, and of near I.ouisburg. will be glad to know she has accepted the position of Supervisor at Edwards Hospital, Napersvllle, 111. Our new battleships are going to cost us $93,000,000 each. Why not order half a dozen and see if we can't get cut rates? t'ause Discomfort For quick relief from the misery of colds, take 06(i Liqiud-Tablets-Salve - Nose Drops LOOK To LEGGETFS For GREATER VALUES ? SHOP WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE ? TOP COATS *10 .95 and up Select from LEGGETT'S com | plete stock one of the latest Top Coats ? Coats that have warmth without weight. Try-on one and feel the comfort and ease it of fers. Many patterns in Tweeds and Worsteds. ALL SIZES. IN STEP WITH THE SEASON Now is the time to treat yourself and your family to a pair of Leggett's Shoes. Here you'll find real value and comfort. A large stock to select from. 97c to $4.98 SUIT $^.95 to $??.95 You'll find stylish, long wearing worsteds, tweeds and cheviots at Leggett's ? Comfortable weight, suit able for year-round wear. A large pattern selection that will make your choice an easy one. ?Single Breasted ?Double Breasted ?Plain or Belted Back ?Three Button Style ?Wide Range of Sizes T New Shipment of PORK PIE HATS In Maroon, Brown, Green. Red, Tan, Blue ? Corduroy and Gabardine. All sizes. 97c NEW SNUGFELT HATS For Men ? Wide or narrow hand, bound on plain edges In all the popular colors and * sizes. ? $1.98 . BOYS' SUITS You will suit them with a suit from Leggett's ? well made suits for boys In all sizes. Single or double brested. $2.98 to $10.95 AVIATOR CAPS For Boys ? Leatherette caps with goggles and adjustable strap. Large, medium and small. ^ 25c SHEETING 81 Inch Sheeting in good heavy quality. Wtde enough for a large sheet without seaming. Special 16c yd. LINED JACKETS Men's lined Overall Jackets. Regular 91.39 values. Special 97c BROOM SPECIAL ! Good four strand brooms with plain or painted han dles. Regular 25c values. For Week-End Only 10c each (While They Last) CHAMBRAY Special lot of good quality Shirt Chambray at a real buy. Special 4c yd. OUTING Good quality Outing in sol ids and stripes. Just the thing for quilt lining. Special 2 yds. 5c MEN'S SUEDE SHIRTS For the cool weather ahead get several of these warm shirts. Tan, Orey, Navy. All sizes. Regular $1.Q0 values. 79c - 2 for $1.50 WORK SHOES Good heavy weight well made Work Shoes in all sizes rind many styles. Leather or composition soles. 97c to $2.98 COTTON BATTING Pull comfort size Cotton Batting. Stitched ready for use. Three pounds, 72"x!?0" Special 48c LADIES' HATS SPECIAL HAT SALE ! Regular $1.00 Hats in all sizes, colors ? many styles. Special 59c SOAP SPECIAL ! Thursday. Friday and Saturday Only ? . . Pride .V Laundry . .Soap . . lc Cake White Amazon Floating Soap ? lc Cake (5 Cakes to Customer) See our Special Soap Buckets also. BOYS' OVERALLS Boys' Overalls ? well-made and good heavy quality denim. |3izes 2 to 16. * Special 39c ea. PRE HOLIDAY WAGON SALE THREE-DAYS ONLY Thursday, Friday and Saturday Largt strong built Rex .Red Wagon. Regular $2.98 value Special $1.98 BLANKETS Full size Cotton Blankets In many designs and colors. Regular 79c values. Special 48c LADIES' HANDBAGS New shipment of lovely Handlings. Suode. Alligator., and Calf. Regular {1.00 value. Special 59c MEN'S SOCKS Men's work or dress Socks in good quality, plain and fancy patterns. > Special 5c pair LADIES' OXFORDS Many totyles of Ladles Ox fords in tan and black. Reg ular $1.98 and )2.98 values. SPECIAL CLOSE OUT SALE $1.48 MEET YOl*R FRIENDS AT LEGGETTjM YOU ARK ALWAYS WELCOME! "Leggett's Leads in Louisburg" WE'LL CASH YOUR " TOBACCO CHECKS. KEEP VOIR PACKAGES AND GIVE YOU A CIGAR t CLOVER VETCH - WINTER PEAS Va. Grey, Fulghum and Fulgrain Oats. Wheat - Beardless Barley Abruzzi and Winter Rye. PRICES THAT SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Kingans Reliable CHEESE x Whole 18c lb. 1-2 19c lb. Less Quantities 20c lb. SUGAR 100 lbs $5.45 Pure or Compound Lard 1 Pound Carton 10c 2 Pound Carton 20c 4 Pound Carton 40c 8 Pound Carton 75c 4 Pound Pail 45c 8 Pound Pail 85c 16 Pound Pail $1.65 18 Pound Pail $1.85 48 Pound Stand $4.35 50 Pound Stand $4.50 STOVES AND RANGES HEATERS - FULL LINE FLORENCE POT TYPE . ^ FUEL OIL j HEATERS : ? t , ' Large and Small Radiant and Circulating. SEABOARD STORE CO., INC. WHOLESALE - RETAIL Pay Cash and Pay Leu D. F. McKinne, President >