???Cotton was worth !>'?* cents a pound in Louisburg yesterday, t t I ? Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Punish, of Spring Hope, announce the birth of a son. James Haeford, on October 25. FOR SALE 1 Guernsey .V Jersey heifers, will sell or trade for beef cattle. These heifers are breded. J. A. MUNFORU. 10-27-lt -BOOM FOB RENT Comfortable, steamheated room for rent reasonable. Address in quiries to P-l care FRANKLIN TIMES. 1 0-27 -t f EPWORTH LEAGUE , OF TRINITY CHURCH The members of our league have elected the"following people to serve as ofTicers for the coin ing year: President, Cornelia Merritt; Vice-President, Elizabeth Collins; Secretary, Emily Winn; Treasurer, Charlie Robert Wynn. We as young people should do our best to make the community in which we live a better and more wholesome place to live; so young people, why don't you at tend your church and its soeie-, ties? The program for the league meeting Sunday night wil.l be as follows: Prelude. ^ Call to Worship ? Ray Peoples. ' Hymn ? Lead On O' King Eter nal. Leader's Introduction ? John Wilson. Prayer. Talk: "What Is Play?" ? Eliz abeth Collins. Talk: "The Value of Play'' ? Cornelia Merritt. Talk: "The Value of Good Play" ? John Knox Beasley. Hymn. Benediction ? Entire Group. j The Epworth League will have a party at John Wilson's home Saturday night at 7:30 P. M. John Wilson, Reporter. BIRTHDAY DINNER On Sunday, October 22, Mr. and j Mrs. Rufus Wester delightfully entertained a number of friends and relatives at a birthday dinner j given in honor of their little daughter, Alberta, who was two years old Satuhrday. Those present were, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wester, Mr. and Mrs. Litt Wester, Mr. and Mrs. Calson Wester, Mrs. Roberta Shearin, Mr. Richard Shearin, Miss Elea nor Mae Wester, Miss Kathleen WesterrMrs. W. H. Marshall, Mr. Albert Marshall, of Wake Forest, Emily, Thomas Earl. Basial Par rlsh and Maurice Collins. The dinner consisted of barbe cue, brunswick stew, fried chick en, sandwiches, cake, pies and pickles, bread and water. All left wishing her many more happy birthdays. ? HEALTH DEPARTMENT ? ? ? * Dr. R. F. Yarborough, * ? County Health Officer ? *? *???*???* DIPHTHERIA Diphtheria is a contagious dis ease, caused by the Kiebs Loeffler bacillus. There have been four cases reported In Franklin Coun ty during the past month, two of these children were very ill and were sent to the hospital where it was necessary to put a tube in the throat. The death rate from diphtheria is greatest among in fants under six months of age, and the incidence of diphtheria is greatest among children be tween the ages of six months and six years although all ages have the disease. The last Legislature passed a bill requiring that all children six months to six years shall be given Diphtheria Toxoid. The disease is spread by com ing in contact with some dis charge from a diphtheria pa tient's nose or throat, some times frofn this dischurge being on the bed clothes, pencils and other ar ticles. It is earnestly suggested that parents have their young chil dren vaccinated against Diphther ia by their family physician, or bring them to the Health Depart* ment where they will b?. gladly vaccinated. Vaccination Is suc cesrful In preventing Diphtheria in 90 per cent of cases. \ A Federal veterinarian, check ing t|p on jlck bogs In Pitt County gave tas causes for most of the trouble poor management, miner al deficiency, and unsanitary con ditions. A winter cover crop demon stration to show the value of Aus trian winter peas as a cover crop for corn has been started on the farm of John F. McFayden, Fay etteville, Route 4. HKhy let an old 111 CAR DRIVE YOU WrM jrnCRAZVl ?JLd BUY A GOOD USED CAR FROM THE ADS In Thi? Ncwpaper QmcnaL Mr. houghis Perry spent Wed nesday in Raleigh. Ill Clerk of Court W. V. "Avent j visited Raleigh Monday. -Jit Miss ICIizahetii Lussiter was a j viHltur to Henderson Kriday. t t t Alius lletty Mitchell 1h visiting friends In Rocky Mount HiIk week. t J J Miss Bessie Shadracli Is visit ing relatives in Duj'tiuui tills week. 1 t I Mrs. H. G. Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Perry visited Ral eigh Tuesday. ; ? ? Dr. S. C. Johnson and Mrs. R. |\V. Sniithwick visited Raleigh l Tuesday. t t t Mr. and Mrs. W. H. White and Stilt, Jon, were guests of her sis ter in Wilson Sunday. lit Mrs. Malcolm MoKinne and Mrs. G. M. Beam spent Wednes-i day in Raleigh with friends. I t I Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Taylor, of Greensboro, were guests of rela tives in Louislmrg Sunday. 1 J L Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Davis, of Wilson, were guests of friends and relatives in Louisbtiig Tuesday. I' I ,t. Mrs. Thomas Siiinii and little son, of Raleigh, are guests of her 'peopje in Louisliurg this week. Ill Miss Lillian Sykes ,of Sanitor iuni, is visiting lier parents, ,Ui . and Mrs. W. A. Johnson, of near town. tit Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Cuthlell. of Burlington, spent several days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cuthrell. t 1 I Miss Kate Blancliard. of Hert ford, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough the past week end. t t t Dr. A. Paul Bagby is conduct- j ing a revival meeting at Ander- 1 son College, South Carolina, this week. t t t Major and Mrs. E. F. Griffin, j Judge G. M. Beam and Mr. Na- j than Shor visited Raleigh 011 I Tuesday. tit Mrs. Winfield Jordan, of Win- j ston-Salem, is guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lea, Sr., this week. Ill Mrs. R. E. Mitchell and Misses Ann and Bettie Mitchell were guests of relatives in Richmond this week. 1 : 1 Mrs. W. C. Liles and little ; daughter, of Littleton, is guest of j relatives and friends in Louis burg this week. Ill Miss Mary Anna Clifton, of , Trenton, was guest of her par- I ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Clifton, the past week-end. til Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beasley j and Misses Kitty Jo Beasley and Martha Grey King were visitors to Haleigh Saturday. ttt Mr. and Mrs. W. Elias Beasley and Miss Jewel Poythress attend- ? ed the funeral of Mrs. Beasley's i uncle at Petersburg, Va., Tuesday, j ttt ! Mr. and Mrs. Webb Loy and j children, who have been visiting Mr. Loy's mother, Mrs. J. M. Al len, returned to their home at Eustis, Fla., Stinday. ttt Mr. George Foster, Nelson Smith and Misses Julia Lee Fos ter, Mabel Foster and Mrs. S. W. Foster visited Greenville and , Washington, N. C., Sunday. Ill Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cutbrell ; FOR SALE! WK HAVE SEVERAL DESIR ABLE TOBACCO FARMS FOR 8 ALE AT REASONABLE PRICES ON EASY TERMS. ? SEE ? W. L. LUMPKIN LOUISBURG, N. C. | Sentinels of Health Don't Neglect Them! Nature dcilpitd the kidney* to do a marvelous job. Their task is to keep the flowing blood stream free of aa excees of tozlc impurities. The act of living ? li ft iltrlj ? is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good heath is to endure. When the kidneys fail to function as | Nature intended* there is retention of waste that may cauae body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache, persistant headache, attacks ol dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, pulfineae under the eyes ? feel tired, nervous, all worn oat. Frequent, scanty or burning passages are sometimes further evidence of kid neyor bladder disturbance. The recognised and proper treatment is s diuretic medicine to help the kidneys get rid of excess poisonous body waste. Use Dosa's PilU. They have hswi more than forty yesus of public approval. Are endorsed the country ever. I nam on Poca's. Sold at all drug stores. ? Doans Pills and little daughter, Nancy, of Philadelphia, spent the past week -end with Mr, and Mrs. ? W. ? R Cuthrell 011 Ken more Avenue. X t T Mr. T. E. Kemp. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kemp spent part of last week at Bay View and Misses Helen and Edith Kemp returned home with them on Friday. 1 I I Dr. 0. T. Sinithwick. Messrs. I. i). Moon, 1. P. Wheeler, J. L. Pulmer, jolai Uabil.John Foster and David Fuller attended a M sonic meeting in Kaleigh Wed nesday night. 1 t t Judge and Mrs. G. M. Beam, 1 Mrs. T. \V. Watson. Mrs. E. i'. Griffin and Mis. O. Y. Yarborough ' attended the funeral of Mr. Har ry P. Stevens in Snuthlfeid last Saturday. t t t f I Among those from Louisbuig J attending the Levitzki Concert at Memorial Auditorium in Kaleigh 011 last Monday night were: Mrs. O. Y. Yarborough and sister. Miss Kate Blanchard. of Hertford, j Mrs. Genevieve Perry. Janice Per- < ry, Jane Moon, Talinadge Thorn- I as, Jane Burgess. Tobacco quotas in 1940 will be j expressed in terms of acres in stead of pounds as has been the j case in past years, explains E. Y. Floyd, AAA executive officer at State College. By adding another pan to his equipment, H. P. Nicholson of the Little River Section in Tran sylvania County could produce about 150 gallons of molasses daily. ? After nine Hereford beef cattle were brought into Harnett Coun ty three weeks ago for demonstra tion purposes, a large number of farmers have indicated a serious interest in beef cattle production. The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation has forecast that dur ing the second year of its opera tion mor ethan 300,000 insurance contracts on the 1940 wheat crop will be in force. Practically all Stanly County farmers contacted indicate they are ready to start selling milk to the new receiving station at Al bermarle when it opens in Novem ber. A wife is to blame for most of the lying her husband does. She -will ask him question*. 7ktS WHISKEY IS ; 4 YEARS so OLD ! OU> I J; WIS HUNTER BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY $1.95 QT. $1.00 PT. 90 Proof . William JnmPBon A Co-, I nr., N. Y. I FUEL OIL I ? ? Quick Delivery ? Telephones: Office 245-6; Residence 202-1 I HOME on. CO. I Louisburg, N. C. AT A & P's MODERN FOOD STORE OPENING S, ON NASH STREET in LOUISBURG, N. C. We feel certain that you will be thrilled with this new A & P Food Store. We assure you of high quality merchandise at low prices with courteous service at all times. WON'T YOU COME IN AND PAY* US A VISIT. CHAS. E. WILHALF, MANAGER Cold Stream Pink - SALMON 2 ? 2SC Standard Pack TOMATOES 4 25c 0 L E 0 S" 2 4bs- 25c PURE LARD 8 c?tn 79c FAT BACKS ? lbT 8C JEWEL SWIFr 8 77c SCRATCH Sd 1011 Ba'g $2 00 PINTO BEANS 4 .b, 25 SPAGHETTI Am,Page 3 15Ja?nzs I9C n We're proud o: Soft ^ Twist Bread? So tasty, so fresh. Try it today. A>R ***? BREAD 15 SULTANA FRUIT COCKTAIL &1 ir A & P Red Sour Pitted CHERRIES 2 25' ** Cans Ann Page Gelatine Asst. SPARKLE 4 Pkgs. 15c % Fine Granulated SUGAR 10 ,bi?rr 59c PLAIN or SELF RISING FLOUR 24 C' 65c 48 $129 98 B" '257 MILD & MELLOW COFFEE EIGHT O'CLOCK 3 \?gW 2 1-Lb. )Qc Pkgs. v Oranges ,2 doz 29c Celery, stalk 7?c Apples, lbs 27c Bananas, 4 lbs 19c Cocoanuts, each 5c Potatoes, 10 lbs. 27c BOLOGNA, pound 12$c PICNICS, pound 17c SAUCE MEAT, pound 17c BUTTER, Sunnyfield Print, lb. . . . . 37c PORK & BEANS ION A 4 16 Ounce 1 Ac Cans CIGARETTES POPLAR BRANDS CARTON - $1.20 (HP FOOD 5TDRE5 OWNED AND OPERATED BY THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. - * ^ ? ? ? f ^ ' t. S * -r\w .. I 'IM r .