indigestion I IndlfCltMM) and On* Dte Proves It If u* ^ lhl? tattmr In i |r bl?rk UbWt uwatu'l bring you ilk* U?i?*t ami im*| ruau-i** r*U?f b??? ?aMri?iN-?l mm?I |M.iilr Lc* U) US ftttd *?l DOIBUTWONKY MAl'U. Tl.U Ubtet lwlp? UM aloai?t Ii dlgMt fiHNl. r,k^ tlM urM iiumrk Bui.U h?rinl?M ?iielng those certain lots des :ribed as follows: LOT NO. 1 : Bounded on the lorth by lands formerly owned jy Marcus KufTin, on .the east by ands formerly owned by John Jreen. on the south by lands of Calvin Yarborough. and on the ' vest by Mineral Springs Street, I >eing lot No. 34 in the division of ji he Hilliard lands made by W. N. duller. and being the lands con- ( ?eyed to Phil W. Williams by deed >f Marcus RufTin, recorded 9 Jan lary 1906 in Book 146 at page 169, Franklin County Registry, ess that portion of said lot con veyed- to Blonnie Williamson by leed of P. W. Williams and wife 'ecorded In Book 158 at page 587 irfd Book 202 at page 403, Frank- . in County Registry. LOT NO. 2: Beginning at ;i point on Mineral Springs Street, I he southwest corner of the Hil lard Yarborough lot and running hence along .said Mineral Springs; Street in a northeasterly direction 1 115 feet' to J. A. Savage's corner; hence in a southeasterly direc ion about 210 feet to Wiley May's ine; thence along May's line in a louthwesterly direction 315 feet', o Hilliard Yarborough's corner; hence in a northwesterly direc :Ion about 210 feet to the begin ling, containing one and one-half teres, more or less, and being the dentical lands conveyed by deed >f Daniel Hazlewood and wife, 3alHe, to Phil W. Williams, re :orded 6 June- 1907 In Book 158./ it page"1277. Franklin County Registry, less that part of the lot ibove describe^ which was con veyed to L. M. Hollingsworth by leeds of P. W. Williams recorded j In Book 170 at pages 22 and 78. The successful bidder at the ibove sale will be required to de- { posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to Insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 23rd day of October, 1939. JOHN F MATTHEWS. 10-27-41 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority of sale con tained in that certain Deed >>f Trust of Lillian Flora Mayfield to Charles P. Oreen, Trustee, da ted 10 August 1938 and recorded 2 September 1938 In Book 338 at page 202, conveying the lands hereinafter described, default hav ing been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured,, the undersigned trustee will of ter (or sale for cash at public auc tion at the courthouse door of Franklin County in Louisburg. North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, tf NOVEMBER the following described lands: All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Franklinton. Franklin County, North Carolina, and fully described as follows: Beginning at a rock in the As liury Eller line on Green Street in the town of Farnklinton and run ning thence nearly west along Qreen Street 75 feet; thence near ly north 75 feet, thence nearly east to Asbury Fuller's line; i thence along Fuller's line to the beginning. Containing 1-16 acre, more or less, and being the lot conveyed by deed from W. B. I Bullotfk to H. E. Ponce recorded in Book 96 at page 150, Registry of Franklin County, by H. E. j Ponce to B. J. Backley,. Book 150 at page 494 and by deed of B. ). Blackley to W. C. Hester. _ The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the trus tee a sum equal to ten percentum (10%) of the amount bid for the said lands, to insure compliance with the> terms of sale. Dated and posted this 6th day of October, 1939. CHARLES P. GREEN, 10-13-4t Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OK LAND Pursuant to the power of sale' contained in that deed of trust from W. B. Ellis to E. C. Bulluck. Trustee, dated November 23, ; 1936, recorded in Book 300. Page 286, Franklin County, de fault having been made in the payment of the notes thereunder secured, I will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, I?.*l?,| sell at the Courthouse Door in Louisburg, N. C., to the highebt bidder, for cash, the following lands: That certain tract or parcel of , land situate in Sandy Creek ' Township, Fraaklin County, N.I C., on the Boddle Road, known as a part of the Willis W. Boddie home place and bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit: Begin ning at a point on the Boddle Road, corner for Chlora E. Holt; thence N. 39 Hd W. 2400 ft. to a rock In Chlora E. Holt's corner; thence along the Boddle Estate < line S. 8 Id E. <84 ft. to a rock, corner for Boddle estate line and Sellars Hargrove; thence along Sellars Hargrove line S. 44d 30' E. 1650 ft. to a stake In Boddle Road; Sellars Hargrove corner; ; thence along Boddle Road S. 3 Id W. (40 ft. to the point of begin ning, containing 25 acres. Dated and poated this John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-20-4t . HORSES FOR SALE I will on Monday,, Not. 6th, at . the rear - of the Court House In Louisburg, N. C., about the hour of noon, offer to the highest bid der tor cash, one pair ot horaaa, about 9 years old, weighing about 1100 ponad* each, well broke for , general farm purposes. 10-13-4t GEORGE D. PULLER. SCRAP TOBACCO Let K. S. MARSHALL handle your scrap tobacco for 1939. R 2, Wake Forest, N. C. 10-13-tf APEX, X. C. Telephone: Office 2101, Res. 4391 I am in my office at Apex. N. C., every Saturday and Monday. Hours for eye ex amination: Saturday 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Monday 9 a. m. to 12 noon. If it is not con venient for you to see me these days at Apex, write or telephone for an appoint ment. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Harry n. Johnson Physician and Surgeon General Practice - Glasses Fitted Special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Xose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 X. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Lou la bur(, N. O Phones: Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hours? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to ? Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Womea, X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Kxamlma tlon. Diathermy and Vltra-Vlolet light treatment Mis* Elizabeth Fuller, Sec'y. Mrs. Walter Cuthrell, R. X. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood. X. C. Office In Service Drug Co. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louisburg, S. C. Office over Hose's Store Dr. M. C. King Franklinton, X. C. Residence Phone 249-1 Office Hours: 1) to 11 A. M. ? 2 to 3 1\ M.