OCTAGON^ 5 FOR Scoo J 23 < Palmolive Soap, 3 for 20c 8u|kt Suds (for washing dishes ) Regular size, 3 for .... 27c Giant size, 2 for 38c Cob. Super Suds (washing clothes) Regular size, 8 for .... 27c Giant size, 2 for , . . . . 45c Giant Octagon Soap, 4 for . . 19c Special Octagon Spap, 2 for . 5c Large Octagon Powder, 3 for 14c Special Octagon Powder, 2 for 5c Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for . . 14c Octagon Cleanser, 2 for .... 9c Octagon Granulated Soap, 2 . 19c Octagon Soap Chips, 2 for . . 19c Crystal White Toilet Soap, 3. 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap, 8 for 14c IUex (Pumice) Soap, 2 for . 9c Universal Toilet Soap, 8 for. 14c Vogue Toilet Soap, 8 for . . . 14c Fair Sex Toilet Soap, 4 for. . 16c Palmolive Beads 5c J. D. MORRIS R. F. D. Youngsville, N. C. j v ROOM FOR RENT Comfortable, steambeated room for rent reasonable. Address in quiries to P-l care FRANKLIN TIMES. 10-27-tf BARGAINS USED-CARS ? o 1 ? 1088 Chevrolet Town Sedan with Radio and Heater. 1 ? 1037 Ford Sedan with Radio and Heater. 1 ? 1037 Ford, 2 doors. 1 ? 1035 Ford, 4 doors. 1 ? 1034 Ford, 2 doors. All cars in recondition shape. See SAM Before You Buy. R. S. WEATHERS Pbone 285-0 Franklinton, X. C. Representing MILLER MOTOR CO. Phone 258-1 Wake Forest, N. C. SALES and SERVICE Taylor Custom Made Clothes are the 6nest in the c ountry. Ho ij) or (Clothes That's my story and I stick to it. O; J. HALE J>xt to Whe?ler'? Rarbor Shop LOUISBUBO, N. 0. THEY'RE FRESH Smart Service Cleaned Clothes ! They're Fresh from SERVICE Cleaner*, perfectly cleaned and pressed by expert workmen . All of the little details of replacing buttons, Axing pockets and mak ing minor repair* are taken care of when yon send yonr clothes to SERVICE Cleaners. NOTE ? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BKNNIE MANN, Expert Shoe Repairer. ? ? Call r? I'hone 44S-1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP p. c. night *- Nash St. Loolsbnrg, .1. a But It's True ! STUART/ COJtCDCRXT * CAVALRY i CtADEQ. + H/MS?LF KILLED 4kOO UM/OAJ SOLDIERS BEFORE HIS OH/*/ DEATH f / A Ir Miss Schoen for many years used wooden braces to hold her iashe: ip. later turned to wax when she found it worked more effectively. ! NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that crtain deed of trust made and executed by T. A. Hollingsworth and wife, Emma Hollingsworth, to S. C. Holden, Trustee, dated 30 March 1927, and recorded in Book 251 at page 569, default having been made in the paymeut of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and the undersigned sub stituted trustee having been duly appointed and substituted as such trustee by the holder of the note I secured by the said deed of tru.it, | and the undersigned trustee hav-| ing been requested by the holder of the note to proceed to foreclose the said instrument, the under signed trustee will, therefore, of fer for sale for cash, at public auction, at the courthouse door of Franklin County, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 7 DECEMBER ]?.?) the following described land: A certain tract or parcel "f land, situate in Franklin County, Qold Mine Township, State of North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at the Capps corner on Sandy Creek; thence south 122 poles to a hickory, Raney's cor ner; thence west 54 poles to a stake; thence north 126 poles to a stake; thence north 5' 8d E 4 V4 poles, south 70d E 16 poles to a rock, the Mill corner; thence N 3 Id E 14 poles to Sandy Creek; thence down said Creek, as it meanders, to the beginning, con taining Forthy-Three (43) acres, more or less. For further refer ence see Book 112, page 32, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the coni-| mlssioner a sum equal to ten per- 1 centum (10%) of the amount bid, to secure compliance with ! the terms of the salev Dated and posted this the 6tb day of November, 1939. CHARLES P. GREEN, ll-10-4t Substituted Trustee, i i J|rudtutial FARM LOANS J Low InUrMt / Lone Tarm 4 Fair Appraisal J Prompt Sanrlca W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. 0. FOR FIRST CLASS PRINTING PHONE 283-1 LOST Lost dog. Harris School section. Mostly Eskimo Spits, name "Bin-' key," mostly white, female. Fin der notify W. T. Hoyle, Youngs ville, N. C. ll-10-lt| AUCTION SALE NOV. 18th, 1039 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at my home near Gupton at 10 o'clock a. in., the following: 1 mule, 1 cow, 1 calf, 3 hogs, 1 two-horse wagon and harness, 1 piano, 1 cooking range, 1 Chevrolet auto and trailer, a lot of farm tools, dry feed, corn, household furni ture, tobacco sticks, flues, etc. This is an opportunity to buy at your price. Come. MR. and MRS. R. C. MASON. 11-1 0-2t NOTICE OF SALE Under And by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 160M, en titled "Commissioners of the Town oi Loulsburg v. Charles Perry and wife, Betty H. Perry, et al., heirs at law of PATTIE M. PERRY, deceased," which said Judgment is duly docketed in Tix Judgment 3 at page 116. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Com missioner will olTer for sule to t'lf highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of I Loulsburg, Franklin County. North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, oil FRIDAY, 1st DECEMBER 1030 the following described land in Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Adjoining lands formerly own-, ed by Charles Sledge, J. N. Eger ton, and others, defined by a line beginning at a stake in the south west corner of the locus in quo and at the northwest corner of lands formerly owned by Charles Sledge: running thence S 66 Hd E 25 poles 7 links to ail iron stake; thence N 43d E 17 V4 poles to a stake at a branch; thence N 81d W 12" poles 21 links to a stake; thence N 67d W 13 poles IS links to a stake near tbe Sea board Air Line Railway tracks, at the edge of the right of way; tbence S 43d W 14 poles 4 linkB to the beginning, containing 2 1-6 acres, more or less, and being the same lands conveyed to Pattle M. 1 Perry by deed of F. N. Egerton and wife, dated 16 December 1907, recorded 17 December 1907 In Book 158 at page 368, Frank lin County Registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to Insure compliance with tbe terms FOR RENT r - -? ? ?? u. Suite of two offices on ground floor, formerly occupied by Dr. Green, dentist. Steam heated, running water in office. Apply to: G. M. BEAM 1-2-3 Professional Building of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 30th day of October, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, ll-3-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 161M, en titled "Commissioners of the Town of Loulsburg v. Nellie Per ry, widow of STEPHEN PEKRY, deceased, et al.", which said judgment is duly docketed in Tax Judgment 3 at page 116, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on KK1DAY, 1st DECEMBER J 039 the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Beginning in the center of the Louisburg and Halifax Road, a stone on the north side of the road, Isham Johnson's corner; thence N 2d E 20 poles 9 links to a stone, Isham Johnson's corner in C. M. Cooke's line; thence N 86V&d 4 poles to a stone in C. M. Cook's line; thence S 2d W 20 poles 15 links to the center of the road, a stone on the north side of the road; thence along (lie road S 89d'K to the beginning, contain ing fifty-one one-hundredths (.51) of an acre, and being the same land conveyed to Stephen Perry by deed of C. E. Alalone and wife, Fannie Malone. dated 2-4 Febru ary 1900 and recorded 7 March 1900 in Book 125 at page 55, of fice of the Franklin County reg ister of deeds. The successful bidder ut the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, und to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 30ih day of October, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS. ll-3-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OK SAMS Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 163M, en titled "Comnilsttioners of the Town of Louisburg v. UENRY C. RIDLEY and wife, Mrs. Henry C. Hidley," which said judgment is duly docketed in Tax Judgment 3 at page 118, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale to til-; highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town ol Louishurg. Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on FRIDAY, 1st pKCKMIIKR ? IM? the following described land in Loui8burg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Bounded on the north by lands formerly owned by C. M. Cook:, on the south by the Halifax Road and on the east and west by lols No. 2 and No. 4. respectively, In a survey made by W. N. Fuller of the Ave acres of land sold to Charles E. Malone by C. M. Cooke, j this tract being No. 3 in said sur vey and containing fifty-one one-, hundredths of an acre, more or| less, and deilned by a line begin ning in Ihe renter of the Halifax road, corner of No. 2, a stake on1 the north side of the road; thence N 2d E 20 poles 15 links to a rock, j corner of No. 2 in C. M. Cooke's line; thence N 86 V4d )V 4 poles to a rock In C M. Cooke's line, corner for No. 4; thence S 2d W ! 20 poles 17 links to the center of the Halifax road, a rock on tbo north side of the road, corner )f No. 4; thence along the road Sj 89d E 4 poles to the pont of be ginning, and being the same lot conveyed to Henry Ridley by deed of Charles E. Malone and wife, j Fanny Malone. dated 23 March 1 1900, recorded 3 April 1900 in Book 124 at page 47. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen-j turn (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon, non compliance. Dated and posted this the 30th day of October, 1939, JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 1 l-3-4t Commissioner. t NOTICE OF sXlE Under and by virtue of the au-, thorlty of sale contained In that certain Judgment of the 8uperlor Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered In that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 176M, en titled "Commissioners of the Town of Loulsburg v. Dave Wood and wife, et al.", which said judgment Is duly docketed In Tax Judgment 3 at page 119, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior | Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Com-i missloner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Loulsburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on ! FRIDAY, 1st DECEMBER 1080 the following described land in Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Beginning In the center of the Tarboro road opposite an iron ?take on the southwest tide of the road; thence along the road 8 (d 9 11 poles S links to the center of the road, oppoalte an tron stake on the northwest side of the road, l Martin Dunston's corner; thence N 56d W 9 poles 16 links to a1 9take in Hayes' line; thence N 47d E 8 poles 16 links to the be ginning, containing one-fourth of an acre, and being the lot convey ed to David Wood and wife, Ma riah E. Wood, by deed of Martin Dunston and wife, Lucy Ann Duii ston, dated 29 February 1903 and recorded 6 January 1904 in Book 128 at page 219, Pranklitj Coun-j ty registry. For further refer- ? ence see also Book 234 at page 106, said registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per ce'i- , turn (10%) of the amount bid to! insure compliance with the terms 1 of sale, and to be forfeited upon 1 uon compliance. Dated and posted this the 30th I day of October, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, ll-3-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OK KE-SAI.E OK HEAL ESTATE I'NDKK DEED OK TRUST | Under and by virtue of the | ' power and authority conferred in the undersigned Trustee; under and by that deed of trust bearing Idate of , 1936, executed by ;Nel8ou Person and wife, Penny, Person, to G. M. Beam, Trustee, and recorded in the office of t'he Register of Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina, in book 251, page 358; and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and an upset bid having been made and a re-sale ordered, 1 the undersigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1DSU, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, at the Franklin County courthouse door, Louisburg, N. C., offer for re-sale and sell to the highest bid der at public auction the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Franklintou Township, North Car olina. and described as follows: BOUNDED ON THE N. by the lands of S. S. Person; on the E. by the J. G. Staunton Estate; on i the S. by t'he Calvin Outlaw lands; on the VV. by the lands of J. A. Boone, containing 10-acres, more or less, and being the land bought by Nelson Person from A. B.' W'es , ter. Dated and posted this, the 28th (lay of October, 1939. G. M. BEAM, ll-3-2t Trustee. NOTICE 174 M North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF LOUISBURG T. Annie Yarborough, widow of Cal vin Yarborough, Sr., deceased, et al. The defendant Frederick Yar borough will take notice that an action entitled as above has been Instituted and is now pending in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affecting certain lands ill the Town of Douisburg, Franklin County. North Carolina, to which suit the defendant above named 1 is a proper party. And the paid defendant above named will take notice that he iii required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office .in l.oulsburg on or before the 8th day of December, 1939, to answer or demur to the said complaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply! for the relief demanded in his said complaint. Dated this the p3rd day of October, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff 1 0-27-4 1 NOTICE OF s \i.K Undor and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that i certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County1, North Carolina, entered In that certain tax foreclosure gull No. 172 M., entitled "Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Murray Brown and wife, Mary Baker Williams, heir at law of Phil W. Willi et al.", which s?id Judgment Is duly docketed in Tax Judgment 3 at page 114, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior ] Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the 1 courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina. ?t ??? about, the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THVKHDAY, 23 NOVEMBER, 1 939 the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, listed In the name ofi*. W. Williams and being those two certain lots des cribed as follows: LOT NO. 1 : Bounded on the north by lands formerly owDed by Marcus Ruffin, on the east by lands formerly owned by John Oreen, on the south by lands of Calvin Yarborough, and on the west by Mineral Springs Street, being lot No. 34 in the divisIon?of the Hllliard lands made by W. N. Fuller, and being the lands con veyed to Phil W. Williams by deed of Marcus Ruffin, recorded 9 Jan uary 1906 in Book 146 at page 469, Franklin County Registry, less that portion of said lot con veyed to Blonnle Williamson by deed of P. W. Williams and wife recorded In Book 158 at page 687 and Book 202 at page 403, Frank lin County Registry. LOT NO. 2: Beginning at a jiolnt on Mineral Springs Street, the southwest corner of the Hll liard Yarborough lot and running thence along said Mineral Springs Street In a northeasterly direction 311 feet to J. A. Savage's corner; thence la a soatheaaterly direc tion about 210 feet to Wiley May'* ' line; thence along May's line in a southwesterly direction 315 feet to Hllllard Yarborough's corner; thence in a northwesterly direc tion about 2X0 feet to the begin ning, containing one and one-half acres, more or less, and being the identical lnnds conveyed by deed of Daniel Hazlewood and wife, ' Sallie, to Phil W. Williams, re corded 6 June 1907 in Book 158 at page 277, Franklin County Registry, less that part of the lot above described which was con veyed to L. M. Hollingsworth by deeds of P. W. Williams recorded in Book 170 at pages 22 and 78. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the aipount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon noil compliance. Dated and posted this the 23rd day of October, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 10-27-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OK SALE OK REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Counties of Wake and Franklin. WHEREAS on the 22nd day ot May, 1935, Mrs. Ida Barnes, wi dow, L. B. Matthews and wife Katie Matthews, and C. C. Har ris, Trustee, executed to F. E. Wlnslow, Trustee, a deed of trust which is recorded in Book 324, pages 310-11, office of Register ot Deeds of Franklin County, and in Book 702, page 197, Wake County Registry; and whereas default has been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by said trust deed, and the holder thereof has requested exercise of the power ot sale therein con tained. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given that on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1030, at 12:00 o'clock, M., at the, front door of the Court House in Louis burg, Franklin County, N. C.t the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following des cribed real estate lying in the Counties of Wake and Franklin. State of North Carolina, to-wit: A ONE-FOURTH UNDIVIDED INTEREST in that certain tract or parcel of land beginning at a point in the center of the Wake field Road, witnessed by an iron stake and pine pointers, on the 1 west side of S. T. Durham's cor ner, thence along said road N. 26d 30' W. 1102 feet to a point in said road, witnessed by a stake on the east side; thence N. 74d E. 3443 feet to a persimmon on Lit tle River, poplar pointers, W. J. Young's corner; thence down Lit tle River, by the courses and dis tances to a stake, S. T. Barham's corner; thence with Barham's line N. 87d W. 4230 feet to the beginning; containing 150 acres, more or less, and being the iden tical property conveyed to R. B. Reavis, Trustee, by the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Wendell," N. C., by deed recorded in Wake County Registry, in Book 456, page 463, and in Franklin Coun ty Registry in Book 262, page 246; and being the same land conveyed by deed dated March 27, 1936, from F. E. Winslow, Trustee, to"C. C. Harris, Trustee, for the use and benefit of Mrs. Ida Barnes to the extent of a one fourth undivided interest, and the use and benelit of other per sons for the remaining three fourths undivided interest, to which deed reference is made for further description and identilica tion of the land and interest here by conveyed. A 5% cash deposit will be re quired of the highest bidder. This the 5th day of October, 1939. F. E. WINSLOW, Trustee. Battle & Winslow, Attys., Rocky Mounty, N. C. 10-20-4t ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix of the estate of H. S. Hayes, deceased, late of Franklin Couif ty, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 13th day of October, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This 12th day of October, 1939. FANNIE S. HAYES, Admr'x. R 1, Henderson. N. C. O. M. Beam, Atty. 10-13-6t NOTICE 8 D North Carolina, In The Franklin Co. Superior Court COUNTY OF FRANKLIN v. ? Charlotte Stegall, ef al. The defendants Nannie Parks and husband, William Parks, Cor nelia Bane and husband,' Isaac Bane, and Evelyn Jackson and husband, Roy Jackson will take notice thftt an action entitled as above has been instituted and is now pending in the Superior Court of Franklin County, being a tax foreclosure suit affecting certain lands In Franklin County, to which suit the defendants above named are proper parties. And the said defendants above named will take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County at his office In Loulsburg.f on or before the first day of December, 1989, to an swer or demur to the aatd com plaint; otherwise, the plaintiff will apply for the relief demand ed In his said complaint. Dated this th? 18th day of October, 1939. W. V. AVENT, Clerk Superior Court. John F. Matthews, Attorney for Plaintiff. 10-20-41 SCRAP TOBACCO Let K. S. MARSHALL handle your scrap tobacco for 1939. R 2, Wake Forest, N. C. 10-13-tf J fyCtAtcnvn^ "^>4ESm3Z3S7 APEX, X. C. Telephone: Office 2101, Res. 4291 I am in my office at Apex, N. C., every Saturday and Monday. Hours for eye ex amination: Saturday 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Monday 9 a. m. to 12 noon. If it is not con venient for you to see me these days at Apex, write or telephone for an appoint ment. I - - =? PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Harry n. Johnson Physician and Surgeon General Practice Glasses Fitt?4 Special attention to diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. 6. Perry Physician and Surgeon 101 W. Nash St. Loulsburg, N. O Phones: Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Hours ? 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to ? Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Examina tion, Diathermy and Ultra-Viols! tight treatment. Miss Elizabeth Fuller, Sec'y. Mrs. Walter Cutlirell, R. N. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. O. , Office In Service Drug Co. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Loulsburg, N. O. Office over Rose's Store Dr. M. G. King Franklinton, N. C. ?-1 c Residence Phone 249-1 Office Hours: 0 to 11 A. M, ? 2 to 3 P. M. 0 to 8 I>. M. Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Law Ixiulsburg, North Carolina Office Ford Huilding, Over Pleasants Hook Store General Practice in ail Courts 0. M. Beam Attorney at Law Loulsburg, N. C. Office In Professional Building Bert to The Franklin Times Practice in all Courts W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Loulsburg, N. O. Office In First National Bank Bldfl Practice State and Federal Courts W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborongh Yarborougti & Yarborough Attorneys A Counsellors at Law Office In Egerton BnHdlng Over Tonkel's Store Loulsburg, N. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Raleigh R. B. White B. H. Maloat J. B. Malone White & Malone Lawyers Loulsburg, N. O. General practice, settlement of ea tates, funds Invested. One mem ber of the firm always In office. Main Street Barber Shop L P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers Loulsburg, N. C. Parlors under Union Warehouse on Main Street. First elaas work guaranteed. Give me a caH. EXCELLENT CLEANING NEAT PRESSING COMPETENT TAILORING QUICK SERVICE and careful personal atten tion and courteous treat ment. Use our Dry Clean ing Service as 70a would your Grocery Serrlce. Let us prepare your sum mer suits (or winter storage. PROMPT PICK-CP, DELIVERY Louisburg Dry Cleaners iMhtvCi OMaat OhuM with Pnaklla Oouty's moat c. B. ?r*M M frm PHONE ??-l Q? ? flBll ? VNft ?*. UOMH V. ?>