? NEW ? Ipmskmz i THEATRE Saturdays Continuous : 2-11 Sunday: 2 - 4 and 9 Mon. - Tuns. - Wed. - Tliur. - Eri. S:3? .*7 and 0 10- 25c Matinee - l.*Kt?c Xl({lit J SATURDAY. NOV. 23tli Another Great Triple Program Your money's worth and more ill action entertainment. No. 1 ? GENE AUTKV and Smiley Burnette in "Rovin* Tumble weeds" No. 2 ? BOY ROGERS, Weaver Brothers and Elviry in 'Jeepers Creepers' No. 3 ? Chapter No. 6 ' "DICK TRACY'S G-MEN1" SUNDAY, NOV. 20th : One Day Only Sunday- Shows : 2-4 and ft ON THE STAGE IN PERSON DICK TRACY RALPH BYRr> I Direct from Hollywood and his screen apiH*iiiunces in "Dick Tracy's GiMen", "Mickey the Kid" and other pictures, with his company of entertainers. DICK TRACY on the stage at .1:36 and 0:25 Only. ? ON THE SCREEN ? Tiie hilarious hit. JOE E. BROWN - Mary Carlisle ? In ? "Beware Spooks" Variety: Latest Movietone News; . IJirry Clinton (the old Dipsy Doodler) and his orchestra. Admission this attraction only, 15c - 80c Matinee and Nlte. MONDAY. NOV. 27tli From Chick Young's popular cartoon strip comes a grand en tertainment with lilondie, Dag wood and Baby Dumpling. Arthur Lake - Benny Singleton Larry Siins "Blondie Brings Up Baby" Variety Time: Movietone .News; Comedy "Seeing Red" with lied Skelton and Technicolor Cartoon "The Bookworm." TUESDAY, NOV. SMHh i Ann Sot I.im n - Linda Darnell and a cast o( gorgeous honey In | Elsa Maxwell's "Hotel For Women" Variety offers laughs In a two i reel slapstick comedy and a color | cartoon. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 29tli j Ronald Reagan-Margot Stevenson | "Smashing The Money Ring" Variety: The 3 Stoges In "Oily To Bed"; Cartoon, Bully Romance and Variety reel. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, , NOV. 30th - DEC.. 1st A great holiday attraction. No woman keeps secrets from her doctor. The same author. The name stars, but twice the thrills of the previous two Kildarr pic tores. Lew Ayres - Lionel Barrymore l-ariiine Day "The Secret of Dr. Kildare" Variety: Metro News; Our Wang in Auto Antics; Community Sing. COMING NEXT WEEK Hohtri Taylor in "Remember." William Powell and Myma Lor la "Another Thin Man." COMING SOON Tyrone l'uwer mid l.inda .Par rel I in "Daytime Wife." Frank Capra's "Mr. Smith (Joes To WasliinjfUm.V llMMta Rurl>ln In "First Love." | I'aul IH?nl in "We Are Not | Aloae." ? HEALTH UKI'AimjKVT ? ? __ ? * I>r. It. K. Varborough, * * Couuly Health Officer ? ; * ? ?*???????)] Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Health | Officer for Franklin County mak- i es the following report for Octo ber: i Births: white 25, colored45, to-h tal 70. Deaths: white 11. color- i ed 6, total 17. ji Reportable diseases: Diphther ia 5, Influenza,!*. Gonorrhea 10.! Measles 1. Scartet Fever 2. Sy-[| philis 19, Tuberculosis 1. All quarantinable diseases qiuirautin- i ed and placardable diseased pla carded. Syphilitic treatments 287. Uri-| nalysis made 8, Wasserman test 57. Gonorrhea slides 37, Diph theria swabs taken 4. Toxoid giv en 160, Typhoid immunizations 2 ? 6 doses. Tuberculin tested 35. Yeast distributed 20 pounds, Milk 5 pounds A Venereal clinic was held in the Health Office each week. Three Midwife, Prenatal and Infancy clinics were held with 4 Midwives, 11 Mothers, 15 Bubies. 1 3 Pre-Natftls and 1 visitor ? a to tal of '35 in attendance. School visits have been made to: Youngsville. Wood, Bunn, Jus-i tlce. Hickory Rock-White Level and Pilot White schools and Jon- ] es Hill colored school. Sixty-six children were ii) spected," two cas es of scabies were 'found. A Diphtheria clinic was held at the Pilot school at which time j 137 children were given Toxoid. j Diphtheria cpntinues to be i prevalent in Frankjin County and it Is suggested that all_ children, especially under six years of age, be given Diphtheria Toxoid at [ once. Have your private physician do this or bring the children to the Health Office where they will j be gladly vaccinated. By changing from home gro-vn 1 seed to certified seed, B. B. Hol der. Lillington, Route 1, increas ed his yield of sweet potatoes from 153 to 307 bushels this year. FOB RENT 4 horse farm, for Cash rental. 2 V<j miles Louisburg. 9.1 Tobacco, 15.5 Cotton acre allotments. Plen ty houses, good land, fine 40-acre pasture. Good parity and other i government payments. McM. FURGERSON, . j ll-24-2t Louisburg, N. C. j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminlstra- I tor of the estate of W. H. Horton. Sr., deceased, late of Franklin i fcounty. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims i against the estate of said deceas- < ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 24th day of November. 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make lm mediate payment. This 23rd day of November. 1939. W. H. HORTON, JR., j 11-2 4-6t Adm'r. NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the nu thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain; tax foreclosure suit No. 77 C, en- ! titled "Cpunty of Franklin and. Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Addie Wilkins, widow, et al", which said judgment is duly docketed in Tax Judgment 3 at page 121, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, the under signed Commissioner will oiler For sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door lu the Town of Louisburg, Franklin County, North Carolina, at or nbout the hfoui- of twelve o'clock noon, on KKIDAY, 22 DKCKMBKR 1U30 the following described lauds in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed as "1 lot" and bounded on the south by the Tarboro Road, on the west by the lands of Jim Davis, and containing the resi dence now occupied by Elijah Debnam, and being the identical lands described in a deed fromi F. N. Egerton and wife, Pattio 1 Egerton, to Addie Wilkins, wife1 of Zollle Wilkins, dated 24 March 1898 and recorded 9 May 1898 in: Book 114 at page 25, to whicli reference is hereby made for a I further and more adequate des cription. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to teu per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to i insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon nun compliance. * Dated and posted this the 20th! day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS. ll-24-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of ftlie Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 173M, en titled "Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Eugene Yarborough and wife, Lucy Yar borough, et al.", which said judg ment is duly docketed in Tax Judgment 3 at page 120, in the office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County, j North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg. Franklin County, | ^OCTAGONl 5 FOR L J 23<; I'ulmolive Soap, 3 for 20c Super Suds (for washing dishes) Itcgulur size, 3 for .... 27c Ginnt slaw, 2 for 38c Con. Super Suds ( washing clothes) Regular size, 8 for .... 27c Glunt size, 2 for 45c (iiant Octagon Soup, 4 for . . IDe Special Octagon Soap, 2 for . 3c Large Octagon Powder, 3 for 14c Special Octagon Powder, 2 for 5c Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for . . 1 4c Octagon Cleanser, 2 for .... tfc Octagon Granulated Soap, 2 . 19c Octagon Soap Cliips, 2 for . , 10c Crystal White Toilet Soap, 3. 14c j Hollywood Toilet Soap, 3 for 14c Klcx (Pumice) Soap, 2 for . 0c Universal Toilet Soap, 3 for . 14c Vogue Toilet Soap, 3 for ... 14c Fair Sex Toilet Soup, 4 for. ; 16c I'aliuolirc Deads 5c OTIS W00DLIEI* R. F. D. Franklinton, X. C.; NO FIRES TO BUILD ON COLD MORNINGS NO ASHES TO TAKE UP ^fc^ASHLEY AUTOMATIC ? Save 50% to 75% on Fuel Costs! ? Enjoy 24-Hour Con trolled Heat! ? Remove Ashes Every 2 or 3 Weeks ! ? Refuel Once or Twice Every 24 Hours ! ? ? Burn Any Kind of Wood, Dry or Green! ? Less Dust, Less Soot, Less Dirt! WOOD BURNING S T O.V E ?un?^,d,ltPj?y 01 ,h? man7 new IMPROVED- 1939-1940 A.hley Modcli in auea to heat from 2 to ? rooms Low prices that compare favorably with ordinary heater* '5?',,,on? Blue Steel. INVESTIGATE TODAYI SEE IT ANDi GET IT AT THE FRANKLIN FARMERS EXCHANGE IftOUISBURG, N. 0. i Sole Agency for Louisburg N and Franklin County. An Ashley Heater ia much CLEANER and CHEAPER than coal or oiL Ask someone that has used an ASHLEY. FREE ? Come by our Store and get your copy of the Carolina Co-operator and Almanac. North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelvS" o'clock noon, on FRIDAY, 2a OKCEMBEIt 1981) the following described land In Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: A certain tract or parcel of land Bltuute in the Couuty of Franklin. Louisburg Township, in the Mineral Springs section of the Town of Louisburg and situ ate near the graveyard on the Louisburg-Newport road, also known as the Old River Road, and bounded by the said road and the lands formerly owned by Mar tha Arendell and others, contain ing one and one-half acres of land, more or less. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sura equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated""and posted this the 20th day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 1 1-2 4-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER USED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of author* ity contained in ^ certain deed of tt;ust executed by C. E. Jeffrsye and wife, to Security Nationul Bank, Trustee, on the 10th day of November, 1937 recorded In Book 345, Page 648, Registry of Frank lin County, North Carolina, da fault having been made lu the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby, whereby the en tire amount of said indebtedness became due arid payable and de mand having been made by the holder of said note upon the trus tee named therein to advertise and sell the property described in said deed of trust, the undersign ed will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door in Louisburg, Franklin County, N. C.,-at noon on MONDAY, DKCRVIJ1KB 18, the following described real es i tate: All that certain parcel or lot of j land situate on College and VVin i ston Street in the Town of i Youngsville. Franklin County, North Carolina, bounded on the ; North by Winston Street; bound ed on the East by the lands of K. F. Greeu; bounded on the South by the lands Of Miss Lillian Win ston; bounded on the West by i College Street and|or U. S. High way No. 1, and more particularly described as follows; BEGIN NING at a. rock 3.5 feet-E.'fror.i the Intersection' of College and \ * "WE'RE Sample One-way fare.* in Comfort WE'"1 to Save WE'*6 GOiq by ? Washington New York Oxford Jacksonville, Wilmington Norfolk Charlotte Greensboro Raleigh Rocky Mount $.1.80 ia.7<> 11.30 4.03 3.70 5.40 3.25 1.00 2.80 Big EXTRA Savings on Round-trip Tickets ItOI>I)lK Dl'RG CO. I'honc 320-1 GREYHOUND Winston Street! ; thence due East along Winston Street 221 ft. to a rock in corner for Winston Street and the lands of R. F. Green; thence along the It. F. Green line S. 2d 30' W. 230 ft. to a stake in corner for R. F. Green and Miss Lillian Winston; thence along Miss Lillian Winston's line j due West 220 ft. to a stake in corner for Miss Lillian Winston and College Street; thence along College Street N. 2d 30' E. 229 ft. to point of beginning, con taining 1.16 acres by survey of M. S. Oavis, Registered Engineer, made October 28, 1937. The successful bidder will be required, at the time of tbe sale, to make a cash deposit if 10 per cent of the amount of the bid ns a guarantee of compliance there with In the event that no re-sale Is ordered. Dated this 8th duy of Novem ber, 1939. SECURITY NATIONAL BANK. Trustee. By: J. M. Blair, Jr., 1 l-2 4-4t Assistant Trust Officer. ANNOUNCEMENT! To inform the people of Louisburg aud Franklin County that I have opened an ELECTRIC SERVICE business in Louisburg, under the Union Warehouse. 1 aiu prepared to do your electric wiring, electric repairing, radio repairing and can handle riiost any elec trical job in an expert manner at mod erate costs. Call 011 me and let me figure with you on any of your electri cal needs. ROBERSON ELECTRIC SERVICE f H. H. Roberson, Proprietor ' LOUISBURG, N. C. u;t $1 Grade Archer HOSE 1 All the newest shades for Fall and Winter wear. MEN'S HANES r UNDERWEAR f FIRST QUALITY ? DOLLAE VALUE 34 NEW TWEED LADIES' COATS In the new Fitted Models. No loose or box backs, as they are out of style. Assorted colors and sixes. !9.85 Thirty - Nine $8.95 DRESSES IN THE NEW FALL COLORS THANKSGIVING CLEARANCE *6.95 6 dozen ? Values to $2.98 Children's $1 .49 DRE88EB, Reduced to * 81 x 90 BLEACHED iOo | SHEETS Pillow Cases to match 10c 34 Children's and Misses' RAINCOATS, AQc Values to $3.49 .V ? 72 x 84 Double Bed Size, Part Wool BLANKETS, Plenty of room to snuggle into I With Sateen binding. Solid colors 99. FOX'S DEPT. STORE

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