WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER Renew Your Subscription Before Expiration bate To Avoid Hlsniug An Issue. VOLUMN LXX (EIGHT PAGES) NUMBER TAKERS APPOINTED MINOR RE ELECTED JAILOR SAME SALARY Many Routine Matters Be fore Board; Road Petition Approved; Reports Re ceived; To Install Combi nation Lock on Clerk's^ Vault The Board of Couuty Commis sioners met in regular Hession on Monday with all members pres ent. The following business was transacted: Reports were received and or dered filed from the following: Dr. R. F. Yarborough, Health Of ficer; J. E. Tuck, Negro Farm Agent; Miss Lillie Mae Braxton, Home Agent; W. C. Boyce. Farm Agent; Supt. E. R. Richardson, Cpunty Home; Miss Cora Beasley for Welfare Department. Clerk of Court, W. V. Avent, was instructed to have a combina tion lock placed on the vault door of the' Clerk 'of (Court's office. A petition was presented by Mr. i S. O. Wilder asking the Highway Commission take over and work a road from the Sims Bridge road to Woodlief's Creek. This petition was approved and the Clerk in structed to send it to Mr. T. Bod-j die Ward, Commissioner. G. M. Harris, Franklinton town-! ship, was relieved of poll tax due to physical disability. Spencer Wiggs was appointed Tax Collector for Dunn township, j County Attorney was instruct- 1 ed to prepare a deed for Colbert ' land to Joe M. Inscoe iu Ced-.iri Rock township. L. B. Perry was issued a draw-; hack for taxes listed in error. The following was appointed I list takers for listing taxes be- j glutting January 1st: Dunn ? J. O. Williams. Harris ? H. T. Rogers. ' Youngsville? G. E. Winston. Franklinton ? Howell Jones. Hayesville ? J. H. Goodson. Sandy Creek? ^-G. C. Parrish. Gold Mine ? Mrs. Lillian Par-, lisfcl * | Cedar Rock- ? T, A. Collie. Cypress Creek: ? Arthur Stfick-i land. l.ouisburg ? B. B. Masseiibui g. R. M. Minor was re-elected Jail- f or at the same salary. '' M V. Harris was given a draw-| back error In listing dog. After allowing a number of ac counts the Board adjourned. SCHOOL MASTERS - MEET AT BUNN Mr. Cltiudc Guddy. superinten- i dent of Raleigh City Schools, pre sented to the School Master's Club of Franklin Comity a challenging discussion of "Rvaluation of j Educational Leadership"? on Wed-| nesday. December 6 at 8:00 o'clock 111. the librflVy reading loom of the Runn High School. "Adapt yourself." said Mr. Gad-: dy. "to the community in all the phases of its activities, assuming the position of an efficient leader. Jf you teach agriculture, be the Iiest farmer in the community. Thus you will exhibit practical rather than theoretic leadership." The classroom teacher, with twenty-five or thirty students be fore her or him constantly was, in his opinion, the greatest chal lenge that Could be presented to any person. ^ , ? ? ?6roFe'Mr. Gaddy's discussion, a banquet was served under the direction of Mrs! Mary Woodward, school dietitian. The red and green color scheme, accented by minature Christmas trees and tall red tapers, reminded the cheer ful group of the approaching holi day season. During the banquet an Im ptomiftu program was conducted 1 by Mr. W. O. Reed, president of I ,;the clab. _ v ( Home economists in the U. 8 . Department of Agriculture have[ developed a commercially practl- > ? *oal way to remove peanut skins' ? -'with low weight loss and no splitting, and still have a nut of ' high quality. * PROGRAM AT THE LOUISBURO THEATRE The following Is the program , at the Louliburg Theatre begin ning Saturday. Dec. 9th: Saturday ? Double Feature ? Hoy Rogers In "Arizona Kid" and Jane Withers* in "Chicken Wag on Family." Also Chapter No. 8 j "Dick Tracy's G-Men." 8unday-MondaV ? Tyrone Pow er and Linda Darnell In "Daytime Wife." Tuesdny ? Greta Garbo and Melvyft Douglas In "Nlnoffchka." Wednesday ' ? Ann (Malsle) Sothern, William Gargan and Walter Brenhan in "A Call On I The President." Thursday-Friday ? Frank Ca- j pra's "Mr. Smith Ooes To Wash- 1 ington" starring James Stewart and Jean Arthur. PATROIjMAN HKNRY T. TIMBKKI.AKK ? Courtesy Greensborp Daily News Arrest Effected In Assault Case Franklin Man Jailed Under Heavy Bond on Charge of Clubbing Official - Williarti nilllum. about SO, was jrrestad Saturday and lodged iu Jail hore in default of $10,000 >ond utter officers asserted they had evidence h? was the masked man who called Magistrate Hay wood Harper of the Cedar Kock section from his home lust June :i and heat him into unconscious ness with a club. Gilliam, Sheriff J. P. Moore said, has denied the charge. but the officer added he believed the State bad a strong circumstantial case against the mnn. Sheriff Moore and his men ha>re worked daily on the case since its occurance and recently called in Investigator Willard I. (lulling of the Stale Kureuu of Identification to aid them. It was understood that a hat 'dropped by the assail ant at the scene of the crime played a major part in solving the ?:ase. Officers D. T. Holmes, Fr,-d Krazier and K. K. Joyner aided thf sheriff in arresting Uilliaiu. Magistrate Harper was called from his house at midnight by a man who said he wanted aid in obtaining medicine for a I sick child- Harper wtfs brutally at tacked as he left bis house. Ro'i 1)1' ry was believed file motive for the crime." Recorder's Court Franklin Recorder'!) Court held session on Tuesday with quite a full docket. In the absence of Prosecuting Attorney Chan P. Qreen. Mr. John F. Mult hews ably represented the State in the pros ecutions The docket was dlspos' ed of as follows: William Hartsfleld plead guilty To reckless driving, six uiunihf uu roads, suspended upon payment of $25 fine and costs. Wilbert Young was found guil ty of carrying concealed weapons, and given 80 days on roads, sus pended upon payment of $50 flno and costs. Joe L. Swauaou was found guil ty of unlawful taking crop of ten ant, and given 60 days on roads, suspended upon payment of $10 to Walter Johnson and costs. Fred Lee GUI was found guilty of assault ' with deadly weapon, and given IS months on roads. Clyde Nunn was found guilty of reckless driving and given GO days on roads, suspended upon payment of $25 and costs. A nolle pros with keh In the case of false pretense against W. M. Btalllngs. Johnnie L. Leonard was found guilty of removing crops and giv en 6 months on roads. Wille Johnson was found guil ty of reckless driving and given 90 days on roads. A nolle pros was taken In the case of bastardy against Thomas Poole. Jack Patten, larceny of auto mobile. transferred to Superior Court. The following cases were coh tinued : Chunk Johnson, assault with deadly weapon Vance 8now. operating automo bile intoxicated. William Matthews operating automobile intoxicated. D. R. Arnold reckless driving. Freddie Privett, reckless drlv RBNEW YOl'R BUB8C IOX! ing Funeral Of H. T. Timberlake Popular Highway Patrol man Victim of Wreck;! j Last Rites Thursday Af-j ternoon Fayetteville. - Brief funeral services were held here Thursday afternoon of last week for Henry Thomas Timberlake, 30. Stale Highway patrolman, who died in a local hospital late Wednesday night from injuries suffered in an automobile accident thai night. The service was conducted at Rog ers and Breece Funeral Chapel by llev. J. M. Alexander of the First Presbyterian Church and Rev. M. W. Warren of Person Street Methodist Church. The body was taken Friday morning to Youngsvllle. where services were held at 2:30 o'clock from the home of his father. Dr. Richard K Timberlake. with in terment following in the Youngs ville cemetery. Also surviving the young pa trolman are his mother, Mrs. Lena Winston Timberlake. n brother, R. E. Timberlake, Jr.. of LoiUsbTTfg, and a sister. Mrs. G. W. Barnes, of Youngsville. Timberlake had been a mein , Iter of the Patro^ since 1934 and ' was stutioned in Greensboro and Dunn before being transferred to I Fayetteville. I The popular young officer w.ix 'injured when his patrol car struck the rear of a truck ?nd careened into the path of a car coming in i direction pausing the death of tlie driver or the other i I car, M. L. Burnett, Croatan In dian. of Dunn. At the lime Tim- 1 ! berlake was returning from the scene of a highway wreck at God win and responding to a call to In 1 vestigate another accident on the J.uinberton road. The pallbearers for Patrolman I Timberlake were the 4.'! fellow of ficers of Troop R of the I'litnii, i with the following members ' ' 'the troop as active pallboarers: ? I Sergeant J. R. Pridgeu. Corporal W. F. Bailey and Patrolmen W. |U. Tinsley, J. K Murrill, J. C.I Haithcock and W. H. Simpson In addition to IJeut. A. T. Moore and other members of Troop B. honorary pallbearers I were Charles H. Gray, of Bur- 1 I lington, of the Stale Revenue De partment, and J. F. Bradshaw. j | Jr.: Raleigh, of the Identification | Bureau Among those who attended the. services Thursday afternoon at, j Fayetteville were Major John T. 1 Armstrong, head of the Highway Pati?l, Captain Charles D. Far- j mer, Lieut, D. T. Lambert and IJ. O. Hocutt, chief mechanic of the ' patrol. ROBERSON -ALLEN Tlie many friend* of Mr. and ) Mrs. Hob&rt ltoberson are extenJ iug hearty congratulations on the j ' occasion of their marriage whir-h 1 | was solemnized on Thanksgiving , lief ore the marriage Mrs. Bobei'-j son was Miss Huzel Allen, (faugii ter of Mrs. F. H. Allen, Sr.. and: the late Mr. Allen, and the pro-' prietor of Louisburg Flower Shop,1 ) She is a young lady of many ac complishments and is popular! among a host of friends. The groom is one of Louis- j | burg's popular yoang men and tho proprietor of lloherson's Electric: ^Service. ^Prison Camp Movecl { The latter part of last week i I was largely taken up by oflicers i : and men of the State Prison camp in moving from the old location I two miles North ot Louisburg to Its new location 'just below old Runn. on the Runn-Ptlot road , The new plant is modern and 1 commodious and is said to be in a more central location of its dis ! trlct for road maintenance. JUNIOR MUSIC CIjUH I The Junior Music Club of Louis J burg held Its meeting on Nov. 25, 1 "??? Misses Eve lyn and Mn^^M|HUlSniUhwlck, ' with Mary Jeat^^WHJson and Louise Ellis Webb Joining thenl ' as hostesses. The subject for study was ear j ly American music. The program was as follows: The Music of George Washing | ton's Time ? Nancy Griffin. Early Orchestral and Vocal Or ganization ? Kitty Jo Beasley. * Lowell Mason ? Jackie Harkins. Each member present, rendered , |'a selection after which the hos- j tesses served delicious refresh- 1 menu. Naucy Griffin. Publicity Agt. ? * jlTAMANS DOWN ON SOVIKT RUSSIA I Rome, ,Italy, Dec. 4. ? Fascist | students rushed on the Russian j embassy through the main streets ! of Rome today, shouting "Down < with Russia. Down with Commun- 1 ism!" , ? 1*14 v i mki't. oov. \\. I*. hokton CAR HITS BRIDGE, BURNS H. T. Downey, Louisburg, Critically Hurt in Crash On Crabtree Bridge ; Skull . Fractured H. T. Downed, about 22. o-f l.ouisburg, was_ critically injured Sunday night a'bout 8:30 o'clock when hin automobile struck in abutment of the Wake Forest Road-Crabtree Greek bridge near Raleigh and burst into Flames Downey, eon of Mr. and Mrs. S. Z. Downey, of . I<ouisl>urg. and an employee of f he PostoTI ice" there, was carried in a. passim; automo bile to Mary Elizabeth Hospital; His injuries were, diagnosed as a severe cut extending from above the left eye to u point over the left ear, and a skuH fracture. He was still unconscious late last night. Highway Patrolman A. K. Lea vitt. who with Corporal T. N. Cook assisted Patrolman John Vau Harrow In investigating the accident, said the young man's car, a 1940 sedan, was headed' to ward. Raleigh. It apparently struck the riglft hand abutment and then careen ed 40 or 50 jgrt further, landing against the left side of the bridge and bursting into flames, i^avitt, stated. . ' - . . Discovery of a door and cush ion lying near the point of first impact and the disengaged engfno thrown clear if the car where it cftme to rest, suggested th?J the driver also fell out before fire reached the smashed' gasoline tank. There no evidence of burns on driver, beavitt stat ed. Downey appiu^MM^was rld ing atone. Dr. Harol(] (Jlascock,, Jr.. at tending physician said the pa tient's condition was "very seri ous." ? NeWg-Observer. ? Later- Reports from Raleigh yesterday stated that Downey was recovering and had a fair chance of recovering. Mary DeBruhl. a 4-li Service Club member of Joues County, has one of the best poultry flocks in her county, each hen paying above her upkeep through n good -ajQDduction of eggs. European Summary HrlnInU ? Kinns celebrate 22nd Indrprndnin anniversary battling against Russia; Invad- | on reported repulsed on all i fronts; general staff says HO enemy tanks, 110 planes destroy- I ed since war's start. Moscow ? Article In organ of | Communist International urpw Rumania to sign mutual assist ance pact similar those with Estonia, IJthuanlu and l^atvia. Bucharest ? Moscow action i throws new shadow over Houth- | eastern Europe, but Kuman- j ians discount lm|H>rtunce of ar- : tide. London- ? < tiurchlll says Bri taln sinking Nazi submarines faster than Uermnny ran build them; reports Ave sunk past week; 7,8JM-ton German liner I'mukunw raptured in South Atlantic; British abandon hope for H.llMI-ton steamer Hunts man, Ionic overdue; British firms send score of fighting planes to Finland. , Berlin ? Economics expert acknowledges British blockade has strangled Nazi overseas trade; l>NB says British planes driven off in raid over North ern Germany. Paris? <}?let continues on Western Front. . ? Netvs-Obaerrer. HORTON FORMALLY ENTERS CAMPAIGN FOR GOVERNOR Lieutenant-Governor First I i In Race; Other Announce- 1 ments Expected &oon Italeigh. ? Lieutenant-Governor Wilklns Perry Horton. sandy ; haired, ruddy-faced Plttsboro law yer, announced flatly last night that he is a candidate for Gover nor. Horton's announcement was the first in a campaign without precedent in North Carolina. At least six "unannounced" candi dates. including the lieutenant governor. have been campaign ing actively for more than six months now. About two weeks ago. reports circulated frtjely on Capilol Square that the lieutenant-gover nor would not make the race forj Governor in the 1940 primary. Those reports led Mr. Horton to | make his announcement last night i in this fashion: . , ? ICcporUi Mentioned "Thi, At>u?l?flin , I'd re ports to' the eTect that I have abandoned the idea of becoming a candidate for .Governor . in the lapproacbiatc Democratic primary make* it necessary that I make a public statement of my position in' this matter, to the end that my l friends and those who have ho generously prolfeied me their ser- 1 rices may not 'bo kept in doubt as! | to uiy intentions "That such rumors may be once land for all set at naught, I here by announce that I am a candi date for Governor of North Car'o | Una, subject to the action of the ! Democracy of the State to lie de- : termined at the primary, to - be"1 ! held in, May. 1940. I "I- have not heretofore made any formal announcement of iny candidacy for' this hig*i office out of .deference ? to the expressed wishes of the (inventor, with which I am iu hearty accord : but the circulation of the minors that I I would not be a candidate, com- , pels me' to make my announce- j | mom at this tline.' . ?? ? ?'I will make a forum! declara- 1 lion of ray views on public que*- 1 lions at a later date.'' Horton said he bad not docid'd ! who he would name as his cam 1 paiKii manager. but that he ox-' j peeled to make up his mind in the near future. ' Buy Christmas i Seals 1 j TIm? red double-barred cro#**, wi prominently displayed on this year's Christmas Seal, ''stands as an emblem of hope I and health ? hope to those who wish to protect themselves from the Christmas Heals pay dlvl- i dends throughout the year In protecting your family from tu berc ulosis. Make thi* Invest ment pow, througJ| the Junior Woman'* l<eafcue, of i/ouishurfc, a representative of the North Carolina Tuberculosis Associa tion. Elects Officers At the annual meeting of tile ijouisburg Chamber of Commerce held last Monday night the fol lowing officers and dlrectorH wore elected for 1940: President ? W C. Lancaster. Vice-President ? W. B. Tucker. Directors? T. K. Stockard. Sain Mattox. Robert Smithwick. M. C. Murphy. D. F. McKlnne. W. K, Shelton, H. C. Taylor, Jr. *?cretajT1.- reported an ac tive year's *ork with a member ship of 82 Out of this member ship there were 46 names on the Honor Roll for 1939. those men hers who have paid In full their pledges for the y?ar. The secretary gave a report from the advertising committee on the contract for signs to' route tourist traffic thrdugh Louisburg. Two of the four signs are erected and the contract is expected to be closed out not later than next week, after which a list of donors for these signs will be printed, with amounts given. A few more dollars *re still needed to pay our part of this contract so if you haven't contributed dp so right away Plans for the Community Christmas Tree are going for ward. Keep In mind th? Christ mas Service on December 17th at 4:30 o'clock and come with toys, food, clothes or money In keeping with the real spirit of Christmas.' If there are any gifts you wish to designate to particular families. Just tag them with names and ad dresses. Broken toys are being repaired by the Boy Scouts and they will be glad to repair and Ox any that you think can be used. Try your own pierchants flrst before going elsewhere to shop for Christmas. Have a BUY AT HOME CHRISTMAS ! One thing you can be sure of, opines our pftfaon, and that is you Will not be punished for the good things you do 9, M.A.I. K. K. GKIKKIX Major Griffin County Chairman 1 . I Success of I lit' JacksOn Day i Campaign in Franklin . County is' indicated by appointment j?f Maj. E. F. Griffin as county chairman. Announcement to this effect has Just been made by State Jiifector John D. Larking. Jr. The purpose of this campaign. | which began last week-land will j culminate in a mammoth JackBnn I Day Dinner at Raleigb on Janu-j ary 8th. Is to raise money for the Democratic campaign '(Jid conven- I tion next year. North' Caroliaa j and Franklin County Jiave estab- 1 llshed reputations for- exceeding expectations in similar efforts Last year, with no election cam- j paign in the immediate offing, thei state raised more than ten thous and dollars. This year demands upon the party treasury will be much heavier by reason of the elation next tall and the conven tion this coming summer, A speaker of national copula tion has been secured for the cele bration which will be held on Jan uary 8, 1940. at the Hotel Sir Walter. Kaleigh. N. C. A high standard was set at the 1939 din-, uer by the speech of Governor' (now Senator) "Happy". Chand ler. of Kentucky.' State Director Larkins. who managed the last campaign, guarantees that the 1?\0 program certainly will", not fall below that standard. Under the^, leadership of ?Chair man K. F. Griffin. Franklin Coun ty is expected to be among the,: lirst to announce completion of its quota The' first' county to reach this goal will he accorded ; very special recognition, not' only ! at the Jackstin Day dinner, but also in the permanent records of the .State aftd National party or ganizations. Ofrttel ruling that the Hatch/ Act wi*nol ""prevent any federal employee.' other than relief work- 1 ers. from contributing to the fund 1 or attending the dinner makes success easier to attain. ? Tobacco Market I Lively Quit)1 a lot of tobacco has been sold on the Loulsburg Market the past week with reasonably 'fail prices for all grades prevailing. It Is suggested that those wish ing to sell before the holidays get' their tobacco ready and bring It in right away. Loulsburg is still the friendly i market and the many tobacSt) growers In this and adjoining counties are learning to appre: elate It. Bring your tobacco on* to 77oulsburg ' ? Takes Over Princess Cafe Chris Pappas, of .. Lanrinbui'g. has taken over the Princess Cafe on Main Street and will continue its operation for the accommoda tion of the people of Loulsburg and lt? visitors. Oeorge Kandis will be In charge of the Cafe for the present. Both of these gen tlemen are experienced Cafe oper ators and our people may expect good service. / MILI.S P. T. A. The TIMES is requested to an nounce that the Mills P. T. A. will hold Its next meeting on Thursday evening, Dec. 14th, a^ 3:20 o'clock. This will be the time for the Christmas program and when It will donnte White Christmas for the Welfare depart ment. All donation* will please1 be Wrapped in white TJie public is invited. Mrs. Earl Murphy. Pres. Where they mopped their cot ton with molasses and calcium arsenate to control hntl weevlU, Ernest. Otis, and F C. Best, of the Snow Hill 4-H Club, harvest ed one-third more cotton. ItFNKW VI JIT. SIBitltfPTlOX! FRAZIER MADE CHIEF OFFICER To Fill Vacancy Caused By Death Joe C. Joyner; Spencer Gilliam Made Deputy At a meeting of the ABC Board held in Louisburg the past week. Deputy Sheriff Fred Frai ler was elected Chief Enforce ment Officer and Spencer Gilliam was elected Deputy Enforcement officer, filling the vacancy caused by the death of Chief Officer Joe C. Joyner and the employment 01' special help for raids. The employment of Deputy Sheriff Frazier was by special ar rangement with the County Com. missionerg allowing the ABC Board to. use the time Mr. Fraz ier was not engaged In the County work. For thief service Mr. Fra zier will receive a salary of $7f> and Mr. Gilliam will receive it salary of $75, which will result In a saving to the ABC system o? ' approximately $60 to $75 per month. The arrangement is considered a most happy and profitable onu as it more closely allies the woric. of the enforcement with that of the Sheriff's department, insuring a more general and possible co ordinated coverage of the County. Both Mr. Frazier and Mr. Gil liam are experienced and efficient officers, are men of high standing in their communities and work and their appointment will in sure splendid results in the en forcement department. The selections were made from a list of thirty-nine applications fot; the position, a large majority of whom, Chairman, D. F. Mc Klnne. stated were of exception- .. ally high standing and well quali fied for the work. His Board, he snid. was well pleased at the per- / sonnel of the applicants and the /? ? number applying. / Cotton Control Election All cotton gron^rs ill Franklin and adjoining. Counties should so, out Saturday a fid cast their bail lot in the Cotton Control election to determine' whether. the cotton acreage shjrfl he controlled ' in . 1H40. It/doeSn't fnake any dif ference Whether you Cjivor the Control or not you should go put and v6te your convictions / To Be Held Tc row December s?m i / ~ Big Hogs *The following hog killings the past week hav^,been reported t?v the FRApIKUN TIMBS: J. W Gardner, Cedar Rock township two weighing 758. 56$. W. K. Murphy. Louisburg township, four weighing 279, 328. 358. 100. W. H. Privett. Dunn township, two , weighing 940. W. HV Richards. Dunn town ship. twV weighing 540. 350. W. T HeddingHeld. of Dunn township, five weighing 520. 530, 552. 565. 605. C.* T. Roberson. Sundy Creok township, eight weighing 172, 172. 196. 206. 220. 230. 238, 290 G. H. Champion, in Cypres* Creek township, three weighing, 490. 305, 270 KPSOM SCHOOI, PI, AY The Junior class of Epsom High s Sctmal., presents "Adventurous Ann" hy~MaTtr lrtsh.irjiday night, Dec. 8th. at 7:30 o'cloclfr ? I "Adventurous Ann" give her par- _ ents the time of their lives as sh'< has ber experiences of love and romance; see the dlatracted par ents wrestling with the modern problems of parenthood. An even ing of fun and merriment awaits [y6u. BIRTHDAY PARTY Little Jon White, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. White, entertain ed a number of his little friends * at his home on Saturday, Dec. 2. at 3:30, in honor of his fifth birth day. |. Following games and story {fil ing, they were invited Into th<* dining room, where a large birth day cake, with five candles form ed the centerpiece, of a beautiful i ly decorated table, where they were served Ice cream, cake and mints, and were presented famous miniature hats for boys and dolls for the girls. ' Before leaving for home, pic tures were made of the following little guests, present: Jane Phil lips. Bobbie Harrington, Bobb'.i Wells. Fred Frailer, Jr., SIUI*. Lam-apt er. James Albert Wheless. " [Martini l.ou Murphy, Nancy Ches son, I,ols Ann and Barbara Wayne I Fowler. Nina May Oakley, Patsy | And Frank EgertoH, Malcolm Joy ner. J. 1'. TimUerlake, Jr., and I Mary Ann Maker, of Wilson, and 'the little host, Jon White,

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