[ LOCAL* A^PEmvGS ? Cotton wan worth 10 cents a pound on the local market yea terday. tit ? Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mooney announce the birth of a girl uti Nov. 28th. in ? Mr. W. H. Yarborough is re modeling and repairing his resi dence on Main Street. t it ? Mr. and Mrs. Peltry Perdue, of near Eouisburg. announce the birth of a sop on Nov. 26th. ? Mrs, "L. L. Joyner Is having ueveral of the trees in her (rout yard on North Main Street re; movefe " ? ? I -??r, and Mrs. Hhyland Whee ler announce thel^rth of a.duugh ter, Fr&lices Ann,' on .Thursday, Noveuiber 30th. . ' r'i y - i t X " I ? iPorri to Mr. and Mrs. W. H., AlleA. Jr., at Mary Elizabeth Hos pital, Raleigh, Tuesday, Nov. 6. a daughter. Elizabeth Page. X t t ? ? The editor expresses his i greatest appreciations to his good friend M r. W. E. Murphy for a nice lot of spareribs and some lint' sweet potatoes. They were great ly enjoyed. ft t ? The Negro citizens of ? lie Franklinton section met Tuesday , night at the Graded School in Franklinton for the purpose of discussing plans for their work with the Negro County Agent. After plans were discussed it was decided that an Adult Club would be organized at' a meeting which is set for January 9th, 1940 at 7:30 P. M. at the graded school, as reported by J.(^C. Tuck, Negro Farm Agent. W. M. V. DISTRICT MEETING - Ki, There ^viil be a W. M. If: Dis trict meeting at Wood Sunday afternoon, December 10th at 2:00 o'clock. The churches in this dis trict are Castatia, Cedar Rock. Centerville, Duke Memorial. Kphe sus. Hickory Rock, Louisburg. Maple Springs, Mount Zion. Mt. Grove, Peach Tree, Philadelphia, | Red Bud, Sandy Creek, White Level, Wood. Every organization in these churches is urged to send delegates. Pastors and others are invited. An interesting and lielp ful program is being arranged. RENEW TOUR SUBSCRIPTIOnV Dr. Sa&ie C. JohndWl I Graham Sundiy. 'tit Capt. Cha*. P. Green visited Raleigh Monday. t I t Mr. Sain Allen, of Oxford, spent the holidays in Louisburg. I XII Miss Nancy I.oraine Gilbert Is | visiting friends in Raleigh this! week. * * Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kgerton, of Raleigh, were visitors to Louis burg Tuesday. ttl Miss Betty Neal, of t.. C. T. O. spent the Thanksgiving holidays withV her parents. "?> III Miss Josephine Perry, of the Sanford School faculty, spent the ; past, week-end at home. ? ui | |3Pi Krnefjt Furgursoft, of . Ply-, -mouth, was guest ?f his people In I.ouishurg for the holidays. ttl J, Misses Edith and Helen Kemp ? spent the Thanksgiving holidays , at their respective homes. it; Miss Bessie Shadrark. of Dur ham, was guest of her people in 1 I/ouisburg the past week-end. ' t t t Cade's Darrel Perry and Karl Allen, of the Citadel, Charleston. S. C.. spent the holidayn-tH home ttl Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wheless and son. were guests of her peo ple in Seaboard, during the holi- 1 days. til Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson and sons, of Wilson, were guests of her people near I.ouishurg. Sunday. til Mr: Adrian Rale and MisS Su sie Hight attended the Virginia- , Carolina football game on Thanks giving Day. ill Miss Vera Joyner, of E. C. T.'i C? spent the Thanksgiving holi days with her mother. Mrs. Sa Hie R. Joyner. tt: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Candler' and family, of Henderson, were guests of relatives near Louis burg Sunday. t t t . 'f Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson, of Mt. Gilead. were' guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Foster, during the holidays. I I * Mr. Wilson Wood, of Tar.boro. visited hi* parents and many I vf friends near Louisburg duAng the Thanksgiving season. ttt Muse* Prances Wiggins and Gertr'ii'de Foster, of Mere_dith Col TefcefV-^teited in their respective homes during the holidays >'?; ttt Mr. James Welch and Itifr Boston, Mass.. were guests parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Welch during the holidays. ttt Mr. and Mrs. H. I.. Baker and little daughter. Mary Anne, of Wilson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. White for the holidays ttt Miss Sajlie Pleasants, of the Chapel Hill school faculty, was guest of relatives and friends in Louisburg during the holidays. X t > Messrs. Clarence Bass and Har old Vaughan, of Campbell Col lege. were guests of their parents in Louisburg the past week-end. t X I Miss Ernestine Perry, of the B. ,F. Grad?*feehool faculty, near Ked Spi ings^'if a* guest of her people ne LET US GRIND YOUR SAUSAGE We are prepared to gTind your sausage at a big saving to you of both time and cost. Let us fill your order for Christmas meats, oyster^, fruits and candies. Prices that will let us both live. Cash and Carry Market John W. Harris, Prop. Nash St. Louisburg, N. C. Fruit Cake Ingredients ! 31 33? 10? Glazed CHERRIES .. Glazed PINEAPPLE, lb. . . Bleached RAISINS, pkg. * 3 Packages ICc CURRANTS.... Package Qc FIGS y Citron, Orange or 10c LEMON PEEL, lb..... Bulk C 0 C 0 A N U T, lb. 4 X SUGAR, pkg. . . 19? 9? Seeded & Seedless Qc RAISINS, pkg. . ' Full Assortment ? SHELLED NUTS Fruits And Vegetables ! Juicey 1()c ORANGES, 10 lbs. . Golden Ripe ICc BANANAS, 5 lbs. . . Large Firm 1 Cc LETTUCE, 2 for . . . Fresh Green | Ac SPINACH, 3 lbs. . , . COFFEE Go,den Blend Pounds J Pounds THICK FAT BACK, lb . 7jc BEST GRADE PURE LARD, 3 lbs. .... 23c SMALL LEAN SMOKED PICNICS, lb 15c BROKEN MIXED & CHOCOLATE CANDY, lb. ...:\. 10c COLONIAL M I L K, 4 tall cans . . 25c COLONIAL 2 - 14 or CATSUP, bottles 17c TRIPLE PRESH 18-oz. Loaf BRE AD, . . ... 2for 15c U. S. No. 1 10 lbf. POTATOES, 25c COLONIAL CUT _ 3 No. 2* BEETS, ..cans 25c LAND 0 LAKES AMERICAN CHEESE, lb. 21c NAVY BEANS 4 pounds 19c BULK RICE, 4 pounds... 18c Lieut. Commander Julian Love. U. S. N. was the overnight guest | of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mitchell. Tuesday, enroute to Paris Island,. S. C., where he will be stationed. t t I Mr. and Mrs. John Neal, Mrs. : Edgar Fuller, Mrs. F. A. Kead. M?rs. G. W. May and Misses Mary, {ftqXerson and Lois May viBited i ; All kinds of livestock. . Mules, cows, hogs, one or two fresh cows. Wagons, plows, planters, and all kinds of ifools and machinery. Our purpose is not to make a lot of money by this sale but to help our farmers find a market for any thing they have to- sell. If you have anythin^for sale get in touch with ^JSANKLIN FARMERS ^ EXCHANGE Phone 366-1 ? Louisburg, N. C. EVERY ITEM A REAL VALUE THIS WEEK. STOCK UP AND SAVE UP. 4 No. 2 Cans "Full Pack" TOMATOES 25c |V ?? ? _ SOA?. 5 FOR 23 t Palinolive So;ip, :i for 20c Sii|h?p Suds (for washing (IKhcs) K<'Kiilar hi/p, ;{ for .... 27r < ? in nt size, 2 for* T. . . . JWc oil. Super Suds (washing riot lies) |{< Kular size, for .... i!"r (iian( size, 2 for 4'x (iiant Octagon Soap, 4 for . . lf>c Special Octagon Soap, 2 for . .V l.arge Octagon Powder, :i for I It Special Octagon Powder, 2 for .?c Octagon Toilet Soap, 3 for . . H? Octagon Cleanner, 2 for .... 1 #c Octagon (Granulated Soap, '2 . Ittc Octagon Soap Chips, 2 for ^ . 19c Crystal White Toilet Soap, :l . 14c Hollywood Toilet Soap, 3 for 14c t'nlvcrsal Toilet Soap, 3 for. 14c Fair Sex Toilet Soap, 4 for . . 10c I'almolive Beads .V a lb. ran I'urc COCOA, 15c Si U>*?. Navy BEANS, 23c 2 Ih. jur "Thrift" MINCE MEAT, 25c Small MnUy Ih. PRUNES, 5c Kr??li lb. FIG BARS 10c ii No. 1 can* IXIj CORN, 25c OBELISK FLOUR PLAIN 12 lbs. 55c - 24 lbs. S1.05 SELF RISING 12 lbs. 58c - 24 lbs. $1.10 CANDY VALUES CHOCOLATE CREAM DROPS lb 10c FRESH PEANUT SQUARES, lb 10c FRENCH CREAMS and JELLIES. ICc Fancy Quality, pound CHOC. COVERED PEANUTS, lb 18c "NUTS" New Crop BRAZILS, lb. 15c ? ALMONDS, lb. 21c WALNUTS, lb. 20c ? MIXED, lb. . . 19c PECANS, Large and Fancy, pound 22c ORANGES, Fancy Medium, dozen 12e GRAPE FRUIT, Good size, 3 for ...... 10c LARD TINS, 50 lb. Capacity, each 40c MORTON'S SAUSAGE SESAONINQ, can ... 25c SAUSAGE GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT "FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE'" CORRECTLY SEASONED IF YOU DESIRE SAVE TIME ? WORRY ? AND MONEY ! Gl w. murphy and son Louisburg, N. C