.Elsie- The boss bawled me out this morning about my llpatick. Jessie ? Goiug to quit using it? Elsie ? I guess I'll have to quit ' using the kind that comes off. Mrs. Tenderfoot? Will the op eration be dangerous, doctor? Dr. Sllcem ? Now, don't you worry about that. You can't buy p. dangerous operation (or $50. NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 179 M. entitled "Commissioners of the Town of - Louisburg v. Susie Williams, widow of Augus tus Williams, et al.", which said judgment is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment 3 at page 127, In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Loutsbuk-g, Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 1?40 the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed in the name of Augustus Williams and described us fol lows: Lying on the Halifax Koad in the town of Louisburg, beginning at an iron stake, measuring from the center of the Halifax road, 1. Johnson's corner; thence along this line N 2 l-4d K 20 poles li links to a stake, Johnson's corner C. M. Cooke's line; thence along his line S 86 J-4d E 4 poles to a stake, corner of No. 2 ; thence S 2 l-4d W 19 poles 18 links to a stake, measuring to the center of the road, corner of No. 2; theii<e along the road S 86 l-4d W 4 poles to the beginning, contain ing one-half acre, more or less, and being the identical tract of land conveyed to Augustus Wtl liams by deed of John Thomas and wife. Mary Thomas, dated 8 Jnne 1907, recorded 1 February 1908 in Book 156 at page 428, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidden at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 27th day of November, 1939. . JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 12-8-4t Conrtnission?!-. NOTICE OF HALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 178 M, entitled "Commissioners of the ?Town of Loulsburg v. Robert Yar borough, et al? heirs at law of Lena Yarborough, deceased," which said judgment is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment 3 at page 12*4, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Loulsburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 1940 the following described land in Lonisburg Township. Franklin Connty, North Carolina: Listed in the name of Lena Yarborough Estate and described as follows: A certain lot in the town of Lonisburg, bounded on the north by the lands formerly owned by Ben T. Holden, and on the ea*t by a lot now or formerly owned by T. B. Wilder, on the soutli by the street or road known as Rail road Street, and on the west by the right of way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, Lou isbnrg branch, containing on* fonrth of an acre, more or less, and being the identical lot con veyed to Lena Yarborough bv deed of O. H. Harris and wife, Agnes E. Harris, dated 15 Novem ber 1923 and recorded 12 Febru ary 1924 in Book 249 at page 118, Franklin County registry. For further reference see also deed of John Mitchell and wife to O. H. Harris, recorded in Book 236 at page 74, and deed of Oscar Stegall and wife to John Mitchell, recorded In Book 202 at page ISO. said registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insnre compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 27th day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 12-8-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered In that certain U" tax foreclosure suit No. 181 M. ' entitled "Commissioners of the "Town of Loulsburg v. Mrs.Lou reynolds Ford Allen, widow, et al"' which said Judgment is duly dock eted In Tax Judgment 3 at page 122, in the office of the Clerk of tne Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder far cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County. North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock ?oob, on THURHBAY, 4 JANUARY 1MO tlftj following described land la Louishurg Township. Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed In the name of Mrs. l.ula S. Ford (Mrs. U. W. Ford) and described as follows: Being the shop lot formerl) 9 cupled by E. L. Stegall, and situ ated on the street running toward Nashvjfle, commencing at a locust stump and running twenty feet from said stump, being the cor ner line of Stone & Yarborough, to the lot of J. B. Yarborough, for merly occupied by W. H. Joyncr and back to Young & Morton's line, and being the lot of land conveyed to E. L. Stegall by deed of D. C. Stone and James H. Yar borough, dated 13 May 1859 and recorded 23 January 1860 In Book 32 at page 281, and in deed to Lula S. Ford in Book 68 at page 387, Franklin County Reg istry, to which records reference is hereby had for a further and more adequate description, excep 1 ting however that portion thereof ' which was conveyed to Mrs. Mar i tha E. Murphy by deeds recorded | in Book 278 at page 154 and Book 280 at page 221. See also Book of Orders and Decrees 11 at page 326 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. See also Book . 299 at page 34, said registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de | posit a sum equal to ten per cen | turn (.10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms | of sale, and to be forfeited upon ! lion compliance. Dated and posted this the 27lli day of November, 1939. 12-8-4t JOHN F. MATTHEWS. Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE j Under and by virtue of the au I thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 435A, j entitled "County of Franklin v. ?W. S. Bowden, et al.", which said judgment is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment 3 at pase 123, in the office of the Clerk <,1 the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louishurg. Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 1?4<> the following described land ill Ced&r Rock Township. Franklin | County, North Carolina: Lot No. 5: Beginning at a stake, corner of No. 4: thence S 19d E 44 poles to a stake near a pine stump, Collins' corner;" thence S 85 3-4d E 28 poles 6 links to a stake in a pine stump; thence N I 19d W 44 poles to a stake, corner of No. 4; thence S 7 Id W 25% poles to the beginning, containing six acres, more or less. For a fur ther and more adequate descrip tion, reference is hereby had to Book 241 at page 124, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to j insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 27th i day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 12-8-41 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 149 M, entitled "Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Estella Hill and husband. et al.", which said judgment is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment 3 at page I 126, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin ] County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bldd r j for cash at the courthouse door i in the Town of Louisburg, Frank ] lln County. North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on ? THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY JB40 the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: j Listed In the name of Estella I Hill and described as follows: (1) Known as the Sallie Johnson lot, being lot No. 39 In the division of the lands of O. W. Ford estate, allotted to S. C. Ford and by him sold to Sallie Johnson, who devis ed the same to Estella Hill. See deed recorded in Book 249 at page 343. Said lot is bounded on the north by the lands of Pattle Perry, on the east by the lands of Chaney Egerton. on the south by the lands of Huldah QUI, and on the west by Railroad Street. 8ea Rook 299 at page 199. Containing one acre. See 251-406; 146-521. (2) A lot bounded on the north by Blacktown Avenue, on the east by Walter Murray, on the south by Estella Hill (formerly Judy I Thomas) and on the west by Sa i rah Martin, containing one-fourth acre, more or less. See descrip tion In Book 299 at page 199. (3) A lot bounded on the north by the Methodist Church lot, on the east by Chick 'Bird Murray, nn the south by Railroad Street and on the west by Piggy Green, and being the lot conveyed to Estella Hill by deed of D. F. McKlnne and wife, dated 14 November 1923, recorded 6 March 1924 in Book 261 at page 129. Said lot Is shown on a plat recorded in Map Book 1 at page 160, to which ref erence 1b hereby made. (4) Known as the Judy Thomas home place, bounded on the north by the lands of J. S. Howell, on the east by the lands of Hnldah QUI estate, on the south by Lota Mar I tin and on tbe west by the lands of Huldah Gill estate, and being the lot formerly owned by Judy Thomas, mother of Estella Hill, which descended to Estella Hill by intestate succession to said Es tella Hill from said Judy Thomas and from Henrietta Hill and Lau ra Hill Branch, deceased sisters of Estella Hill. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon iiod compliance. Dated and posted this the 27th day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 12-8-4t Commissioner. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as admipis I trator of the estate of Annie L. I Chapman, deceased late of Frank lin County, North Carolina, this ! Is to notify all persons having ! claims against the estate of said i deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 20 Firwood Ave., I Raleigh, North Carolina, on or , before the 8th day of November, 1940, or this notice will be plead ] ed In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This the 8th day of No vember, 1939. BERTIE S. EDDINS, Administrator of the Estate of (ll-10-6t Annie L. Chapman. NOTICE OP SALE Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority contained ;n (that certain deed of trust made j and executed by Vance Frazier and wife, Julia Frazier, to W. L. Lumpkin, trustee, dated 18 Feb Iruary 1939, and recorded in Book I 338 at page 273, Franklin County Registry, default having been made In the payment of the in ' debtedness secured thereby, and the undersigned trustee having been requested by the holder of the notes secured thereby to ex ercise the power of sale, the un dersigned trustee will offer for sale a{ public auction for cash, at the courthouse door of Franklin I County, at or about the hour <-f 1 twelve o'clock noon, on MONDAY. 11 DECEMBER l?;l? the following described lands: j FIRST TRACT: Beginning at an iron stake in tlie center of the old Louisburg road. H. Frazier's southeast corner, with pine poin ter, thence south 88d Ell" feet i to a point in the center of the new road at an iron stake; thence along the center of said road N 30d E 100 feet to a point fh the curve; thence N 14d E 135 feet to a point at an iron stake in said road; thence N 88d W 196 feet to an iron stake the center of the said road; ;thence south 4d 15""W ,230 feet to*the beginning. 'For further reference see book 227 at page 565, Franklin Registry. SECOND TRACT: All that cer i tain tract or parcel of land lying, being and situate in Harris Town ship, Franklin County, N. C., be i ing designated as Lot No. 4 in Book of Orders and Decrees 13 l at page 182 in the office of 'lie Clerk of the Superior Court ???! I Franklin County. N. C.. and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a large post-oak, corner for No. 2 and No. 5, and corner for W. R. Young; thence N fS6d W 2160 feet to a stake in I a field, corner for No. 5 in line Lof No. 3; thejice S 5 3-4d W ISIS feet to a rock, corner of Nos. 1 and 3, and corner of the Robbins land; thence along the Robbins line, S 87 3-4d E 2239 feet to a stake in an old road, Bobbins'* ! or W. R. Young's corner; thence along Young's line, N 3 3 -4d E 1571 feet to beginning, contain ing 79 acres, more or less. The successful bidder will be required to deposit with the truB 1 tee a sum equal td ten per centum (10% of the amount bid; to re cure compliance with the terms of the sale. | Dated and posted this the 9th day of November, 193S. W, L. LUMPKIN, Charles P. Green, Trustee. Attorney^ ll-17-4t TRUSTEE'S SALE OK LAND Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that deed of trust ; from R. P. Pearce and wife, Zoie i Pearce to Edward F. Griffin. Trustee, dated October 31, 1938, recorded in Book 340. Page 160, Franklin County Registry, de fault having been made in the payment of the note thereunder secured. I will on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1080, at or about noon, sell at the Courthouse Door In Louisburg, N. C? to the highest bidder, for cash, the following lands: Those certain tracts or parcels of land situate in Franklin Coun I ty, Dunn Township. State of 'North Carolina, and described as follows: 1st Tract: Containing 6.4 acres, more or less, known as Lot No. 10 of the Wesley Jones Farm, al lotted to Zole Pearce in that Spec ial Proceedings entitled "Mrs Florence P. Pearce, et als, EX PARTE," recorded In Book 11, Page 531, et seq. O. & D., office Clerk Superior Court of Frnnklln County, N. C. 2nd Tract: Containing 10 V4 acres, more or less, known as Lot No. 2 of the Moses Pearce Farm, allotted to Zoie Pearce in said Special Proceedings recorded in Book 11, Page 631, et seq. O. & D, office of the said Clerk Super ior Court. 3rd Tract: Containing 6.4 acres, more or less, known as Lot No. 11 of the Wesley Jones Farm, allotted to E. O. Pearce, Jr., In the aforesaid Special Proceedings, recorded in Book 11, Page 631, et seq. O. A D. office said Clerk. 4th Tract: Containing 10 acres, more or leee. and knewa as Cot No. 1 of the Motes Pearce Farm,, allotted to E. O. Pearce, Jr., in the aforesaid Special Proceedings, recorded In Book 11, Page 531. . et seq. O. & D. office said Clerk. The last two tracts having be ?n I oonveyed to Zole Pearce by deed of E. 6. Pearce, Jr. and wife, re corded in Book 306, Page 233. , Registry of Franklin County, N. , C., reference is hereby made to all of said records for further le 1 scriptlon of the lands hereby con I veyed. The above described property is sold subject to a deed of trust from R. P. Pearce and wife. 2oie Pearce to W. O. McGibouy, Trus tee. Dated and posted this 10th day ot November, 1939. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, ll-17-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE ' Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee in that deed of trust ot H. G. Perry and wife,*Iza Marie Perry, to J. E. Malone and William L. Bramble. Trustees, dated July 7, 1938, and 1 recorded in Book 350 at Pages 24,3 et seq. Registry of Franklin I County, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness secured thereby and demand having been made upon said Trus tees for the foreclosure of said deed of trust, the said Trustees will at or about the hour of noon on THURSDAY, the 4th 1IAY OF JANUARY. 1040, at the Court House door of Frank lin County in Louisburg. N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands: Situated in I.ouisburg Town ship, Franklin County, State of North .Carolina, and more partic ularly described and defined as follows: Adjoining the lands of Mrs. Florence T. Dorsett, C. E. Ford, the lands of the Metropoli tan Life Insurance Company and W. B. Tucker, formerly Allen land, and the old and new Halifax Road, and beginning on the South side of said road, corner for the tract hereby conveyed and W. B. Tucker, formerly Allen corner; thence along the old road S. 64d W. 794 ft., S. 5 5(1 W. 210 ft., S. 63 Vid W. 270 ft., S. 62 H W. i 273 ft.. S. 68 ViA W. 616 ft., S. 67d W. 315 ft., S. 70d W. 292 ft., S. 86%d W. 413 ft. to the new surface road; S. 61d W. 297 ft., S. 67?4d W. 503 ft.. S. 65 3-4d W. 400 ft., S. 55d W. 906 ft., S. OOd W. 248|ft., S. 60d W. 243 ft., S. 59d W. 502 ft.. S. 55 l-4d W. 356 ft.. S. 56'/?d W, 451 ft.. S. 55 3-4d W. 313 ft., S. 56%d W. 307 ft.. S. 73d W. 182 ft. to a slake, Dorsett corner; therice along the Dorsett line S. lild E. 1188ft. to a Red Oak stump: thence N. 78 %d E. 136)1 ft. to a stake. Ford cornerj thence S. 24d E. 1342 ft. to Dorset! corner. , Murphy Road; thence along the Ford line N. 57 'id E. 314 It., N. 73d E. 445 ft.. N. 89d E. 1320 ft to a stake. Ford coiner; thence S. 6 2 Vi d E. 2334 ft. to a stake. Ford corner; thence N. 44d E. 1344 ft. to a slake. Ford coiner; thence N. 21 %d W 1660 ft. to the Murphy Road. Metropolitan l.lfe Insurance Co. corner; thence N. 2d W, 1790 ft. to a stake. Me tropolitan Life -Insurance Com pany corner (formerly Allen cor ner); thence N. 3d E. 2343 ft. along Metropolitan Life Insur ance Company and W. B. Tucker (formerly Allen) line to the beginning, containing 57 6 acres by survey of Joseph T. Inscoe, registered surveyor, 1927. and comprising the land conveyed to the grantors herein by deed of W. R. Tucker and wife, recorded in Book 344 P^ge 291. Registry of Franklin County, and deed of W. C. Wilson and wife, recorded in Rook 344 Page 329. said Reg istry. and by deed of Willi^ T. Wilson and wife, recorded In Book 344 Page 297. sa id. Regis try, reference to which dt*eds and records is hereby made, j A deposit of five per cent of the purchase price bid will be re iquired of the bidder at the time of sale as evidence of good faith. This the 2nd day of December. '1939. J. E. MALONE. WILLIAM L. BRAMBLE. Malone & Malone, Trustees. 1 Attorneys. 12-8-4t TRl'STKK'S HALK OK I.AM) Pursuant to the poorer of sale contained in that deed of trust from Julia Hagwood Frailer and Vance Frailer to J. P. Lumpkin, Trustee, dated December 28, 1938, recorded in Book 338, Page 249, Franklin County Registry, do fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereunder secured, I will on TUE8DA Y, DKCKMBKIl 12, 1031). at the Courthouse Door in Louis burg, N. C., at twelve o'clock noon to the highest bidder, sell for caBh, the following lands: TRACT No. 1: All of the right, title and interest of Julia Hag wood Fraxier in and to the estate of her father, Rastus llagwood, deceased, the same being a one seventh undivided Interest In and to said lands situate in Harris Totonship, Franklin County, N. C., said lands containing 148 acres, more or less, and being sit- 1 uate adjacent to Harris Public School at Hagwood Cross Roads in said township. TRACT No. 2: That tract of land containing one aero known as the Vance and Julia Frailer Homeplace described by metes and bounds in deed recorded In Book 227, Page 686, Franklin Registry. TRACT No. 3: Being lot No. i of the Harrod Fraxier estate al lotted to Vance Fraxier: Begin ning at a large poat oak corner for No. 2 aad No. f and corner for W. a. Young; thence N. I?d W. U <0 ft. to a stake la a field. j corner (or No. 5 In line ot No. 3; I thence S. S 3-4d W. 1613 It. to a rock, corner for Nor 1 and 3; thence an corner of the Robblns land; -thence along the Robblns line S. 87 3-4d JE. 2239 ft. to a I 'Stake in an old road. Robbius or iW. R. Youngs corner; thence along Young's line N. 3 3-4d E. 1571 ft. to beginning, containing i 79 acres, more or less. Tracts 2 and 3 being sold sub ject to all prior liens of record, i Dated and posted this lltli day of November 1939. J. P. LU - XOTH'K OF A.tLiri , \ | Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority conferred in the undersigned, under and by that Deed of Trust, bearing date of November 20th. 1935. executed by Henry Jones and wife, Celia Jones, to H. C. Kearney, Trustee, and recorded in the office of the : Register of Deeds for Franklin [County, North Carolina, in Book , page ?H and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by , said Deed of Trust, and demand huving been on the undersigned to sell the property described in said Deed of Trust, the under signed Trustee will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 11th, at the hour of Twelve o'clock M., at the Franklin County Court house door, Loulsburg, North Car olina, offer for sale, and sell to t lie highest bidder, at public auc tion, the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Frankllnton Township, North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake about six feet Southwardly from a red oak. John ;V. Boone's Northeast cor ner, and runs thence N. 62 de grees W. 211 feet to an iron,stake; thence S. 28 degrees W. 165 feet to an iron stake; thence., S. 62. degrees E. 254 feet to an' irqn stake, in the old Youngsville road; thence along said road N. 12 de grees 30 VV. 176 feet to the point of beginning, containing one acre, more or less, and being the land bought by Henry Jones from H. S. Pearce. This 11th day of November. 1039, 1939. 11-17-41 H. C. KEARNEY, Trustee. SALE OK KKAIi KSTATr, Under and by virtue of the 1 power and authority vested in me 1 in that certain deed of trust exe i cuted on the 4th day of Novem ber, 1938 by Oscar W. Williams and wife Delia Williams; which said deed of trust is duly record i ed in I he office of the lleglster of j Deeds for Franklin County, North I Carolina in Hook .140, Page 169; default having been made in the payment ..of the indebtedness ' thereby secured and demand hav ing been made upon me to fore close same, 1 will on SATIHDAY, DECEMBER 1980 at or about the hour of noon at Hie courthouse door of Franklin County in lhe Town of Louisburg. sell at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, the following described lands lying and being situate in (iold Mine Township, Fra iiklfu County. North Carolina. vi7.: Hounded oil lhe North by the * lands of Nellie Denton, on the Fast by the Orreu Coley lands, on the South by the Wynne-Grey lauds, ou the West by the lauds I of Hum Cuptou, containing twen ty acres, more or less. Being the | lands Inherited by Logan C. Cup ton from his father. David Uup ton. i Dated and posted this Novem ber 17, 1939. KDWAFU) F. (MUFFIN. 1 11-24-41 Trustee. NOTH 'E OK MLH L'uder und by virtue of the po wer and authority conferred in the undersigned, under and by that Deed of Trust, bearing date of January 9th. 19110. executed by E. D. Hoyster and wife. Min nie Hoyster, to Charles P. Green, | Trustee, and recorded 111 the of-1 . lice of tile Register of Deeds for Franklin County. North Carolin.i, | in Hook 300. at Page 192, and de fault having been made lit the payment of the Indebtedness ?e 1 cured by said Deed of Trust, and demand having been made on the undersigned to sell the property described In said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER IN, 1089, at the hour of twelve o'clock M., at the Franklin County /Court House door, Louisliurg, ( North Carolina, offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, the following tract or parcel of land, situate In Frank linton Township. North Carolina, and described us follows: Bounded mi the North by the lands known as the "Mary Long Lands"; on the Fast by the lands known as the Lowry land; on the South by the T. B. Thomas land, and on the West by the lands of Maggie Holden, containing 65 Vi acres, and known as the Tom Bragg home place. This the 18th day of Novem ber, 1939. CHARLES P. GHEEN, _ Trustee. H. C. Kearney, Attorney. ll-24-4t I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ~ Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of W. H. Horton, Sr., deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this IS to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 24th day of November, -1*10,' or this notice will be pleaded tn bar of their re covery. All person* Indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This 23rd day of November, list. W. H. HORTON, JR.. 11-24-Ct Adm'r XOT1CK OF SAW5 * Under and by virtue of the au I thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior , Court of Franklin County, North I Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 77 C, en titled "County of Franklin and Commissioners of the Town of I.oulsburg v. Addie Wilkins. widow, et a!.", which said Judgment is duly docketed in Tax Judgment 3 at page 121, in the ofTice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, the under signed Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in fwn of Louisburg. Franklin ', North Carolina, at or th,e hour of twelve o'clock an AY, 22 DECEM1IE11 I SKSI) UOwing described lands in urg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed as "1 lot" and bounded on the south by the Tarboro Road, on the west by the lands of Jim Davis, and containing the resi dence now occupied by Elijah Debnam, and being the Identical lands described in a deed from F. N. Egerton and wife, Pat-tie Egerton, to Addie Wilkins, wife of Zollie Wilkins, dated 24 March 1898 and recorded 9 May 1898 in Book 114 at page 25, to which reference is hereby made for a further and more adequate des cription. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with tlvp teVms of sale, and to be forfeited upon nou compliance. Dated and posted this the 20lli day of Novembey, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEW'S. ll-24-4t Commissioner. NOTlt'K. OK SAliK Under and Uy virtue of the au thority of sale contained in th..t certain Judgment of fthe Supei ioi Court of KrankltirCtounty. North Carolina, entered 'Vl-iMen tax foreclosure suit No. titled ??Commissioners ot Town of Louisburg v. Yarborough and wife. I,ucy , borough, et al. wh ch sa d Judg ment is duly d.^keted ln Tax Judgment 3 at page 1.20, m tm office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin Count), North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for ^cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg. Franklin c?"nt*' North Carolina, at or abont the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on friday! drckmiikk iww the following described J?"c? JjJ Louisburg Township. Fianklin County. North Carolina: A certain tract or Parcel ( Und situate in the t ounty ol Vih nklin Louisburg row nsliip. r? , he Mineral Springs section of the Town of Louisburg and situ ate near the graveyard on the Lou isburg-Ncw port road. so known as the Old Uiver Road, and bounded by the said i oad and the lands formerly owned hy Mai tha Al-endell and others, contain ing one and one-half acres of land, more or less. _ \The successful bidder a above sale will be required to < posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10?"rl of the amount bid to {.Tare compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited up. .?>. "? JoV,r?r'H1'S>itxVa ll-"4-4t ' Commissions XOT1CK UK SAi.K I'XUKIl j HKKII ok TBl'ST Under and by virtue of ity contained in a certain deed of 1 and ' w'jf '? ' "t o '' Security " National BiMik? Trustee, on the 1 0th d.Tj 1 Novein I #37 recorded In Book 346. Page 648. Registry of Hank li? county. North Carolina, d fault having been made In tne payment of t Indebtedness se cured thereby, whereby the ?'? Ure amount of said Indebtedness became due and payable and de mand having been made by I ? holder of said note upon the trus tee named therein to advertise and sell the property described ?J said deed of trust, the undersign ed will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door in Louisburg, Franklin Pnnnt v N C.. at noon on MONDAY, DKCWHKK 1H. the following described real es UtAll that certain parcel or lot of land situate on College and Wl - ston Street in the T?wn '.l Youngsvlile, Franklin County. North Carolina, bounded on the North by Winston Street; bound ed on the Bast by the ^ F. Green; bounded on the South by the lands of M,M klllUn Win ston; bounded on the West by College Street and|or U. B. High way No. 1. and more P?rt'c?{?r^ described as follows: BEGIN NINO at a rock 3.6 feet E. iron the intersection of College and W inston St reets ; thence dueEaa< along Winston Street 2 21 ". to a rock In corner for Street and the lands ol B. F. Green; thence along the JR. *? Green line 8. 2d 30' W 230 ft. to j? Htake in corner for R. * ? ureen and MIbb Lillian Winston; thence along Miss Lillian Winston s line dua West 220 ft. to a stake in corner for Miss Lillian Winston and College Street; thence_B,?"f College Street N. 2d 30 E. 229 ft to point of beginning, con taining 1.16 acres by Burv?y of 11-24-41 Assistant Trust Officer. M 8 Da*i?. Registered Engineer, 3 "? >?? to make ? cash depoait if per cent ot the amount o( the bid ae a guarantee ol co?pU?nce tliere with In the event that 110 re-sal? is ordered. ? Dated this 8th day of Novem ber, 1939. SECURITY NATIONAL Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court ' of Franklin County. North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 8D. entitled County of Frank- '< , lin v. Charlotte S t e ,g a 1 I and h u s b a n d. et al.". which said judgment is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment 3 at page 125. in the office of the Clerk oC the Superior Court of Franklin. County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door i in the Town of Louisburg, Frank- J lin County. North Carolina. At or | about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, ou THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 1040 the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed in the name of Huldah \ (?ill Estate and described as fol lows: Beginning at a pine. Lucy Bal lard's corner, and running thence east 32 poles to a rock, thence north 25 poles to a stake; thence west 32 poles to a rock, thence north 11 poles to a rock, thence nearly west 4 4 poles JO links to a rock, thence south 36 poles to a rock in Blijliu'd's line: thence east 4 4 poles to the beginning, con taining 15 acres, more or less, be ing the identical tract of lan.i conveyed to William Gill, hus band of Huldah Uill. by deed Cf Louisa Davis, datedx 29 August. 1895 and recorded 14 September 1895 in Book 100 at p&ge 3?9. Franklin County registry, to which reference is hereby made. See also Book 162 at page 528 The successful bidder at the above sule will lie required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 21th day of November, 1939. *S BANK, Trustee. f By: J. M. Blair, Jr..^ j NOTICE OF SALE 12-8-4t JOHN F MATTHEWS.' Commissioner. APEX. X. C. Telephone: OH 2101, Kch. 4201 1 am in my office at Apex, N. C.. every Saturday and Monday. Hours for eye ex amination: Saturday 9 a. m, to 6 p. ill.; Monday 9 a. in. to 12 noon. If it is not con venient for you to see ma these days at Apex, write or telephone for an appoint ment. BARGAINS ? IN ? USED CARS f 1 ? 1938 Chevrolet Town Sedan with Radio and Heater. 1 ? 10:17 Kord Sedan Willi lladio nnd Heater. 1 ? 1037 Ford, 2 door*. 1 ? 10:1.1 Kord. 4 door*. It? -1034 Kord, 2 doors. All cars in recondition shape See SAM Before You Buy. R. S. WEATHERS Phono 28.V0 Frank lint on. N. C. Representing MILLER MOTOR CO. Phone 258-1 Wake Forest, N. C. SALES and SKRVICK EXCELLENT ; CLEANING NEAT PRESSING COMPETENT TAILORING QUICK SERVICE and careful personal atten tion and courteous treat ment. Use our Dry Clean ing Service as yon would your Grocery Service. Let us prepare your sum mer suits for winter storage. PROMPT PICK-UP, DELIVERY Louisburg Dry Cleaners LMbbvCl Oldest with Franklin Ooanty'i

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