? NEW ? lauj*kui:n THEATRE Saturdays Continuous: 2-1 1 Sunday: 2 - 4 and 9 Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - Thur. ? Frl. 8:3t? ? r and 9 10-23c Matinee ? l.V.tOc Night SATURDAY, DEC. 9 (Double Feature Day) ltOY ROGERS "ARIZONA KID" , and J AXE WITHERS "CHICKEN WAG ON FAMILY" Also Chapter No. 8 "Dick Tracy's G-Men" SPNDAY-MONDAY. DEC. lO-JI Sunday Shows: 2-4 and 9 Tyrone Power - l.tnda Darnell "DAYTIME WIFE" Variety Time: Movletonews Technicolor S|>ec iai "The Bill of Rights" and I>eith Stevens and Hand. TUESDAY, DEC. 12 You Will Irani thai in'lier day in Paris, a Siren was a Hrunette and not an alarm ? and if a Frenchman turned out the lights it was not on the account of an Air Raid- Some fun with (iurbo in her first comedy role. URETA (iARBO MKIjVYN DOUGLAS "NINOTCHKA" Duu't prono^air it ? see it for laughs. Variety "Football Thrills." WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18 Ann (Maisie) Sot hern William (JarxHii ? Waller liminan "A CALON the PRESIDENT" * oinedy: "Static in The Attic" and Cartoon. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, DEC. 14 ? liHh Shows at S:3M - 7 and ?:?.-> Frank Capran" "MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON" Starring JAMES STEWART anil JEAN ARTHUR. FRANKLIN AT BUIE S CREEK Bute's CreeK- Dec. 7. ? .Frank- 1 Ilu County is this year represent -| ed at Campbell College by six teen students and one teacher, the Kev. J. E Ayscue, who insis's. "I'm thankful I was born in good old Franklin County." \ Of that number Ave are college Hopbomores. six freshmen, three commercial students, and two in high school. These represent six high schools, Oold Hand. LoUis burg, Edward Best. YouiiRsvllle. I Epsom and Bunn. Ishmael Bunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Bunn, is president of the Sophomore class, the third of three Bunn brothers coming here from Edward Best high school. Young Bunn Is also president of the Pht society. From Oold Sand come four: A Sophomore Home Ec. student. Lurlyne Woodard. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Woodard; a freshman, studying for the minis try, Horace Thompson, son of Mrs. W. N. Thompson; two com mercial students, Hilda Orilfin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. tirilYln, and Eleanor Wilson, dau ghter of Mrs. Bertha Wilson. From Loulsburg also come four: Wilson Vaughan, son of Mrs. C. M. Vaughan. a sophomore .who generally gets his name on the honor roll; two freshmen, Clar ence Bass, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Bass, and Oeorge Leonard, son of Mr, and Mrs. O s. Leonard, and a high school student, Robert Strickland, son of Mrs. K. H. Strickland. from Bunn come live: Janld ! Lewis, sophomore, daughter ot j Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Lewis, whr ! last year was elected to Epslion i PI Eta. Campbell's honor sicl"- , (/; John L. Richards, sophomore, i Inuifkurn Thursday - Friday - Dec. 14th - 15th JUST SEEING A CAPRA PICTURE Living A Great *>onal AdventureT Is E*10 ?f FRANK CAPRA'S* iillr. Smilli (floes l ib Washington co-starring * ? ??? i Jean ARTHUR * James STEWART CLAUDE RAINS ? EDWARD ARNOLD * GUY KMIEE THOMAS MITCHELL ? IEULAH SOMDI Dir.cl.d by FRANK CAf*A Screen Hay by SIDNCV IUCHMAN a coiumd;/ r.cii>*E ? SHOWS AT ? 3:30 - 7:00 and 9:25 son of" Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rich ards; and three freshmen. Orvnl Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Phillips. Kenneth Come, son of Mrs. S. W. Cone, and Wilbur Ed wards. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Edwards. Wilbur Massey. son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. , Massey. represents Kranklinton; Hazel Pearre. dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs B. J. Pearce. represents Youngsvllle; and Geo. J Dickie, sou of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Dickie. represents Epsom. ? : Gladys Strickland. Reporter. Farmers Can Get . $30 For Planting Four Acres Of Trees Raleigh. Dec. 5. ? The U. S. Government will pay North Caro lina farmers to plant forest seed lings on their land and help re-, forest it. State Forester J. S. H.>l-' ines of the Department of ^Con servation and Development said today. \ Farmers cooperating With th? Agricultural Adjustment Admiu-^ Istration in carrying on soil buil ding practices and who are par ticipating In benefit payments, may get an additional credit of $30 each If they will plant as much as four acres of land to for est trees, according to a new bul letin Just issued by the AAA in Washington. "This $30 will more than pay for the cost of trees and for plant ing them." said F. H. Clatidge. assistant forester In charge of the State Forest Nurseries. "Farmers can buy enough trees and get them planted for $4 an acre,, planting about 1,000 trees to the acre, so that the entire four acrei should not cost more than $16. leaving $14 clear profit or to spend in planting several more trees." Approximately 4,000,000 baby forest trees are now almost ready for distribution from the two for est nurseries maintained by the forestry division of the Depart ment of Conservation and Devel opment. These seedlings may be purchased for $2 per thousand from the State Forester In Ral eigh. Most of these seedlings are lob lolly, slash, shortleaf or longleaf pine, although theri> are several thousands seedlings of other ra rleties available, Including cedar,, white pine, black locust and black ?valnut. Pete Shearln has this unique vay of describing a silver-tongued urator: "He knows so much and knows It so fluently he should practice breath control." I O'HEXRY BOOK n,rn The O'Henry Book Club met on i Tuesday, Nov 28. with Miss ea rn i 1 1 e Swindell. In the midst of; attractive and appropriate Thanks giving decorations. Mrs. Robt. 1 Smithwick read a paper prepared by Mrs. Ear! Murphy on "Thanks giving Dinner Yesterday and To day." "Favorite Thanksgiving Recipes" were. given by Elizabeth Tiuibcrtake- ? The hostess. Assisted by Miss Katherine Rogers, and Mrs. Do rey served sandwiches and tea fol-| fowed with individual mince pies. | Visitors present were Mrs.' Kate Perry. Mrs. W. C. Perry. Mrs. A. B. Perry. Mrst. Wm. Jack-1 son. and Mrs. Dorey. Members. Misses Klsa Craig, Alberta Davis. Katherine Rogers. Helen Sinlth wlck, Elizabeth Timberlake. Ma dame* Ueorge Davis, J. K. Kul | ghtim, E FV Griffin, Ueorge Oli ver. Robt. Smithwick, Albert Wheless and C. R. Svkes. * I llOr . M. T. I, \MM SI'KAKS TOl HA RRIN P. T. A. \Mr. M. Thomas Lamni. Super- i vising Principal of the Bunn Dls- ; trlet school was guest speaker at a PAT. A. program given in the 1 new Harris School Tuesday eve>)- 1 lng. Dec. 5th. Mr. Latnm spoke on the subject: "Bnlldln#Clti zeiis foi\ Eternity.'' ? Special music was furnished , by Mr. H. T. Rogers, bis two sons. Marry and Douglas and Miss Mar jory Grosse. After the program the au- 1 dlenoe was Invited Into the Cafe-, j terla where delltfoiiH refresh-; | ments were served. MISS JOHNSON KNTHRTAINS I Miss (IraVf* JBhnson entertain- 1 ed her bridge club at her home1 Monday evening. i Miss Camille Swindell won the : traveling prize and Mrs. Hamil ton Hobgood was awarded high score pme. Visitors present were Misses Camille Swindell and Hazel John son. Members present were Miss es Jane Fuller. Peggy Ford, Rose Malone. Jean Fleming, Atleen Crowder. Mrs. Douglas Perry, Mrs. W. C. Boyce, Mrs. W. E. Collier. Jr.. and Mrs. Hamilton Hobgood Miss Jane Fuller. Mrs. Doug las Perry and Miss Hazel Johnson assisted'-the hostess in serving a sweet course. Life la like ? roller-toaster?* lot of ups and downs and breath taking moments ending Just where you started. BUSINESS WOMAN'S CIRCLE The Business Woman's Circle of the W M. S. of the Baptist Church will hold its regular meet ing at 6:30 on Monday evening. Supper will be promptly served at the Hutel. Please notify the Chairman whether you will at tend or not. There will be special feature on the program in the person of Mrs. Frank Woodward., a mission ary from China, now on furlough and living In Durham. Everybody is welcome to attend this part of the meeting which will be held a< the church in the assembly hall at 7:15 P. M. Elizabeth James, Chairman. A man was bragging to a friend recently that he bad just made $7,500. Man? Made it in less than five i minutes! Friend ? How in the world did ! you do It? Man ? It's this* way. They say | that It's worth $1,500 to bring a child up to a certain age. J just married a widow with five child ren. FOR FIRST CI, ASS PRINTING PHONIC 283-1 WANTED TO RENT Two to four acres tobacco al-l lotment for cash Address Farmer, care Franklin Times. 1 2-8-1 1 i SALE Saturday. December IS. 1939. 9:300 o'cloek sharp, at auction: A good pair of mules, farming tools, about 20 barrels of corn, carpenter tools. 1 set of tobacco flues, 5,000 tobacco sticks, house hold and kitchen furniture. Terms: Cash. 12-8-lt SPENCER HAYE8. TAKEN UP I have 3 mules. 1 black mare mule, 1000 lbs.. 1 dark horse mule, 1000 lbs., 1 small black j mare mule, around 700 lbs. H.I M. LANCASTER. Centerville, N, | C. 12-8-lt 1 HALK OK VALl'AKI.K REAL ESTATE ^Under and by o( the power contained in (luit certain deed of trust executed to the un- j dersigned trustee i?y Lizzie Rod- j, well, W. H. Kodwell and wife Dor- ' othy L. Kodwell. and duly recor ded In the office ot the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, N. C? in Hook 340. at page 70. de fault having heeu made in the payment of the indebtedness i thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale for cush, ' at public auction, to the highest i bidder, at the courthouse door in Franklin County. North Carolina, at orahout the , hour of 12:00 > o'clock noon. yi> MONDAY, IAM A Itv H, l?IO , I he following described tract ol' land situated In Frauklln County1 and bounded as follows: Beginning on the road near a ; white oak ntump. A. T. Wilson's corner; tlionce south 22 degree 30 minutes west 2161.5 feet to a large oak stump: thence' north S8 degrees west 2260.5 feet to a per simmon tret^and stump. A. T. Wilson's coffer: thence north 5 j degrees east 422.4 feet to a stake near a pine. William Hunt's cor-| ner: thence east 871 feet to a! stake near a pine. Corner for! Hunt: thence north 50 degrees; east 1650 feet to a stake on the ! north side of the road: thence | north 64 degrees east 1044%feet to the beginning, containing I 56.75 acres, more or less. At the said sale the successful bidder will be required to deposit with the undersigned trustee the' sum equal to ten pel' cent of tliei amount bid to Insure compliance ! with the terms of sale. DRted. posted anil published this- the 8th day of December, ' 1939 KKMI* P. YARHOROOOH. 12-8-5t Trustee. Ill* HI.K KKAI, KHTATK 1 The undersigned. T. K. Stofk- | aid, Trustee, will on , THl'RHDAY, the I Ith l?AV OK 1 DRC'KMBKR, | at or about the hour of noon at the Court House door In LouIm burg, N. C.. offer for sale at puli- ( lie auction to the highest bidder , those certain pieces or parcels of property owned Jointly by the I Town of Louisburg and the Coun- | ty of Franklhi. and described a< follows: ? j< 1st Lot. Situate on the West!) side of South Main Street in tho , Town of Louisburg. and bounded ' on the North by Mrs. J. W. King, | on the East by Main Street, on , the South by the Annie Joyuer property, and on the West by the I lands of Ford and Allen, com- , prising those two lots, the first conveyed to the undersigned by I deed of L. It. F Allen, recorded j In Book 360 page 342, Franklin Registry, and the pecond being ' Lot No. 7 described 111 deed of | .irfhn F. Matthews, Commissioner, to the undersigned, recorded In 1 Rook 275, page 98, said Registry. | 2nd Lot. Situate on the Bast side of Kenmore Avenue in the 1 Town of Louisburg. being known as the old J .B. Thomas lot,- and described In deed 'of Charles r. Oreen et al to the undersigned, recorded In Rook 275. page 82, Franklin Registry 3rd Lot. Situate on the We?it side of South Main Street In tho Town of Louisburg. at the Inter- j secetlon of Mineral Springs road.; known as the Annte R. Joyner' Lot, and beifig the first tract des cribed in deed of Charles r. Oreen, Commissioner, to Uie un dersigned, recorded In Book >276, page 81. Franklin Registry. 4th Lot. Situate on the West side of Kenmore Avenue In the Town of Louisburg, being the property formerly owned by An nle B. Joyner. known as the R. C. , Perry Homeplace. and being the second tract described in deed >fj Charles P. Creeu. Commissioner, to the undersigned. recorded in Book 275, page 81. Franklin Reg istry. The above property will be of fered for cash, or upon the fol lowing terms: One-foilrth cash, the balance in three equal annual instalments secured by a first lien upon the property In question The undersigned reserves th-> right to reject any or all bids at the time of sale, but such bids will either be rejected or finally accepted on the duy of said sale. No bids will he received from persons of the colored race, and deeds conveying said property will ! contain restrictions prohibiting th4 occupancy of said property bv members of the .colored race. Deposits of ten peer tent of the price bid will be required of the succeeasful bidders (he time ol the said sale. . ?* This the 5th day of December, 193y v v T. K . ' STOCK A R D, 12-S-lt > ** Trustee. FOR FIKST CLASS PRINTING ' 1'HONE 283-1 NOTICE OF SALE - Under and by virtue of the au-j thority of sale contained in that ! curtain 'Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County. Nortli Carolina, entered in that certain ' tax foreclosure suit No. 177 M, entitled "Commissioners of thai Town of Louisburg v. Josepni Yarborough, widower of Sallte! Yarborougb, et al.". which said: judgment is duly docketed in Tax j Judgment 3 at page 113. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County. North Carolina, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town >>f Louisburg, Franklin Countv, North Carolina, at or about the hour- of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY I??i the following described land in Louisburg Township. Franklin. County. North Carolina ? Listed in the uume c< Salllej Yarborough. and described lows; f Situate o\) the west side tit Main Street near the southern cor porate limits of Loulsburg, be ginning at Calvin Yarborough's corner on Main. St.. ' running thence southerly along Main Street 62 feet to a stake, corner of lot formerly owned by Daniel HazlewOod; thence at light an gles to said street 210 feet more or less (o corner of Austin Green* estate; thence northerly in a line parallel to Main Street 52 feet to Calvin Yarborough corner, and thence along Calvin Yarborough'g line to Main Street, containing 1-4 acre, more or less, and being . - the lot conveyed to Sallle Yarbor ough by deed of Joseph H. Yar borough. dated 21 April 1913 and recorded 22 April 1913 in Book 192 at page 325. For further ref erence see Book 170 at page 471. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon noil compliance. Dated and posted this the 4th day of DeneinheivJ.939. JOHN F. /MATTTUEWS, 1 2-8 - 4 1 I Commissioner. ?umt, ~the4e, ^pevde&nt/ ^ I '& JEWEIRY GIFTS ?4$ f 2f fc ^ 2> V2? 5 Diamonds 1 $19.75 Solid gold mount jgf ing. 5 fiery 'Dia ^ raonds! Enlarged to K- Hhow modern ?!?? tail ! EASY TO GIVE AT THESE PRICES! - Jewelry Gifts are "first choice" for ' Christmas. They're treasured longer and express the holiday mood better than anything else you could give. Our Gift selection is complete and priced for everybody ! Diamond SPECIALS ! Gold Cross $4.50 | Qold cross and matching chain ! YRARS TL'DOK j? PliATE | $19.95 Set ? MIOAl f AII^J J31? ^ S-SSJi ????????. Milan ? ' I CIOARETTK CASH M AX!? LIGHTER '?& $1.50 to $15 ? RCA Kadio ^ $9.85 R-tube midget for the kitchen or den. Excellent reception, complete ! 14 Diamond Bridal Ensemble; the newest styling in white or yellow gold ! 7 Diamonds in $iC each W 7-Diajmond Ring: a sparkling gift with its large center Diamond and 6 smaller Diamonds. Priced ....... OTHKIt KINGS KKOM $10 TO 9IOO Kriilal I'uir Above KiiliirKril to Show Detail Watches ^ $19.50 | Jeweled movement and curved to fit the & wrist. Genuine leather band ! K 15 Jewels $21.75 Modern man's watch tn 10K gold filled case ! Give a WATCH! A Gift they'll want to wear all the time . . . yet they cost no more than the "usual" Gift ! Choose yours HERE ! 15 Diamond ? $125.00 2 Stunning Bridal Duet! White or yellow gold. En larged for detail. R I $1.00 to $2.50 ELGIN or WALTHAM 15- Jewel LADIES' $29.75 A smartly styled watch and a dependable timepiece! Gold-plat ed case with newest type link bracelet. 7- Jewel MAN'S $19.75 New curved model he'll always be proud of! Accurate move ment . . . with genuine leather band to match' Bill Fold Sets g $4.50 2 | Travel Kit $5.00 ? An Ideal Rift for the men T Kltto.1 with everything h<> need*. Lined leath er case, tipper. 9L i mwmM Special Prices on New and Used Radios and Refrigerators. OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P. M. TILL XMAS ! RAYNOR'S Radio & Jewelry Shop '"'We Sell the Best and Service the Rest" LOUISBURO, N. C. j ? i ? i Rlfdn or Waltham 7 Jewels *12.50 I tOK gold plate cam1 Rained figure dial. beautifully engrar 2