Bieyrci* At Work p-'T* tee. 11. ? TVe i?r ? Maui ? '-?i ap or com i> f " a S?rj Carotzaa a im of ?t-' nolkn j -w ??ti ni Mtiw i gi lift ?t*it ?J? tka week. U(l.- H Bar* of G-ildaVi-o auu Dimur of Ut Brewer* u4 Karth Cmoi'i ? Beer tnacnfriian CokC-At ana?.-U??d v> lay that yKSiM* were 1M with the Ah ? - ? Bi*i? u4 Ko?u coaitj tou* of toBBjaacwn lia week rt(MKu| 'X rtfcxaUH o! tte nua Mtr betua of eixat *e?kn. Ti* |*c-jsM were bued am alleged -i? r?.j ;-.u IT Ike reuti-en Lut week. :ie was lutiUMiUi .1 hkvuc lie rtT> eaiios of eight hre? e* ia L esotr. Gaiiford. Bi?r?:afte. aa! Ctxtcs Cofenei Baia. uMuml Fttitieu nrocatiM of the heer lvteuea of IS retail en alrn to more than a third of .the atate'* 2 4-i eosnties with" the re tail that 24 dealer* hATe lost their license* to ?ejl beer. One dealer iaj been placed on proba tion and many other* hare been warned to correct certain -n?af ikctorj condition*. U?( hBlHX ( IIUXII ? METH ODIST CHCBCH Paator ? M H B.ocxlwrjrt'a Bans Charcb ? oerricea will o e held at 11 in the morning and 7 : 10 at nisi'- Prtachin* will ue by the pastor a: V-ti serri-ce*. All frien/ii of the ciarci aid (?Ml nlty ?r? cord-aily inr;ted to thine ?ertieei Saaday School w.ii be at It A M H. < Pro?per- ? Prea i ine *err-.ce u to be at tie cbar:h .a the afternoon at J o'clock, -by the pa itor Aa invitation ia ex tended to a.; people 5 an day Sehoo. will be at three In the al tera oon 41tMdu? PtpaM Oitm la hjmr Of LmmW} f ?r?wit (hirfV* A t?t w?U acted and v^auuful ' wUl be giTes ?KA -it Ixruiihsrg C:.-C"i.t the week be fore Cirtrt=jj Tij pageaat ?iil be r-T?s by tit i?3? grot? ?t fcrar di^erent churchea. There will be twe;re tableau ' K?t?? and Eiii; ?pj.">}r^.vt.y selected fa -a4di*.;on u> tie pag ?ii: itie.f. aereral reeitatiOM asi gr^p K>r.?j will b e girea by chil dren of the different c&urche* Is whvth the program i a iponaored. Aiao tlwrt will be a .-dilation t/ a rery talested y/ing lady Mi*f Saras ptrj. of Louutrarg The pageant to be flTeb at 'he following eh?rche? HU-K.e* Cho.":h iPtMpMC.l ? Monday tight IS 1*S? Leah'i Chapel ? Tuesday n.ght. imater 19a 1 ? I > Plt^y Grove ? Wednesday night 29 l?2'j Shilob ? Ti. i.'?day night. De* 21. i>:> All th ese MTticea will be ct 7 24, ^ M An offering will be taken at eaf h aerTice for orphan tblldr? . . nopper at \jp-K all urz I KalMiag Leah'a Methodlat Church will glre a barbecue tapper Friday night (to Hill), benefit of re palri upon the church building The lapper will be ? erred. In a pleaalng atyle. In Franklin C'onn ty Agricultural BulldiLg. from 'ttiide JjarSayr- j b ken l?wj toy iV C?Ot?e I iumWh xi i k< ilai Ike beM way i? kny Uid (raa ?Mkii( o? liln ? l?n. away k u Ik k dc?i vttk n H* sr ptax (t>tT u?H ud mw. S i* to T:S* oeloet Toi: te a ?o."?y > eaaae is solicited. Yob aiay se , r.r? 'A a jo?4 n?er MBR.USY > EWS A uillwltM of hu >? _ | tie F.nki.a Couijr f"3_- ' 1* Library by the North Carolina ' L-irary Coami*?:on. Among tees', i will be found a number of -.he ' tew hooka. Come on down to tb- . L.orary and look tnem oxer ani I read tome of tile Latest boot! A book entitled Fifty Be?j American Short " by E. F ; O tu been giTen to the II- j bra ry by Miu Lacy Perry Burt it memory of Mi&? Sadie J?rct? lier lrit teacher. The ? following elate E i*.: Filler and Taesda? Afternoon ' hare added books to the memvc-j La! shelf. The most reeent dor.- i o.-? of these clubs are Mrs Thora- ? ton JeSresa and Mrs. J W. Man.-. Won't other clubs or indirtdua.i | make similar contributions? r ? Coatribsted \T f?REE>??BOK7 Foundation it. ~A~oman ? Colleg ac--.ord.if o, an announcement by Miii lia.-sa.-et At?tme?hy. of El kin presidents of *.he Methodist students at Woman ? College M-s* 5h:f.*y E1..W of Ano?k:e ?&? rT ?yf *. freshman group Cr.her members if ii'.i include y.n^ Ed:-h Fo.-e. '.nap ei HI.. Eloje AVtrte iy.' Char lotte; Lois Tunnell S*js ?Quar ter; E-zaie-.n Bell. 'Durhhm ?urah GUI. KlttrHl; Frss^ti 0-aie Charlotte Loaise Aycock THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD LSI. 1 HUNTKR ,i ?CAMS | KENTUCKY STRAIGHT [ \ 11 95 QT 11.00 PT. I *>*tod l illiam jiaewi A to- Ih, .V V. ROYAL VACUUM CLEANERS FOR JfleU THAN THE PRICE Of ONE ^ . I ? greatest value fin* Vacuum Cluniri that Rayal hat ?v?r SOT" ~ yd and improved modal o! tha famous Royal Da Luxa. S A /J95 with haadligh*. M-.d* Ic ?oii lot * I""? Tha Royal Ravolvtng Broth Hand Claanar. Tha last word , In ailicianey and quality. alCgj k Mad* #9 toll lot I U TOTAL VALUE s6Pi BOTH, DURING THIS , SALE, FOR ONL Y J VF M BECK'S GARAGE SMt NMh 8tPt?t LonJsbvrf, N. 0. Bacfcr Km>' T . Wcfcey 9?r??*'.e L?m Poor*. , Mt Airy; Dcf .'.i; Mu. Se? . Ber* Vtrxi U.TA Bi a ' S?* Jersey iv! Mi--* Lj**i J Barfcskxr*, V? Tort G. L. MeOREOOK ' 1 ? >-.ii H ? G. L. MeGrejir iiefW4 C -t? i ''Cfcapei Bi;u'. CSsrct a ?n;t 1 :?a4ic*.?d ij Ut P.;i E T. A??r*tt- Utffkat * _? Bade U ite eaxr'ti ?Jt^.vuerj 5*rr. ror? are 4 j wife; !oi? Mrs- C. A Bi-.cS.e-k.-r of G:?euSd*7?r T?o c.ier ku *b i-r? we^-tsown ^nj** -s ;a t*U-?elnliu??fAill|l Am ld*al Gift for Any ley S*nd ?1JO for ytar'i MY K0UT5 ?f AMU I a D?gji? ? k* :mU k? ai I*t Imom. i*V* u iKt tot ptr? rri e?u> -V a ? IT" * u? l*an)Mir?oo? fc-TMf t* Gr*k*? bji k? ? Urwii it* >:nk ul pUt atdt -VV- ' ? rtnMfi Oil L?roat* fTe>? Hii k?ap ui C?rcrun: l? Oer.cA*- 113) U>4. H? W O-TB kr til ? lit a??t KctiTcd i* ii? nu M!t t *?*-? ifo WHY GAMBLE on a wetch you never hoard of ?hen you can buy a real for so t+fle money. The Ingersol Buck cocts only $1.00. Other pocket and wret models to $3.95. aucx hjm "SOCIAL CATERERS" Parties - Teas - Dinners Receptions HOME MADE CAKES AND CANDIES ! v Call for an Appointment At Once ! Mrs. G. M Beam. Mrs G&>. W. Cobb Telephone 442-1 Telephone 443-1 O M ?mz Lcaisbarg. N. C. * FOX % -T <9 a % 4? FOR HER Hosiery - \ ?* i Lingerie \ Slips 9: Gowns 9 Panties ? Dance 8ets *[ Pajamas $7 Bed Jackets ;? Handkerchiefs <7 S^onlderettes ?? . House Coats ?r Silk Robes ^ m Wool Robes V ? Gloves ? Ba^s ^ Scarfs House Slippers ^ Sweaters ^ Blouses ? Raincoats Umbrellas Stationer} & Dresses . 9 Coats ^ Hats 9, Shoes 5? Dresser Sets K ___ FOR HIM Shirts w Ties Socks * ? Robes Gloves Pajamas \ Belt Sets Shaving Sets Handkerchiefs Biy Folds Tie> Collar Sets Searn^ - Suspenders Raincoats Leather Jackets Suede Jacket* Sweaters s Hunting Pants \ Pencil Sets > \ House Slippers Underwear Hats Caps Shoes Suits Top Coats Sport Jackets FOR HOME Blankets Candlewick Spreads Jacquard Spreads Tuffed Spreads Linen Vanity Sets Embroidered Pillow Cases Turkish Bath Towels Linen Gnest Towels Initialed Pillow Cases Mohawk Sheets, Boxed ? Fringed Luncheon Sets Lace Dinner Cloths Linen Dresser Sets Towel and Bath Cloth Sets Imported Damask Sets 5 Piece Bridge Sets Tea Napkins Lace Dresser Scarfs Appliqued Linen Towels Bath Boom Sets Baffled Curtains Lace Curtains BpeeiJEads Nnt Bowls Fruit Bowls ' Comb - Mihror ? Brush Sets m ? mf\ g And Many, Many More Items - All at Savings - From 2$ s 8 a % FOX'S LLouisburg's Best Department Store ?*, "" ' 7 Is !lae *rtk a y id* pro na f trmert of H*rnett Co ant/ ?it tkow.ct considerable lliterW? Christmas H a o 0 0 0 * -r I I e g 9 s SeJect ei/ts that wmZ. ' ? * ? : ">< tire ru^TD?,,ppJ,cia,ei " "ill please ? u ?ay be sure Con, to ud w ^ ? Cluin, Ragt - *>? ** Tables ? R*d"0'' D?*>. Lamp8> | _ Mak' 70ur "'???? Uuv , BROWN WW*** house 5 4? f i it * 5 J- L- Brown Prop . """-"JC, ? FURNITURE MAKE YOUR HOME "HAPPY" FOR FALL New furniture will givo your homo n brighter, cheerier outlook for Autumn, with moro time being spent indoors yon wnnt your homo to bo truly inviting. See our new lines. Prioon very ronmmnhlo. W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO. MADV STREET LOUI8BURO, N. 0. 7