PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Dr. Harry n. Johnson Physician apd Surgeon General Practice - Glasses Fitted Special attention to diseases of Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat. Phones: 410-1 and 410-2 Offices: 120 N. Main Street Dr. H. G. Perry Physician and Surgeon SOI W. Nash Nt Loulsbarg, N. C Phones: Office 287-1 Home 287-2 Honrs 10 to 18; 2 to 4; 7 to ? Special attention to office work. Obstetrics and Diseases of Womea X-Ray and Fluoroscopic Klvamlna. don. Diathermy and (Jltra-Vlolel light treatment. Miss Elizabeth Fuller, Sec'y. Mrs. Walter Cuthrcll, K. N. Dr. Arch H. Perry General Practice Wood, N. O. Office in Service Drug Co. D. T. Smithwick Dentist Louisburg, N.^O. Office over Rose's Store Dr. M. C. King Franklinton, N. C. -Residence Phone 240-1 Office Hours: 0 to 11 A. M,. ? 2 to 3 P. M. 6 to 8 P. M. Edward F. Griffin Attorney at Law Ix>uisburg, North Carolina Office Ford Duildlng, Over Pleasants Rook Store v General Practice in all Courts G. M. Beam Attorney at Law Loulsburg, N. O. Vffice In Professional Building next to The Franklin Times ?. Practice in all Courts W. L. Lumpkin Attorney Loulsbnrg, N. C. Office in First National Bank Bldg Practice State and Federal Court* W. H. Yarborough Hill Yarborongh Yarborough & Yarborough Attorneys 41 Counsellors at Law Office ia Efcerton Building Over Tonkel's Store Louisburg, X. C. Practice In Franklin and adjoin ing counties, and in the United States Courts at Raleigh R. B. White E. H. Maloul J. E. M alone White & Malone l.awyers Loulsbnrg, N. O. Gonera! practice, settlement of ea Met, funds Invested. One mem ber of (be (Inn always in office. Main Street Barber Shop I. P. Wheeler, Jr., Proprietor Barbers l.ouisburg, N. C. I'arlor* under In I on Warehouse on Main Street. First class work maranteed. Give me a call. Timely Farm Questions ?? ? ?? ?*? Answered at State College . Question: How much light nhould be provided for a poultry laying house? Answer: Two forty-watt bulbs for each 100 square, feet of floor space give the most satisfactory light. To give an even distribii-^ tlon of light the bulbs should be placed In the center of the house, ten feet apart and six feet from the floor. Each bulb should have a sixteen Inch reflector about four inches deep so that the light will be concentrated on the floor of the house. When artificial lights are used they should be regulated so that the birds will have from twelve to fourteen hours a day In which to eat. Question: What is the best fertilizer mixture for use on to bacco plant beds and what amount should be used? Answer: Two hundred pounds of a 4-8-3 mixture, for each 100 square yards of bed has proven most satisfactory. However, if a lower grade fertilizer Is used It can be supplemented with from 60 to 100 pounds of cottonseed meal, provided the meal Is thor oughly mixed with the soil. All fertilizers should be broadcast <~>n the bed and thoroughly mixed That Naming Backache May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern Ufa with !ta harry ud worry, hTMalu habit*. Improper eating ud drinking ? Its risk of izponn and Infrn SPSri!?"* ?'"v-"?1" work W the fcidMra. Thef are apt to beoome ovar-taied and tail to Altar eieeaa add sad other Impurftiea from tin Ufe-giring . Too nffar nagging baeHrha. headache, dlaalneae. letting up nighta. let palaa. (welling? ((el eonetaotly tired, n err one, all worn out. Other eigne of kldaiy or bladflpr d'nordor ara loma tlmaa bvmlBf. acanty or too frequent Try Dcan't Doan't Mp th? kidney* to pan off harmful exeaaa body ? Tfcty h iara had mora than half a >rorai. Ara rtcom* uaara avarywhara. I nontory of public appro* mm dad by fraUful uaa i A$k four neighbor I Doans Pills r with the upper three or four In- 1 chea of the soil. In preparing the bed, be sure that all roots and' small stumps are removed and the soil broken up finely by using a disc harrow. Coulter, or some other suitable instrument. Question: Should prcpmnt ewen receive any grain prior to lambing time? Answer: A small ration of grain should be given the ewes for three to four weeks before lamb ing provided they are not very fat. A mixture of one-half pound per head daily of corn and oats, or corn alone, will be satisfactory provided legume hay Is fed. Oth erwise, the grain ration should contain from 30 to 35 per cent of cottonseed meal gr linseed oil meal. Prior to the three or four weeks mentioned it will not he necessary to feed any grain ex cept in bad weather when grazing is not available. Someone who has made a study of the situation claims a man uses more than 700 words during the day. The reason that his vocabu lary is no longer, of course, is that he goes home at night. We know of a store that never advertised. It is being closed ouf ? and is advertising now. SCRAP TOBACCO Let K. S. MARSHALL haul your scrap tobacco for 1939. R 2, Wake Forest, N. C. 10-13-tf TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Pursuant to the power of sale contained in a deed of trust given by W. S. Bell on November 12, 1937, recorded in Book 338, Page 92, Franklin County Registry, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereunder secured. I will, sell at public auction for cash, at twelve o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Louisburg. Nortfr~Caro lina.on TUESDAY, JANUARY ?, 1940. the following land: All that certain tract of land containing 48'acne^: more or less, known as the L. C. Newton home place in Franklinton Township, Franklin County, N. C., located on the Youngsvllle-Louisburg road about 5H miles West of Louis burg. N. C.. now in the possession of L. C. Newton, bounded on the North by Cedar .Creek, bounded on the East by the Louisburg Youngsville road and the lands of C. H. Clifton, hounded on the South by the lands of Cooper and bounded 011 the West by the lands of Col. F. N. Cooke, described as follows: Beginning at a Spanish Oak (now down) on Cedar Creek, cor ner for Col. F. N. Cooke, S. 74d 30' E. 72 ft.; thence S. 66d E. \1 69 feet; thence South 57d 15' j E. 131 feet; thence 3, 72d E. 125 ' feet; thence South 80d 45' E. 200 ft., thence S. 87d E. 361 ft. along Cedar Creek to a corner; Louis burg-Youngsville road and Cedar Creek; thence along the Louls burg-Youngsville road S. 30d W. 119 ft.; thence S. 45%d W. 396 J ft.; thence S. 45d W. 396 ft. to a rock, corner for C. II. Cliftou and the Louisburg and Youngsvlile road; thence along the C. H. Clif ton line 66 3-4d E. 257 ft. to a stone; thence S. 3 3-4d W. 2128.5 i j ft. to a stake corner for C. H. j Clifton and Cooper; thence along, the Cooper line N. 87 l-4d W. 670 [ ft. to a stone, corner for Cooper 1 and Col. F. N. Cooke; thence along Col. F. N. Cooke's line N. j 14 l-4d E. 3184.5 ft. to the begin-! ning. containing 48 acres, more or less, by survey of M. S. Davis. C. E., December 14, 1934. . The above lands containing by actual survey 44 acres, more Or less , The above property sold, sub ject to- prior liens of record. This 8th day of December, 1939. J P. I.VMPKIN, , 12-15-4t Trustee.: TBPSTEE'S SALE OP LAND Pursuant to the power of sale In a ieftd of trust, executed by Weldpu Currln and Maude Cur rin, ail December 18, 1937, recor ded An Book 338, Page 117, Franklin County liegistry, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereunder secured, I will, sell at public auc tion. for cash, on " TUESDAY, JANUARY ?, itMO, at 12 o'clock noon at the Court house Door, in Loulsburg, North Carolina, the following laud: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Sandy Creek Township. Franklin County, N. C.. described as follows: Beginning at an ash at the Northwest corner of within des cribed lands and corner with Rich- | land Creek and Genie Strickland and running along the lands of Genie Stricklaud South 10 %d W. , 3796 /eet to a point, corner with the lands of Charles B. Allen;' thence along said lauds South 7 2d K 429 feel; thence South 65d E. 175 feet to a point, corner to lllght land; thence with Hight land North 5V4d E. 841% feet to a point; thence East 208 feet; thence North 17d E. 990 feet; j thence N. 4d E. 264 feet; thence PROMPT ^ SHOE REPAIRS 5 fl You get double value for your money when you have your comfortable old shoes repaired and resoled. Our modern equipment enables us to rebuild your worn shoes to give you genuine savings in added use and comfort. GANJT'S SHOE SHOP East Nash Street o ? . Louisburg, N. 0 Sell Your Cotton and Tobacco in Louisburg TOYS - All Kinds USEFUL GIFTS fl TRICYCLES $1.25 WAGONS . . $1.00 BICYCLES . $24.95 DOLL $1 .29 CARRIAGES . 1 Try Our f"LAY AWAY PLAN" A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT ON (7X ANY GIFT ? WE WILL HOLD SAME UNTIL XMAS. 32 Piece DINNER SETS $2.85 ELECTRIC IRONS $1.89 PYREX CAc CASSEROLE . W HUNTING COATS $3.95 jgj SHOT GUNS $7.9^ Aja FISHING ROD & REEL .... $2.75 ^ U(* 6$ FOOT BALLS $1.00 Up I ? AIR RIFLES . $1.25 /gf POCKET Knives 25c 22 RIFLES . $5.00 eWT BASE BALLS . 25c Enamel Roaster . $1.39 Knives & Forks . $1.25 Electric Toaster . $1.98 Electric Hot Plate . 89c 3 Pc LIVING $39 5?l ROOM SUITES 3 Pc. BED ROOM SUITES KITCHEN CABINETS 3 Pc. BED '35 001 KITCHEN $21.95! *>'te GIVE FURNITURE Gifts Everlasting ^ 9 x 12 Linolieum Rugs . . $3.75 ^ . Fitted Cases i GLADSTONE BAGS. $6.50 ? ALADDIN LAMPS . $4.95 H ELECTRIC LAMPS. $1.00 ? COOKING RANGES $21.95 Ill r TAYTAR hardware f "? * lAMt & furniture N. 25d E. 594 feet to a rock; thence N. 11 Hd E. 1254 (eet; thence N. 2d W. 560 (t. to a White Oak stump on Richland Creek; thence with Richland Creek in a Westerly direction 156tj, (eet to the point or place of beginning, said tract containing 129 acres, more or less, according to plat of survey made by Jos. T. Iuscoe, Registered Surveyor, dated Nov. 23, 1937, and being the same lands as conveyed, to Weldon Cur rin, one of the grantors herein, by deed dated Nov. 25, 1936, re corded In Book 337. page 64, and deed dated Dec. 11, 1936, re corded in Book 337, page 65, both records of Franklin Coun'y, N. C. Tlit above lands conveyed sub ject to all prior liens of record. This 8th day of December, 1939. M. YV. HARDY, 12-15-4t frustee. Women's "Bui!d-Up" Womer.'s headaches, nervousness, cramp-like pains may be symptomi if functional dysmenorrhea due to malnutrition! Often, relief for ho.-e symptoms follows the use ol CARDUI because it usually buildf needed physical resistance by im proving appetite and digestior. Xany women also report that CARDUI, taken just before am.1 during "the time," help3 to easi pain and discomfort. Popular foi more than 50 years. jdrudtntial J Low Interest J Long Term / Fair Appraisal J Prompt Service W. L. LUMPKIN Correspondent LOUISBURG, N. C. Taylor Custom- ; Made Clothes are the finest in the c ountry. FARM LOANS That's my story and I stick to it. O. J. HALE ! T'ert to Wheeler's Barber Shop LOUISBURG, N. C. THEY'RE FRESH Smart Service Cleaned Clothes ! They're Fresh from MKRVICE Cleaners, perfectly cleaned and pressed by expert workmen . All of the little details of replacing buttons, fixing pockets nnd mak ing minor repairs are taken care of when yon send your clothes to SERVICE Cleaners. NOTE? We have added a SHOE SHOP to our business BENNIH MANN. Expert Shoe Repairer. Call Us Fhonc I III- 1 SERVICE DRY CLEANERS AND SHOE SHOP ? F. C. Might ^ E. Nash at. Lonlabwg, N. O. 4 -) THINTI . THINK! HAVE MONBYI = "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY! Get Out of Debt HaveMoney DON'T let DEBT grab you and hold you Hown. Wor ries over money matter! destroy happiness and prevent success. Buy what you can PAY FOR . . . pay for what you buy. v START SAVING REGULARLY NOW We Welcome YOUR Banlcinq Business FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY CORNER MAIN AND NASH STREETS _ ^ _ LOUISBURG, N. CAROLINA BANKING HOURS: 9:00 A. H. TO 2:00 P. M. HAVfc MONEY. - "Home of The Thrifty" HAVE MONEY! Make your little boy or girl happy on Christ mas by having Santa Glaus present them with a tricycle or wagon. We have them on display and invite your inspection. The prices will please you. . We have Baseballs and equipment also for the larger boys. We can supply you with that heater or stove you need. Let us show you. These stoves and ranges are made in all the latest styles and will make a very desirable Christmas addition to any home. We have a full line of all regular hardware for the farm and will be glad of an opportunity to show you. Come in and see us. FREEMAN 8 HARRIS f Nuina F. Freeman ^ . H. Grady Harris LOUISBURO, N. C.

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