NOTICE OP SAI-K Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained tn that certain judgment of the Super! >r Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 179 M, entitled "Commissioners of the Town of Loulsburg v. SuMe Wirilama, widow of Augus tus Williams, et ul.'\ which said judgment is duly dock eted In Tax Judgment 3 at page 127, In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour^of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 11)40 the following described land in Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed In the name of Augustus v Williams and described as fol-j lows: /"" * r Lying on the Halifax Road in the town of Louisburg, beginning \ at an iron stake, measuring from the center of the Halifax road, I. ' Johnson's corner; thence along this line N 2 l-4d E 20 poles <3 links to a stake, Johnson's corner In C. M. Cooke's line; thence along his line S 86 1-4 d E 4 poles to h j stake, corner of No. 2; thence SI 2 l-4d W 19 poles 18 links to a stake, measuring to the center of. the road, corner of No. 2; theiwe' along the road S 86 l-4d W 4 poles to the beginning, contain ing one-half acre, more or leas, and being the identical tract of land conveyed to Augustus Wil liams by deed of John Thomas and wife, Mary Thomas, dated 8 June 1907, recorded 1 February 1908 in Book 156 at page 428, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to | insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 27th day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 12-8-4t Commissioner. ? _ ... r NOTICE OP SAL? Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 178 M, entitled "Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg v. Kobert Yar borough. et al., heirs at law r<f Lena Yarborough, deceased," which said judgment is duly dock- . eted in Tax Judgment 3 at page 124, in the office of the Clerk of tbe Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will dif fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at tbe courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, at ">r about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 1940 the following described land in i Louisburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed in the name of Lena Yarborough Estate and described as follows: A certain lot in the town of Louisburg, bounded on the north by the lands formerly owned by Ben T. Holden, and on the east by a lot now or formerly owned by T. B. Wilder, on the south by the street or road known as Rail road S^eet, and on the west l,y the rigTO' of way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company, Lou isburg branch, containijjif; ono fourth of an acre, mof" or less, and being the identical lot cou veyed to Lena Yarborough bv > deed of O. H. Harris and wife, Agnes E. Harris, dated 15 Novem-i. ber 1923 and recorded 12 Febru ary 1924 in Book 249 at page 198, Franklin County registry. For further reference see also deed of John Mitchell and wife to O. H. Harris, recorded in Book 236 at page 74, and deed of Oscar Stegall and wife to John Mitchell, recorded in Book 202 at page 150. said registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to dc- i posit a aum equal to ten per cen tom (10%) of the amount bid to inanre compliance with tfie terms of aale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. . , Dated and posted this the 27th day of November, 1939. t JOHN F. MATTHEWS. I2-8-4t Commissioner,^ NOTICE OF HAI.K Under and by virtue of the au thority of aale contained in that certain judgment of the Suporlor Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain ? tax foreclosure suit No. 181 M, entitled "Commissioners of the J Town of Louisburtf v. Mrs. Lou reynolds Ford Allen, widow, et al" which said judgment Is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment 3 at page 122, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 1940 tiM following described land in l-oulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Listed in the name of Mrs. Lata S. Ford (Mrs. O. W. Ford) and deacrlbed aa follows: ? Being the shop lot formerly oc cupied by E. L. Stegall. and situ ated on the street running toward Naahville, commencing at a locust stamp and running twenty feet from said stamp, being (fee cor ner line of 9to?e * Yarborough, to the lot of J. B. Yarborough, for merly occupied by W. H. Joyner and back to Young & Horton's line. iWul being the lot of land conveyed to K. L. Stegall by deed of D. C. Stone and James II. Yar borough. dated 13 May 1859 and recorded 23 January I860 in Rook 32 at page 281. and in deed to Lula S. Ford in Book 68 at page 387. Franklin County Reg istry, to which records reference is hereby had for a further and more adequate description, excep ting however that portion thereof which was conveyed to Mrs. Mar tha E. Murphy by deeds recorded in Book 278 at page 154 and Book 280 at page 221. See also Book of Orders and Decrees 11 at page 326 in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court >f Franklin County. See also Book 299 at page 34, said registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon uon compliance. Dated and posted this the 27lh day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 1 2-8-4 1 Commissioner. NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of the" Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 435A, entitled "County of Franklin v. YV. S. Bowden. et al.", which said judgment is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment 3 at pa<;e 123, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the un dersigned .Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Frank lin County, North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on THURSDAY, 4 JAM'AHY 1?4<? the following described land '.n Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: Lot No. 5: Beginning at a stake, corner of No. 4; thence S 19d K 44 poles to a stake near a pine stump, Collins' corner; thence S 85 3-4d K 28 poles 6 links to a stake In a pine stump; thence N 19d W 44 poles to a stake, corner of No. 4; thence S "Id W 25 H poles to the beginning, containing six acres, more or less. For a fur ther and more adequate descrip tion, reference is hereby had to Book 241 at page 124, Franklin County Registry. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the umount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this tlie'27lh day of November. 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS. 12-8-4t Commissioner. TItl'STEE'S SALE OK LAM) Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that deed of trust ex ecuted by It. G. Andrews on April 12, 1 recorded in Book 338. Page 300. Franklin Registry, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereunder secured, I will, on THURSDAY, JANl'AItV tl. IIMO. at twelve o'clock noon at the Courthouse Door in Louisburg, N. C . sell, for cash, the following lands; All that certain tract or parcel of land in Hurris ' Township, Franklin County. State, of North Carolina, adjoining the" lands < f Mrs. R. C. Hagwood and Margaret Harris, R. G.' Rogers and H R. Rogers, and others,, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, H. R Rogers' corner in Zebulon Road, and running along said road N. 27d E. 212 ft., N. 5d 45' E. 716 ft., N. 2 2d E. 371 ft.. N. 3 Id IS' E. 464 ft.. N. 13d 30' E. 291 ft., N. 30d E 600 ft. to Mrs. R. C. Hagwood 's corner in Zebulon Road; thence S. 88d E. 1238 ft. along Mrs. Hagwood's line to a blackgum In Margaret Harris' line; tbence along Margaret Har ris' line, S. 30d W. 1626 ft. to a make, R. O. Rogers' corner; thence R. O. Rogers' line, N. 87d 30' W. 495 ft.; thence 8. 4d W. 480 ft. to a stake In H. R. Rogers' line; thence along II. R. Rogers' line, 8 79d 30' W. 1309 ft. to the. beginning, in the Zebulon Road as per plat made by Plttman Stell. I reference to It for further Infor-, mation, and containing 64.80 here*, mora or less The above land is sold subject to prior lien* of record. This December 11th, 1939. E. C. BULLUCK. 12-15-41 Trustee TRUHTKE'H HALE OK LAND Pursuant to the power of sale contained In that deed of trust executed by Nelle R. Marston and Frank C. Marston on September | 14. 1936, recorded In Book 300, Pago 241, Franklin Registry, de fault having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereunder secured. I will, on Tl LSDAV. JANUARY P. 11)10. at 12 o'clock noon at the Court house Door In Louisburg, N. C.. sell, for cash, the following lands: Beginning at a pile of flint rocks, J. il. Wilder'* corner :d line, of Person land, or Mrs. Mil llgan's line; thence N. 3 l-4d E. 2010 ft. to the center of the old road from Frankllnton to the Montgomery place, a corner for No. 1 In J. H. Wilder'* line; thence along the old road. S. 78 Hd E. K2S ft ; thence 8 80d E 700 ft.; thence 8 86d E. 121 ft. to the renter of- old road, also a corner for Not 1, 2 and J; thence S. li t W. 1143 ft. to * ?take la a bottom, corner for No. I In Ufa Mllllgan's line, these* N. 87d W. 1400 ft. to beginning containing SO. 7 acres, and being the land allotted to Mrs. Nellie K Maraton in the division of the H. C. Ray lands. v m This December 8th, 1939. E. C. BULLUCK. 12-1 5-4 1 Trustee NOTICE OF KALK Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority conferred upon the undersigned Trustee in that deed of trust of H. G. Perry and wife, Iza Marie Perfy, to J. E. Malone and William L. Bramble, Trustees, dated July 7, 1938, and recorded in Book 350 at Pages 243 et seq. Registry of Fragklln County, default having been made in the payment of the Indebted ness secured thereby and demand having been made upon said Trus | tees for the foreclosure of said \ deed of trust, the said Trustees will at or about the hour of noon Ion THURSDAY, the 4th DAY OF JANUARY, 1?*0, at the Court House door of Frank lin County in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands: Situated in Louisburg Town ship, Franklin County, State of ' North -Carolina, and more partic ularly described and defined as follows: Adjoining the lands of Mrs. Florence T. Dorsett, C. E. Ford, the lands of the Metropoli tan Life Insurance Company and W. B. Tucker, formerly Allen land, and the old and new Halifax Road, and beginning on the South side of said road, corner for the tract hereby conveyed and W.'"B. Tucker, formerly Allen- corner; thence along the old road S. 64d W. 794 ft., S. 55d \V. 210 ft., 8. 63 Hd W. 270 ft., S. 62% W. 273 ft,, S. 68 'id W. 616 ft.. S. 67d W. 315 ft., S. 7 Od W. 292 ft., S. 86', sd W. 413 ft. to the new surface road; S. 61 d W. 297 ft., S. 67 %d W. 503 ft.. S. 65 3-4d W. 400 ft., S. 55d W. 906 ft., S. 60d VV. 248 ft.. S. 60d W. 24.'! ft.. S. 59d W. 502 ft.. S. 55 l-4d W. 356 ft., S. 36', 2d W. 451 ft., S. 55 3-4d W. 313 ft., S. 56Hd W. 307 ft., S., 73d W. 182 ft. to a stake. Dorsett corner; thence along the Dorsett line S. 19d E. 1188ft. to a Red Oak stump; thence N. 78'2d E. 1369 ft. to a stake, Ford corner; thence S. 24d E. 1342 ft. to Dorsett corner. Murphy Road; thence along the Ford line N. 57ij>d-E. 314 ft.. N. 73d E. 445 ft.. N. 89d E. 1320 ft. to a stake, Ford corner: thence S. 62 '/id E. 2334 ft. to a stake. Ford corner; thence N. 4 4d E. 1344 ft. to a slake. Ford corner; thence X. 21 Hd W. 1660 ft. to the Murphy Road, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. corner; thence N. 2d W. 1790 ft. to a sta'ke. Me tropolitan Life Insurance Com pany corner (formerly Allen cor ner); thence N. 3d E. 2343 ft. along Metropolitan Life Insur ance Company and W. B. Tucker (formerly Alien) line to the beginning, containing 57 6 acre? by survey of Joseph T. Inscoe. registered surveyor, 1927. aud comprising the laud conveyed to the grantors herein by deed of W. B. Tucker and wife, recorded in Book 344 l'age 291, Registry of Franklin County, and deed of W. C. Wilson and wife, recorded in Book 344 Page 329, said Reg istry. and by deed of Willie T. Wilson and wife, recorded in Book 344 Page 297. ifaid Regis try. reference to which deeds aud records is hereby made. A deposit of five per cent of the purchase price bid will be re quired of the bidder at the time of sale as evidence of good faith. This the 2nd day of December. 1939. J. E MALONE. WILLIAM L. BRAMBLE. Malone & Malone, Trustees Attorneys. 12-8-4t >1/11(1 Oh .SALf. Under and by rlrtue of the pow er and authority conferred In the underlined, under and by that Deed of Trust, bearing date of November 20th, 1935. executed by Henry Jones and wife. Celia Jones, to H. C. Kearney, Trustee, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County. North Carolina, in Book , p age . and default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and demand having been on the undersigned to sell the property described in said Deed of Trust, the under signed Trustee will, on MONDAY. DE4"KMBER llth. 1030. at the hour of Twelve o'clock M.. at the Franklin County Court bouse door, Louisbnrg. North Car olina. offer for tale, and sell to the highest bidder, at public auc tion, the following tract or parcel bf land, situate in Franklintoc Township, North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at a stake about six feet Southwardly from a red oak. John A. Boone's Northeast cor ner, and runs thence N. <2 de grees W. 211 feet to an Iron stake; thence S. 28 degrees W. 165 feet to an Iron stake; thence S. <2 degrees E. 254 feet to an Iron stake, in the old Youngsville road; thence along said road N. 12 de grees 30 W. 178 feet to the point of beginning, containing one acre, more or less, and being the land bought by Henry Jones from H. 3. Pearce This llth day of November. 1939. H. C. KEARNET. ll-17-4t > Trustee. HALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested la &e in that certain deed of trust exe cuted on the 4th day of Novem ber. 1121 by Oscar W. Williams and wife Delia Williams; wbirt ?aid deed of treat la ftaly record 9 1 ed in the office ol the Register of I Deeds for Franklin County, North Carolina in Book 340, Page 16!*; default having been made, in the payment of the indebtedness ; thereby secured and demand hav ing been iufide '[Upon me to fore I close same, I will on SATURDAY, DKCKMIIKR 23id, 1039 : at or about the hour of noon at the courthouse door of Franklin | County in the Town of Louisburg. sell at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, the following described lands lying and being situate in Gold Mine Township, 1 Franklin County, North Carolina, vis: Bounded on the North by the lands of Nellie Denton, on the East by the Orren Coley lands, on the South by the Wynne-Grey lands, on the West by the lands of Bum Gupton, containing twen ty acres, more or less. Being the lands inherited by Logan C. Gup ton from his father, David Gup ton. Dated and posted this Novem ber 17, 1939. EDWARD F. GRIFFIN, ll-24-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF* SALE Under and by virtue of the po wer and authority conferred i:i the undersigned, under and by that Deed of Trust, bearing dato of January 9th, 1936. executed by E. D. Royster and wife, Min nie Royster, to Charles P. Green, Trustee, and recorded in the of lice of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County. North Carolina, ill Book 300. at Page 192, and de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness se cured by said Deed of Trust, and demand having .been made on the undersigned to sell the property described in said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustee will, oil MONDAY, DECEMBER IN. !?:?!>, at the hour of twelve o^t-lock M., at the Franklin County Court House door, I.ouisburg, North Carolina, offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, the following tract or parcel of land, situate in Frank linton Township, North Carolina, and described as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands known as the "Mary Long Lands"; on the East by the lands known .as the Lowry land; on the South by the T. B, Thomas land, and on the West by the lands of Maggie Holden, containing 55',j acres, and known as the Tom Bragg home place. This the 18th day of Novem ber, 1939. CHARLES P. GREEN, Trustee. II. (' Kearney. Attorney. 11-24-41 NOTICE OK SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of Fale contained in that certain judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, Nort i Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No. 77 C, en titled "County of Franklin and Commissioners of the Town of Loulsburg v. Addie Wilkins. widow, et al.", which said judgment is duly docketed in Tax Judgment .3 at i?ige l.'l. in the office of the CleMc of tin Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, the under signed Coniuiissionei will ofTe.' for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Loulsburg, Franklin County. North Carolina, at or. about the hour of twelve o'clock noon, on FRIDAY. -?t DEC 'EM UK It HMO the following described lands in Loulsburg Township, Franklin County,. Noi th Carolina: Listed as "1 lot" and bounded on the south by the Tarboro Road, on the west by the lands of Jim Davis, and containing the resi dence now occupied by Elljih Debnatn, and being the identical lands described in a deed from F. N. Egerton and wife, Pattle Egertoni to Addie Wilkins, wife of Zollie Wilkins, dated 24 March 1698 and recorded 9 May 1898 In Book 114 at page 23, to which reference is hereby made for a further and more adequate des cription. The successful bidder at .the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum <10^1 of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 20th dav of November, 1939. JOHN F MATTHEWS. Il-24-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained In that certain Judgment of fthe Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain1 tax foreclosure suit No. 173M, en titled "Commissioners of ? the Town of Loulsburg v. Eugeue Yarborough and wife, Lucy Yar borough, et al.", which said Judg ment Is duly docketed In Tax Judgment 3 at page 120, In tbe office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg, Franklin County. ? North Carolina, at or about the hour ?( twelve o'clock noon, on FRIDAY. 28 DECEMBER 19:10 the following described land in Loulsburg Township, Franklin County, North Carolina: A certain tract or parcel of land situate in the County of Franklin. Loulsburg Township. In the Mineral Spring*" section of tbe Town of Loulsburg and situ ate >ear the graveyard on the Loulsburg -Newport road, ' also known as the Old River Road, aid bounded by the Mid read and the teada formerly ow led by Mar tha A rend ell aad others, contain I lng one and one-half acres oi j land, more or less. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sura -equal to ten per (fen i turn (10%) of the amount bid to ; insure compliance with the terms I of Bale, and to be forfeited upon ' noil compliance. | Dated and posted this the 20th i day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, j ll-24-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE INDEIt DEED OK TRl'NT Under and by virtue of author ity contained in a certain deed of trust executed by C. E. Jeffrsye ! and wife, to Security National Bank, Trustee, on the 10th day of November, 1937 recorded in Hook 345, Page 648, Registry of Frank lin County, North Carolina, de fault having been made ui the payment of the indebtedness se cured thereby, whereby the en tire amount of said indebtedness became due and payable and de mand having been made by the holder of said note upon the trus tee named therein to advertise and sell the property described iu said deed of trust/The undersign ed will offer for sale for cash at public auction at the courthouse door in Louisburg, Franklin County, N. C., at noon on MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, the following described real es tate: All that certain parcel or lot of land situate on College and Win ston Street in the , Town of Youngsville, Franklin County, North Carolina, bounded on the North by Winston Street; bound ed on the East by the lauds of it. F. Green; bounded on the South by the lands of Miss Lillian Win ston; bounded on the West by College Street and or U. S. High way No. 1, and more particularly described as follows: BEGIN NING at a rock 3.5 -feet E. from the intersection of College and Winston Streets; thence d^e East along Winston Street 221 ft. to a rock in corner for Winston Street and the lands of K. F. Green; thence along the It. r\ Green line 8. 2d 30' W. IM ft. to a slake iu corner for R. F. Green and Miss I.illian Winston; thenee along Miss Lillian Whistou's line due West 220 ft. to a stake 1n corner for Miss Lillian Winston and College Street; thence along College Street N. 2d 30' E. 229 ft. to point of beginning, con taining 1..16 acres by survey of ll-24-,4t Assistawtr Trust Officer. M. S. Davis, Registered Engineer, made October 28, 1937. The successful bidder will be required, at the time of the sale, to make a cash deposit if 10 per cent of the amount of the bid >.a a guarantee of compliance there with in the event that no re-sale is ordered. Dated this 8th day of Novem ber. 1939. SECURITY NATIONAL BANK. Trustee. By: J. M. Blair, Jr.. 11-24-41 Assistant Trust Officer NOTICE OK SILK I'ltder and l>y> virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain judgment of Oje Superior t'oun of franklin County, Nortli Carolina, entered in ti>ut certain t;<x foreclosure suit No. Si), eutitled County of Fiauk liu v. Charlotte S t - g a 1 1 and li u s >i a n d. et al.". which said judgment is duly dock eted in Tax Judgment :{ at patfe 125. In the office of.-the Clerk t'l the Superior Court \of Franklin County. North Carolina, the un dersigned Commissioner will of fer for sale to the highest hiddoi for cash at the courthouse door in the Town of Louisburg. Frank lin County. North Carolina, at or about the hour of twelve o'clock Doon. on THl K.sntV, -4 JIM IHV IU40 the following described land In Louisburg Township. Kranklin County. North Carolina : I Listed in the name of iiuldalr Gill Estate and described as fol lows: Beginning at a pine, Lucy Bal lard's corner, and running thence east 32 poles to a rock, thence north 2], poles to a stake; thence west 3 2 poles to a rock, thence north 11 poles to a rock, thence nearly west 44 poles 10 links to a rock, thence south 36 ptiles to s rock in Ballard's line; thence east 4 4 poles to the beginning, con tainingj.5 acres, more or less, be ing the identical tract of land conveyed to William Gill, hus band of Huldah Gill, by deed of Louisa Davis, dated 29 August 1&95 and recorded 14 September 1895 in Book 100 at page 363, Franklin County registry, to which reference is hereby made. See also Book 162 at page 528. The successful bidder at the above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen-, turn (10%; of the amount bid to insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited upon non compliance. Dated and posted this the 27 th day of November, 1939. JOHN F. MATTHEWS, 12-8-4t Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority of sale contained in that certain Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, entered in that certain tax foreclosure suit No'. 177 M, entitled "Commissioner* of the Town of Louisburg r. Josepn Yarborough, widower of Sallie Yarborough, et al.", which said Judgment Is duly docketed in Tax Judgment 3 at page 113, In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, the-* understood Cor. ' mtasioner will offer for sale to the hlfheet bidder for eaah at the eoarthoaao door la the Town of LomUborg, franklin County. North Carolina, at or aboat the I i hour of twelve o'clock noon, on 1 THURSDAY, 4 JANUARY 1040 ?'the following described land in Louisburg Township, Franklin j County, North Carolina: I Listed in the name of Sallie Yarborough and described as fol i lows: Situate on the west side? of Main Street near the southern cor porate limits of Louisburg, be ginning at Calvin Yarborough's coiner On Main St., running thence southerly along Main Street 52 feet to a staHe, corner i of lot formerly owned by Daniel Hazlewood; thence at right an gles to said street 210 feet more | or less to corner of Austin Green estate; thence northerly in a line parallel to Main Street 52 feet io > Calvin Yarborough corner, and thence along Calvin Yarborough's line to Main Street, containing 1-4 acre, more or less, and being 1 the lot conveyed to Sallie Yarbor ough by deed of Joseph II. Yar borough, dated 21 April 1913 and recorded 22 April 1913 in Book 192 at page 325. For further ref erence see Book 170 at page 471. The successful bidder at the ! above sale will be required to de posit a sum equal to ten per cen tum (10%) of the amount bid l? Insure compliance with the terms of sale, and to be forfeited up'.wi non compliance. Dated and posted this the 4th day of December, 1939. JOHN F. MATTTHEWS. 1 2-8-4 1 Commission*!!'. SALK OF \ \U'ABI.K RKAI, ' KSTATK Under and by virtue of the | power contained in that certain deed of trust' executed to the un- j dersigned trustee by Lizzie Hod well, W. H. Hodwell and wife Dor- I othy L. Hodwell. and duly recor- : ded in the office of tin* Itegistci ' of I),eeds of Franklin bounty. N. i C., in Book 340, at page 70, de- I fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale for cash, at public auction, to the highest , bidder, at the court house door in I Franklin County, North Carolina, j at orabout the hour of 12:00 | o'clock noon, ou MONDAY, J.WI WKY 8. 11140 tl^& following described 1 ract oM land situated in Franklin County i and bounded as follows: Beginning on the road near a white oak stump. A. T. Wilson's j corner; thence south 2 2 degrees j 30 minutes west 2161.5 feet to a ; large oak slump; thence north. bS degrees west 2260.5 f**et to a per simmon tree and stump. A. T. Wilson's corner; thence north 5 degrees east 4 2 2.4 feet to a stake near a pine. William Hunt's ? - fi ner; thence east 87 1 feet to a stake near a pine, corner f >r Hunt; thenc" north 50 degrees east 1650 feet to a stake on tti ? north sid*' of the road: thence north 0 4 degrees east 104 4 feet to the beginning. containing 56.75 acres, more or less. At the said sale the successful bidder will l>?- required to deposit with the undersigned trufctee tie sum equal to ten per cent of the amount bid to insure compliant.-* with the terms of sale. Dated, posted and published this the fcth <i>?V of i)t cember 1 $39. K KM 1' r YAKBOKOCOH. 12r.8-5t ( Trustee \ori< K or s.ii.k ok i.?xi? L'nd?*r and liy virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed by Gal fun Cheek and I.ucy G. C heek tts ? corded in; tfie'fifllce of the Regis ter of Deeds of Kranklin County. t in Rook 272 page 207, and on re q ueal of the .holders of the notes . secured thereby, default havinc ' been made in the payment of said notes, I shall sell for cash by public auction, at the Court House door in l.ouisbuig. N. (' . to the , highest bidder. at 12 o'clock, j itrjon. on (TUKSIMV. J.tM.tin 2. I?K?. j the following described proper'}-: ' Beginning at a stake in W. H. Faulkner's. line at the 8. \V. Cor- j ner.of lot. No. f>. thence N E ll chains ir.lks to a stake and pointers on Fast side of branch, thence 8'2 K 4 chains 82 links to a stake \V. H. Faulkner's corner, thence along said Faulkner's line N 86 W 11 chains 78 links to a j stone said Faulkner's corner; | thence S 2 W 4 chains 85 links to the beginning Containing 5 1-3 i acres. Same b'flng lot 'No 7 of the lands of late Tobitha Cheek in Sandy Creek Township according to survey of J. B. Palmer, and al lotted to GaH(fln Cheek as his ! share in Special Proceedings for partition in Franklin County en titled Clifton Cheek, Jack Cheek. Annie Cheek Peel and Edward Peel, Haywood Cheek. Gallon Cheek, Mary Hayes and Billy Hayes, T. D. Farrar, Ralph Mer chant, Garfield Merchant and Clifton Merchant, judgment hav- ; ing been signed in said proceed- I jing on March 27th. 1925. This 28th day of November . 1939. B H PERRY, 12-l-5t Trustee | ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE I Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Annie L Chapman, deceased late of Frank- j lln County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 20 Firwood Ave., Raleigh. North Carolina, on rr before th? 8th day of November, 1940, or this notice will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment. This the Ith day of No vember, 1939. ^ BERTIE 8. EDDIN8, Administrator of the Estate ol 1 1 1-1 0-?t Annie L. Chapman. RKXKW YOCil 8TB8CHPTKmi J FOR HALE One Duo-Therme gallon capaa ity home fuel oil heater In Unit class condition. In use only three months. Originally sold for $49.50. Will sacrifice/ Will eas ily heat two or three rooms. See MR. or MRS. DOUGLAS PERRY. 12-15-lt FOR SALE A good 8 foot refrigerator, fifty dollars installments, a good dis count for cash. C. S. WILLIAMS. 12-1-St FYanklinton, N. C. FA KM FOR RENT A two liorse farm, adapted to all local crops, one and a half miles of Franklinton, for cash rent for 1940. Apply to MRS. ESTHER H SMITH, Box 6, Windsor, N. C. 12-8-2t ROOM FOR RENT Comfortable, steamheated room . j for rent reasonable. Address in quiries to P-l care FRANKLIN TIMES. 10-27-tf j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra tor of the estate of W. H. Horton, Sr., deceased, late of Franklin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 24th day of November, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment.' Thlst 23rd day of November, 1939. W. H. HORTON, JR., ll-24-6t Adm'r. EXE< ITOIt'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of Mrs. W. A. Moore, deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons' having claims against the estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 17th day of November, 1940, or thia notice will be pleaded in liar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. This 16th day of November, 1939. N. C. MOORE, 11-17 -6t E. S. MOORE, Extra C.o/frfawn^ APEX, \. <". Telephone : Otfio- 2101, Km. 42ttl I am in my office at Apex, N. C., every Saturday aud Monday. Hours for eye ex amination: Saturday 9 a. m. to 6 [i. m.; Monday 'J a. rn. to 12 noon. If it Is not con venient for you to see ma theae days at .Apex, write or telephone for. an appoint ment. ? BARGAINS USED CARS 1 ? lO.'W Chevrolet Town .VHian with Kailio and Heater. 1 ? 1937 Ford SMan with Radio and Heater. I ? 1037 Ford. 2 doom. 1 ? 1933 F ord, 4 doors. 1 ? 1934 Ford, 2 doors. .All cars in recondition shape. See SAM Before Yoa Bay. R. S. WEATHERS Plion? 28.VA Frankllnton, N. C. Representing MILLER MOTOR CO. Phone 258- 1 Wake Foreirt, X. t. SALES and SERVICE EXCELLENT CLEANING NEAT PRESSING COMPETENT TAILORING QUICK SERVICE and careful personal atten tion and courteous treat ment. U?e our Dry Clean ing Service aa 70a would your Grocery Service. Let a? prepare your inm mer jults for winter storage. PROMPT PICK-rP, DELIVERY Louisburg Dry Cleaners 7

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