WLPPEJWVGS ? The Louisburg Tobacco Mar ket will opeu ou January 8th, to complete selling tobacco from tho 1939 crop. X t t ? The TIMES was published 011 Wednesday this week instead of Thursday, so therefore ail reports ! were closed on Wednesday. t t t ? Supt. K. G. BakeV, of the State Prison Camp, reports kill ing 16 hogs the past week weigh ing a total'of ti.HS" pounds, in ? Cottou was worth 11 cents a pound in Louisburg Wednesday. The market will be closed on Monday and Tuesday in observ ance of Christmas. I X I ? The editor of the TIM KS is i v6ry appreciative to Mr. H. K Mitchell for a lot of nice sausage, and to John Strickland, colored, for a fine mess of backbone. They were both greatly enjoyed. Itt ? Patrollman Bynum requests the TIMES to call attention of all car owners to the necessity of get ting their new license plates be fore January 1st. as they will be required to keep their cars off the highways until they do get them. Mr. H. M. Presley. of Washlng lon, D. C., visited friends in I.ouis bitrg the past week. 1 t ' Misses Mildred Walkius. Mae Gilliam. Marie and Dorothy Gup ton, Frances Person and Vera Joyner, of E. C. T. C.. are spend ing their Christmas holidays at their homes. ill Master Leslie Tharrington. Jr.. returned Sunday from a hospital at Rocky Mount, where he has been receiving treatment. His many friends will be delighted to know he is much improved. The average girl does not learn to cook, because she is going to marry a wealthy man. . . . That makes it bad when she doesn't. LET US GRIND YOUR SAUSAGE We are prepared to grind your sausage at a big saving to you of' both time and cost. Let us fill your order for Christmas meats, oysters, fruits and candies. Prices that will let us both live. Cash and Carry Market John W. Harris, Prop. Nash St. Louisburg, N. C. Marriage Vs. Bachelorhood I VV ur rcit Kecord ) The follow inn verses denounc i 11 k mid upholding wedlock, writ ten yeiim ago, were found recent ly by Mrs. II. K. Davis while look ing through some old papers aiul submitted l?y her to this newspa per for publication: Tilt: it M tiKi.oirs rs.UMi Tell me not in idle jingle. Marriage is a happy dream; For the boy is rich that's single And girls are not what tli^y seem. Free t.hiiu mi, then f ree remain, air; Marriage is no brave manV gOHl. l.et her papa still maintain her. Escape her "rollin'pin" of old. Then in joy, and not in sorrow. You will go your destined way. And you'll tlnd on each tomorrow Farther from the fatal day. Life Is long, and youth is fleeting. And our hearts, now light and guy. Like bass drums should not he heating Wheif a woman comejirour way. When she courts you. do not fal ter. l)o not let Iter wreck your life lHut't he driven to the altar, Say f "Nix for me; 1 want no wife." Trust 110 girl, however pleasant. No matter what is done or said: Even tho 110 one is present, . Hold her hands hut keep you,' head. ? Lives of bachelor's remind us. We can make our lives sublime. ^nd departing, leave behind us. Oirls resisted every time. Girls that try to win you. Broth. . . Are not worth the. time an I cost; ? They 'ye ship-wrecked many an other, So- be brave, and don't be lost. Let us then watch what we're doing. ? ' Keep our hearts against lhe".i set ; No matter how they keep pur suing. Let them not a victim get. EDWARD SHAFEIl. Hdqrs. Co., 81st E. A. Camp Knox. Kentucky. KKIM.Y TO THK II \< HKI.OK < PSALM" To the Camp Knox News: I fm by nature quite tolerasit in my views. I, feel that eae'i man is entitled to his own philos ophy of life, but whenever a man tries to force a false philosophy upon others, then I feel under ob ligations to advocate the truth. Since one of the bachelors of th? 81st, through your columns a cou ple of weeks ago. gave still fur ther demonstration of the trutii (that "misery loves company." 1 feel under constraint to make rli ? following reply: "A Married Mail's MriliHilion>." Poor old bach'lor, sad and lonely. Hopeless, homeless, and forlorn: Still you would proclaim your vir tues, | Spite of ridicule and scorn Just for your own consolation. To console your wretched fate. Vou would gladly picture marriage As a sad and mournful state With attendant woes and sorrow. Too lugubrious to relate. Knvy you? Well, well, 1 reckon' As the strong envy the weak. As the hale and hearty envy Sightless eyes and pallid cheelf. Yet somehow our souls within u^ Understand your bitter plaint. Pity you your lack of foresight; And your doctrine, false and quaint. We condemn as most pernicious. HAVE YOU PAID YOUR DOCTOR ? ? Thi* Is the second of IhrM articles sponsored hjr The Franklin County IMIril Hoclety tbe members of which ?re rngagnl In staAylng lo^lhrr the unpaid wrounl* of their patient*. As the study progresses It in apparent thai a tuner por tion of oar people have gotten the idea that It is not necces *ary to pay Doctor* ? their plan being to use one Ikx-tor until he wearies of working without pay and then to change to another. Doctor* a* a rule are sympathetic and long suffering anil realize that It Is not always possible for a patient to pay an account in full at the expected Iliac for payemnt hut the Society feels strongly that there Is no excuse for an; one not making some payment each year for work (lone.. If every patient would make as large a payment on his account us his best efforts permit It would not be neceasarj for the Hoclely to adopt the measures It contemplates to discourage this Indifferent attitude toward the payment of Doctor* bills. The Medical Haciety of Franklin County again urg.-s those who liavr not yet done so to see their Doctor and make a payment before the New Year. Franklin County Medical Society | Though approv'd b"y many a saint I t.ife. my boy. is what von make if FiU'd with sorrow, joy. or strife: When man wins, in battle royal. Count on this ? -He has a wife. - Life is always up-hill olitnbing For the sad ahd lonely ?'bach'.'; Like as not when you are striving. Angling for a worth-white match, j Some young soldier, home from Europe. . Breaks the liue. Von los^rhe caiih. Suppoj& you do. Well, what of it? Your loss. then, is some man's gain. Why give way to endless pinihs? Stand right up. and try aagin. Failure is the weakling's bugbear. | Crowning labor with defeat: I Free yourself from all its terror*: ! He a limit; stand on your feet, When you win a worthy help-meet Then vour lift- will be complete. A. BENEDICT Kl\<; Itl'XCAX MORTON Fraiiklinton. ' ? King Dnne.in Morton. 38. died in Rex Hospit.il. , Raleigh, early Tuesday morni'i;; after a brief illness. He had be--n foreman of Sterling Cotton Miil I 20 years. Survivors are his wife, the for mer Miss Susie Pearee; two small children; his mother. Mrs. A. I Morton, of Franklint<>n : and th-' following brothers and sifter*. Mrs B. H. Wester, of I.ouisburj. Johnny and J. G. Morton, if Franklinton. B. B Morton, "f Durham and Elijah and Jauad ~< Moton. of Oxford. Funeral services weri* held at 3 p. ni. Wednesday, conducted by the Her. S. E. Mercer, pastor .if the Methodist Church of Frank llnton. Burial was in Fatrvi?* cemetery. RENEW VOIR SUBSCRIPTION Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creoir.'iliion relieves promptly be cause it goto right to the ^eat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm, ?.r.crease secretion and aid nature to '-octhe ar. J heal raw. tender, inflain -d bronchial mucous membranes, to mitter how many medicines you lave tried, tell your druggist to sell cu a bet!!" of- Cr^omulsion with the mderstarding that you are to like he way it quickly allays the cough >r you art to have your money back. CREOMULSION ir.Cougtis, Chest Colds, Bronchitis I) VALUES { ? For Your Convenience | All A&P Stores Will Remain Open Late Thufs.. Fri. and Sat. a ? Nights \ CLOSED | All Day Mon. * Dec. 25th Cocoanut Bon Bons " 15c Ctmib Drops ^ tQ? Mixed c???y i*. 1 0? D*J M?y' AMorMd Chocolatft I &99?i ' Ocean Sprajr Sauce Cranberry 2 A&F Pumpkin AftP Peas ? 2 Dressing "tar Preserves Olives A&P Bread -uss. 2 83 *o ]-? C?n C?ns Qi Jar 1-Ib Jar Ct-oi Bot. Loivm 25c j 10cj 29-| 27c 15= 19c 15?j Jane Parker Old Fashioned FRUITCAKE 5 .*'12 1 -Lb. Cake. 39c ? 2-Lb.Cake. 75c ? 3-Lb. Cake, *1.10 Thin Sk'n "Balls of Juice" Florida ORANGES -85c . OYSTERS, Quart. ..45c CORNED HAMS, lb. . . 21c PICNIC HAMS, lb 17c if ? TANGERINES, doz. . . 12ic APPLES, 7 lbs 25c / COCONUTS, each... 5c j CRANBERRIES, lb. ... 15c | A&P STORES for Christmas* Save Time, Trouble, and Money by Buying All Your Christ mas Foods From Murphy's. Your order can be Filled 100^ There, and Remember at Substantial Savings Too. (ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE) 7 ^ Jl'Il'Y LAVKK RAISINS 3 Lbs. 3 25c Ss ORANGES q?ty Box Bag 10 Lbs. Dozen $2.15 85c 29c 10c & Up -- APPLES - We are stocking only (ioo<l Solid Fruit in Basket*, and Barrcb this season. Don't look to us for cheap drops and cold hurts, they ure the most expensive kind to buy. We have delicious Twig*. Stayman's Old Fashioned Saps, Grimes Golden. I & BLACK TWIGS, Fine Quality. Bushel SI. 00 Peck WINESAPS. Red Utility, \ Bushel $1.20 ? . Peck 25? i 35? i TANGERINES X d? 10c ,0 20 No. 2 Can POCAHONTAS PETIS POIS PEAS 19c No. 2 Can POCAHONTAS MIDGET BUTTER BEANS 19c HKI.MA1/. NIBLET CORN. 2 cans 25c 2 No. 2 < Mils COINTKY <iKNT SHOE PEG or CRUSHED CORN 25c No. 2 4 Can * ? ? PEACHES, Sliced' or Halves 15c Pipiff I? Sweet Whole or Mixed 'Y) c 1 IV.IVLL FuJ! Quart - LL f i..\k<;k kei> > i KMPKKOH GRAPES 3 ?5C .Lb,, a , . CHRISTMAS ) CAKES SPECIAL LAYERS ? PLAIN POUND } FRUIT ? ANGEL FOOD ? SPONGE, i SEE OUR LINE ? GET OUR PRICES. i "LATE HOWE'S' Famous For Their Size and Quality Pound 18c Seeded and Seedless 'JZc RAISINS, 3 pkgs. "OCEAN SPRAY'.' tANBERRY SAUCE, 2 cans CRANBERRY ^ ? Christmas Quality CELERY, large . lCc LETTUCE' 9c PTNFAPPI F SLICED No. 2 1 Cc i lll??ArrL?i or CRUSHED can W i ? B E A GOOD FELLOW ? . j Give One of Our Beautiful CAc < FRUIT BASKETS Priced From "J ; Freshly Ground 1 Cc ; COCONUT, Macaroon Style, lb. W | 4X SUGAR, pkg. 9c I BROWN SUGAR, lb. S^cj COCOA. 2 lb. can . 15c ; I Royal PUDDING, pkg. 5c ; I 1 1 CHOCOLATE DROPS, Good Quality, lb 10c ORANGE SLICE. Pound . . .' 10c HARD MIXTURE, Select, ed Quality, lb 12 ^c COCONUT BON B 0 N S. lb 17c CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES, lb. box 25c SEE OUR LARGE STOCK OF BULK AND PACKAGE CANDIES. MIXED NUTS, Fine Quality, We "Mix-urn", lb.. 19c BRAZILS. Large Washed, Pound 15c PECANS. Large Fancy Georgia's, lb 20c FILBERTS. Finest Quality, Pound 25c ALMONDS. Hard, lb. . . 21c ? Soft Shell, lb*,-. 27c WALNUTS. Large Soft Shell, Pound 20c . i -MEATS FOR THE CHRISTMAS FEAST- i Fresh Small 2QC PORK HAMS, lb Small Corn< HAMS, lb. Small Corned 20c Prime Rib Rolled -ICc BEEF For ROAST, lb. ..... "V Dressed m TURKEYS. Fine Quality, lb. Dressed & Dra' FRYERS, lb Dressed & Drawn 2^c Dressed & Drawn HENS, Large and Fat, lb ' W LONG ISLAND DUCKS, Fine Quality, lb 22* FRESH VIRGINIA SELECT AND STANDARD OYSTERS CHRISTMAS IS AT HAND AGAIN, AND WE TAKE THIS OPPORTU NITY TO THANK YOU, OUR FRIENDS FOR THE BUSINESS AND FELLOWSHIP OF THE PAST YEAR, AND TO WISH YOU ONE AND ALL THE HAPPIEST CHRISTMAS EVER. MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING WITH IT MUCH PROSPERITY AND SUCCESS. G. W. MURPHY 0 SON! ! LOUISBUBG, N. CAROLINA J

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