BRISKLY STEPPING ALONG, Father Time sweeps on to the new year. The pace of Time is quickening. The span of a single year is shortened by increased enjoy ment of life. New interests, added pleasures, ease of self -provision, peace of mind ... all form a prospectus of greater happiness for the year 1940. ?*? WHEN ALARMISTS, who have lost the reason for living, spout fearsome fig mentations, a happy people will be unmoved. They will not seek their pleasure in bizarre claptrap; they will look to their own minds for the security of contentment. . For they have a concept of centuries past. They have seen chroniclers brand every decade as being in the worst times, as being in the best of times. Th ey will find their contentment in the preserva tion of those ideals that make this country a better place in which to live. > ? ..." S CONFIDENCE is the keyword for 1940. Confidence in our country, our state, our town, ourselves. It will inspire a resolute desire to serve better, to enjoy more.. And it is the confident hope of this newspaper that 1940 will bring a realization of everyone's am- ' bitions. It is our wish to continue to serve you, and to do our bit in adding to your pleasure. CONFIDENCE IS THE KEYWORD FOR A T? - ^ -A * ' J BETTER 194* ? i * - i ' 4 -V ? ' ? -*